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<br /> '�`�� �� •�. princ�pat amount of the indebtedv�ass secur���y this Dae�o?Trust,nui incfudi�g sums-:,�vanced ta prota�ct ihe security ot thta Deed of
<br /> �-- �,�.
<br /> ..-,,;�: : -;,,� �rust,exceed thd original princlpa!amount stat�J hereln,or$ �5.000.0@ ,whichever Is greeler. _
<br /> f 18.Mlacsliinaous Provlslorsn.
<br /> � (a)Borrawor Not Reiaased.Extenslon of ihe timp for pnyment or n�odlfication of amortizat�on ot the sums sscured by thls _
<br /> : " 9:' Deed nt Trust granted by Lend�r ro Any successor In Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,in ar�y manner,the Ilabui•
<br /> ty o1 the original Borrowor And Borrower's suc�ossors in interest. Lender chall rtot bo r�qulred to commence proceedings
<br /> .�, � . -' � againat such euccessor or refuse to extend time for payment or othenviss modity amortlzation of the sums secured by thts _
<br /> � '� Deed o1 Trust by reason o1 any demenda mede by the original Borruwer and Borrower'o eucceasora In interest.
<br /> _,;::.,;,`r, .., ,� (b)L�nd�r'�Po�nn.Withuut at�ecting the Ilabiilty ot sny other person Ilebie tor tho payment of Rny obiigatbn hereln men-
<br /> tloned,end withaut nftecting the Ilen or char�}e of thls Doed of Tru�t upon any portlon of the?rc�sarty ���t:ycn ar th3retufore
<br /> . .. r;, rc!oa°�d as�ecurily lor thn Inil amour.t nf alt unpal�i obN�atlons,Lender may,Irom time to tin�e and without raBce(i)retease L
<br /> ,:. .: . - any person so liable,(li)extend the matudty or aiter eny o}the t�mis of any euch obligatlone,(III)grant nther IndulQences, (Iv)
<br /> .• -:t_-... release or convoy, or cuuse Fo be relessed or reconveyeu a:any Uma at tendera option any parael,poRbn or all of the
<br /> `� Property,(v)take or relsase any other or sddltlonal security or rACOnveyed at a�y time at Lender's optlon any parcel,podion or
<br /> all of the PwpeRy,(vi)take or relense any ather or additlonal security tor any obltgatlon heretn mentioned,or(+N)rnake compo•
<br /> :,��4 • sitions o}other arrangemants with debtore in retation therAto.
<br /> (c)Forbsar�nce by Lender Not a Wdv�r.Any torbearanse by lenuer!n exercisinp any rlyht or remedy herounder,or oth-
<br /> '. �. erwise allorded by eppUcable law,shall not be a walver o4 or precluda the exercise of any �u�h�gh!or rer^�d;a ?he QrQCUr�- r
<br /> _.. .. �� ment of Insurance or the payment oi taxes or other Ilena or charges by Lender shalt not be a walver or Lenders dgfit to eccelar• `
<br /> " ato the matufiy oi the Inde6tedness secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> ':t .```. :., � (d)Successors end Asiigns Bou�d;daint end Several Llablllty;CapUons.The covenants and agreaments horefn con-
<br /> " �>•° tained shall bind, and the dghts hereunder shelt Inure to,ihe respoctive successors and assigns ot lender and Trustar. All
<br /> � � '. covenanta and agreements ot Trustor shall be Jolnt and several.The captions and haadings of the paragraphs o!thls Oeed ot
<br /> ��_+_'�•,;������ Trust are for cunvenience only and aro not 4o be used to int�rpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />__��._� (e)Requsst for Noticts,The partlos hereby�equest that a copy of any notice oi detauit hereunder�nd a aopy of any notke
<br /> - -�-:::x ot sale hereundar be mailad to each party to thts Deod o}Trust at the address s�t forth above En the manner prescribecf by
<br /> _ _`�7� r eppllcable Isw.Except tar any other notice required under appllcable la�v tn be given In another manner,any noticA provlded ior �
<br /> °�' i='�-� In this Oeed of Trust shall be given by mailing such notice by cert(iled mail addressed to the other partiea, at the addrass set
<br /> '!�':!;`'�:� , forth above.Any notirs providod tor in this Deed o}Trust shall be offective upon maliing fn the manner desk�nated herein.If
<br /> _,,;� Trustor is more than one peraon,notica sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to all such persons.
<br />— (Q I n i p�c t l o n. L e n d e r m a y m a k o o r c a u s a t o b e m a d e r e a s o n a b i e e n t r i e s u p o n a n d i n s p e c t i o n s o f t h e P r o p e r ry,p r a v l d e d
<br /> �""ry��� that Lender shail gfve Trustor noAce pNor to any such Ins�ection specltying reasonable cause therefor rolated to Lenders inter-
<br /> -'.�,_�i?-'-�. est in the Property.
<br /> _.���� (g)Reconvsyance.Upon payment ot alt sums secured by this Reed of Trust,Lender shall rsquest Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> � i'=°" Property and shall surrender thle Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to
<br /> -`"=�''� Trustee.Trustee shaU reconvay the PropeRy,without warranry and w(thout charge to the persan legally entiUed thersto.Tr�uslor
<br /> '—�"—.�� shail pay all costs or recordatk�n,If any.
<br /> �'--__—`� (h) P�rson�l Proparty;Security Agreement.As additlonal security for the paymsnt o}the Noto, Trustor hereby grants
<br /> :;� Lenddr under the,Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a security I�terest tn all flxturea,equfpment,and othee personel propery
<br /> __— uisf�u'ii wiri�eti:2ivii W1Y'i 2Sio ioa=bawf'v'vi iiii�tuitoiii8iitb It3a,^"a2^.�1�iarsaz,ar�r.at o.!`,.^,f:i!".,.^.�:sl�CC L�°'^°' !O!�°�.'.°_(2 C!
<br /> --_ ?'"�_� tho real eatate secured hereby.This instroment sha(I be construed as a S2curi�ty Agreement unde�eafd Code,end the Lender
<br /> -_�adP=�
<br />--;�,�� shall have all the �ights and rernodies ot a secureA pArty under sa{d Code U eddition to the�IQhts and remedies under thls
<br /> --=—_--- paragraph shall be cumutative with,and in no way a lfmitation on,Lenders rights and remedfes under any other security egree-
<br /> --- —=°-— ment signed by Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> ----= (I)Ll�ns and Eocumb►�nce�.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no defauft uncler the provtsiony of eny
<br /> ----- moftgage,doed oi Wst,laase or purchas�contrect descrlbing all ar any part oi the Property,or othar oontract,trtstrumant a
<br /> __ — sgreement consUtuting a Ilen o�encumbrance agalnst all or a:�y part of the Proporty(collectively,`Uens"), ezistlng ae of the
<br /> � date of thie Deed of Trust,and that any end ali existing Liens remain unmodified excepi as disdosed to Lsnder In Trustors wrk-
<br /> -_..-- ten disctosure of IIAns and encumbrancos provided tor herein. Trustor shatl timely perform all of Trustore obilyations,
<br /> covenants,representations end wsrrantlea ur�der eny snd all existing and tuture Liens,shall prompdy torwand to LerKler oopies
<br /> ot all notices of defauft sent In connectlon with any and all eRlsdng or tuture Uens,a�d shall not wlthout Lenders prbr writlen
<br /> cansent In eny manner modi(y the provlswns of or ellow any future advances under any exisUng or iuture ilens.
<br /> �)Appi{�atbns of P�ymenb.Untess otherwise required by law,sums pa(d to Lender hereunder. Inciudinp withuut irt�ite-
<br /> don paymente of princlpal end interest,InsuranCe procaocfs,condemnaUon proceeds and rents and profts,s1�eN be e�pplied by
<br /> Lerx/er to the amounte due and owing}rom Trustor and borrower In such order as Lender In its sote discreilon deems deslr-
<br /> ebls.
<br /> (k)S�wrsblitiy.i}any provision of this Deed ot Trust conilfcts with applicable law or Is decia�ed invaiid orotheiwise unen•
<br /> (orGeabte,such conll�t or Invalldity shall not etfect the other provislons of this Deed of Trust or the Note wh�h can ba piven
<br /> eftect without the canA�ting provlslon,and t�Ihis end the provisbns of thla Deod o!Trust and the Note are dedared to 6e sev-
<br /> ereble.
<br /> (q Tsrm�.The terms'Trustar and"Bonowe�°shall Include both singuiar and plural,end when the Trustor end 6arrower are
<br /> the sema peraon(s),those terms e�used in thls Oeed of Trust shali be interchangeable.
<br /> (m)Oowmir►�L�w.This Deed of TNSt shal be govemed by the la+x�flt the Sffite af Nebraska.
<br /> --_ =
<br />