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Hurard o�• !'ro�rerty incw•nncc. llurruwcr +ludl I:ec�r ll�,: irn�r�x•cnrent� nn�.r ��:it�in�� on c�rcnitrr ri�:rtcd u�i thc �.- <br /> pru�,rr�y inun�cd ;i��aimt I��s. hy firc, hasuniti includci� wial►in tf��: trnn "rxtcn�lcd cnvcra})a" +�nd ;�ny n�l►�:r h:uar�l��. inc:hiding �. <br /> . tl�ro�l,ur flnu�lin�;. ti�r whirh Lendcr rci�uire+ imuran��c.'fhii�irrr,uran�:c sh;dl be miainl;�irn�d in Ihu umnw►t�„ind ti�r tlir. perindti -� <br /> tliat I.rnitcr requires. 'Pltc insurcinre carri�r pruvidinN tHu inuuranre tilr,dl bc chuscn h�� Hmro�ver tiuiija�t tn L.ende:r'��uppruval � <br /> �vh�rh +h:dl nut l►n uiur.uona�bly ��itlihcici. If Ilnrru��•r.r f:�ii�;t�� m:�intain c�wrraEe dc�,.:rih�:�l +if►u��c,�lcr m��y, iit L.i�ndcr's �: <br /> `-r up�iuu.uhtain covcragc t��prutcrt I.cndcr's riglt�s in�h►t Ni*.�[rer�y in uccurJancc�vith p;u•aZ;rnph 7. !! u• -- <br /> .,,,,,,,,�:,��• All insurancc polirics :uiJ rcncw�il� shall bc a�TC�ptnhlr, tu l.undrr an�l tihall indudc a ��inndurd m�,rt ��.�•rluus�:. L�:nd_r _� <br /> .,,,.,,�....a+►� ,hall liavc thc riFht to hold thc pulicics,ina rcnewulr�. I.F lsn�lcr r�yuirrti. {3urcuwcr shnll pn►mptly giv�tn l.cndcr iill recr.i�:ts of <br /> paid premiums and rrne���al notices. in�he event uf Ic�is.Fi�rruwer,hz►U give prompt notice tu�t►c insur�mce carrier und I.�:nde�. — <br />�lcr may niukc pmof uF luss if not madc prcnuptly by K«rrowc�r. _. <br /> Unless I.cueler mid Dorrawer othenvise:s};r�e in wrir�nB,insurancr procceds shnll be upnlicd a�restoratic�n or rr.p�iir�f du c <br />. Pruperty dam,igc�i.if Uie restoration or repair isec�>n�*miculf�y G:usiblc and Len:icr'� security i�;nnt lessened.!f the restorntiun or _ <br /> , repair is nnt economically feasible nr l.c:nder's securiry �u�auld bc Ir.,sencJ,the insunn��e prac.ecdt�shall be applied to tl�r,:;ums <br /> " sccured by this Security Instrument. «�hether or nut tlicn �uc, wi[h anY cxre'� puid tu 13i�rrnwGr. If Ciorrower abandon,� the — <br /> Propeny, ar does not ans�ver�vithin 3U d,rys a noticc Pmm l,cndcr that thc insurancc c,irricr I�ns offereci to sctdc u cluim, tlicn _ <br /> " I.cnder n�ay collect the insurance proceeds. Len►ier ►nu� usc the prorccds to repair or restore d�e Property or to pny swns _ <br /> � secured by this Security Instrument,whether or nmt then duc.The 30-diiy period�vill begin when the n�tice is given. <br /> lication of roccedti tn principtil shall n�t extr.sid ar <br /> � Unless Lendcr and Borrower ather�vise agmc in writiug. any app P � <br /> �� � postponc the due date of the monthly puyments rcfi:rred t�� in pur.igraphs I and 2 or chnn�a thc amount of the payiur.ius. If <br /> under pamgraph 21 the Property is,cyuirr.d�r�Lsndi:r,6urrower's right to uny insar.+nee pnlicies and proceeds resultin�t from _ <br /> ' damagc to the P�aperiy prior to thc ucqui:�i�u�•r�slinll pass to Lcnder to thc cxtent of thc sums sr.cured by this Security In�trument = <br /> , `:,�r; immediatcly prior ro thc ucquisition. , R <br /> 6.Occu�uncy,Preservutton,Nlalntnnnrir.e�ar�Frat¢cdan of the Property; Dorrnwcr�I.onn A��pllcntion;�r:�otds. <br /> Borrower shall occupy, establish,und usa ihu Rropeny as 6ormwer's principal residcnce�viNtin yixty days nRer the execucion of <br /> � this Securiry Instrument and shall atntinuo ar occupy the fTroperty us Bonower's principnl residence for nt least one yc�ur after <br /> the dute of occupancy, unless L.endur athunvAS:n�rces in �vricing, which cunsent shall not Na unm.�sonnbly withlield, or. w7less <br /> extenuating circumstances exist whtali are bey�nd 6urcower's control. Barrower st�nll nnt destray, dumage or im�Jair the <br /> � Property, allow the Propeny to deturi�r�:�iu, orccrmmit wASte on tlie Property. Bormwor shnll be in default if nny fr,rfciture <br /> • action or procecxiing, wheti►cr civii�or criminui,i:�uc�;w� t�ai �:� :..:.r.�e:'s o^'v`! f'-i!h;nd�,ment could result in forfeitu�r of the <br /> � Property ar otherwise m�terially impeir t4io li an ematud by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry intemst. IIorrower muy <br /> � ' cure such a default and reinstata,u�pi�+J ided in pxngraph 18,by causing the action or pmcceding to be dismissed witlt a rulinE <br /> that, in l.ender's good faith detarminnti�m, prcclud�s furfciturc of tlic Borcower's intarost in the Property or odtc•i• materiul <br />'',� impairment of the lien creutad�by dtir Sc�curity Instrument or Lender's securiq� imerest. i3orrower shall nlsa Ue iu defnult if <br /> Bon•ower,during the loan appli�utinn pr+�cesti,save muterinlly Palse or inaccuratc inform�idon or statements ta I,e��d��(or failed <br />__�_��:,..,,,:. to provide L.ender���ith any mut�srinl infcrrmntinn� in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, includin�,.i�ut tilot limited <br />_��-��• �•.•����+' to, representations concerning•�;�rmwer's accupnncy of the Pr�nperty as a principul rcsidence. If thi�Security 1��str.unent is on a <br />�•-'*-'-••��•-�� leasehold, Borrower shull compiu wtth all thu provisions af the lease. If Borrower ncyui��es fee title ro the Froperty, the <br /> � "° `" leasehold and the fee title shull not mcr�a unluss Lenda:r asrees to thc merger in writing. <br /> �'Z:x::`:�`�'C' 7. Protectton of Lender's Rlght�in the�Fra�perty.If Borrower fuils[o�s:rforni the cm�onants and a�re�niente cantaineci in <br /> :�,Ta���;,-:_: <br /> -° �?'=�'-_�`"�---,_ this Security Instrument, or there ia a Iagnl g�roceeding thut mxy significantly affen Lender's cights in che l�ropeity (suc�as a <br /> `}'"'.;;d � prceeeding in bankruptcy, probato. tiir condemnution or forfeituie or to enforce laws ar��tgulAtionsl, tlten L.ender mny do and <br /> -"""''"��-':'� pay for whatever is necessary to pmtUCt the vnlue of thc Property and I.ender's ri�hts in die Property. [.endc:r's +uKions may <br /> °`���.'�-,�� include paying any sums secures! �y a lian wlhich hus priuriry uvcr thi� S�curiry Instrumcnt, appcarin�; in court, pnying <br /> �.;.,�.::: <br /> -�' •*`� reasonnble attorneys' fees und ent¢t�:ng�n the Frcaperty to malce repairs. Althaugh Le�tidor mny tttl;e action under thi�i paragraph <br /> ,�,a...� <br /> '"°""?°';'' 7, L.ender does not have to do so. <br />�_k�;�r:. Any amounts disbursed hy L.endur uctder this puragraph 7 shull become additional debt of Borro�ver sr.cwr:d by this <br />°�°!���<<-:� Securiry Instrument. Unless Borc�l�urJr and Lender a�rce to otf7er tcrms of payment,thosn amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> '°�'�°'-��,��� date of disbursement at the Note catu :and shnll 6e puyublc, with interest, upon notico tMm Lcndcr to IIorrowcr requesting <br />��.�.•�.X_Y'T}-.; . <br /> - payment. <br /> v�''`���'~ 8. Mortgage Insurunce. IP L,�:ndesr re�uircd mmrt�agc insurdnce as a condltion of tnakin�the loan securetl by tNis Security <br />_-_;.�_�;�;;,'� • Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiunis requi�d to maintflin the mortgngo insutt►nco in affect. If, for any reason, the <br />- '���;;;;��•. � mortFaFc insurancc coverage required t�y I..�.ndur lnpses or ce�ses to bc in effect. Rormwor�shull pny thc prcmiuu�u requircd to <br />- .==,'•;�;;,;,-. <br />_--. ... obtain coverage substantiiilly equlvnlont•to�re mait�c�ge insurance p,evivasly ir :.ffc�:,at��co:,t substanti»!!�eyuivalent to the <br /> � cost to Borrower oP the mortgago Insumn�c:previouvly in effect, from an alterrnite cnort�;uye insu��er approveci b}� Lender. If <br />�• substantially equivalent martga�a insu�ncc caverage i�n��t availuble, Bon�wer shall pay tn Lender euch month a:ium equt�l to <br /> .�.?��%{: : one-t�velfth of the yearly mortgage in�ur,ince pre�u[um beinII paid by IIottower when tha insurunce covei�age lapse�l or ceased to <br /> '���:`y`�� be in effect. L.ender will accept,une und irtAin these puyments as a loss reserve in licu o1' mortguge insurance. Lnss reserve <br /> _ :'��•. � <br /> IJOrm 3028 9l90 <br /> - -v� aeee3ot0 <br />- '� S <br />. . ;:F.�iY-�a' � <br /> ..�r . <br /> __' __--� _ _'_ __" " —-_ -,.«—,-..--.. . <br /> � ..."':" 0. t - d4t4ai <br /> "' <br />. . : _'_'__'_...""".-.,�.-. —,�._r.-".'.s.�,c:...'.rs.. ... ... '_.. � __"�7.9,��iVVf - . .. . <br /> �,,f�-4,Sr33 <br />' '^91F�R�+i.�rre��.r.eav..�..e. . _.... . ;'� , . . ' . . <br /> - . . . ' , ' . � .. . . ' � , , � <br />.. . �r � � , . ., <br /> . ... " 't. � �. ' - . <br /> .. - .. . '� •. . , i.l ' .. <br /> � .. ,J ' .. . . ' . 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