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<br /> '' p�ymcnt9 rnny no longcr bc rcqulr+;d,At thc option of l�.cndcr,if ma�tgagc insurancc covcrnge(in thc umount und for thc pcdod
<br /> � �hnt lrndcr rG�uires)providcci by an insurcr approvcd by Lcndcr ngaln bccomca av�lnble and is obtninccl.Borrower shall paY ihe
<br /> ' premiums required to muinuun mortgage insurru►co in eifcct, or to provide a loss r�en+�. lictsble luw�u�rement for mortgoge
<br /> � insurnnce ends in uccorduncn with unY wrttten agreement between Bonower ra►d Lender or opp �nder shall give �� `��°�'_
<br /> - �„�,,.� ' g.Inspectton. l.cndcr or its agent mfly makc rcusonablc cnuies upon and inspcctions of the Property.
<br /> ��► Borcawer nodcc at the tlme of ar prlor to an inspecdon specifytng re�sonable cause far the inspection. ;,.,�,',
<br /> 10.Candemnation. Thu proceeds of any awurd or clsum �or damages,direct or consequendul, in connecdon with any � .'..�`
<br /> condcmnadon or other talcing oF pny p�t of 1he Property,oY for conveyanc.�in lt�u of condemnution,ere hereby assigned and , :,*,�,'�e�_
<br /> , shall bc paid to Lcndcr. Instcument, '.:'�`��
<br /> . In the event oF u totnl ualcUig of the Peoperty.the procceds shall be applit�d w tt�v sLms secu�ecl bY�which U fair mnrket `� ;:,s•��;�;"��-
<br /> whether or not thcn due,witl►any cr.cess paid to Borrowcr.[n tha e v e n t of a psrcial takin8 of the Property� :�^��:___
<br /> valuc of the PcopertY immedintely bcforc thc tnlcing is equal to or�ceater than the amount of thc sums securcd by this 3ccw'ity ,`l��,.",_--
<br /> ... �';;;;;.:�,��;;c:.—.
<br /> S�
<br /> - Instrument immedlately bcfore tha tuking. unless Barrowcr and Lender otherwise agree in writin�.tho sums secur Y � '. t„
<br /> ,��Lr�ti��;;;'.
<br /> Security Instnunent shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muldplled by the following fraction: (a)the wtul amaunt o -
<br /> ihe sums sccured immcdiately trefore the taking, divided by(b) the fair matket value of the Propc:rty immedlatelY befare the ,�,.Y�ss
<br /> taking.Any balance shall be pnid to Borrower.In thc event of a pnrtuil taking of�1►e Property u�which thc fair markel vnlne of d�e �.;:��:�--
<br /> �:�__.-,__
<br /> '° proPer►y immediately bafore U�E: taking is Icss than the amount of the sums secured immcdiately before the tttkil�zl tolth ��==.
<br /> ' BQrrower ar.d I.ender othecw'�e a8rce in writing or unless applicn9�le la�v otherwise provides,the proceeds shull be spp ^ �,�__�.,:
<br /> sumg secured by this Security Instrument whether or not Iha sums are then due. _._-b'�'_""�
<br /> ' ..�. If the Property is abandoned by sorrower.or[f,atcer nodce by Lender to Bosrower that the condemnor offers w �nd� .;t:.�,��-��.
<br /> " .. awt�cd or settle a claim for dnmages,Borrower fs�Ils c��sPond to Lender wit3�in 30 days after the date the notice is given, � ,;;__,�,
<br /> � or to tt�e sums secured �-
<br /> is autlaorized w colfect and apply the proceeds,at its oprion.ctther w reswradon or npair of the ProT�ttY
<br /> ,�' by thi�5ecurity Insuument,wheiher or not then due. u�non of procceds co principal shall not extend or pastpone `:��
<br /> , Unl�s.9 I.ender and Bomower othenvis�a8ree�n wrihnBh�Y�d 2 or changcs the amount of such payments. d---=
<br /> ;.� the dws dat�of the monthly paymcnts referred to in par�grap •_
<br /> t t t���wpr lYot Reieesed;Forbearancc 6y Lender Not a Waiver. �xtenslon of ihe time for pa�ym f nf Bonowu shall -
<br /> � � +` of zunortization of the sum�: sccured by this Security Instrument giai►ted bY LenuGr w w�r�u�Z��--=-- - _�
<br />'`� not operatt to releasc tt►u li�►bility�af'he original Botruwer or Borrowcr's successo�s in inlemsG Lender shnll not be required co 69�:
<br /> commencc proccedings against any suoc�.ssor in int�rest or refuse co extend time far payment or otherwise modify art►oetization of
<br /> the sums sec�ted by this Securicy Instrument by reason nf any demand made by the original Borrower or Boaower's successor�
<br /> ' in intr,re.st Any forhearance by Lender un exercising any right or remedy shnil not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any
<br />�� ri�ii3 or remfxly.
<br /> � iz:Suceebsors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Severel LiabWty; Co-signers.The covenant� and agreements of this
<br />-w.,.} - ... • Securiry U�stxument shull bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender und Borrower. subjoct w the �rovisions of
<br />- .. . , p 3 r a g t a�i,17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint end several. Any Boirower who ca•s'ignnd conveyuthat
<br /> a
<br /> �, -. In.s�ne.but does not exaute the Note: (a) is ca-signjng ehis Securicy Insuument only w mortg ob 8� � a the sums
<br />-_-_ - . �. Borrower's ir�b:rest in the ProperiY under the oerms of thi.g Securlty Insuument;(b)is flot persoruilly B� P Y
<br />":�:';'��'�-�3•�''" sec�red by thi�Security Insnument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any ott►er Bonower mny egcee to eatend,cnodifY.forbear nr
<br />';�,.--:"'"' "`� � �e�ny accommndanons with regard co the[erms of this Security lnsuument or the Note without that Bocrowcr's consenG
<br /> -�-��°�°�-"t - 13.Luxn Cherges. If the loan scxured by this Secariry Insuument is subject to a law which sess maximwm�oan�h�8'��
<br /> ='��'�s�-�"`T � w reduce the charge to t�e
<br /> -^=Y..:,:•.."'. and that Iaw is finally interpretsd so thut the inteacst ar other loan charges co�lected or to be wllected in Connection with the loan
<br /> �� � exceed the permitted limits,then:(a)eny such loan charge shall be reducecl by the amount necessary
<br />�ti'"""'`'�-": permitced limit;and(b)aaY sums already collected from Borcower which oxcoeded pesmit[ed limits will be refunded to Bo�ro i� ---
<br /> _�-:;�j,�,'
<br /> �:,_,� ;.. �d� �y ct��so to malce this refund by reducing the principal owed under lh�a°�ent wy t�oua t any �Ym��g°
<br /> �';;,''-:�• =�='-• Borrower.If a mfund reduces principal,the reducdon will be treated es a parti.�l P P Ym
<br /> - -S,
<br /> --�,-;µ.;�'�_°=y undcr che Notc.
<br /> ` �J�"`����� 14.1Votices. A ny notice t n F s o r ro w e r�r ovided for in this Security Irostn►ment ahall be giWen by dc:l3vering it ur b A a d�or
<br />,���,�.• ......�
<br /> =�.�'`_�._:_. `� bv firat class mail unless appl�cti7�Se law requires use of nnosher method.'It�o n�tice sh'aU b����f �ciess mail co Lc%nder's ____
<br /> - -:-�,•,.--� -
<br /> any oth�r address Borrowcr designutes by noacu iu I.e�u�:.�zy no�w::,L:....e...h :„ Y
<br />;'6 nddress stat�ed hcrein or any ot�er nddress Lendcr dcsignates by notice to Borrower. Any nodce providcd for in tl►is SecuritY -
<br />- ` Insin►mcnt shall bc deemecl w havc bcen Qie.n to Borrowcr or Lender when givon a5 plovlded in this PaniBraPh• __
<br /> = 15.Govern6ig Lyw; Severability. 'Iliis Security Instnamcnt shaLl be govesiced by fedcrnl 1aw Md th� 1nw of the �
<br /> � k_ juris�icdon in which thc Pro�erty is locatod. Tn the event thai any provision e�x clausc of this Security Instrument or the Note �A4
<br /> ,Y�:.i,'.;`__—_.
<br /> � . con6licts with npplicuble law, such conflict shall not affect oth�r provisions of d�is Sec�+3rity Inswment or the Note wd�ich can be ._
<br /> , �,,�., -
<br /> � giyen cffcct without tha conflicpng provision.To this end the provisions of th�s Security Insnvment az�d the Note nre decl�red to "r;,�;''.-.Y�
<br /> - i .} be scverable. 7 j• .
<br /> - . { Form 3028 9I90 � 4* �-.-
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