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<br /> '��is;��� � "Proceeds'�in conneCUan uvith cAndemnatlon or othsr teking of the Propnrty or{�rt thereol, or lor Conveyance n�e�nnTL�mnallon.
<br /> ��`�l`;�f� Lender shail bo enUtled nt It�,optlon to commenca,nppear In and proaecute In its own narno any acti�n or procneding�,and 4hall�Ico =
<br /> ;r�:.;:s,.�;'�: --
<br /> •r��.�{�r�� be endtlad to make nns�crmifrromise or settteme�t In cun�c�:lan wtth�uch tAking ar-'-�mA�e.In thn event tiny poAbn n!the Presj,eriy m
<br /> ,5;..•r,,,"f,,
<br /> ^;rr�;<<;.;,<_.,_ sc:¢ken u� da�nagad, Lon�lar�hAll have tha optlon In Ilo 3alo nnd a6eolut�dlscrutimn,t� npply ail auch procbede, aRer derluct�i�
<br /> ..,�t�,
<br /> �.�,,�;�<<�;y.,•� theretrom all costs and oxpensea Incurred by it In cnnnecllon with such P�oceeda,upon eny Indebtadneds aecured I�eraby and In eu�►
<br /> •��.�".��:�'� order as Londer may determine,or to apply sll such Pruceede,after eiech deductlone,to►ha restor�tlon o1 the Praperty upon such con•
<br /> ��;;��f
<br /> �„�; ditlons as Lender may detormine.Any applicatlon n1 Procaeds to Indebtedneas ohel!not eMtend or pnetperne the due�ate ol any pay
<br /> q.��� menta under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereander.Any unepp!le�lu�+de ehall be pald to Truelor.
<br /> '� "'�� 9. Padormance by L�nd�tr.Upon the occuRe�ce of an Event ot Detault hareunder,or ff any acl le taken nr{e�l prtrcesdl�tq
<br /> t....
<br /> '�•vr:
<br /> ��f��°`.�, commenoed whlch matedelly aftecta 1.snder's Interest in Ihe Pro�erty, l.ender may In Its own dlacretlon,bul wllhoul obllpeition to do�, �'
<br /> n�r�E+ nnd without notice to or demand upon TNator and wfthout releaoing i ruetor Irom wny oUli�atlon,do isny act e:h:ch Tru:!or h��cpte-�1
<br /> •�:.:.��yJt�. �
<br /> ' ..,����: 6ut 4ailed to do and may also do any other act It deems �ecesaery to protxt the security hereot. Trustor shall, Imrtadlately upon .
<br /> ,"�yrs�!�� damand tharefor by Lender,pAy to lender all costs arsd e�cpenses Incurre�arxl sums oxpunded by Lender In connactwn with Ihe exne•
<br /> dse by Lender of the(nr�going righte,together with Interest therean ut the default vate provlded In the Note,wh6ch sheil be add�d to �:
<br /> -':..Z.�.�.};,r.•.
<br /> tha indehtedness secured hereby.Lender shail not Incur any Ilabiliry becausA ot enythinfl It may do or omlt to do hereunde►. �_
<br /> `���.:?�'�; 9.Wnzardous Met�riets.Trustor ehall k�ep the P�operty In compliance with ell�ppl�able lawa, ordine�r�ees end reputetlone =
<br /> "{`" _
<br /> �.�'-,'�:�;-,s..,+; relating to Industrial hygiene or anvironrnental Frotectinn(�oll6ctivelq reterred to hereln ee'Envlronmentel Lawe").7rwtor ehall keep -
<br /> � '�;s�°•��. the Property free from ail substances deemed to be ha:erdous or Ioxic undet a�y Envlronment�i Lawe(collectively reterred tu Iwrefn
<br /> ' ���E���;��� aa�Hazardous Materlals').Trustor hereby warrente and representa to Lender that there are no Hazardoue Mutetlals on tlr under the
<br /> . � � ��«ri Property.Trustor hereby agre9s to Indemnity and hotd hermless Lender,Its directore,oHlcers,employeea and syenta,artd any e��ccAS• __
<br /> •.,.:����, sor3 to Lendere Interesi,(rom and agalnst sny and all cla�ma,damages,losses and Ilabllittes arislnp in conn�ctlon with the presenca,
<br /> • �-�; ,«. use,disposal or t��ansport of any Hazardous Mateda0s on, ��nder,from or about the Property.TH[FOREQOINQ WARRANTIEB AND
<br />_ ,. ,� 10.Assipnments of�t�nb.i rustor hereby asslgns lo LendeP,and gra n t s L c n d c r a s s c u d:y l n t e r e s t I n,eH preaant,future snd �
<br /> , ,•:_�. ; after arising rents,issues and profits of the Properry;provided that Trustor shall,until the occursence of en Eve�t of Qefault,hereunder,
<br /> ��,,, have the rfght to collect and retatn such rente,issues and profita ae they become due and payable.Upon the occunance of an Event ol -
<br /> ..•. • Default,Lender may,olth6r in person or by agent,with or without bringlr�g any action or proceodlnp,or by e�ecolver appointed by e _
<br /> :�`l� � court a�d without regard to the adequacy of its security,enter upon end take possesslon ot the Properry,ar any part thereot,In Us own
<br /> ' � � name or in the namA oi the T�ustee,and do Rny ucts which it deems necensary or deslraWe to preserve the va�ue,ma�ketabllity or
<br /> •'�•'`r � rentabllity af the Property,or any part thereof or Interesi thereln,or to increase the Income therefrom nr pmtect ttw secudty hereoi and,
<br />- '�r with or wfihout taking possession o4 the Property,sue for or othenxise collect the rente,las��es nnd proflte thareof,;ncludinfl ttwse Paat -
<br /> ' due and unpatd,hy notifying tenants to make paymente to lender.Lender mey epply rents,Isaues and profits,lese oosts and expens•
<br /> �`�� '���`j� . es of operaUon artd co�lecUon including attomey's fees,to any indebtedness secured hereby, ail in such order ea Lender may deter-
<br /> "'"��r�'� mine.The enterin u on and takin possession oi the Pro
<br /> perty,the colleatbn ot such rents, issues snd protits,snd the appibetl�on
<br />_`�{�`��;�:� thereoi ae atoresaid shall not cure or waive any detault ar notice of detault hereunder or Imalidata any ect done In response Go such
<br />'--3;;;,`;;;�= �,?aaii ar pur�uant tc�uch r.o!ice af defat!!t end, n��withs►andina tho conUnuance �n poasesslon ot the propeny or the collect!an,
<br />-•',',:-;.�.• recelpt and applicatiAn of rents,issues ar proflts,Tn�stee arx!Lender ehall be ent(tled to exarcise every�ight provided(or�n any oi ti�e
<br /> �:"��`r'•* Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Default. Inctuding without Ilmitelion the�Ight to exerdse the power of eale.
<br /> "'������ FuRher,lendera rights and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumuiative with,and in no way a Ilm(tadon an,Lender'e riflhts end
<br />-.:�4remedins under any asslgnment of leases and rerrts recorded agalnst ihe Property.Lender,Trustee and the recelver shall be IIaWe to
<br /> -"�"'° account onty tor those rents actualty received.
<br /> ==-=���--= t i.Events of Detsul�Ths tollowing shall constilute an Event of Deteuft under thls�eed ot Trust:
<br /> ���- (a)Faiiure to pay any installment of pdncipal or interest ol any other sum secsued hereby whun due;
<br /> `::.�i�� (b)A breach of or detauft under sny provfsian contalned In the Note.this Deed o1 Truat,eny of the Loan inatrwments,or ony
<br /> =�'�'�� other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property:
<br /> ---��-•�� (o)A writ of executlon or attachment or any simller process shall bo entered+agalnst Tnlstor wh�h shall become a Ilen on
<br /> the Properiy or any porUon thereo4 or interest therein;
<br /> ��-�_ (d)There shall be tlled by or egalnst Trust�oror 6orrower an action under any present or future tederal,state or other elntute,
<br /> - law or•reguiatbn relating to bankruptcy�,insotvency or other retle}for debtore;or there shall be appolnted eny truetee,�eoalver or
<br /> - Iiquldator ot Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any part ot the Property,or the rents,issues or profits thereof,or Truetor or f3onower
<br /> -- shall make eny general asaignment tor the benetit of cred(tors;
<br /> � (e)The sale,tranafer, lease, assignment,Cnnveyance or tuRher encumbrance oi ail or any part of or any Interost In tM
<br /> = Property,elther voluntsdly or Involunta�ily,wittaut the expre�s writtAn cansent ot Lender,provfded that Trustor shall be pemtft-
<br /> -- ted to axecute a lease of ihe Propedy that does noi conteln an option to purchase snd the term of wh{ch does not exceed one
<br /> - � year;
<br /> �" (fl Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> � (g)If Tn�ator is not an Indivldual,the Issr�ance.sale.tmnsfer, assignment,conveyanGe or encumbrance ol more then EH a
<br /> ; corporatfon)a totai o! percent of Hs issued and outstandinp stock,or(It a partnership)e tote)of per-
<br /> -�----_� cent of pertnership interesta,or((f a limited Ilsibilify company)e total ot percent of the Ilmited liabfllty compa-
<br /> - _-.._.� ny Intereats or votlng rights during the pedai thls Deed of Trust remains a Ilen on the property.
<br /> ----_-°.-.°= 12.Rematlles;ACCaleratlon Upan Detaul� In the event ot any Event of Default Lander rtray,without not�e excapt as requlred
<br /> _--:.��� by law,dectare all Indebtedness sacured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due ar►d payaWe with-
<br /> -�"� out any presentment,demand,prote2t or notice of any kind.Thereaftor Lender may:
<br />_ ::.;.,r.�� :
<br /> (a)Demond that Trusto�exercise the POWER OF SALE graRted heroin,artd Tmstee shall thereatter cause 7rustoPe nter-
<br /> - est in the Property to be eold end the prooeeds to be distdbuted,ell In tha rttanner provided(n the Nebreska 7rost Deeda Act;
<br /> ..f:,:.�i,�, (b) Exeraise any and all rights provided tor in any ot the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence oi eny Evant o}
<br /> - � ��' Detault;and
<br /> ==;'. ��.�� - (c)Commence an action to toroclose this Deed of Trust as s mort�aye,appoint a receivor,or specltica0y enio�ce any of tlie
<br /> -=„����t'' covenantshereof.
<br /> _ : ,�. : No romedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Truatea or Lender ia fntended to be exclusive ot�jl�her remedy hereln,in the Loan
<br /> � ., I�struments or by law provided or pormitted,bui oach shall be cumulative,ahall be In addition to every othor remedy gtvsn hereunder,
<br /> `- �•� In the Loan InstNments or now or hereatter ex�atin�at law or In equlty or by siatute,end may be exercised concurrenty,Independ9ntly
<br /> __��'"�'v�. - , or succesiveiy.
<br />-�;;Y _ ,. } t3.Trustse.The Trustee may reaign at any Ume without cause,and Lender may et any time aRd wfthout cause eppolnt a suc-
<br /> _ T_.�__�w«u....�a.,uews�w onv �,�., i�.�„�i�,�,W�thn�f umi�atinn l.ender.Borrower.Trustor or any pur-
<br /> ' - �-fr-��r � G8880�Of BUObti[Ytv i itiat6a. ��ua�av o.�o�...w.........,....�.«..� r._�...._._�..o°-° -- �
<br />- "'- - ' chaser o}the Prope►ty,tor any loss or damage unless due to reckless or willfui misconduct,and shall not be roquired to teke any acti�n
<br /> � In coe�nectlon with the enforcoment of thia Deed of Trust unless Indemnified,fn wNting,tor all costs,compensatlor�ar expenses whlch
<br /> ' may be essociated therewith.in additlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at eny aele ot the Property(h►diclal or under the power ui
<br /> . aale�ranted herefn);postpone the sale of all or eny poRion of the Property,as provided by law;or setl the Property ns a�hole,or In
<br /> ; " ssparate parot�ts or lats at T�ustee's dlscreHo�+.
<br />- �� 14.FMS and Expensos.In tha event Truatao selis the Proporty by c:xerciso ot pawer ot sele,Trustee shall be entitlod to appty
<br /> any sale proceeds tirst to payment ot all coats and expensea of exe�clsing power at sale.Incfuding all Truutee's fees,and Lander's end
<br /> . Truatee'e attorney's fees, actually Incurred to extent permitted by applicable law. In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any�Ight
<br /> ptovlded by law to cure en Event oi Detault,Lender shall be entillod to recover irom Yrustor all costs end oxpenaos nctunliy fncurr49 ae
<br /> a reault o}7rustor's detauit,Inciuding without Iimitatlon a10 Trustee's end attomey's fees,to tho oxtent permitted by applicable law.
<br /> •-. 16.Future Advances.Upon requeat ot Borrower,Lender may, at Its option,make addltlonal and futuro edvances and read•
<br /> • vanceo to Borrower.5uch advances and readvancea,with Interest thereon,shali be secured by thla Deed ot Trust.At no tlmo ehall tlr�
<br />: ._...--... ._.._..__-- -- ... . .. _ ..... ,�. ,�
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