<br /> _ } �l
<br /> t��i r���.i�{t at'}��1 -0i�J ;1i-� ��41`5..f- � y .�;�}�a� .
<br /> t tii�)�`.��`t]x, J��f ; k.{ tri� � r(� -.�n�.�i..�..sia,e.at 'h � � � Y,
<br /> _"...rr� J.ANUVl�tl��.ntlT.t..fi4fY!ii'a.:�33� ktT'�.'. - � '�'U :�. ........._.rF.-�e:.uf::t.t.
<br /> V�"" Wrs+�`�! .A'„
<br />- 'f[Y3E7i1ER 1YfTH alt tl�imp:ov�nxnts nme m tr.rcaller crcncJ m the propeny,end all caknx+i�s,nppuqrnanceF, �� -_..
<br /> ancl ftxturts rwv�or herwlicr a pan of ilw pro7r,��y. All rcpincemcros and aciditlons sLoli atm to covrrcd I�y U�Is Scai8ly
<br /> Insimmeat AlloftM1eforcgoingisrcferrcA�ointhisSccudlyinslmnxmutlw"li�opcny,"
<br /> DORROWGL CQYGNANfS tha�I3orto�ecr Is lawfully sdsaf of�he cs�ate hcreby mm�eqcA xnd has tiio dght a grent
<br /> and wnvey�ho hro�uny and thu the Prope�ty is anencumlxnd,except for encumbraims of rccoM. Iforrower wamams and
<br /> �vfll defend genemtly ttw title to�he 3'mperly agelnst nll ciaims and demaMts,subJec�to any encnmbnnws oi rxord. _
<br /> THIS SfiCURITY INSTftUMI'.�T combincs unifomi coce�snts for naiional ��sc and nomuNfntm mvcnams x•Uh ,.. ..-
<br /> Ilmited vndzilons by Jnd:dlctloa�o consil�uta a anifnrm seeudiy 6�strvnxnt rnvering rcal propcny.
<br /> UNlPORMCOVI?NAN79. Roiruwcrnndl.cnAcreovenantandagrcc�sfollows:
<br /> 1. Pa ment of Pdnci �I n�d Inleresh Prc n ro�ent and Lale Cli� cs. Oorco�rcr shall rom ti a wlicn duc thc F+��"-
<br /> Y n Py x P PYPY }t���
<br /> pdncipal of nad inten:st on tho dela evldenceJ by the Note,nd,ny pmpayment nnd Ima charges due under the No�o. ��,a�.��_
<br /> Z. Flmdsfor7hxcsnndlnsuranee. SubJecitoappIlcablelawortoawd¢enwaiverbyl.ender,Rorrowershallpayto c;>_,�.�.
<br /> Lendcr oa thc day manhiy paymems arc dnc undcr tho Noto,wuil thc Noto is paid in full,a sum("runds"1 for.(.)ya�rly r�`-".'.
<br /> taxes and assessmen�s which may auain priority over this Secu�ty Instmment as a lien oa iim Pmpeny:(b)yeady Ieauhoid t'-�°"` -
<br /> a mems or round rems on�ho Pro 'n if an (c) ead haxud or ro en insuranco rtmiums; (d) cad tiood �r'�:��°t
<br /> P Y 6 (K Y. Y: Y Y P P Y P Y Y �.»,--.
<br /> - insuancc p:�miums,i£any; (c)ycady mongogc insurnnco prcmiums,if any;and (0 any sums p�yab[c by Oorrouxr to - �:
<br /> ^��_:.
<br />. Lenekr,in aceordance wi�h the provislons oi pamgmph 8,in lieu of ihe Payntent of nwngagt insurur.Y Frtmiums. it�se ,y,:;:,�
<br />� � ilcrox u;eailcd"Pscrow I�ems." Lendcr may,nt any�imc,cotlecl aad hold I1mds in w unovnt�wt to excee�3 tt�z muimum ,'r(.`:'-
<br /> amount T Icndcr tor n fcdcrnliy rclated mongagc loan may rcquiro for 6orcowcr4 escm�r xmvmt u.n3er ehe fcCeml Real i��_`_�
<br /> ' Ps�ale Scniement Procedurcs Aat of 1974 ns amcnded from timc to time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 e+siv�.('RL•SPA"),unicss anateer 1(�,;,,�=�
<br />- �law�hat applies�o the Funds sees a Iesser amoum. If so.Lender may,a�any tin�,eoltet�and hold Fimds in an amoum rat to - = -
<br /> - excud the lesser amoum. I.ender mny es�imate ihe amount of Nnds due on ihe t�six of cnrrcnt daia and re.saubte bf� =.
<br /> criid�-,c>'of ezpendiNresof fa4rc Curow Icems oro�herwise i�z�xordan��:wi�h applicabk ta�. �t;�r;=;,�
<br /> Y3e R�nds shell Ix held in an Ins�im�ion whose depasiu :ee inmrcd 6y a federal ogrncy,inswmemali�y, or cmity �`-�':_;:�_
<br /> (inE1-•ii�Lender,4f l.ender is such an Ins�i�mioN ar In an RAz�1 Ilonx La�n Uank. Lender shail a 1 the Ponds lo � �'+'_���� �
<br /> � Y PPY P•Y i.:.,.
<br /> the Esa:o�citzms. A.�zder may not charge IInRO��er Por hoiding and applying�he I1:nds,annually analyaing�hc curow ar•;=-�.
<br /> .eeoua:, mr rerifyEag rtx Csemw Ilems, unkcs l.ender pays Qorcooror imercn on �he!'unds and applicab!e law ptrtnits `�i,t,°'i
<br /> Lencler�o make wch a charga However,Leni�v may require IIorcox�u�o pay a one-time eh,rge for.v.�ir.depender.�real 7t��!,`-..�
<br /> est8i:anx rtpotting servlcc uscd t�y L,.ndcr in eonnce�lon wi�h ihis loan,unless appltcnblc 1���provida ofierwiu. Unless an �,�x=_si=
<br /> ,r,;:
<br /> agr�waxr.l is made orapplicnblc l�+x r.quires interest to be pald,Lcndcrshall no�be rcquiced�o pay Oortower any intcrs�or �p,,;,t,
<br /> canlings on�hc f�nds. UorcowcrnaP.l.enAer m.z}�ngrec In wri�ing,houercr,�hat interes�shatl bc paid on ihe f•Lnds. I.endcr 'r<;�::_--
<br /> shall givo to Qorrower,withom chmge,an ursnw[r�aouming of ihe lLnds,showing creJi�s�md debl�s w�he Funds and tl�c �Li.i:;-.�
<br /> ' pvrpose for which each debit lo ihe(�nds�v,�s m+:a_. The Punds are piedged+u additlonal xecuri�y for all sums seeured by ��f�,:___
<br /> thL�c:��et;Ins:�e�:�. _,t9„-.
<br /> I£ahe Fur.ds 2�z1A Dy I.ender exceed �hu�nmuunis pennitt:d to be heid 6y applicable law, Isnder chall necoant to �`��,"�`-^`-'
<br /> Oam�wef tot�he excess Mnds irt occordance wl�h the r ulrcmems of a Ilcable law. 1f ihe amount of ihe ILnds hel:l b �y��:-
<br /> ul PP Y �n,__;,,
<br /> l.endcr mi any frtnc ic nd sufficien.�o pay�hc Earow I�cros when Auc,Lendcr may so nolify Rortowcr In wri�ing,and, in .-p._-
<br /> such wse DoRO«�r shn11 puy to:i.er.der ihe nmouN nettssary to make up t[ir de�iciency. Dortower shall make up�he ��-;�:':
<br /> deliciency in no rr.orce4an�wche montlJy paymrms,at LenderL r.otc Aikretioa. �'�"_'=-�
<br /> Upon paymens i:�iu:l of ail snms seeurcd by this Seturiiy Ins�rumen6 LerAer shall promptly refund to 6orcower any -���.
<br /> Ponds he�d 6y Lender. If,under g:uagreph 21,Lender shall acquire or ull ihe Propeny,Lend.r,prior lo�he atqulsi�ion or �,y:-.
<br /> sale of�he Property,sh�ll apply any�unds hcld by Lender a�tha t(me of acquisition or sal.as a credit agains[the sums .�<<::�_-
<br /> sccurcd by thfx Sccu�i�y Insuvmcni.
<br /> 3. Applicetinn o�Payments. Untess ,-plicable taw provides oihenvise, all paymems rccciv�+ try I.ender under ���� •_-
<br /> puag2phs I and 2�tr.dl be nppiied:firs4 m any�:payn:enl chnrges due anehr�he Note:second,io amoums payable under
<br /> paregraph 2;third.lo intercs�d:c;founh,to princir„t due;anet laq,io any laie charges due under�he Note. .'3<,,.
<br /> A. Charges; Uenx Oorrower shall pay all iaxes, xasasmems,ch�rges, fines and imposi�ions a�tribuiable ru atic - p;-�
<br /> Propeay �chkh may auafn priori�y over�his Sceuri�y Inswmen,and I.�seholJ paymems ur ground rcnls,ff any. Bc��av:rr rti;;'��=-
<br /> shall �•these obii ations in the manner rovtdcd In ara n� h?.or If ttt d in�hat manner,Dortower shall a ihrm on ��y "•
<br /> P•5 £ P P S P� P�:: P Y �....,_..
<br /> �Ime direcily�o�he F.nos owed paymem. Dorcoixer sh�ll promp�ly fumi.<h tn Cer,der all noiices of amoums to be paiJ ciuler S�,{+�:.':
<br /> �hts ua rz h. If Bo:rox�er makes ihae i mems dirccil .Oomower thill rmn il fumish�o Lender recci is evidencin `""'�
<br /> P S P P•Y Y �F P Y P S 1)?i•°L'r-
<br /> �hc payments. �:;y;;r-_:
<br /> 6oirower shall promptly discha�ge any lieai x�hich has priori�y wer�his Securiry Ins�mmem uniess Oorrower.(o)agrces �!�4[;;<t'
<br /> in ariting ro the paymem of�hcob:igadon sewred by�he licn in a munneraaep�ab:e�o L.r i:r,(b)contests in good faith�he `-��°- -�'
<br /> Iien by,or dcfcnds�gains�enfo:ccmrm o(�hc Ifen in.legal proccedings�vhich in ihc LenAcr�opinion opera�e�o prcvem the (b.n 1 �
<br /> enforcemem o(lhe licn;or(c)ucures from ihr M!der of the licn an agrcrment sa�isfactory m I.ender suho:Jina�ing�he lien l
<br /> ro tlds Security Ins�mmem. I(Lendcr dc�cmiir.es+hai any pan o(ihe Propeny is suhjea�o a lien w�hich niay auain prioriry ,^a,_.,_�-
<br /> over this Securi�y InswmenL Lender moy gi�e+R.ao��cr a nolice idenlifyinF Ihe lien. Rortower shall salisfy Ihe lien or lake �
<br /> onc or morc of thc aetions sct fonle aMrc wi�hin 10 Jays uf�tr civing of notiec. y� �--
<br /> 5. liamrd or Property Insurance. Uonow.r shall Acep ihe improecmems now r�is�ing or hercafter crcacd e��he -.
<br /> Propeny insured agzinci loss 6y fire,hazards inclxded�eiihin the�emi"ex�cnded cover.�ge"and any o�her ha�ards,i�xledinF -"'° -
<br /> floods or Oooding, f.e uhich Lender rcquires is;ur;mce. This inwrance zhall M maimained in the amouNS and fn� �be ry;•-r__:
<br /> ..�j.5„
<br /> -�,�_`4=_.:
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