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<br /> TOGLTI1fP 1`llTl!ull trr imyrovemcnrn n�r placcmcnts nnd additionscshall alsto�bc cov�cr�l by this�Sccur tyc Insnumnnd
<br /> fixtures n�w on c�reseftcr a par.i of thc pro�rc:riy.
<br /> �.� Atl of tha forcgaiu►g is refcncd w in thin Securi.t�Inszrumcnt�s thc"PropertY:'
<br /> BORROWER COVENA[�`�'�i thsu Eur�'�awer i�IawfuUy scised of the estate hereby conveyed s►nd has the right to grmm�r►d
<br /> �� convey the Propeny und that�tra Pmimx�Y in unecy:umbered,exeept for encumbrances of recard. Borrower warrants end will
<br /> � defend generally the lide to dirt•Prapsny a�oinst ali claims and demnnds,subject to nny encumbrsnces of record.
<br /> ; THIS SGCURITY INSTRI�I'+7IsNT combine.s uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenar►ts wnth 1�►uted
<br /> ° � variadons by jurisd►ction to cansiitut�a unif.crnn sccau�ry inswment cavering real propecty. . ,,���.
<br /> LiNIFORM COVANAN'I:9.Bc►rrower and I..enxtcr coven�nt and agrce as follows: .�`�.
<br /> .I 1.Payluent a t P r[nc ipa l+en d b�t s r e s t;k V e p�r n e n t and Gate Clhar ges. Barrower shall promptly pay when due the .
<br /> , principal of and 'nnterest on the�de•�t evidenced�y�`:e r�ote and any prepuyment and late charges due under the Note. �;
<br /> Iicable law ar to a writicn waiver by Lender, Bonower shnll pay to ��,:,•
<br /> 2.Funds for Taxes aud lus•urt¢n.ce. Subjcct to app .�•. ,..-
<br /> I.ender on the day monthly paa�rnent3 are dua un�icr 1hc Note,un a l t hc Note is p a i d i n f u U,a s u m("F u�'i)����oid paymenis ""'7.�r:
<br /> and assessments which m�y a�«�P�anCi avcr�.his Security Insm�ment sis u lien on the Propc�i(bfl Y�uY���premiwns,if ' �:�
<br /> or gaund rents on the Pcoperty��if any;(c?Year�i hazard or property insurance premiums:(d)Y Y ;:�
<br /> �Y:(�)Y�ly mortgage insun�ce premiumn. if nny; and(�anY sums payable by Borrower to I.ender.in accordance with the .,:.���
<br /> �, provisions of paragraph 8. in ii�u ef U�e pnym,ent of monga�e insurance premiums. 'Ihese items are called "L�scmw Items." ..:
<br /> „.i.�m��
<br /> Lender mssy,at any time,collec3 and hold.FLnct�in an art►aunt not to eaccxd ihe ma�cimum emount a lender fot a federa�ly rela ' :.�:4__.
<br /> �'���f��• mortgage loan may require far Darrewer's esr.row zccountunder the fedecal Real&tate Seulemen��ocr.dures��°�lalesser _s;:;r_�;
<br /> amended from time to umc. 1.'.U.S.C.S�ctlan 2b01 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that app r �:',y_,1_:
<br /> ,;' �, amounG If so. Lender may,a. cnY tunn. co1l�:ct and hold Funds in an amount not ta excced the les�er amount I.e�►der may , .F��
<br /> •:��:�
<br /> �.••�
<br /> � e s t u n a t e t h e a�e o unt of Funds ciuo on tho bnsis of current data and rebsonable estimatcs of expendipues of Cuwre Escrow tems or ���
<br /> � otherwise in accordance with a�!pUcabla Istw. ��'�_
<br /> insuumentali ,or endty(including �'�=�•=°
<br /> � The Funds shall be held in on insiiUitian whose deposits are insurcd by a federal agency, 1 �e���paY � �aW �-
<br /> ----— l�.enaer.if Lendcr i�s�ct ar�io:�situti�si:^r u'- e"y Federal Home Laan Bank.Lende�r shaU aPP Y �
<br /> L:. Items.Lender may not charge k3arrcewer fen c��tding and applying the Funds.annually enalyzinB the escn°w't�c°a"+,v'�`ri�'i�8 `
<br /> tho Escrow Items,unless I-enoS;a pays Eorxowet interrst on thc Funds and applicable law pemiits I.endes ao mnke such a charge.
<br /> service used by
<br /> •� s Howcver.I.ender may require 9onau+cr �o Isu�Y R ane-dme charge for an independent real estate tax�m�or applicable law
<br /> :,•,.,:,,�,::,,:
<br /> Lender in connecdon with thit loatt.uafe;�c a�plicable law provides othenvise.Unless an agceem
<br /> .. .,„z;,. requires interest to be paid.Lw�drr shall not Ue required w pay Borrower any interest or eamin8s on the�nds.Bortowu and �
<br />- Lender muy agrce in writing,iz�wever,tlwt int,uest shall bo pald on the Funds.Lender s�i+110��c��h dcbit to the Funds was
<br /> annual accountin6 of th,e Funola,showinB cr�dits and debits to the Funds and the pucpo
<br />. •,. 1 made.'The Funds are plsdged<<�adrlitiannl secEUity for all sums secured by this Sh b e law.I.e dec shall account to Borrower for
<br /> If the Funda held by I.end:a exceed die ar�nounts perniiuecl to be held by xpp'
<br /> '�.' �` the excess Funds in accordance with tlie requ:�ements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at anY tune�g
<br />' >?�,.;� -
<br />-;��•� �•`�"� not sufGc{ent to pay�he Escrovr Ituma when cGuc,I.ender may so notify Bonower in wrisin8.and,in such case Boirow'er s PaY
<br /> . ::�:;,,' •
<br /> to Lender the amount necess�Y t� muke u�the deficicncy. Borcower sha11 make up the deficiency in no morc than twe ve �
<br /> y,..:..;..•,� monthlY PaYments.ut Lendcr's sole 'dticnedom.
<br /> ' ,f:'��.�, - Upc�n payment in full of c�'1 sumA s:,c.�ued by this Secucity Instru►nent,I.ender shall prompdy refund to Bormwcr any Funds
<br />- p 4i 2i.Le�sder shall acquirc or sell the PropertY.Lender,pr+or to the scquisiann or sfile of ihe
<br />�` `'••�a`•�:�" held by Lender.If.uuder pa►r,�tip
<br />-�t' property,shsill apply�ny Fun�lS hcld by L�nder at the mne oF acquisidon or sale as a credit against the sums sec�red by this
<br /> • •� Secu�ity Instrumen� --
<br />� "• `' 3.Applisation uf Paymenlo. Unless applicuble law provides othenvise,a11 puyments received by Lender under par�aVhs
<br />_ " � 1 end 2 shall be applied: first,to any �repayment chnrges due under tho Note;second,to amounts payab(e under paraBraPh Z:
<br /> -��-:;.��:,:;+��
<br />� . third,co interest due;fourth,co Y�r(ncipnl dua;������Sments,charges,finos and irr►posidons aurtbutable to the Property _
<br /> ",;.,;,, "" 4.Charges;L1ena. Borrov,er shall pay gorrower shall pay these
<br /> '�'`'''H - wnich may auain�,r;uiiiy�vc:tiµs 3e�:t=:�Y T"�n""�rnt.and leasehold paymenLS or grovnd rents,if anY• ---
<br /> ... �.,, ..
<br />- � obligadans in the mnnner provle�cr�in p�urapxaph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time directiY to the -
<br /> :� „� person owed payment Borcowee shnll promptly fumish to Lendcr all nodces of amounts to Ue paid under Ihis paraBmPh•If _°-_--
<br /> Bo�rower makes these PaYments rairectly.$orrowcr shall prompily fumish ta Lende�receipts evidencing thepayments. 6_�_.�.-,
<br /> F`:-.:-
<br /> r.�� -:.-w-�.�.
<br /> Hoaower shall promptly di4c9�nr(;e any licn which ha�pdority over this Sec�uity Inswmen�untess Borrower.(a) agcc�s in v:
<br /> . � : writinng to the payment of the ob'_i��tion secured by the lien in a manner acceP�ble to Lender;@)contests in good faith the lien u�_.�-._
<br /> " ' " by. or defends against enforce�rrat af the Gen in, legal procecxlings which in the Lender's opinior� operute to PreYet►�the -
<br /> ,. , enforcement of tt►e lien:or(c)sec�►res from thc holdes of the lien en agreement satisfactary to Lender subordinating tlie lien to
<br /> �his Secwity[nstrumene Ii I.u�w%i vcyHosrower a oti.ce denti�y ng the li n.Boarower st�a11 satisfY ihe lien or tnketo e or more
<br /> , ' gecurlty Instrumcnt,Lcndcr may g
<br /> ` of the acbons set forth above w�tl�sm lU dnys of t}�e giving of nodce. Form ao2s o�90
<br />_ ,...
<br /> `��' � Ptflo 2 018 INtl�ls:.
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