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• ! " ,i-� H �. l •� 'fr-.-.w ._ <br /> ,.r t 1 "�Srle�r r ci`r'�%� ? , ,c -`, � syry.'� ^ <br /> " . ,{ 'l.�t a7Ak"7+a'3�+;k�. ..,, _ <br /> t _;t_ :t.,'i�.:�s::::u-«a.r.:.lr3t�iiS.+a'�v' Ue'�F i ;w.�..L,1ti��H.�.�u.o3i]sia+.�as -+.«..��n.:...,�....�,�—_.� -.- <br /> �. . __' _ ___ . <br /> . 9�._ �'7 <br /> yxdods that I.ender rcqutrcs. '!he insumnco cardcr providing�Iw insumnm sha116o choun lry Dorroxxr su6ject�n I.�ndorY � <br />�-" approval efikh shsll na bo unreaspn�6ly wid�hdA. If OortuWxr fads�o mnimnin caverago described dove.Luider may,at ------------ <br /> I.rnderY opion,obtain mverogo to proiat I.enAerk righ�s in�he!'ropeny in oanrdance wi�h parograph 7. <br /> AII Insurance pollcleF and nnowals shall bo acceqnblo to t.ender Tnd shnll indndo a s�andazd mmgage dnuse. Lcnder <br /> shall havo ihe dght to hold�Iw poHcics and rcncwais. if I.cnder nqutres,6orrowor sha11 prom{xiy give m I.ender ail rcaipts __-_ <br /> of p�id pn�miums and renewal no�ices. in tho event of loss,Botrower shnll gtvo promp�notiw to�he insurona cr.rticr and - <br /> � Lcnder. I.cndcr may mnko proof of loss If nm madc promµly by Onrrowor. �_ <br />-� -� Unicss I.endcr ar,d Rorco�ser o:h:rnise agree in xTtiing,insvmnre prxuds ahnll i+�nppiicd i�rcxmr��lon or rcpatr of _____,_ . <br /> tUo Propeny damaycd,U tho nstora�lon or rcp�fr Is economiwlly femiblu and l.ender§ sccuriiy is nm Icssened. If iho - � <br /> restoraqon a n�+air is nnt economicaily kasNlo or I.cnderh securi�y would lw Iesscncd, �Le insur.vieo procceds shall Iw -�.z __ <br /> aFplMd ro dr vmu sesureC by U�is Saumy Instmmcm,whuher or no�thcn dnc,wi�h nny cxccss pald l0 13ocro�vet I( -{,,:_, <br /> Bcrrower abaadans[tu:?ra,rny,or dnes not nnswer wiih(n 30 days a nottm from I.cnder ihat U�e insum�z canter has „�,r.�. <br /> ofCercd ro sr.n5:s ctaim.�k:n ExMS:r may mlicct tho insur.vico proceeds. l.enQer may uw tho pvcerds to cepar or ratae 4;..`.�.� <br />_ �te HnFeny at ro pay v�ms sucan:d by�his Secud�y Instrumcm,whcthcr cr nat tden duc. 77ic period wi(t 6egin at�en {%-;';:.. <br /> �ho notica is givea. '�- " °. <br /> Unless Lsrdcr ar.rt ao:r•.��rr o�henvis¢ngreo In writing,any ticatioa of picmzds to principxt shatt extend a °- " <br />'— pos�pono tM.drr,dare d u`K mrnnRly paymcnts rc2m:d to in pvag�u t and 2 w cti.ingc�hc amoum of the payur.nts. !f �,;'; _ <br />�-- under paragraFh 21 th:fte�tty is acquircd by Lender,poROwer3 iipj:c to any inmrance poiicies and preceeds rcsuhing ��ty �',"- <br /> from d�msge 4o thc Roprn��prior m ihe acquisf�ion shall pass to Lendcr to�he extem of the sums secured by ihis Security �'lls� �-, <br /> .-= Insmm�emimnxdiatelypr{or�uWeacyuisiflon. iJx� <br /> _ 6. OaupwneY� Prrurnifon, Alalnfenance r.a�d �'ro:rcid�� ot the Pro,ptrty; HorroKCr's Loa� A�a�lkatlon; -s`t��^�"r,-- <br /> 7.easthotds. 8orrox�e�sl�all oceupy,alablish,and use t�r SYq.^eny as Uorto�rerh pcincipa1 raidence wiihin siu.y c�:ys after sin-� <br /> ,t �he executlon of Ihis Sceurity InsWment and shall mntim��l to occnpy the Pmpzny x fl oROwerh principa l rev.isca:c for al t�,F�� <br /> � Ieast one yeu aller �he date of occupancy, unless Isndtr othzrx�se agms in ariting, wAiefi consem aRill no� be ,� <br /> � unrcazonably wi�i�held,or enless extenua�ing elrcumsiar.tts exisi�c3�ich am beyaid aortower4 cortn�t. 6orroaer shall no� �;' ;.. <br />-s'� deslroy.damagc or impafr the PropMy,allow�he Propcny ro detcrin.zte.or commit wu�c on the f'ropcny. Uorcower shall p _��: -.=x_=�: <br /> be In ddault if any Podelitve action or proceeding,whe�her eivil or criminnl,is te�.vn that in Lenderk goad faith judgmem i�';�j `��'�'"' <br />--. .� could result (n (orRiturc of�he Propeny or othe`wise mareriolly imp�ir che Ln:.nated by �his Security fnstrr.mxm or g+��r� � <br />``�� Lender's seturi�y Imeres�. Borrox�er may eurc such a defauit and rcinsta�e,as pnnu5ai in paragreph 18,6y causir.g¢he action f���q�„:y=_'_ <br /> or pra.•uding m be dismissed with a�uling�ha6 In Lendet4 good faith dncnznnen,przcludes fodeimrc of�he Homower4 � �� .. <br /> �^j intercst in�he FYoperry or aher matedal impatrtnent of the lien crcate7 Fg:„ia Securiiy Insirvment or I.enders securiry ;.��5,P -,� - <br /> j intcrtsL 6�croe'ct ahall �Iso bc in defauh If Dorrouer, during t;c laan :�fLcation pracus, garc materially falu or i,`t`�fi <br /> { Inaccur�te infortna�ion or su!ements to Lender(or failed to provide Len:ar w�i:k azy mi�edai infom�a�ioN In eounecdon wi�h :f ' ''4.: <br />-_st;� �hc luan evidenced by ttic note, including, but not limi�ed io, reprtnemat;ora•vamming DoROwer4 occupancy of the ,�J fa, <br /> - _ pr�.Feny ac a principal res"r.i:nce. If�his Secumy instrument is on a IeaYhold.Qoirmeer shall comply w11h all the provisions '`..��`�.'.-- <br /> -� of the Iease. If Dorrower nrquircs fcc�i�le w thc Propeny,�hc Ieascho7A:+^d the fce ti�le shall not msrge unless Lender agrces - �r i <br /> to tlic mcrgcr(n wri�ing. 2�1�}FP -; <br /> `� 7. Protecilon of Lender's Rlghls 3n tl�e Property. If 6ortowcr fails �o pcdortn �he�v�rcnaNS arA agreements ,�-t <br /> ' wmained in �his Saurit Imstrwnem,or�here is a Sral rocecdin �ha� ma +! oeS:caml atfec� Lenderk c:g6ts in the �l'�°1 <br /> :`i X b P 8 Y�F Y -/..,:,e;�;c-�-;. <br /> Propeny(such as a proceedin_ in bankmpicy,probaie.Yor condemna�lon or fodeinne o�w en(orce laws or regGla:ions),thrn ����;�;�t�_-. <br /> « Lender may do nnA pay for wha�ever is necessery�o pv�ect�he value of�he Pro;a.c and Lender�dghts in tnr Propeny. .��x�t�� :_ <br /> - Lender�ac�ions may tnelnde paying my sums securcd by a 11en which has priori�y ocer�hts Security Instrumem,appeadng .,.p 4,,n,:,_� <br />- - in coun,paying rcasonablc a�rome s'fccs and emcrin on tlic Pro n to makc rc urs.Althou h Lendcr ma �akc aaion !`"-!'-'!'y'-==' <br /> Y 8 Pe Y P� b Y i�;.:�.;,t,.• <br /> - undert6isparagnph7.Lcnderdoesnothavetodoso. �,��".t?��- ��' <br /> ,�-• <br /> - Any amonms disbaR�t by Lender under�his pa:ag�aph 7 shall become adAftiosal Jeb�of dorcower secured by�his -:w � - <br /> = Securily Insimm.m. Ur,'r.�E'ortmrer:md Lender agree io other�erms of pnymrn6 th:se amoums shall bev ineerest from�he ` ' <br /> = dxte of disMmemem a�cle 2:a+e ra�e and shall be payable, with intercs�,upon imtice fmm Lender�o Oorcower requesting ���:%��j�.-ts <br /> r.�:;i� paymem. •::;;�'}f%'.��-. <br />:��_� S. n9•.�cagr.�e 4r.surance. If Lender rcquircd mongage insurance as a condi�ion of making t7re loan uwred by thfs "�.-'-%^.'-�. <br /> Sewri� In>vumem,Bna•exer shall a �he rcmiums rr uimd to maiinoin�he mou a c insumncc in cf@ct. If, for an ;: ���'��"���� <br /> Y PY P 9 BS Y . r�'-� <br />,;f; r.acon. �he ntongage I.n�annce covenge rcquired by Lender Wpses or ceases to Ue in effecL Uorrower shall pay ihe ;?;1'%"'���.. <br /> ��.:::;:.: <br />:;i�N prmfums ru�nircd �o atsa�n coverege subxlanlially equivolem m �he mongage insurance previously in efftt6 a� a.ost ,�h';;`F"�s=:.� <br /> subsmmially equivalent ro�he cost m Oorrower o(ihe mongage insumnee previouxly in effec�,fmm an altema�e mongage �: i ,.- <br /> _�� insnrcr nppro��ad by Lender. If substamially eyuivatent mongage invvance covemge is no�available,Ourromer shall pay to .,���� r! -. <br /> - Lrndcr cafi«�osdi a sum ryual�o one-n�elNi of�hc yearly mongafr iasurance prcmium txing paid 6y Oortox-er whcn the �'.< < � <br /> insurance coceragc lapsed orceaxed�o bc in effcci. Lendcr will acccp�,use and rciain�hesc p�ymems as n loss raervc in lieu <br /> .-.i of mongage incmmxe. Lou rcscrve paymems may no lan�ter Ix rcqui�ed,at rfm option of l.ender,if mongage insur:u�ce <br /> -' coverage(in�he amoum• ihe periad�ha�Lender uqwrcs)provided 6��nn�r�.u:zr approved by Lender again beeomes - ,� <br />.�_.� available an:!ix o6taineA.6orrower chall pay�he pr.�r.a�ms«quircd ro maimain nz�c:_�ge insurance in e((ec�,or w provide a ;�; % <br /> loss resene.,n�il the rcquircmem(or n:rcee.�ge insaran:r tnJc in nccorJance wi�h ar,y w�nt�en agrcemem beM�cen UoROwer -' .` <br /> -�� and Lcnder o:applicabic la�r. �t> �����' <br /> _ `� 9. Inspeetion. Lender or i�s agrnt m,a makr reawnabie emries upon and in.prc�ions of�he Propeny. Lender shall 1 ,. <br /> givc 6orto�rcr noticc at�hc iime of or prior�o aa ir.<rcrucn spccilying rcawnablc r.m�t for Ihc incprclion. �i��h��•:`. <br />. =' 10. ConAemna�ion. The pnxeed�of:m�aua�d m c)aim for damagez,dintix.c wnr.ecG,n wilh anY + �; r:-.. <br /> •� , a` <br /> � Sr..glcFi d} �Far.r.�e�bri'+<turllacUSIFORVI�STRI'�fE�1 lodnnnCmen.�n:. 99J :wt�!I�ry:er+� `.'. <br /> ��xR <br /> y iortvbCN I.vASb9m�=P\15�6i9L1U� <br />:;:!F .,:J .'___ . <br /> u _..., �,.._...� �--,.,.�......:..��...- ......._ ._._.--�•-...��.�_�--��...,.-....Y �l� � <br /> . <br /> �Hr —.. .--- .:.:-_. .....>.....�s...--, <br /> :1. ",.�('ryP..� � . . " <br /> ir _ . . . . ., � <br />. .itr_�_ _ . _ . . .. . � . -. ' . <br /> - __ _ . . . ' _' _ _ , _ <br /> . - - ' ___ ' __ -_ " _ __' _ . .___. <br /> �,t/r+!:::. -. . . .. - -.. _ _ , r . <br /> ' .y �.-F.; . . . - <br /> , t ,. :.. . . _ <br /> ti� l. '}' " . :�'�, . � � - - . , �. <br /> J _ _ r. . <br /> ��'f � ,4 ,. . . . ' - . <br /> ,at. . `�' . ' - . ' . .. <br /> ".���,� . . - � � ��.• . � " � . . - . <br /> � _y". : . �� , - . <br /> � <br /> ^�rN�H`�4 S . F•, � .� .-;x . t . . - ' .�'t.t ,y��- .y-.j ... <br /> �� - � � ` �f r ' - . _ <br /> r � <br /> t � . <br /> � :�r 1 •� . <br /> tt .. _. . . . . . �.. .. . . . . . . . - ..� . _ ...t: / ' ' _ _'�� ... . , . �i �?-.�.: <br />