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<br /> � � � � . .. . O/w�--° �U►313� �°.:
<br /> • �,��yment:,�r�n;� ttn h�ng�rr bc rcyuir�:d,nt th�� opuun of I.�nder. ir mortgngc insur,uuc cuvcragc<in thc arnount mzd for thc periocl �;:
<br /> � thnt Lcizd��• r�;w+iis�sl��rovidcd hy nn inrur��r np�mv�:d by I,eca�Jer a�g.iin bccun►cr avuilubic:and is ub�iiincd. purrowcr sNall pay �_
<br /> t the premiuroy requ�.r.ccl to nuiintnin ntnrt�i��ta int�ur+►nrc in �ffcc�..��r t��pravidc u loss rescrvs,until the rcquircmcnt for mortgngc _
<br /> . �� insuruncc endo in ar.sordunce with any writtan a}3ree►uent Uenti�c:en Bnrrnwer nnd l.endcr nr uvpl icable liiw.
<br /> 9, ItY!{(JCCt�r11'A•Lcndcr or its iiFcnt ni��y mnLc rcationahlt:cnU•ir.s upon and ins�c�inns of th� Properry. l.cndcr�hall give �_
<br /> B��rro�ver ttrtti�:c at Uic tmic of or prinr ro i�n inrperti.m 5p�cifyi�.�y ru►:,onnblc causc fnr thc inspec�ion. ---
<br /> �'������ lOti Cv�ar�r.n.r.r.f,nt�crn. Thc pn►ccedf� of any nwi�rcl cir cliiitr.�for dnmagcs, direci or conscs�ucntiul, in ronncction with uny
<br /> condcnrrmtiore�x other taking of nny pnrt �f�he: Property,nr ft:r convcyancc in licu of condeenn<<tion, ure hcreby assigned and
<br />- ��!��'�' shnll b�:�ra�ir!tn[.ender. �
<br /> � , � ln.t'n.r.evert of a tc�tal t:tking of tha Prnperty,d�e proceecir,shall be npplicd to thc swns scrurcd by this Security isistn►ment,
<br /> , ;� �' whetlnir or nnt th�n Juc, with any excr.s�, pnid to Flarrower. fu thc evcnt uf a p�utial taking of thc Property in which thc fair
<br /> markec vphar,c�f dt.�f'roperty inuncdintnly befurc the takin� it�cqual to o:greatcr than thc amow�t of thc so►ris secured 6y this _
<br /> �� Sccur��y I�nstsumr.n.t immediately bcfom tha taking, unlcs,B�rrnwcr and L.endcr otl�erwise agree in writing, the sums sccurcd by
<br /> �•.
<br /> �' this &;cun[y Imstn►ment shall bc redused by the amount ot' intie proceeds multiplied by ihe following fractian: (u) the tot�
<br /> � amouirt of tS�.e sua�s sewrcd immcdintaly beforr.the tulcing, divid�d Uy (b)the fair markct value of the Property immediately �,_
<br /> �
<br /> ' � befour t.h�: takina. Aiiy balance shall hr. pnid to E�orrower. T�� the event of a partial taking of the Property in which tl�e fair
<br /> •• :,�` , markat vnlar,of tlT.c Property immedintnl��.�3efnrc:tl�e tu{cing is less than thc amount of the sums secured immediately before the —
<br />. t�kin�t•, an.less �urroa�er and Lender ott►erwir,e agrcc in writin�t or unless appiicable law othenvise provides, the proceeds shall
<br /> � _ be nppii��;c�t�tSic sums sec�red by thie 9ecuriiy instrument�vhecher ar not the sums ure thendue. �
<br />-' '�' . i`che Property is ubn�idoned by Ilvm�o�ver,rn� if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers ta make an _
<br /> award a� settle t� daim for damages, C�c�erower fnils to respand to Lender within 30 days after the date tha notice is given,
<br />_ � ��y L.endcr is stuthvrixed to�ollr.ct and appl+�a.�u:proccecis,at its option, either W restoration or rcpair of the Property or to the susns
<br /> .�'�� securc�f�l�y thiz Sacurit}�ln:�trument,whctlteror not then due. __
<br /> ��°� Critl,sss Lendcr and Boirc�wer ott�erwisc u�rce in writiug, any application of proceeds to principat shall not extend or
<br />__ � FostpoiTC�thc duc datc of the monihly pn��ments rcfc;�red to in ��ar�graplis 1 and 2 ar chan�e the am�unt of such pAyments.
<br />- � ' Ik. �oci•ower Not Itcleused;ko►•lrEarnnce liy Lcndcr 1'dut u ��uive�. Extension of ih� time for payment or modificatian
<br />- �°•� of amor��;eatir�n of the sums secured hy►kins Seeurity Instrwnert granteJ by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> '' �,t not oper.an:t�releuse dm liubility of the originul AoiTOwer or Aorrower's successors in i.nrerest.Lender shall not be required to
<br />� � `_•� �' commenae nrc�ceedings ageinst nny succes,:�ar in interest or rc:£use to extend time for payrnent or otherwise modify amortization
<br />'��`��`'"�� af the sitms secared by thih Saeurity Instrument by reasa�n of any demand made oy coe originai Bo�.uwci �i ��•��r'�
<br />_���� �•- ���r��p., ,; successc�n i�n interest. Any forbea�unou t+y Lender in excrcic�ing any right ur remedy shall nat be a waiver af or preclude the
<br />'e' '��' s��' excrcisn of any right or re�nedy.
<br />-_,�,..,:.,,�,. .�
<br />=:y�;i�:-�;�+'; ' 1:E. S�ccccssors nud As.vign� P3usemds Joint n��d SeF�cu�al Liabllity; Co�signers. The covena�its und agreements o1 tl�is
<br />�- "`'�'�' �'r" Securiu� Imatu•ument shnll bind ar�d Em�aei��t tlte successors and assigns of i.,ender and Burrower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> .,z..'it.;��
<br />_-=����,��;Q`. parag�ap-h 17. Bunowcr's coventuns u►i� aga�eements sholl be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry
<br />.�;:;�fy��� Instrum�nt a�ut does not execute the Nate:ta) is co•signin� this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br />�.;;�r__�:,_:;5�,.�� Borrov»er's interest i�tha Propei�ty und�r alie terms of this Security Instrument;(b) is nct personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> a=�--•=.�T�^�� secur�u� �y this Swcurity Tnstrument;and(c)�grees d��t I..enr3er and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,farbear ar
<br />=-��':�.�"_`�.+� make any accommod�tions with regu��l to the terms of this S�curity Instrument or the Note without that Bonower's consent.
<br /> �"a`"°��'�ID b3. L�t�n�e Churgcc. If eha loan seeuced by this Secuiir.y Instrument is subjeet to a law whieh sets muximum loan eharges,
<br />� ry-"'""�'y.y�3i and tturt I,�w ie Gnally interpreted so�l�nt the intei'est or or3ier loan charges collected or ro be collected in cannection with the
<br />__.� w.__,u.�f� loan exseed t�ir.�ermitted limits, then: laj anY sucl�lo�n cl�ar�c shall bc rcduccd by the amount nccessary to reduce the charge
<br /> � _,,,�;� to tha pennitCed limit:and (b)any sums alrcudy c�llected fmm Borrower which exceeded permitteci limits will be refundetl to
<br /> ___==��.a go�Qau�er, Lender mny choose ta +nu�:e tl�is i�efund by rtducing the principal owecl under the Nute or by making a dircct
<br /> -.-- —�-i paym�int v� t3arower. lf u nefund reduces principiil, the reduction will be tmatcd as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> --=_"�""�'-� prepaysr.lent chur�c wider the Note.
<br /> �' __""�"'��;� L�..Natfices.Any notice to f3orrower provided fa•in this Security Instrument shall be given by deliveri��g it or by mailing
<br /> ��s,_,� it by Ei�st clui;s muil unless applicable lu�v n:yuires use oFanothcr mcthod. The notice shall hedirected to the Property Addvess
<br /> �` or am�•ottntr aadress Borrower designates by notice to Lcnder. Any notice to [.ender shall be �iven by ftrst class cnail to
<br /> - -���� Lender"s adii�i�ss statul{ierein or any nther address I.,e��!er designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> ----=-�� Securirp Instuumcnt sltall bc dcem:;cl r�n havo bten given ts�Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragragh.
<br /> - '�=-�°��': 1S,Gu�c�crni�t� L1w; Scvcrr�ttilttv. This Sccurity Instrument shall be governed by federal law and thc law of the
<br />_�-����`� iuri�dimo��n in whiclti the Propertp I�:IucuteJ. in the event thnt any provision or clause o(this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> .-. --��.n:�'�,_
<br /> -_--- =,,-.,.�.. conflicta�vit6�a�rpli�.able I�w,such cnntlict shull not affect othar provisions of this Security[nstrument or the Note which can be
<br />-::�_;,'.G`��:�;��� given ef��tct wit6tout tl�e contlicting provisinn.To thiti enJ the provisions of tl�is Security Instrument anti the Note are declared
<br />� � �; ,;; tn be sewn�drle.
<br /> = YJ`� ��::;�°. ' 16.Fsa•r.ru��,ver's Copy.Borrmvcr sl�all be gi�eu one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br />_-- '� �:•��',,', FOrm 3028 919U
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