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<br /> � 1G.Il�rr��ver'n Copy. Dormwr.r 4hall bc givcn ono confarmed copy af thc Natc and of this Sccurity Insuumcnt. . ,,
<br /> 17.Trnns,it:r��f tl�e[�raperty or n i9eneficial[nterest tn Ilorrower. If�ll�r nny part of�hc Propeny or any intcrest in it is '•,:
<br /> • sold ur transi��rrad (or 1f a hcncrcinl irtu:rest in Aonowcr is sold or[ransfcrred and Borrower is not u nuwrul person)without • ,
<br /> ' Lender's prlor written cansenG Lender may,nt its opUon.require immedinte p�yment in full of all sums secured by th�s Se�un[y
<br /> • Insuvmcnt.Ha�vavcr, U�ix opdan shnll not bc cxcrc�sed by Lcndcr if cacrcisc �s Rrohib�ted by tederul law as of thc datc of this .
<br /> �, Security InstramcnG
<br /> ' ! '�'' � If l.andnr c�xer�ises Qils apilon,I.enrler shnll give Borrowcr notice of acccicrntion.The notice shall provide aperial ot not Icss .
<br /> ,"',�'• than 30 dnys fmm the dntn Q�n nodr.�ut delivercd or mailed wlthdn which Boaowcr must pay all sums secureA by this 5ecuriry `
<br /> ' Insuumr.nt.If Iiarrowcr fs�la to pny�hese sums prior to thc expiration of this period,Lcndcr may invokc any rcmedics permiucd S:
<br /> ,���:. by this Sccurity Instrument�vithout funher nodcc or demand on Borrower. . � ��
<br /> �' � 18.13nrrawnr'n Itl�ht to Iteinatnt�:. If Borrower mcets certain conditions, Sorrowcr shall havc tl�c ri�ht w have . ..k„��.:,".
<br /> .I;� :. ",;. `', '
<br /> ,,,• ,�. enfarcement of �hta Securi�y Instrumei�t discondnued at a�y ame prior to the earlier of: (a) S days (or such other period as •'�•'rr�°'tci. ;
<br /> w . �:�' ,;',*•• •
<br /> appllc�bin lpw may specify for reinstotemcnt)bcfore salc of thc Property pursuant to any po cr of sale containesl in this Secudty .� , ,-
<br /> Instniment;or(b)entry of A jud�ment enforc3ng this Securiry Instrumen�'lliose conditions ara thet Borrower:(aj pays Lender nU •,� 4�
<br /> sums whict� then �vould Ue dua under thi� Security Instrument end the Note as 3f no acrclerarion had occurred; (b) cures any ' �• ;
<br /> `' � default of�ny ather covennnts or aamesnenis;(c)pays ull eapenses incurred'n�enforcing this Securiry Instrument,inetuting,but .�,.\;s�`�' __�------::"
<br /> :�:�� . � ` not I'uuited ta,reasanable attorneys' fee�;and(d)takes such acdon as Lender maY reasonubly tequlre to assure that the lien of this ,� s����
<br /> � Securiry ins.tmment, I.�!�der's eiQhts tn the Property and Borrower s obligauon to pay the sums secured by this Securlty :;,�yl,::�`
<br /> .''�" � Insuument shall continuc unchati�ed. �Jpon rclnstatemant by Bonowcr, this Security Inswmcnt end thc abligations secured
<br /> ' hereby shnll ramuin ttt1�Y effective as if�10 acceleration hxd oc.�tvred•However.this right to reinstate shall not apply in thc case of ,,'.�;;��'.
<br /> � ,�7n;;�r°,_'��',
<br /> �. � ' accelcradnn undcrpnra�h IT. . • -— _
<br /> � • 19.Sple of Notoi CUAn�e af Laan'3e�wicer. 'It�e Notc or u partial interest in the Note (wgether with this Security ,� __—_-
<br /> � �} Instrument)muy bQ sold onc or morc times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result 3n a cha��ge in the endty(known ,�F,��._ _
<br /> � •� �. �the"I.ua�i Scrncer")that coAects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secunty Instnunen�'Ihere also may 6e one or `;,;, ��==
<br /> �� marc cbAnges of thc Loan Scrvicer un��clated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Serviccr,Borrower w�ll bc '{.. ;�
<br /> given tivrittsai notica of Q�e chanae in ucr.ordance with para�raph 14 above andappUca'ble law.'Ihe notice will state the neme end ��r�'
<br /> . �. ���, addross of thn na�v Laan Servicer and the uddre�s to which pay�ents should be made. 'Il�e notice will also contain any othea .,,-
<br /> `�; . � . informadan neqaired by appltcablc law.
<br /> • x(1.Hu�rdous Substances. IIarn�wcr shall not c�ausc or permit the pmsence. use, disposal, storage, or releasc of any
<br /> Ha�ardnus 5ubstances on or in ihe Pmperty.Borrower shall not do,nor�Ilow anyone else to do,anyQung affecting the Property
<br /> �� Lhat ia in��inlation of anv Envimnmentel Law.The pr�cedins two sentences shall not apply to the presencC.uso,or storage on the •r '`
<br /> _ : ; ..
<br /> ` � ' �-latc w nofsn�t z�i�'�.^.n:!s�.�s -; - 1
<br /> Fro�:.rey ns smnll quantities of I�azarftnus Substences chat are generaity rr�,K��u t��ap�a�,=
<br /> and to anaia�c�ez�ance of the Propecty.
<br /> � Borm�vea ahall promptly Bive Lcnder wriacn notice af any investigadon, claim,d�mand, lawsuit or other xdon ba any �
<br /> gavcmmcntnl or ragulatnry agency or nrivate party involving 1he Property end any Hezardous Substence or Environmen�Law ,
<br /> •; j of which Dnno�vor has actual1:na�vledge.If Boaower leams.or is notified by any�g nve�teryn�0��8�heryll urn�m d� take nall
<br /> � � rempvnl ar oihar remedlation of any I�}azardous Substance s►ffecdng the Property P P Y
<br /> necass�ry rt�medial acdons in Accordar�u�with Snviranmental Law.
<br />- . � rm
<br /> As ut�nd m ttiis para�rrnpN 20, "�ardous Substances" are ihose substances defmrd as toxic or he7ardous substences y �
<br /> fl toxic
<br /> Enviromm�ntnl La�v �nd tha followin� substances: gasoline, kerosene, othec flammable or to�cic petroleum prosi�xts, ��.�
<br />�,•, � � p�s�cltics and herbicides,voladtn solv�:nts,mate�ials containing asbesws or formaldehyde,and radioacpva matenels.As used in --
<br /> • � �+� �n,c S,arngr�Si 20,"Environmental Luw"mesms Fedecal laws and laws of tha jurisdicdon where the Property is located that relate _
<br /> ' w hcalth,sataty or environmc��tal pmtcs:don.
<br />;`��;
<br /> s��,• :,;.� NOJa-U2�IFO12M COVENANTS.1Do>>rowcr end I.endcr further covenant and agcee as foll�ws: ��
<br /> -��' � r � 21.t�ooeleratfon;Remedies.Letx�;cr shaU give notke to Dc�rrower prior to accel�ration fo�lowing Borrowe�'s br�ach of
<br /> i:�';.p;,,:''.,;,,, ,
<br />=,.;;;,';; ,�,•,�, .:� any +�nvanAnt or a�;reement in tl��i Security Instrument (6ut not prEor to acceleratlon under paragraph 17 unkss
<br />=�<<�;'; ��;,...� i; applk�Lle la�v pi�ovldc�otberwisa),�'he notia s'haU specify:(a)the defautt;(b)t!►e action required So cnre the defpnlN,(c) _
<br /> '•1���;..�� .�� � �►date,uot less thau 30 deys trom itlhe date U►e notice Ls given to�orrower,by which the default masi be euradi an�(d)
<br /> a ��, ' � -
<br /> `� ''"''" ' that faifn►�to cu►�e tUc def�ult on o�r betora the dat�specJ�ed in the notice ms�y result in occekrs�tbn M the suma seeured _.
<br /> ' „�,r.;�:�.:���J -
<br />-`�'','•�r'.,',;;i t.� „ by tht�Securlty inatrument ancl ss�le of the Aroperty.T�e n,o2ice slwtl further inform Horrower of ths right to relnstate =_ --__ _
<br /> • '`'''�' : ' t �(�ter Aceclerutinn aud t1iQ right to Urtng a murt Action to as.5ert t6e nnn-existence o!a detaWt or any other detense of _
<br />'�'::�„'; ' , Borrower to ncccleradon and sale.If'the defa�rit L� not cured on or before Q�he date specified in the notko,Lender,at its �^�
<br /> -; "� � ,` o pttun,�no y require immediato pHyment in full of aU�ums secured by t6is Security Instrument withovt furtfaer d�mand ` �,__ _ _
<br />_ " ��•x• �` and maf E�avoke ti►e��o�ver of sale and any other remedSes perm[tted by applkabk taw.Lender shall be entitted ta collect �_:�,�
<br /> �_._.
<br />- ' ' � al1 eacpenst�[ncurred in pursuinff wc reuiedies provlded in t63s paragrapb 21,[ncluding, but not limited to, reu�onabk - -_—__
<br /> , �� attorueyr'Pecs aud casts of title cvi�lnuce. =���_�
<br /> , �;� Xt tlu pnwer of sale fs invokeci� Trustee shall record a notire of detAUlt in each munty ie w6ich any part of tde : ,,���.��:
<br /> „ property t�lacated aud shttil mail coptes of such notice in the mAnner prescribed by a{rplkabk law to IDorrower ond to the ' ��-g=��_=:-�
<br /> " ather pemonsi prescr�bed bY appl�����e�w'•After the ticne required by Applicabk law.7�ustee shaEl give public notice of °__ � - ____:_-�_
<br /> ' sa[e to lLc persons en�ir+tbc mr�i�uc�pr�rscribed by�ppUcable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shal!sell the ���,, T �� -^
<br /> � Property at puUllc auctton to tlu DipUest SWder at thE time aad place and ander the terms designated in t6e notice ot sak • �'�;�
<br /> ..`3,.�-1`�i4
<br /> FormS020 9/00 .` ': " .::�' .
<br /> . . �•eF1tNE:)tQ2t2).o� Pop�6ote tnitlab: --- � , ,` .,.
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