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� �..r��� <br /> .,.,��. . <br /> :�st� ' , , . „ ,. .. �� �� .. . ..,.. <br /> � �;��:' '�` o t. a .. - . • :,�:��-�:r;. <br /> v. ' au�rt+AMirA�pW�.f. (p t ,,, „ . ...�"..:. <br /> . -11 . _ .. .. „ . � —T�-- <br /> ��ti . - i .. �� . ., . .. .. .u_.:: ..c�v•:�....�_.r. <br /> ,�i'i , - � .. . . .. • . h .�R.'ren��lw.:°}'✓!>•.e:, ,r:,. <br /> i�t, --- .°. ., . .��.... .. ... . ... ��.` .n�'�'it-.�i�.�... � . .... . ...,_ �.-•N•i;�`::� ...•w. ..,�1v�, o.��:':,,�;;..A,�-t:p��+rf���a�st._.�,r.. ....r k.:-_. <br /> M4T <br /> 11'," Q �y s} -. <br /> �1 W���QU��.�I6+ - <br /> t, <br /> ��� 17.'!'r•»����fcr rrP thc 6'ro�mrty��r�►licnci'Irlul futcretit ii�liorrinr•er. If ull nr uny p�irt of Ihc Pmperry or nny in�crcst in it <br /> in��uld nr traur�f�:rrc�i(or if a hr��cticiul intcrest in Bnrruwcr is xold nr Ir:u��fcrrcJ and Burrowcr i�nnt ii n;uuri�l pers�m)without <br />- I.�:nd�:r'�� prirn• �vri�ccn cun+cn�. I..cnJcr muy, at itti option, rcyuirc immcdia�c paymcnt in full uf ull sums sccurcd by this <br /> 9ecuri�y In:�trum�:i��. H�u��cvcr,this optiun tiitull n�n hc cxcrciscd by lAndcr if cxcrrisc is prohiBitcd hy liiw as of ttic dtuc <br /> � ��r nu�,5����������-r���,�,�u�»�m. <br /> (f'�l4r�:��:r�:i+cs lhl+uptiu��. L�:���lu•,ball gi��c Dorm�ti•cr nc�ticc nf acccl�rstion. Thc ni�tirc�h;�ll �nwidc n p�•ei�xl i,f not <br /> . latiy U�nn 3Q d��yr frum thc di�tc th� noticc is dclivcrcJ ur muilcd �vithin which Ialorrowcr must pay all sums sccu�•�d by this <br /> � .:, , . 4t:�:�n•iry Inrarument. If t3��rmwer fuils to pay Uicsc sums prior tu the cxpir:�tinn nf this periud. Lcndcr may invoke any remcdics <br /> ,..�r�.^""' ; panniucd V�y thi��fN:rurity Instrumcnt without funhcr noticc c�r dcmand im Borrowcr. <br /> '�� �' ' It{. Iiorrnwrt�r's Hl�ht tn Itelnstutc. If Barrowcr mcets ccrtain rondi�i�ms, Borrowcr shall have thc right to I:u•�c <br /> anf'rn•<:cmr.nt ��f Utis Sccurity Instrumcr.t discontinucd at uny timc prior ta thc G�rlicr uf: (u? 5 days (or tiucl�othcc period as <br /> a�pplicul�lc I�nv ma;,� spccify f��r rcinstutcmcnt> hcfoiti scilc of thc Property punuunt to uny powcr uf'salc containcd in this <br /> gFcurity Instrumcn[.;ur(b)cntry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Thnse conditions ure that Borm�vcr;(a)p;rys <br /> I�t:nd��r all sums wL•ich thcn would bc duc undcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt and thc Notc�u if nc� acccicration had occurred; (b) <br /> r.unn uny dr.fault ���any othcr covenants or ugreeme��ts; (c) pays all cxpenses incurred in enforcing this Sccurity Instrument, <br /> : including, hut nnt [imitesi to, reasonable uuorneys' fees: and (d) takes such action as Lender may re:��nnably require to assure <br /> �r�: that U►e lirn of thi�s Security Imtrument, l.ender's riglux in the Property and Borrower's obligation ta pay the sitms secured by <br /> „ ' � • this S�:curiq� Inr��vment shall continuc unchungeci. Upun reinstatement by Bonower, this Securiry Instrwnent and the <br /> obli�nti�ns seeury:cJ hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall <br /> � not ap�ly in tl�c r.��se of ucccicr�tion undcr paragmph 17. <br /> • �9. �nle oP �Vote; Chunqe of Goun Servicer. Thc Note��r a psreial inierrst in die Note itogethr.r with this Security - <br /> � � (neb�umcnl)muy b4 sold oiu��r murc times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known <br /> aF�I�e "I.��nn acrvi�:cr")that coUects monthly payments due under the Note and this Sccurity Instrument.There also may be one <br /> y nr m�re c:hnn�es��f thc I.oan Scrviccr unrelated to u salc of thc Note.if there is a change of the Loan Scrvicer, Borrower will bc <br /> gi��en written noticr,of the chAnge in accordance with paragruph 14 above and applicable Inw.The natice will state the name und <br /> �� � � ncldi�ess of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which puyments shauld be m1de. The notice will also contain any other <br /> information rcquirr,ct by upplicablc law. - <br /> '�t � 20. Iimtnrtla+2s Su6stn�nces. Borroiver shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or eelease of any <br /> Hm.ardnus SubFU,sur. nn or in the Praperty. Bormwer shall not do, nor allow anyone clse to do, anything affecting the <br /> �� Amperry timl is i�� violutio7 of any Environmentul Law. The preceding two sentences shull not apply to the presence,use, or <br /> � stnrn};c on thc Pr�3perty uf smalt quantities of Hsizardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to narmal <br /> residentiul uses n�ui to maintenance of the Prope��ty. <br /> Borrowcr sluFll promptly give I.ender written notice of any investigation,claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any <br /> � Rr�verntnentnl or regWatory agency or private party invoiving cne Fropeny and any Hu�nious Subsu,nc:r or Envirunmeutai iuw <br /> cif which E3orro�v�:r hus actuni knowledge. If Borro�ver IeArns, or is notified by any guvemmenk�tl or regularory authority. that <br /> nny removul or otJier remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary. Borrower shal! promptly take <br />_� nll neccssary renu:dial actions in accordance with EnvironmentAl Law. <br /> As used in Iliis par:►gruph 20, "H:uardous Substances" are those substances slefined as toxic or haarurdous substnnces by <br /> E����ironmental L,fw and the follo�ving substances: gasaline, kerasene, oth•.r tl�mmable or toxic petraleum products, toxic <br />;;);i.;:�' � k3�5[1G1�C9 and hert�icides,volutile solvents, muterials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive muterials. As used in <br />=;;�;•�s.,:�.;:;,� .. d�i�puragiaph 2(i, "Envir�mmer.tnl I,�nv" means federul inws and laws of thejurisdiction �vhere the Property is locatcd that <br />�;.��'�•.;;r;;�y ;, ,;• relute tu hcalth,safcty or emironmentn{protection. <br /> -•��,�;.� �r�-� NON-UJVIrt�CtM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender further covenant and agree ss fotlows: <br />'"�lnj�;,'�'+,�;�"' !� 21. Accc(er�ition;Re�nedles. Lender shall give nottce to Barrower prior to acceleratlon followfng Borrower's breach <br /> �1s:;� , <br />=;f;s�-�.• �.�, ,, oP uny covenm�t ur agreement In this Securlty instrument (but nat prior to acceleration undec purugraph 17 unless <br /> �.•�• �,�.. • <br /> "r':,;`�-.''.. ..' o-�� licuble IEiw rovides otherwise).The notice shnll s i (a)the detault;(b)the actlon r uired to cure the default; <br />—. _1.... ,, .;,.. � !p 1� Pec t�'o e9 <br /> a=-;�.;�.�,�,�: (cj a d�ite, nol I�:ss tNan 30 days froin the dute the notice is given to Borro�ser, b�� which the defauit must t►e cured;and <br />~'`"�•_�- • (d) thnt fnilQn�c�o cure the defnult on or before the date specif�ed tn the notiee may result in acceteratton of the sums <br />-�i-`--'.�-%�?:�,;��� st,�cured by lhls�ecurity Instrume�zt and sale of the Pruperty. The notice shall furiher iuform Barrnwer of tlie rlght to <br />�=L"�?�di[,�,:+.'� <br />,;,,. o. �,. i�ustute after�tcelerAtion and the right to bring u court action to assert the non-existence of a dsfault ar any other _ <br /> �`'� dr.f'ense aP Iiorrr�wer to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on ar befure the date speciCecl in the txotice, <br />- t;..a <br /> �rt���' ?�. Ldndcr, �t its a�ption, mny require immediate paymEnt In full of sll sums secured by thls Security Instriiment withaut - <br /> ?��;����r�� i�irtl�er demend and may invoke the Etower of sale and any other remedles permttted by apptfcable law.Lender shall he <br />� ,��'�,r entitlr.d to coflec.t•rll expenses incurred in pue�suing the remedEes provided in this parngraph�l,Including,but not limited <br /> :��?��; ' to,i�eusnmibte anturneys fces and casts of title evidence. <br />�;�,:,-�;�;;,;;i� If the ��o�++�er of sale is fnvoked, Trustee shall record a nottce of default in each county in which any part of the <br />- � ' l��h�erty is ocated and�hall mail coples of such nokice In the manner prescribed by applf�rable Inw to Horrower and to <br />".,•'�'�`'�•:•": •r� t P Y PP �'09 Y PP �' p <br /> �_�,��.�;+��: , lt�e ottier m�•FOrts r�crilxd b a Iicuble law. A[ter the time uired b a licable law,Trustee shull 1ve ubllc notice <br /> � nf eule to t.lie�ic:rsons and in the mnnner prescribed by Inw.Trustee,without demand on Borra�ver,shnll sell <br />% ��'��.j.��';;;;::'. the Prope��ty nk publtc uuction to the highest bidder at the time and ptace x�nd under the terms desisnatetl ln the notice of <br />;;`=',�" ,�;�' sule in one ar m�re parccls and In any order'Crustee determines. Trustee may post�one sale of all or any parccl of the <br />�- _- _,3!,,. � <br /> ,,::�°--•. r;,, i�mpe�Ky i�y p�coiic nnnou�xecmc��t nt the time nnd place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender oj� 1ns dc�;gnee may <br />��;�.; ,:�,,� purchasc the Proncrty at any sule. <br /> i�; -.;�;���,�,�,: <br /> :. ., <br /> ,.. <br />-� .t•������ Form 3026 8190 <br />_���. . 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