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9��...�iw'�e� <br /> bn or ahrr bicing of�ny put of flle Pto�ny,or tor rnnvey�nce in Ileu of conArmnailun,a�e hereby uslgn�d and <br /> � :11�paiJio[.tnda. --__ <br /> fn�ho event oP a tMat tnktng of�hc Vrop�tty,�ho procccd� shatl Iro apntizd ta dro cums sewrcd by ihlx Saariry <br /> � lnctrumm6 w1�Nhe�or na thcn duo,wiiH any cxttss pnid+o Iiorcox•er. in�ho cvem of a pnr0il uking ot�he ikn�eny in <br /> whlcl��ho fnfr mer{:et valuc af Iha fYo�xny Immcdi��<ly IxfMe ihe taking iscqunl lo nr gromcrth�n�he amant of tl�c swns <br /> socared by�liis Suufliy Inst�mont immalieuly befao aho lnking,anless tlorcower nnA I.endcr miKrwise agrce in writing. <br /> the sums suiarEd by t61s Securi�y(nsmmxm shAll ba rcAnced Ly t6c amoum ot iho prott{ds muliiplied by thc foilawtng <br /> frxilon: (a)i0c io�al amount of�he sums scc�rcd Immnflatel9 bcforo t6e mkinE.diviAcd by(b)tUo fair matkn v:+lue of tlio ir;;•=���_,�-� <br /> I'ropeny Immediately Uetore tl�e�arfag. Any balmca shail 6o pald to Oorco«•cr. In tho ovem of a panlal ioking of�ho � - � <br /> Pmperty In w)�Ich thc fafr markci vplaa of thc Propetly lmmatlalely ixfora tho Iaking is Icss than thc amoum of thc sums �._._._ <br /> secured immedtalcly Ixforo �iie ta�:in , unlcss Rorcoxxr nnd I.endor mhcmiso agrec in writing or unicss appllcn6le Imv s::: <br /> oa,�����ro��a�s,a����a�S��au npplicd�o�hc sums scenrcd by�his Securi�y tnummcm�vhcthcr or noi iho xums nro �'( <br /> thcn duc. � fi =,- <br /> If tlw P��+fy[s atr�r.rt�ceed by 6arrovrer,or if,nhcr no�ice by I.emkr eo f3arrower thu thc condemnor a(fcrs ro mnke ��; - <br /> ra awanS a xct:e a c[aira for Jama�.a.Borrowee tatls to resFond to Lend�r wi�3rta'fi b,xy�s aRer the date�he no�ica Is given. ?r' <br /> E.ertder!s auttwrizad�o cd'.m and a�iply the pcoroeds.�t iu oQticn.eithtt to n,-ste�tEOn or rcp�ir of dio Propeny a ro the -� <br /> x�nu�cvmt by[his Secunty tnswnv:nt, or nof thcn du:, i;,_,-=._. <br /> Un'r.>s(.eabx and Bvrmxtt ttt�rxise agrec in writing,any+pp�icu�ece of Froceeds�o princ(pal sha�l rrot extend a <br /> pos�pono iha duc dsteof tt�rt.�nU�ly payrnents rePartcd to in puagrapl�s i and 2 arch.mge thc amonm of such payrrtents. �.9�;�- <br />- 11. Hrnvr.�.�c �o: itebnwr.ii ForC�ra.nnee Sy I.endtr tid a 6M1btr2a: Exu:nsion o(tUo iim,e tor paym.m or t'';��,;.�� . <br /> modifintton of aroonizatto�of tbe sums securul by this Security InspurtTr.t granted by Lender�o any sucetsser ers imen:st �,;y,.�:.: <br /> of Borrower s'utl na op:nro m rciease iho liabiliry of the original 6olroxer or Baroaer's succeuors in in�.rast.LeaAer �1.+.;�r�,.__�� <br />- ahall noe IH: air.d ro eomm:nce r�eccli s a ainx� an suceessor in ir.:crest or refw�e to ex�erv.!«mc fa Nym:m er ?����-�.��=��. <br /> �i P �8 8 Y �-.,:., <br /> Whtnvise matify arnonization ot�he sums secan:d by�his Securi�y Ins��um+cm by rcawn nf any demand ma�by ttw.ori�iaa! tiY,.i"'._.:: <br /> Bqiower m Ocrmwrr4 succesmrs In(nterst. Any forbcamnce by Lender in e�cercising any righ�ar rem�y shaR nat bc o �1�;{=_' <br /> waiver of or pmcia.ia�he exercise of any righcn remedy. '' ''k.�; <br /> 12. SuttessoraendAsst as$ound d,ntandSCrrrallAabllit�;Co-sl een. '(ltecovenanisx:tia•rremetus.hhis ��J`��- <br /> 6 iJ ) R t �s�yl,-.:- <br /> s�ea�rity Inslmment shall 6fnd ond bencfit iho suceeswrs and auigns of Lendcr and Rortowcr,subjra�o the pro�•isioas of ;��=�'�•��� <br /> s-._�-,, <br /> p�ragreph 1�. Dorrower4 eoven�z;.mJ agruments shall bz Joim and sereraL Any Rorrower who co-<igns�hi> S:curiry �s,�,r�_. <br /> I�uwment but does na execum unr�u:e: (a)(s eoaigning Ihis Security Inswmem oniy to mongnge,gram a�A com�ey that �ytyf;��:�,:_ <br /> Bortower§in�erest In thc 1'roperty emdcr ttw tcans of tM1is Security Instrumcm; (b)is no�personaily oMi�;ned to pay�Ix sums =t,:.,,r:� <br /> secun;d b �his Sccura Insimmcm;and(c)a nes iha�Lender and a� o�hcr Rorron�cr m a ttt!o utend,modit ,fod�ear .;+���+'=-' <br /> or milce any accomm��ifons ��i�M1 regard �o�he temis of�his Sauri�y Instrumeni or he Note x�ithout �hat Rorrowerl �- -` • <br /> CU!1.'Y.71I. y I $ <br /> 13, i.oan Cha a. If the loa�� securcd b dils SecuA Inswment(s sub t to a law ahich xts muim¢m loan ��'� F � <br /> r6 Y Y k� �asl��_ .:: <br />- - enarges,and�t�ae taw is nnaliy interPreted so�6at fic ir.terest or odier loan charges mllecied or to oe cvllecicJ i�i cummciiui� y -� - <br /> wi:h the Ipan @sa»ii+xe permi¢ed Iimiis,then: (a)��y such Iwn charge shall be nduad by the amoum necesury m rrducc ��-� - <br /> zhe e��to 7hF pe�'mitted ifmir,and(b)any sums already milected from aormw�er which excecded pertnh�cd limits will be ,}" <br /> teFm� oUBrluwer. l.endermaychoosetomaketldsrcfundbyrcducing�hepdncipalnx�edunder�heNo�eorbymxkinga �t;•y:2F,_ <br /> dkux�nyment a 6orto�vee If a«fund rcduces principal,ihe reduaiion will be treaud a>a punial prcpayment��itho�i any =a;<,,:_;,__ <br /> pscpryn:em cliarge undcr ihe NoE:. i��Y. <br /> 14. IVdlces. Any notico m 6orcower provided for in�his Stturiry Inswment shall bc givcn by dcli��ering it or by � ��f �_ <br /> malling It by flrs�class mail unlcssapplfcable law requircs use of anmhcr me�hod.Thc no�icc shall Ix direcled�ot6e Propeny - <br /> t5,;,,_: <br /> Addrcss o�any other adJress Bonower designaies by no�im m Iw:nCee Any no�ite to Lender shall be given by firs�clus :(e���.-_;_ <br /> mail Io I.eodeh addrcss siated hrnin or any other addnss Lender designa�esby no�ice�0 6orton�cr. Any noiice provid�for �-'-' �_ <br /> in �his Secudty Instmmem �Cx+:'1 6e deemcd �o have bcen giren to 6onox�er or LcnJ.r when gircn as provided in ihis �ti �.5"` <br /> P�S�Ph• ey,,.,._,,:.<�. <br /> I5. CoverninR I.o�r,SesYrability. "Ihis Securiiy Inswment shall h govemed by kderal law and �he law of the -_ <br /> judsdiclion In wh�the Ru„�e:���is located. In�he evem thai any provision or claux of�hix Securi�y Insvumem or the Note �pw -�`� <br /> con0lets with swp;icab7e 3m�,such con(lin shail na al7eci oiher provisions of�his S�ruri�y Insuument or the Ko:e which can ��i �:� , -: <br />- 6e given eltec�wiihou:c�e a.ntliaing provision. To�his end�hc pmvi�ions of ihis S�YUri�y Instrumenl nnd�hc Nue are �r; ^ <br /> <ke6rd w Ue severabla l�,�:�` <br />- NR Borrox�er's Cop,r. Ltoaorver shall be given one confonnedcopy of�he�o:e:md of ihis Secumy Inswment. -��,::�:� <br /> I7. 7Yansterof ihe Yao,�crtf or n Deneficlal 1Nrresl 1n Dorrox�ee If nIl ur anp F.n of�he l'ropcny or a�y intercs�in �"�ti� -� <br />� It is sold or lrnnsferteA(or if a Mxficiai ineercv in Oortower ix solJ ur�nnstermd anA Borroner�s not a na:ural penoN �Ylts` ': <br />- wilhom Lender�prior wriucn wnsmt,Len'.cr may,m i�s option,reyuirr payir:m in YcU of alt sums secured by »k'. � <br /> th(s Securiry Insuumem. }k�ae�xr.�his op:eon shall na 1>e excrciceJ bp Ler.der if.xr<cisr is p�ohibi�ed hy feder�t faw u of eti{�j_;:_�- <br /> �hc da�c of this Securi�y Inscn,m�m. �j°{i��;'-� <br /> If Lender excrcfse<mi+�iion.LenAer shall give no::rc of arctkr��in.. "ftr,noiire shmll providr:+period of i�''ir:: <br />- noi Icss than 30 days Ycom chc Jarc�I::noitcc i.Acliccrcd or mvkd a�i:hin«hich Qorrnner miut Ic¢II sU0]S:SfUfCd E II115 �'�'�� -� <br /> R Y xrly`.7:-_`. <br /> Sccurity Ins�romui. It boirower fails tu pay �hcse sunu prinr �o�hr e+p[rofion of thi.periad. Lendtr ma)�invnke any �,«�;;_;,_.: <br /> rcmedies pemiieui hy this Stemiry h�slmmem wi�howlunher no�ice or.::r.ur.J on 13ortowtr. �.;iLr".c.. <br /> n.,T�,... <br /> I8. Dorrower3 Rlght a�o Refnsla�e. If dorto��cr mrcts ccnain mr,di�ionc. i3srm�er shall hare Ihc ri.h; !n havc �e. : <br /> ers!orcemem of�his Sceuriq inrmmeN Ji,eominuaYl��:mp+ime prior m ihe earlier..E ..0 5 J�ys(or sueh oi:a�Q:":CA 8S ��i�,e;s.�. <br /> SinFbfi�ul��--fSnnleVao7tedEte\1xl\IFOR\IIStiiNI'.NF.\i-l.-ennCn.<rac�- 9.90 yvt�+.rnNCn� '�I�t'�^�.� <br /> t.�.-�.'�[> <br />- � t a� . <br /> }-¢!. t _ ;.��...., " . . . .. . _� . � � _�.,�r..� �.v,.vl.y . ..n:v�:n't. �a ,•t" r <br /> t,. _.. ,-......_ ........... ..e,. .. <br /> } r � S �p�= F- �(�it <br /> iiil . � ._ _� _ . :� . _ _ . ° `;lr r . <br /> �k �: <br /> µ = -. -- —_ - ' - � — <br /> } < i�1- ' �� �5 .. . � . <br /> ti ' <br /> `,y�`���1� ` . - .. . .. . . . . <br /> jt - * ai� � .!: . _ . .. . _ <br /> ..t _;�.- . ' . . . .. <br /> z . <br /> fi� � � <br /> t i � � -+r '� t _ . . - . ,. .. - . � �`_ . <br /> Y <br /> �13fY. �i�15 1+�i1 j l. - � . . _ - , . ..- - . <br /> r � . - . ... - . <br /> - i 1- � ; � • � - <br /> f�,� ,i <br /> � , r � r ;� , t, , <br /> ik�� -f �� il- C� } 7 - 1%4 f ! e.�f- zlta. _ _ <br /> �y . c . , � . v -' )t. <br /> f"�i? , - r� .-)�`�1rf��?�J ' � 1 _ _�', ' YSl�. �S.S, e. {.��?.. . .�i :., t,d1.�r'�-.� <br /> � 3.5.,•- . ., .� .. .ix t . - . . _ . _.. . .. _ . <br />