n, :i'�, _ .r.• �. ,� . .
<br /> i_':.•.:_.� .. • .- .. . lp..:�
<br /> '' i ...i:
<br /> _ ��t.i.;^-:...-�.. ,!.�
<br /> .�riwr . . ., � .
<br /> ,� r�`�w . .. .' , .. - . . : �'/4wl�Ss.t� '.:. . .a.yw'1�...
<br /> -.�. !/. .. . �dA .�'�
<br /> '. •„1_i„ .� ., , . •� .,..,�- �• - � .�S"`•
<br /> . . . ......'_ """...._.._'"__....." _
<br /> . �_ ._. . . .. ...... _._ . _..
<br /> .. .��u.o�AM ii-.... . _ . .
<br /> ....__.,. '.�.Y'- rny�..ti::rAq-tnfF1'�
<br /> : � �.�... '�' `;��.
<br /> 'l�,f:e�-1 r��J.:YG�7�7'�:,:�.
<br /> �,�l�s i�4;__..t..c._�._,1:'-::"�..-:
<br /> 7.F:mimnt Domaln.Londor i�h�roby assigned eil componsntion,8K8fd3,damagos end other paymonta or rallef (herelna(ter"Proceeds"1 , �
<br /> � !^=a.^.�a�tlon tvlth condr.mn�tion or othor takinA ot the Propeny or part theroot,or for conHOyanco in Ileu oi conc*mnozion.Londer ehall •J;� r
<br /> '�.'•�'i takon m dmm�aod,Lander ehall hava tho optian in ita eole end abeoluto dlscrotlon,to uppiy all such Proceede,oka►dnductfnp thorn9rom �.__:. ____ _,._:�_1j
<br /> .� �n anr.h otdot us
<br /> �__.i .
<br /> �(j!ull costo nnd oxpansoa incurred by ft in conn¢ction with such Pr000eds, upon uny Indubtodnoss oocurccl horaby u�- _ --—_-- -
<br /> �„Lendor moy dotormino,or ta Apply all auch Procaeds,after such deductlone,to the�eetoratlon ot thn Proporty upon au�h��tto�undor }'..•
<br /> � �,,,�Lendor mny datarmino. �1ny appllcatian of Proceeds to indobtednase ehnll not oxtand ur poetpono tho duo duto of nnY PpV
<br /> ,"? �tho Nota,or cura nny defoult thoround9r or horeunder,Any unapplied(unda ehell be pald to Truator. -
<br /> 8. Parformance by Lendor. Upon tho occurrenco of an Event of Dotnult horaundor, or It nny nct ia tukon or logol proceadlnp i
<br /> - `�'- � ��ummnu�cd whlch moterleliy effecta Londo►'s fnterest in the Property,Lender may In ite own discroticn,but without obllpation to do Ro• �i _ _„
<br /> ..;: � I , :''r�.
<br /> end without notico to or demu�d upon Trustor nnd without releaslnp Trustar from eny obligatian,do eny act whlch Trustor haa agroed � _j;: __, �.__
<br /> hut falle to do and may also do any othor act it deems necossory to protect the oocurlty harao}.Truetor ehnll,lmmodintoly upon aemnna r 1�- .,'•
<br /> ;. ' I -
<br /> ;��' ° therofor by Lender, pey to Lendor all costs an� expenses tncurred and s:�ms axponded by Lendar In connectian with �ho oxcrcico by '.,
<br /> h Londor of tho foregoing rights,togethor with intorast thereon at the default rate providod In tha Note, whlch ahall bo added to the .���:
<br /> ,-:;,.•� ,� tndebtednoss secured hereby.Lender ehall not incur any Ilability heceuse af anything it mey do or omlt to do heraunder. ,` _
<br /> tf�;� 9.Ha:ardous Matedals.Trustor ahell keep the Property In compllance with ell appliceblo lawa,ordinences and regulatlone retetinp to ',
<br /> : , �'��industrtnl hypiene or environmentel protectlon (collectively referred to hereln ea"Environmantal Lawb"1.7rustor shull keep the Property .
<br /> .�;�� free from nll substancos deemed to be hezardous or toxic under eny Environmental Laws Icollective�y reforred to herotn os "Hezordous >�. =�
<br /> �A Matorlala"1.Trustor hereby werrants and represente to Lender that thore ere no Hezardous Materiel on or undor tho Property. Trustor •: l '�
<br /> , �, ;_ :' •5�:
<br /> :�:,,, hereb y a flroes to indemnify and hold harmless Lendor,its directora, officors, emploYees end agenta,nnd eny successore to Lendor'e , ����
<br /> �5� :3►;:N�.f�h:,;:.—-°�
<br /> .;,, . Interest, from end against any and eit claims, demages,losses a n d I l a b f i i t i e s a r i s i n g i n c o n n e c t i o n with the procenco, use, dispoaal or Y����
<br /> ttansport of nny Hazardous Materlals on,under,from or about the Property.'fHE FOREGOING WARRANTPES AND REPRESENTA T I O N S, r.�.w__.__..
<br /> . ..:'=
<br /> '�� '�+._•.::,;�.�
<br /> ��,. TRUSI'. -- --� -
<br /> c 10. AselynmeM ot Renta.7rustor horeby esalgns to Londer,and prants Lender a sncurity Interest in,all present, futuro ond aftor ;,�:, ��,
<br /> A� �
<br /> s�• risfng ronta,issues and profite of the Property;provided that Trustor shall,until the occurrence ot an Event of Oetault hereunder,havo �,,.�,
<br /> r,'�:'_ � Yr�h_ai'�-
<br /> the right tu collect end retatn such rents, issues end profite as they become due end payeble. Upon tho occurrence of an @vent of ���?.`�,,. —
<br /> .:s; OotaulY, Lender may, either in parson or 6y agent,with or without bringir.e� any acdon or procecding,or by �feart thereofolln ite own =�`i1._
<br /> i.. �4'•'�`.�
<br /> :�:.;. court and without regard to the edequacy of its security, enter upon and tnke Qossession of the Property,or ony p '�.�.fA•L
<br /> name or in the neme of the Trustee, and do any acts which it deems necessery or desirable to preserva thb value, marketabflity or r
<br /> r�•r ��r rontebUtty of tho Property, or any part thereof or interest there(n,or to increase the income therefrom or protect the secudty hereof and, 'r••-•_�_�
<br /> �•`,•�a 4 with or wfthout teking possession oi the Property,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,issuea and profite thereof,inctuding those post 14��I�.:� ��
<br /> 4�,.,':� � �'��:'r' --
<br /> �S(�_•,?;.,z duo end unpaid,by notifyfng tenants to ma:ca paymente to Lenda�. Lender may apply rente,issues and profits,leas coste end exponses _a�:__—__��—
<br /> ;=1:�,•'•;; of operatfon nnd colloctlon Including atto:neys'fees,to any indebtedness secured heteby,all in such ordor as Lender may determina.Thn
<br /> �:c•:.r
<br /> ' entering upon end taking possession of tho Property, the coltectlon of such rente, isoues and proftta, end the applicatlon thereof es �f.�
<br /> :v,�
<br /> ,, • aforesaid,shell not curo or wafve eny default or notice of default t�ereunder or invelidato eny act done tn rosponse to such defeult or _.�_
<br /> ��,��. pursuent to such nottca of dafault and, notwithstandfng the continuenco in possassion of the Property or the colloctlon, recelpt and �`�,:y� .
<br /> �' ��•';'.i, application of rents, isaues or profits, Trustes and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every right providod for in eny of the Loan ��"1'� e
<br /> ;,.`, ' �: �
<br /> ,��+.,,.,?����ti�. Instrumonts or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default,inctuding without Ifm(tetion the right to exerciso the power of salo.
<br /> ?����;;��� Funher, Lender's rights and remedles under this paragraphJshell be cumulative�wrtth.Le,�der. Trust oealndlthe�ecelvereehell befl eble to ; �"
<br />_.. .t,)T � 4 C.
<br /> romedias under eny assignment ot teases and reuia �GbCI=Ued �6a�n�•��Q Qf-�- .Y'
<br /> " account only for those renis�ctually recelved. �•
<br /> {{, . � 11.�vant�of D�fautt. The following shail constftute an Event of De'�ult under this Deed of Trust: !
<br /> (o)Feilure to pay any Installment of principel or interest of any r ther sum secured hereby when d�e;
<br /> ��'�'��, (b)A breach of or dafault under eny provision contained in t'ie Note,this Deed of Trust,any�f the Loan Instrumente,or eny �
<br /> � ,,,
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Proporty;
<br /> (c)A writ of oxecution or attachment or eny simiiar pro•.ess shall be entered agelnst Tru�'�r which ehall become a Ilen on the _
<br />-. �j . Proparty or any partlo n thnreof or interest there(n; r�.
<br /> 't� !d1 Thero ehell be fited by or against Trustor or P.,trower an actfon under any�-��eni or fuiure federel,state or other etetue,law +^,
<br /> ;;� r or repulatinn relating to bankruptcy, InsolvP�c✓or other relief for debtora;or there shall be appolnted any trustee, receiver or
<br /> �•� Iiquldntor of Trustor or Borrower or ot;,��or eny part of the Property,or the renta,isaues or profits thereof,or Trustor or Borrower �� ".,�,.
<br /> ;i . �� shall mnke any general n�^iguuient for the benefit of creditors; ��"_�=
<br /> :lj,, : �_ . :;;1�d�votunterily or f:�volunte ily,wi9thout the xpress written consent of Lenderep ovided tha Tni t r shall bo permltt d t oxocut �Y
<br /> �. . �.o
<br /> Y .;:�; . , e loase of the Properttp thtn does not contain an optlan to purchase and the torm of which does not exceed one year;
<br /> ,.,;' �,, . (f) Abandonment oi the Propeny;or �.�
<br /> ,: � •, . ; (g) If Truator Is not en Individuat, the issuance, eale, trensfer,essignment, conveyance or encumbrence of more than (it e
<br /> <<'�: .ii:i;'� � corporatlon) a total of N/n percent of ito issued and outstending stock,or pf e pertnershipf �totel of N/A percent of — __
<br />- .1 i �r s j�� ercent of the Iimhed Ilabllity compnnY►nt�nrests or voting � —
<br /> qartnership interests,or (� a I mited Iia6iiity company)e totel of N/A p
<br /> �z'',,;�' rights dueing the period ti�is Deed of 7rust remeins a Ilen on the Properey. ��
<br /> �:'�f' � 12.Remodi�e:Acceleretion Upan Dotautt.in the event oi eny tvent at Defauit Lender may,without notice except es required by law. �
<br /> ' declara eil indebtadness aecured horeby to be dua and peyabte and the seme shell thereupon 6ecame due and payable without any __.�.
<br /> ` �� presentmont,demend,protest or notice of any kind.Thereaftar Lender may: —_
<br /> �i",.'. � ± (a)Damand thet Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE grantmd herein, and Trustee shall thereafter ceuse Trustar'$ (ntoreat
<br /> ;,u- —
<br /> In the Pfoperty to 6e sold and the proceeda to bo dtstributed,ail In zfie menner provided in the Nebreske Yrust Deods ct:
<br /> ; � (b)Exerciso any And all rights provided for in any of the Lonn Instruments or by law upon occurrenco of any Evant of �
<br /> `�� - Default;end
<br /> `�.�� " (01 Commenca an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as e mortgago, appoint a receiver,ar specifically enforce eny ot tho __
<br /> c��. '�' covontmts horeof. -�'�""��
<br /> -1 � No remedy 3+oreln aonferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender ts intended to be exclusive of eny other remedy hereln,!n tha Loen �.,f��r�,_.
<br /> ;;;�; {, Instrumeota or by law p�ovided or permittad,but each shell be cumulative,shell be In addition to every uther remedy glven hereunder,In .�-�,,'N�=_-—
<br /> ��'P�°�
<br /> i� 7" tho Loan Instruments or now or heroafter existing at Iew or in equity or by statute,end may be exercised concurrentiy,Indopandently or ��M1=�-- -
<br /> - * sacr,ossively. ''�"'""�'—`�
<br />_ f � 13.Trust�s.The Tr�stoe rnay resign at any time wiihout ceusa,and Lender may at snY Ume and without cauau eDPolnt o succoasor i`�_y����
<br /> .,fu'� .._`^C.��
<br /> � or substRuto Trustee.Trosteo shall not be Iiabfe to any party. including without IimitaUon Lender, Borrower,Trustar or any purchesar of �+•;:.�.:•;`�''_"'_'�'.�
<br /> ' •� tho Property. for nny loss or damage unless due to recklass or wiliful misconduct, end shall not bo required to teke any ection in i,; �._.,��_
<br /> ,.•'.i. � cannection with the enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless indemni?ied,in writing,for ail costs,compensetion or expenses which may : �ti -.;;}�b:�
<br /> � i x bo nssoclated therewith. In udditian,Trustoe may become a purchasmr at any sale of the Property()udiciol or under the power of sole :,,
<br /> • � � grantod herein)•postpors�the saie uf ail or any portion of the Property,as provided by law:or soll tho Property es a whole,or in seporete ,:y�
<br /> , � porcels ar lots nt'�rustee's discretfon, �
<br /> _,__�,___ _ __,___] 14.Feea and Expenses.In tho event Trustoe selis thd Property by exercise of powo�'on nll T usteees fees',end Letndnr e nnd Tru toe!s ' •
<br /> --- - -- - -�-'---_....,... � .
<br /> � � procaods firsY to payment of alt coste ena expensvs vi ono�..�����ti w••��•-__, ..._.__ _ ; _—, =--
<br /> ettomoy's fees,actually Incurrad to extont pormitted by applicable law.In the event Borrower ot Trustor exercises any right provlda0 Dy r ,
<br /> law to cure en Event of Defeult,I.ender sheli be entitted to recover from Trustor all costs end expanses ac i�cable�aW red as a rosult of I`
<br /> 7rustor's doteult,fncluding without limitntion all Trustee's and ettorney's fees,to the eMent permitted by opp �
<br /> 16.Future Advonca�.Upon request of Borrower,Lender niey,at its option,make additiona{bnd futuro advances end roadvances to
<br /> ' Barrower. Such advnnces and readvences, with intorost thereon,shall be secured by thfs Daed of Trust. At no timo ahnll tho ptfncipol
<br /> amount of tho indebtedness secured 6y thls Deed of Trust, no2 including sums advanced to protect tho socurity ot thls Doed of Trust,
<br /> : axcooJ tho originol principnl omount stetod horoin,or 9 g�s.5oo.oo ,whlchever is proator. ,
<br /> ' �
<br /> _ i i, .
<br /> .' ,
<br /> � N�C34670 INOnac�ncu4urui Dccdl Rov-0�9G '
<br /> 1908 NaUO�JI Bonk o� Cm�mCrco T�u3t antl Snvm9e ASfvUaUOn.Lmeotn,Nc6m5tu �
<br /> i . .. . ...._._""'._.''�...1___—. ..... ..... ....'.•�__.� .__ ._,_-tr._. . -
<br />