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<br /> • 113.MI8C6d'aL'o'vuo�+•.•�•�•-••- . •-•
<br /> (n)Bo�mw�►Not Rele�+�d.Extnnn��n.���hn tlro0}Of DGyfllOilt OI f�lOdlflC�t10l1 OT t�10 euni5 uoe:iiC�hy thia Dned ot Trust grantad .f�'
<br /> � by Landor ta nny auccc�oor In fntnroat of [lnrrowor nhnll not oporota ro 101CD30.IIl uny mmmai, ti�n iiai,�l�iy o( li�a JlIQ1���11 COt!^`� � �—�-•--
<br /> nnd Borrowor'e succnsaoro in i��terast.LonAor ohnll nat bo r�qulrod to commonco pruceadingo egnlnst euch succoeaor or rafuso to
<br /> ' extond tlmo for pnymant or othorwlse modl}y amortl:atlon ot tho eums oncurod by this Doed of Tnist bV roason ot any domando
<br /> mnda 6y the oripinnl Dorrowor and Liorrowor'e succossore In Intorest,
<br /> Ib1 l�nd�r'�Pow�re.Without affoctlnfl tho Ilnhllity of nny other porson Iloblo for tho peymont of any obll�atlon horoln montloned,
<br /> ond without ef}ec4lnp the Ilen or charpe o}thle Dead o}7ruat upon eny portion of the Property not thon or therotofor4 rolansad ae
<br /> eocuritV ��� ����•-!! °�nnunt of all unpeld ohllgntions,lendcr moy,fram timo to tlme end without notice(11 raleeso any person so _ __
<br /> liabie,i��l axtenJ tho maturity or nitor nny o}tho termA nt nny euch obitpatlone,(111)yrant othor indulponcos,(Iv)roleaeo or reconvoy,
<br /> , othor edditlonel IaocurJityrior ony oblipetf�inn hnrnintmantonod Polr Ivl► meke aompo'sft ona'orotherPerrtmgomentskwithrda6tora in
<br /> r:
<br /> , �,,,�.....� : rolatton thereto.
<br /> �+ { (c)Fotb�onnc�by L�nd�r Plot s W�lvu.Any forbearance by Landnr In oxorclsinp any right or remody hetounder, or otherwise
<br /> o}}orded by eppOcebte low, ehall nat bo e woivor af or preclude ihe exerctse of eny euch right or romndy, The procurement of ; .:.
<br /> �.�) Insurance or the peyment of 4nxas ar othar Ilone or chnrAes by Lender bhall not be a walvor of Lendor's ripht to nccelarate tho �%>.:,:°-`:
<br /> " maturity ol the Indebtednos�cncured by thla Dead of Truat. �'' =�� '•,=`
<br /> ld)SuGC�saors�nd As�lyns Bound;Jolnt and Ssvar�l Uab!Ilty;C�ptlons.Tho covenante end egreemsnts harein contained shall s,,.,,;;.
<br /> 1 " ��,.._-
<br /> � bind, end the dghts hereunder shali Inuro to, tho respective succeasare end aselgns of Lendor and 7ruator. All covenants and .,,.�:t,_,' 1.,,
<br /> agreomenta of Trustor ehail be �oint and sovoral. Tho ceptions and hendings of tho paragraphs of this Oeed of Trust ere for ;.,.F�,��.___..-
<br /> convenlence anly and ore not to be used to Intarprot or deftna the provfslone hereof.
<br /> �;;��:�ift;�=
<br /> (q)R�qu�st tor Notic�s.The pertios horaby raquost thet a copy of any notice of default hereundot end n copY of any notice of y�,�;y.;,;,�'_�•
<br /> � sete hereunder be meiled to esch party to thia Deod ot Trust at the eddress aet forth above in the mennar prescribed by applioable ��;;:�,�:�;;--
<br /> Iew.Except for eny other notico required undor appliaable law to be piven In another manner,any notics provided for in thl�Deed of .���v_� V
<br /> 7run1 sfiall be given uy�nu�ti�iy su�i�uuitc�b f cprtifiad maU addressed to tho athor partlas, at tho address set torth ahove. Any ;,e� y
<br /> ¢' notice provided for In this Deed of Trust sholl be effeativo upon meiling in the menner designatad here�n.li Truntor is uiora than onc ,7,;�,4
<br /> � person,notice sent to the addrass set forth above sholl 6e noUce to all such persone. -'1•'��"
<br /> ' (f)1nsp�ction.Lendor may mnke or cnuse to bn mad� reasonehle entries upan and Inspections of the Propurty, pTOVided thet �:;y;;;;,�'+i,.
<br /> , Lendar sholl give Trustor notice prlot to any such inspection specifying roasonable causo tharofor raietod to Lendor's intarest in the �,,. 5�'��,.__
<br /> Property.
<br /> � (a) Reconvoy�nc�. Upon payment of ell sumn sacured by this Deod o4 Trust, Lender shell request Trustee to reconvey the .F,—
<br /> Property end chail surrender thfa Doed of Truat and all notes evldencing indebtodnoss sacured by th(s Peed of Truat to Trustee. -,�:'=`--
<br /> Tn�stee she0 reconvay the Propeny without worranty and tvithout chergo to the persan or persons legally entitled theroto.Trustor �.,r.-�
<br /> v.
<br /> � shafl pay ell coats of recordation,if any.
<br /> (h)PM�onol Prop�Ky:S�cu�ity Ayrwm�nt.Ae edditionel securtty for the peyment of tha Note.Truetor hereby granta Lender undnr �,.,_�
<br /> the Nebraske Unitorm Commercfal Code a securlty interest in ell fixture9,aquipmont,and othor personel proparty uaed in connectlon - ---
<br /> � with the real estetd or improvements locatod thereon,end not otherwise declered or daemed to be e part of the real esteta secured =
<br />_ h�fnh�_ TF�IA Inatn�ment shall 6e conetrued a�a Security Agreement undor seid Code,end tha Lender shell heve1.ell thJe rights and __--
<br /> romedies of e secured pa��ty undcr sold Code in eddition to the rights and remedias croaicJ vr�de�ar3 uCwS��LS:L�BI�Lp�Q��t4U0O� �^-
<br /> to this Deod of Trust; providod thnt Lendor's right3 and rernedfea under thls paragraph ahall be cumulative wlth, end In no waY e �V�;n
<br />� limitation on,Lender's righta end remedias undar any other sacurity agreement elgned by Horrower or Trustor. �.,_�...
<br /> ' ;�' . lp LJ�os and Encumbrance�. Trustor horo6y warrants and rapresents thot there Is no default under the provision9 of eny
<br /> mortgege, deed of trust,IQese or purchese contract describing ell or eny pert of the Property, or other contract, fnstrument or
<br /> � apreement const(tutinp o lien or ancumbrenco agninet ail or eny poR of the Proparty(collectivo,"Llens"1, oxisting es of the date of
<br /> this Deed of Trust, end that any end eli existing l.iena remein u�modified oxcept ea disclosed to Lender in Truetor's written
<br />�.�;-. •.:�'.�. disclnsure of liens and enaumbrences providad for herein. Trustor shali Umoiy perform ell of Trustor's abligations, covenente,
<br /> y:•• ,�,�� ' repreeentetions and warran4les under eny end atl oxisting end future tfe�le,shell promptly farwerd to Le�tder copias of ell noticas ot
<br />�=�..;, ..:..� defeult sent in connectlon wlth eny and ell exfsting or future Uens, end shell not without Lender's prior written consent in eny
<br /> manner modify the provislone of o►allow eny(uturo edvances under any oxteting or future Liena.
<br />�.' ~°,;;;. �) AppRcatlon ot Mym�nte. Unless otherwlse roqulrcd by lew. suma pold to Lender herounder, Including without Ifmitatlon
<br /> ---�:''P"F u peyme�ts of principal end intorast,Insurance proaeeda,condemnatlon procnoda end rents ond profite,shell be epplfed by Lertder to
<br />��cq;y�"`-��' the amounta due and owln8 fram Trustor end barrawer in such order os Lendar In its sole diecrotion deems dasirable.
<br />„'�'�-:,-,'x.`f� IK) Sw�nbWty. If any proviston of thia Deod of Trust conftioto with epplicablo law or la declared invalid ar otherwise
<br />���-;�'� unenfor�eable, such confltat or tnvetidtty chnil not aftoet the other provisione of this Deed of Trust or the Note whlch can be gNen
<br /> -r-�"_`'��'� nffect without the confliating provislon, end to thla and the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to ba
<br />-�o=�F,r;':'�'
<br /> -. -.,•,, eOVetBble.
<br />`�.'v'��=. °.Y.:' 111 Tems.The terms'Truator" end "Borrowet"shell Inctude both singular end ptural,and when the Truotor and Borrower are tl�o
<br />� �:.
<br />„aar+���`•� same pereon(e).those terms as usctd in this Deod of Trust shell be Interchengea e.
<br />--;:''t,;:•:- (m)Qoveminp I.�w.Thts Deed of Trust chn11 ba governed by the lawa oT the Stato of Nebroske. __
<br />�T'�4'�'�Fi';�'
<br /> �`i�..:..�..
<br /> —;.y�.��,p Trustur hae execiRed this Dead of Trust ns of the dote writton nbove.
<br />�.��'`"�'.: �f, .
<br />-��P��'y � i ���•�l�..l, ��lQh�
<br /> �� �
<br /> v .,,�.�:..
<br /> +�� � •"�•�� Truator ai R. FIS �R Tvustor
<br />=.. - ... LAURIB A. FI3L7[�A � ----
<br /> � Y""—'— 7rustor --
<br /> "' Trustor --
<br /> , , r�� Trustor Trustor ,�.,;�;?�;,_
<br /> ,•�i �';:�;�{;,�
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<br /> . �
<br /> it����~�, - y';,
<br /> i. ,� �
<br /> 3 ,
<br /> � f�BC 3467C INonapriculturel Deedl Rov.8186
<br /> � 1988 Netionel 8ank ot Commerco Tru:+t nnd Sovinpe Aesoc�ebon.Lincoln,Nabroske �
<br /> . . _ _.....
<br /> .,.-w.-.. .._.
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