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<br /> � � D�ED O�TRUa'�'�1'6��'I}�3 FUTU�AE A19VANCES �"�
<br /> . '�,. . 64��;:
<br /> � � THIB DEED OF TiiUBT,la made af o11he ZZnd day� Apr. ,19 97,by and er��n��1 �_-
<br /> � s•" --
<br /> '�' thu Trustor, Mork [J St�lk i Maredo Lee St�Zk , hueband and vife , \�
<br /> � 3117 Br�ntaaod Dr Grend �el.end He 68801-7220 c�"-
<br /> �� �hose mallinfl 6ddreaa le� _ _ (heretn"Trustor",whether one or rr»re),
<br /> theTNatee _Fiv� Point� Hrnk. • H�braako Corporation °
<br /> whosa malling addresa le P.O. Bax 1�07 (3r�nd Ialand, H'E 68802 (herein"Trustee�,and
<br /> �
<br /> ths Qeneficlary,� Fiv� Paint� Bank
<br /> �� whose mailing addreae I� 2f�19 H. 9ro�dr�11 Gran� Inland, i��. 6�i802-1507 (herein"Lende�").
<br /> -.' �z Mark D Stelk
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDF_RATION,Includinq Lendere extension of credit Identitied herein to
<br /> •� • ,� R Y�nd� L�e �1JL
<br /> ^� (herein"�orrower,"whoth�ar orte or morej and the trust herein created,tho receipt
<br /> ��-'����� ' • of whlch is hereby acknowleciged, Truetor hsreby Irrevocably prantu, trans9dr,,conveys an�l assigns to Trustee, IN TRUBT,WITH
<br />-:~�� �`i 7 POWER OF�IALt',for tha bsneit�nd securi'ry oi i.eriooi,u.�w�a:�i subJ�i��tha isrrsss ar.@ s��:Sl�s�.°hsr$lneiter set f���1llp�9�
<br /> ::�.�'--.'.,,i'�...� � s�
<br />_`.�:�_� p�::,. p°����� °i�,�K SEVEtiTEEH l 17) FAIR Y IBW PARK ADDITIOH T� THE CITY 0�'
<br />.:�A__.�,f�;,, ORANb I5LAN6� HALI, CDUNTX� N�BRASkA
<br /> � �;.� .
<br /> ,`��q;�
<br /> �:�±�,..t
<br /> ,`��`-'•�q Topether with all buftdin�s,improvamente,fixturo�,etrsep,alfeys,passageways,easements,�ighta,privileges and appuRenances
<br />�°`„"�"-�'�`'� bcated theroon or In enyvYUs pert+�inlnp thereto,And th�rsnu,Isaues and profits,reversions and remaindera thereof, and euch per-
<br /> ����='� scmal propeRy thet la etteched to the Improvement�eo e�to cronotttute e fixture,Including,but not limited to,heaUng and cooling equlp-
<br /> "�`.,._���`-� ment;and toyether wlth lhe hon»stoad or mxtltal Intir��to,U any, whlch Intereats aro hereby released end waived;all of whloh,fnclud-
<br /> -�==��� ing replacamente�nd eddilbns theroto,le herWy decl�►rsd to be e pa�t ot the real estate securod by the Iien of this Oeed of Trust and
<br /> _-==_-- ail of the forepolnp belrp reterred to hereln a�Ihe"Prop�rty".
<br /> Thfa Deed of Truat 4h111 ieCUr6(p)tlw peym�r►t o11h� ptincipel sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credtt agreo-
<br /> ---,__ ment deted ��ii 27.nd i997 ,havinp a maturity date o! �nrf 1 22nd ?00T ,
<br /> -�� 19.ASS�00
<br /> -°-�-- in the origlnal pdnclpal amount o! S , and any and all modificatlons, extensions and renewals
<br /> --= - thereot or thereto and any and ell iuturo�dv�nc�e end rosdancoa to�orrowar(or any of them ff more than une)hereurwe�r pursuent
<br /> --� �-= to one or moro promlaaory note�or credit e�qrNm�nts(has�ln cml{ed"Note");(b)tha payment ot other sums adveoced by Lencier to
<br /> -- -- protect the secudry of the Note;(o)the p�Aarm�nce or sli covanenta and agreements of Trustor set forth hereln;and(d)ail present and
<br /> - ° -- future Indebtednesa and obllaalbns ol Basrower(or eny ol t1�om It more than one)to Lender whother direct,lndirect,abaolute or contim
<br /> -"°""'�- - gent snd whether a�isinp by nate,yuarenty,overd►�tt or othenvies.The Note,this Deed oi Trust and any and all other documente that
<br /> �---- secure the Note or otherwise executed In conneCllon therewlih. Including without Ilmitetlon guarantees, security agreements and
<br /> ����.�:��� assignmento ot leasea and rents,ehall be r�ferred to heroln et Ih0"Loa�InatNmente'.
<br /> �,:�=z.-=� Trustor covenants and a9reea with Lender ae follawa: --.
<br /> _ .��,,�,,�� 1. Paym�it ef Ind�bt�drns�.Ali Indebtednese aecured hereby ehall be paid when due. �--
<br /> =;_-�+��+ 2. Tltl�.Trustor Is the owner o1 the Property,hao Ihm dphl�nd suthoriry to convey the Proporly,end warrants thet Uie Ilen creai- _
<br />_V "�'�?��'�'�� ed hereby la a first ond p�Or Ilen on the PropeAy,except/ar�ens end encumbrances set fnrth by Trustor in wdting and delivered to
<br /> .'_sy,y-rr —
<br /> •_-'.°.`�z'` Lender betore execution ol thle Daed o1 Trust, and Iho ex�cullon and delivery ot thls Deed of Trust does not vtolate any contract or
<br /> ' other obNgation to whlch Tmstor Is subJect. =•
<br /> • ��. : 3.Tut�s,Ass��emmt�,To pey beiore dollnquonoy� su laxas,spoclal aesossmenta and all other charges agalnst the Property �:
<br /> '` now or hereafter levled. �f
<br /> . �,,.
<br /> � . 4,Insur�nc�.To keep the Property Ineured�p�lnct damwge by tire,hazarda Inctuded withlr�Zha term"extended covorage",and �;;.
<br /> � • such hazards ae Lender may raqulra, In nmounte and wlth comganlo&accnptnbta to Londor,naminc�Lender as an addittonal named �,
<br /> � �" �,� � insursd,with loss payabte to the Lender.In case of foss under euch pol4cle�,tho Lender Is authoflzed to fldJust, collect and compro• --
<br /> " mise,all clalms thnrounder and shall heve the optlon ol applylnp all or paA o1 the Inaurance proceeds(q to any Indebtedness secured
<br /> hereby end In such order as Lend9r mAy determine,(II)ro the Yrualor to be ueed lor the repalr or restoration of the PropeRy or(iil)tor -:
<br /> any other purpose or ob;ecl satlafactory to Lender without aMecilnp Ihe ilen o1 thla Deed of Trust tor the tuil amount secured hereby °i`
<br /> , I. `�� betore such payment evertook place.Any appllcatlona o}�roceQdd io Indebtedness shall not extend or posipone the duo date of any =
<br /> - -°�-_�
<br />