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�``''` ;:ah � - . . ;:. <br /> , .�q�1j, - . .. , <br /> . ,. ., .. „ ❑ - �; <br /> , , �, . _ .:�.: . <br /> •�, --... . „K:;�a. ...-_ <br /> ':: . . - . ;,.P,mrg�a:. <br /> i,,e,.• . , . . , _.__.�.�._�.. <br />- , ..�,na:�:2•�.... . , .. . i -• .....�. -_ <br /> - • 7. . ..�. , .. ��.r'.°,. .n .. . r. .. , - .. • , . . - � . . . . } ,i-- '?�'E]i'..'ti�_��,.c..--- <br />. •:w: _f .. , ..i,. .. . � . . .. ., .._. . <br /> .. � . <br /> �. . .. . . ,. . . .: - . — — <br /> .. � ,d..�..w,.a � <br /> ___'_ '_" '__ _' .. � .• _ - ..t•�YL�._�rirY'�'Tli�-�•p�•.\`I_•�N+'�+{,►;/4�t'••- 1f.�v.�aN.:i�.lfl.ti��n�in�i£�syxia r^na,=; �... - <br /> -• , _ o�.. .,�,1;wi.lia�yF!n..v��i..,... . _�:r.'.:" . . . � . , _ � - . _ .. ._ - _, . . . � -- <br /> C��''�"' 'Ani��.�� �_ <br /> � <br /> . TUGF:I'H�R WITH aH l6c irnp�•ovemc.nis nc,a•c�r IierenRcr crectedon�hc pro�erty.and all en�cmcnts,uppwienanccs. ;mu _- <br /> lixturc� nmv un c�rcuftcr u p:irt uf thc pruperty. All rcplacemcnfs an�l iulditiun, sh;dl also hc covercd hy thi, Sccurity — <br /> _ � � Instrwncnt. All uf thc forcaoing is rcfcrrcd to in tl�is Sccuriry Insu-uiucnt ns thc"Pruperry." _ <br /> ' BnRRUW(�R COVENAN7�S thal Ilnrro�vC�Is luwfully scisul of Ihc etila.r hercby r�mvcyed and h,iti ihc right t��grant imd _ <br /> : ,. ��': ;� convey the Properry and that the Pri�pcny is unencunibcrcd, cxccpt iitt r.ncumbratTCC. uf ierurJ. I3urru�scr warrants and will = <br /> defend genLrully the title to the Property uguinst�tili claims und demunds,subject to uny encumbrmce�of recurd. _ <br /> ..�+� ". TNIS 3ECURITY INSTRUMENT combincs uniform covencmts far natianal usc anJ ni�munifonn cavcn.m�y with limitcd <br />: `n•""'"�'�` vuriutions hy jurisdiction to c�nstitutc a unit'onn sccurity instrumcnt covcring rcal pro�rty. � <br /> • + UNIFORM COVE�ANTS. Borrrnvcr and I.cndcr covenant.�nd agrcc ati follows: — <br /> ' '' l. Puyment of Principal und Inter�t; Prepayment nnd Lnte CharE;eH. Bi�rrowcr shull promptly pay whcn duc thc _;, <br /> � principal of and intcrest on the debt cvidcnced by tlie Note iind any prcpayment and latc chau�ge�du�undcr thc Notc. _ <br /> ; 2. Funds fbr T��xes �nd Insurance. Subject to upplicable luw or ta a written waiver hy L.ender, Barrower shall pay to <br /> kL.ender on the day monthly payments are duc undcr the Note,until thc Nnte is psid in full,a sum("Funds")far:(a)ycady tvccs = <br /> and asscssments which may attnin priority ovcr this Security lnstrunz�nt a:c a lien on the Property;�b)ycarly Ieascliold payments , <br />_, •� ���'. or gmund rents on the Property, if any;(c)yearly ha•r.ard or properry insurtmce premiums;(d)yearly flond insurancc premiunu, <br /> � if uny: (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and(� any sums payable by Son•o�ver to Lender, in accardancc with <br /> . r. � the provisions ef par�graph 8, in licu of the payment of mortga�e insurnn�e premiums. These itums are called "Escrow Items," <br /> I.ender may, at any timc, collcct and hold Funds in an amount not t�excced the maximum amount a Iender for a federally <br /> � relateci mortgage loan muy require for Borrower s escrow accaunt under the federal Real Estatc Settlement Procedures Act of — <br /> - 1974 as amendeci fram time to[ime, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("Ri�SPA"), unless anotl�cr 17�v that applies to the Funds <br />' ;,. se2s a Icsser amount. lf so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amounz nuz to e�ccecd the lesscr nmount. <br /> Lsndcr may estimate the amount of Funds due on thc basis of current Jata and reiisonable eaCimi�2es of expcnditu�•es of future <br /> Escrow Ttcros or othenvisc in accordancc w�zh applicnblc law. <br /> Thc Funds shall be held in an inst�tution whose deposits are insured by � fuicral agency, instrumentality, or ent�ty <br />_ . (in_luding Lendcr,if Lcndcr 9s such an institation)or in any Federal Homc Loan Bank. Lender shall npply the Funds to pay the _ <br />_ � y '' � Escrow Items. I..endcr may nat charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,anr.uully analyzing the escmw account,or <br /> .. r•'; '' verifying the Escrow Items,unless L.ender pays Borrower interest on thv Funds:ind applicablc luw permits Lender to make such <br /> �'`•� `�� � 'i�G a ch�ree. However. Lender mav require Borrowcr to pay a onc-time chargc for an independent rcal estatc tax repoRing service <br />�•f`.'� "' used by Lender in cunnection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unluss an agreement is made or <br />";',:' • • applicablc law requires interest to be paid, l.cndcr shall not be required to pay Borrower any int�rest or earnings on the Funds. <br />=� <<• Borrower and Lcnder may agree in writin�,however,that interest shall bc paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, <br />--'� , , without chargc, an annual accounting of thc Funds, showing credits nrta debits to thc Funds and thc purposc for which cach <br /> �" •` �.'�� debit to the Funds wns inude.The Funds a3e pledged as additional security for aU sums secured bp tltis Security instrument. <br /> e.._,,�I'`�; <br />¢�;:.'"�i= If the Funds held by Lender exeeed the nmounts permitted to be helcl by applicable luw.Lender shaU account to Borrowex <br /> s�.;.,: <br /> 3�_•;u��v,. for the excess Funds in accardancc with tho requirements of applicable law, If the amount of the Funds hcld by n er at any <br />"'`""'` time is not sufficient to pay the 6scrow Itcsms when due. [.ender may so notify Borrower in writinB,and,in such case Borrower <br /> �:�_ . <br />_�;�,;, shall pay to Lender the amount necessAry to make up the deficiency.Borrower st��11 make up the deficiency in no more than <br /> `::�"'s�� twelve monthly payments,nt I.ender's sole discretion. <br /> `T""�`�"�'� U�n payment in tull of all sums secured by this Security Instn�rnent. Lender shall prompNy refund to Borrower any <br />--__:�•�-r� <br /> __,���,,� Funds held by Lender.If,under-paragraph 21, I.cnder shall acyuire or scf!the 1'roperty,L.cndcr,priar to the acquisitian or snle <br /> --�:��;±�e� of the Pro{►crty, shalf apply any�Funds held by Lerder at thc timc of ucquisitian or sale ns a credit nguinst the sums securcd by <br />�,. � this Security instrument. <br /> -= -,.�.,��� 3.Appltcatton of Payments,Unlcss�pplicablc law provides othenvise,all payments rcceived by Lender undar paragraphs <br /> =u�; I and 2 shall be applicd: first, to any prepayment chargcs due under the Note: second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> "��i�'1�'� third,to interest due;fourth,to principal duc:and last,to any latc chargcs due under thc Note. <br />�:,;-- <br />- 4.Charges; Liens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, assessmcnts, charges, fines mid impositions attributable to t c roperty <br />', --�� which may uttain priarity over tl�is Security Instrument, and leaschold paymcnts o�ground rents, if:�ny. Bonowcr shall pay <br /> ~'��va�wY�"�"'�`9�r)"' these obligations in the manner provided in p�ragraph 2,or if noi paid in that manner, Borrower sfinll pay them on time directly <br />- °'_I]fY�/lC��^Y�S!iII' <br /> -���:�� to thc person owed paymcnt.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender ali noticcs of amountt;t�� bc paid under tliis paragraph. <br />�����'�"�� If Borrower makes these payments directly.Bonower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br />=}`��;� Borrower shall rom tl dischar e an I�en which has riorit over this Securit Instrument unless$orro���er: (a)ngrees in <br /> ---����•:._ p A Y 8 Y � P Y Y <br />�r�.n�_.,._,�.:�: � wr;r�ng�o th�Paym�nt nf the oblieation secure�by the licn in a munncr accep?zblc to L.cnder; (b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> ` ` by, or defcnds against cnfora:ment uf QP�e lieii in, legal proceedings which in thc Lcnder's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> - .'``��'� cnforcement of thc lien; ar(c) secures frorn the liolder ot'die lien:��i agrecment sutisfuctury t�� Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> - •. ��.�� this Sccurity Instrument. (f l..endcr detemiines that any part af thc Property is subject to a licn which may attain priority over <br />-''' � this Security Instrument, l.ender muy givc Borrowcr u noticc identifyin�t thc lien. B��rrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br />�.�� ' ��` more of the actions sct forth nt�ove within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> -� ��.�'{` ' Form 30Y8 9�A0 <br /> _-_ ;.4f�,.. <br /> . '�i��r!#��. Paqo 2 0l 6 <br />_'!, °+'.tir . <br /> ..N . �: _ <br />_:�,, �,�°� , <br /> , <br /> -.__ — <br /> � � _ -- - _ --- - ---=-- f...._..�_. <br /> ,:.�-....s�;.�,::;.i:.���'w�'.����.�::�'�t="=��—�,-.�-;-��---T...—.._. . .. . .. . . ��..� <br /> .,. <br /> - ,' . , ,,� �� , <br /> ; , .. <, <br />_ • . .. ,. ,' , <br /> , - �., � • .. <br /> . . .. <br /> , .. , -- - <br /> . __ .. .. .. _. _. . _ <br /> .. . <br /> — - �--- - --� . .. . ----- .__ . ---_-- --_-- _ _ - - <br /> . , ,� <br />