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<br /> �� S.Haza�d or Property Insurance. Bo►rowcr shall kccp thc improvcrncnts now cxisti�g on c�rcnPtc.r crcctc�i on tho Propeny
<br /> insured ngninst loss by Cue, ha�rds inclsdcd withit� thc tcrm "cxtcndcd cavcrn�o" nnd any oU�ca hiu.urds,including tloods or
<br /> flooding,far which Lendcr requires insurance.'Itds insurancc shall bo mulntnined in tho amount3 cmd for thc periods that L.cndcr „
<br /> � rcx�nires.'[lie insuRmncc:carriar provldin�t�he insurance shall6e chosen by Borrovm.r subject tn Len!ler's nppraval�vhich shnll not
<br /> be unreusonably withheld. If Barrower fails to maintain covcrago descdbed abovo,Lender m�y, at Lcndcr's option. obtutn
<br /> coverage to protect Lendcr's rights in the Property In accordancc wiU�paragraph%.
<br /> •w��^�`� All insurance policies and renewals shallbe acceptnble to I.ender und shaU inclu3o a stnndard mnrtgage clause.�.ender shall ,�.�
<br /> , havc the right to hold the policies end renewals.If Lender rcquires,Borrower shall promptly giv� to Lendcr all rcccipts of p�id �
<br /> premiums nnd renewal nodces.In the event of loss,Bqnower shall give prompt natice to the insurflnse c;auriar and Lender.I.ender ��;y-�`
<br /> may make proof of loss if not ma�ie promptly by Bomower. �''
<br /> Unless I.ender and Bormwer otherwise agrcc in writing,insurance procecds shall be applied tci rastaraqon or repaIr of the � `��
<br /> Property damaged,if the restomiion or repair is economically feaSible nnd Lender's security is not le�sened.Tf the restoradon or z;�`=:�
<br /> rep�r is not economically feasible or LendePs securiry would be lessened,thc�insurancc prace�eds shall be applietl to the sums = -
<br /> " scc4r�ed by this Sccurity Instrument, whe�hcr or not then due,with eny excess paid to Barrow�.If Barrowcr abandons thc �'�`=��'�
<br /> r�A
<br /> Prmperty,or cicx�s not s�nswer within 30 days a notice from I..ender thnt the insuranee ctu-rier has affered to seWe a claim,tben �i��--
<br /> Lenc�er may collect the insurance proceeds.l.ender may use the proceec�s to repair ar restare the Prnyerty or to pay sums sccured
<br /> by this Security Lisirument,wtietlier or t�ot U►en due.Thc 30-day pericxl will begin when the no6x i5 given. �;��.-=
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwisc agree in wridng,any applicatian of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone •_'-�`-�-
<br /> the dne date of the monthly paymcnt�referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of the payments.If under paragraph �-���-
<br /> 21 the Property is ecquired by Lender,Bonower's right to uny insuranca policies and proceeds resulting from rlamage to the ��"=```
<br /> ., , Propecty prior w the ecyuisition shall pass W Lender to the extent of the sums sacuted by this Security Instrument immediately •1-..,:-•--
<br /> ��p�_�s.
<br /> , prior W the ucquisition.
<br /> .ti:�...,�,R
<br /> � 6.Occupancy,Preservation,Matntenuuae and i'rotection of the I'roperty; Borrower's Loson Applkation;L.eareholda . _-�
<br /> ��� Bnr�ower shall occupy.establish.and use the Propeerty as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days aftez the execubon of
<br /> ,� ' ih3s�ecurity Instrument end shall condnue W occu tha Pm .'u'rd_
<br /> PY p�Y as Bonower's principal residenc�far at least one y,e�u after thc .;,�ar:;:
<br /> •; ' date of occupancy�unless Lender otlnenvise agrees in wridng, which consent siuill not be m�rts3sonably withheld,or unless :r
<br /> ' eattenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control.Bonower shnU not desrroy,datnage or impnir thr,Property, -'�y'`�^
<br /> . --_� , ' «l];;a tts e P s o�m 3 t a 3 c t�P o r t;,, o s�x r..-ni t::�� �s s l i c�'r�t 3. E c t r c w.;, s!-.s 2 i� i s t t-Na i iii 3 f a i i j� f t'i i f Ei t i i ic �,t i��� o� .��;.:�
<br /> rr.-
<br /> procceding.whether civil or eriminal,is begun tbat in Lender's gaod faith jud�ment coulal re.4Wt in forfeiwre of the Property or �. „�,;:�;::
<br /> , otherwise materiaily impair�he lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security inura.G Horrower may cw�e such a -`
<br /> default and relnstato,as provided�n parpgraph 18, by causing the action or proceecting to be d;smissed with a ruling that,in ;�``
<br /> � ' � Lender's good feith determinadon.precludes foafeiture of tha B�rcower's intarest in the Praperty or othsr material impaiiment of
<br /> '� the Gen created by this Seturity Instrument or L.ender's security interesG Borrower shall also be in d2SAUit if Borrower�durIt►g the
<br /> loun appllcation process.gave materially false or inaccurate Uifomiation or statements to L,cnder(oc ftWed w provide Lender with I��=
<br /> ' " any material i�formadon) in connecdon with the laan evidcnced by tha Note, lncludia�g, but not:united to� rcprescntations f; �-
<br /> , �� . conceming Borrower's or�cupancy of the Property as a prin�iFal residence.If thls Security Instn�me�i is on a leasehold,Boirower �::-'
<br /> •, shall comply with aU the provisions of the Icase.If Borrower acquiras fee 6tln to the Property,the lerisehold and!he fee 6de shall � �
<br /> • „ not mergc unless Lender agraes to tha merger in writinng.
<br /> ; �•_-':
<br /> :..��>,_.-. • • 7.Protertion ot I,zuder's R�ghts in the Property. ll Borrower fatls to pGrform the covenants and agraments contained in �'`-
<br /> ��^"` ' this Securit}r Instrument,or therE is a legal proceedin�that may significandy offeci Ltntler's riglh;s in the!'coperry(such as u �,-
<br /> ' ::,�.' ��,: groceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnadon or forfciwre or to enforce laws or regulationsp,thcn I.cnder may do and puy �'_
<br />-"-,�;°�: ;. :,.� for whatever is aecessary�o grotect the valua of the Property and Lendez's rights in the Property. Lcnder's octions may i�clude �.�
<br /> :-. • r;,. paying any sums secured by a lien which ha� priarity over this Sectuiry Instrument,appcaring in court,PayIng rcasonstble =-
<br /> °" attomeys' fecs end eniering on thc Property to makc repairs.Although L.endcr may tAke action uMder this paragraph 7.Lender �
<br /> ,;.'�_. does not have to du so. —
<br /> ;��• ��'�- Any amounts disb�used by Lender undcr this paragrapU 7 sLall become ucididonal dehi of Dorrower secured by this Security =_ -
<br /> _-�,:,-�.;;: ' InsuumenG Unless Borsower and Lender agree to oiher terms of paymnnt,th�e amounts shall bear interest&om the date of 6•-a�•
<br /> -��"-^:�" dibvrsement at the Note rete and shall be payable,with u�Wmst,upon notico fmm Lender to Bosrower requestL�g paymen� eTM_�
<br />_ :.'• �� , �.1HortgAge Insurance. df I.ender required mortgage insurance as u consiition of:nalcing th✓loa��securcd by ihis Security �: _
<br /> ::�n____��. Instrument� Bormwc.r cha11 nfly the premiums required tn maintain d�e mortaueo insurance in effec� If, for any reason, the �� —___
<br />;' � Rnortgage insurance covcrage roquired by Lender lapses or ceases w bC in eftect,Borrower shaq pay tho premiums required to ` ==
<br /> obtain coverage snbstanuaUy equi.valcnt to tho mortgagc insursince previously in effcct,at a cost substantially equivalent w thc -
<br /> c6st to 9orrowcr ad ihe mongage inswunce previously :n effect, from an altcmuta mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If - ---
<br /> substantially equivalent mortgage insurunco coverage is not uvailable,Bomow�r shtill pay to L.end2r each month a sum equal W -_
<br />_ ' one•aavelfth of the ycarly mongago insurance premium being paid by Borro�v�r whc�n the insurance wverage lapsed or ceascd to :"��a�---
<br /> � be in e[fect L.ender will accept, use end reiain these payments as a loss reserve in Geu of snortgage insurance. Loss rG�erve � -=-
<br /> .e`=
<br /> Form 9028 0/00 •��•—"'
<br /> �-BR(NE)toxiz�.m aao•s ot e InitlsD:. � , �.
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