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FISCHGA � �,v' <br /> . - {�� ��i1!.: <br /> �'���' e .,n �Aaya. lherein"Trustor,'whather one or mare), _- <br /> 1 � whoao mailing nddrana iu��� "' y�{ --,- No�p nIy--_ _- <br /> � .t ,. , Nnna . Y.-LL <br /> �` � the Trustao, nntrx oP notti�xnx � . <br /> ,,'� : ', .�;. ', (hereln"T►ustee"1,end 6f� -,_ <br /> ` s whoae mAilln{�nddfonE in ���' <br /> �''�,r't�; � �,�'. tho Bonefic►nry, -��a�` <br /> ;.;`,;,:t � �' �, <br /> , ',;�•�.,f. .�y ; lhorein°Londor"1. <br /> � ��',, fi.�`, whose meilinp nddtoAO Is � , '�„ <br /> , , '.:s�'�,"¢' <br /> ' �'+��� FOR VALUA[51.G CONSIDERATION,includinp I.¢nd�+.r's extenslon of credit Identified herein to rpa� <br /> � '�o - faG_t'� <br /> RIC1WiD R. PI9('fIHA IJ�VRIII n• PISCHEA <br /> � �!.. , (herein'Borrower",whether one or more)and the trust herefn creaYed,the <br /> _ ��'� rec°ipt of�vhich fn►+e•�hY wcknowledped,Trustar liorouy inevocauiy d�a��ie,iraa�l�s�,Cost:'°;s?^!�pasians to Trustee.IN TRUST,WiTH <br /> :-���'� POWER 0�SJ�1.�. for the banofit and secuneS� ot I_a�der, under and subjact to the terms end condiUans hereinafter set forth, the real <br /> � property,dasa•?�ed os followa: <br /> : .. <br />`(�•;•„ 1ATS OHH I11 1@iD 1Si0 (2) IN BtOCK TI90 (2) II7 CLl1A1CS ADDITIOH TO THS VILt.RGE OF ROOD RIV£R, 'l1W+L COVNPI[. N&HRA+itP• <br /> t r/��, ' 1 <br />�y��,�� , • <br /> 1•;���•`�� <br />��1�� .'�. " <br /> j� .. '.��y . <br /> _ pROPBATX I�llDAB88: 405 IiEST 9TH HOOD RIVIIR, Ittl 68883 <br />'•(rr.. _. � • <br /> ;�;,;,,�, • Togothor with nll bulldinpa,Improvamnnte,fixtures, streeta, alleys. pessageways, easements, righta, privileges end appuRnnencea <br /> i�;•<+' � •� • , located thoraon or in anywiso pertnining thnroto,un�f the rants.Issues and profits,reversiona and ramainders thereof,end such personel <br />��"F�lin��•��� ' praperty that:a attuchod to tho Improvernonm eo na to constitute a fixture,inciuding,but not Iimited to,heating end caoling equlpment; <br /> ""�"•U'���y�;��' end topether v�lth the homastead or maric�l intora�ste, if any,whlch interests are hereby reteased ond waived; ell of whlch, tncluding <br />�""""�''"""°'� repiacements nnd additlans thareto,is heroby dctcler�d tu be a pert of ti�a raal c�tata secwP�i hy the lien of thls Deed of Trust and ail of _ <br />�"��'"'�`` tAe foregoing bofng referred ta hernin as thu"Nropoi�cV". <br /> �,`.'.i'��._l:'-' .. <br />'r��`}�'% '�:` Tfifs Deed o4 Truat afiali�ocuro(af th�paYment of the principal sum end intarest evidencetl by e promissory note or credit <br />_.:,,,:. ,�, <br />�'�1',�.r�'..'.` — <br /> "' •°•�����' eproemnnr dcYCed , .,np.�i1 0� 1�9� ,_.heving e maturity dnte of,�Apri1 20, aona <br /> �� � � �`• , end any end alt modifiCations, extensions end renewals <br /> �c:�+i�iAi�.::.:':..y• ' 'J5.500.00 - <br /> .S fn the origfnel pdnclpal umount of 8 <br /> " � thereof or thoroto nnd nny nnd oll future ndvencns and readvanco3 to Ba«�b)thCe paymenttof other�sumshad enced by Lende to prot ct <br />-_�vw�?��;��� one or moro promissory notus or credit egreomontn(herein called "Note"); <br />_ -�r.r���r tho 6eCUtity Of the NOI�: (o)tho performence oi 411 covononts snd egreementa of Truator set forth here�n;end(d)ell preseM and future _ <br /> -- �'�, Indebtednoss and obiipntione of Borrowar (or en1�of them it more than ono)to Lender whether d(rect,indlrect,absolute or contingent <br /> - ;-y,�,�•''�� '�;}�' ond whothor ariaing by noto,fluaranty,ovordreft nr othorwiso.Tho Noto,thls Deed of Trust end any end all other documents that seoure <br /> - " ° tho Noto or o4henvise exacutad In connaotlon tl�erewltli,including without limitation guerentees,aecudty aQreements and nssignments <br /> =',�•� of laases and ronte,shell bo roforrod to hnraln on xhe"Lonn Instrumunts". _ <br />- �.;'��- �� � Truator covenante and agroos with Lundar uu followe: _ <br /> '?,'.''�� , � 1.Peyment ot Indebtedno�a.All Indobtcednnas sacured horeby ahall be pnid when duo, <br /> � �, 2.T�tle.7ruotor Is tha ownor of tho Pro()�itY,has the right and authorlty to convey the Property,and warrents that the lien created — <br /> � heroby is a tirst and prior Ilon an tho Propeity,nxcopt for Iions and encumbreneos set farth by Trustor In writing end delivored to Lander -_ <br /> boforo exocutlon of thls Dood ot Trust.ond tna oxecutton ond deiivery of this DeaJ ui trust doos not viotato any cuntrnct or otner ___ <br />- r obligatlon to which Truotor is aubJoct. ==T <br /> '�' • � � 3.Texos,A9s�ssments.To paY boforo c4elinquency nll taxos,speclat essessments�nd ell other cherges against the Property now or �;, <br /> ti��,:�� � 1 � huroaftor Iovled. �` <br /> � ,:"�y 4.Incumnoe. Yo kaep tho Proparty Inso�red agninat damaee by fire,hazards, Included�vithin the term "extended coverage", and <br /> ;r�•;1'ri <br /> _ . , ;;;�. such othar hnr.urda as Londor mny raqulro,ic�omounts and with companies acceptahle to Lender,naming Londer es en edditlonal named <br /> insurod,wfth lose paynblo to tho Landar.In r.use of toas undor such policias,the Lendar is euthorized to edjust,coliect end compromise, <br /> � __.,.....,s e.,..�..�..., on.,.nnrr nf tho insuranee aroceeds fil to eny Indebtednoss secu�ed hereby � <br /> -°- - - -- - <br /> ;:- - - -- . . ....._.._. _ <br /> - �II CIt111T19 itlOfOUnOer anci unnu noro a..o..p....••..• -rr•.^•o -- - - <br /> � and in such ordnr es Londor mny dotarminn. (��)to tho Trustor 4o bo usod for the repeir or restoretion of the Property or(Iiq tor eny omer <br /> � purpose or oU)uot satlsfnctory to Londur wltiiout o}tacting tho tion of this Deed of Trust for the full amount socurod heroby before such <br /> poymont avot touk ploco.Any eppllcntion ot proceoda ta indnbtodnoss shall not oxtend or postpone the due dato of eny payments under <br />- tho Noto,or uuro any dofuuit thoroundor or noreundor. <br /> 6.Fac►p►v.Upon wrttton damand by Li+ndor,Trustor shell pey io Londor,in such mnnnor es Lender mey dosfgnete,suff icient sum� <br /> „ to csnnbto Londur to poy as thuy bocomo due ono or moro oi tho following: (i► ell taxos, essessments and other chargos against the <br /> Proporty.(��1 tho premiums on tho proporty inaurancu roqufred heruundor,and(fii)the promiums on any mortgago(nsuranco required by <br /> Landor. <br /> " � 6. Meintone�ce,Repoire end Compllanco wlth Lews. Trustor ahotl koop tho Propnrty in good condition nnd repair;shalt prumptly <br /> repuir,or roptoco any Improvament whfch moy bo damntiod or dostroyed;shall not commit or pormit eny wasto or detonoratfan of tho <br /> ProNarty;ohUll not ramovo, domollsh or eubstontinlly alter ony of tho improvnmants an tho Proporty;shpll not commit, suffor ur petmit <br /> ' any act to bo dona In or upon tha PropuitV �n violutlon of any 13w, ordinanco, or regulation; and shoil poy and procnptly discharc�o ot <br /> - Trustor's coet ond oxpae�co oll Ilone,uncumbronaos and chnrpos lovied.Imposod or assossed agufn&t the Propnrty or any part thoraot. <br /> . � � NOC3467A I�onnqNCUitud DeMI R�v0196 <br /> . � 79W MationN Oank o�Canmereo i�ust On0 Sevm�t AtsxiaUOn.Uneo:n.NeGOiko <br /> _ ........... .-� <br /> ... <br /> . . .. . .T...._. <br />