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�� _�Ul.i�"`y��'P� P �� �� �- >• �:y {s.': <br /> t t -ra w,ik{�fJFvY� y �*'n;r 4 - '' .. ,; . � - _ ._ . tt �ifiJsx.ff.�,� -: <br /> � 1�1�4{'�11�911�I�s Yx..3..a�i���i�Vfln .—.L:-..=_k_.__"' --"_ " ..-. <br /> �/�s.. ��IAL O U <br /> p+yments nu(y�w longer bo roqafrod,m iho opllon of i.cndcr,if mongago Insuranco meciagc(in the amoum and for tho perlod <br /> thK,�.�Mwr rtqufrts)p�ovldcd py an Insnrcr npprovod by i.c+xier aEain I+aoomcs nvnuebte a��d Is o6�u�nx1.llnrroirar xhall paY <br /> tha ptniilums r�qulrod to quirdnln mm�gngo insumnco in e(fect,or ro provide a loss mscree,umll tho nx�nlrnnont Por monSnse <br /> icannnca end5 Jn accordancdWhh nny���ditco ngraai�,m inax�ocn(bnower urA Gendtt or npplitt6lo Inw. <br /> 9.tmpedbn. I.ender or i�3 ngem may make reamn�blo entdes uyon and InspccUons of tho Propcny. l.en9er shnll gh�e <br /> Horrower nollce Y the tlmo of or jsflor to nn tns�xulon spxifying rcasonxbic causo(or Uio Ins�wc�lon. <br /> 10.Condemn�tbn.Tho prcmcds of:my a�vnrd or ctaim for damagu,dinY�or mnscqucmial, in comiccllon with any <br /> mndtmnotion or oihtl taking of any patt of Iho Pro�ny,or for mnvcyance in lieu o(candemnation,aro hereby assigncd and `- � <br /> shxll bo pald to l.ender. <br /> In the ovnu of e Iotni tnktng ot Iho Propony,iho practds shell be applicd to Iho snms accured 6y�his Sceudly Inslrument, <br /> wUcthcr or not�hen due, �vi�h any exttss patd to t3orroxror. ln�he event of n pattinl �aking of tho Prop:ity in W�hich Ihc feG = <br /> matktt veluo of Iho Pmp:tly immcdiately txPoro Ihc taking is arynl to or grwtcr thnn t6o amoum ot iho snms saurcd by�his = <br /> Security Ins�mnxnt immedimely bcforo iho taking,unless iformwcr nnd I.cnder ahcnviso agrx In writing,Aio sums secured by — <br />� thls Securhy Imtmmcnt shnll bo n�uocd by the amoum of tho proceeds mnl�iplicd by Uw follo�ving fnction: (a) die�olel - <br /> amount of tl�o sunu sccnrcd Immcdiately�bcPoro Iho tnking,dtvidal hy(b)t6o fnG mnrAei valuo ot�ho Propeny tmmediatety — <br /> bctoro Uic tnking. Any baianro sLnll bo paid to Oorro�vcr. In tl�c evcnt of a pnnial �aktng of t5e Propeny I�e whtch the fair - <br /> markcl vah�o of�ho Propetly Immallazely before the tnking is Icss ihan�ha amounl of the svau secural'unmaAtarety tmforc tho = <br /> �aking,unlus iiorrower and Lsnder oU:ecvrise agreo in���i�ing or unless applicabto law aLeruise pro�id:s,tha pNC�e:afs shall =- <br /> 6e appliodro tho sums secured by tfiis Secwity[nstrument whe�her or nnt�he sums nro�headue. -- <br /> [f Ns @ropenq Is abandornd by Borrov.�er,or If,aQer noUm by Lendcr to I3orrower Uws ihe co:�hmrtor offen Su male an r:.�- <br /> awae3 or seule a for d3.r�;es, Eorrower fiils to respond m l.ender within 30 days.Rer the ck�m ihe notice is gi.xn, � �;_._ <br /> Lender is asthndzad to cvllcet artd apply the procecds,al hs opl lon,cithct lo rcxloretlon or rcpair of Ihc Ropetty or to the sunu <br /> socwed by this Sxurit�I:sstrusknt,whcihcr or not then dua j;� <br /> Ualecc Lender and-Rorruwzr aherwise ngreo in wridn�, any applicatlon of proaids w principal shall na e:etaid or p,_. <br /> posipo�ic iAe duc dato of tAc monthEy payments rcfcrrcd io in p:va:�nphs i end 2 or change t[�x amount of such payrr.rrav. <br /> I l.Borrox�tr Not Reiensttls Forbcanncc By Lcnder Nut n IVplrea[ixtenslon ot thc tin:c for p�ymeM or nxh.iF;ation !'�� <br /> of anwrtiutlon of�he sunss securecl by�his Securitg�Jns�mmen gnnted by l.ender to any succexmr in Imeces�of Itonuwer shall i=��. <br /> not operate to rcicaw tho Ilabili�y of th:originn9➢os:nwer or E�howcr's sueccssors in intcres�.Lendcr slc.dl nol bc rcquircd ro �?_, <br /> mmmecn,procwdings ugainst any vu��zssur In imerest or rtfuse zo extcnd iimu for paynxnt or otLerwix modify em..�rci�a�ion �-:.- <br /> of Ihe sums sccurcd by ihis Secur'eF. inauGmsm �by ressoa oe'a�y demand nwdo by the odginal 6onower or [Svcfower's "� <br /> suceesson In intertst. Any for6r.�vaue by I.eedu in txerclsing eny dght or remedy shall not be a�vaicec of or preclude�he ;";�_;- <br /> excrciso ot nny right iv r:�wdy. - ��- <br /> 12.Suttessore und Act(g�s�Dound;Jolnt and&i•enil I.Iabllityt Casigners. Thc covennms nnd agrecnicnls of Ihis '_� <br /> Security Inc�NmeN shall ULd n�st l�exfit the successan amf xaigns of Lender and Oorrower, sub;ect lu lhe provlsions ot _ <br /> pxra�a�4 17, RottowePs cover:xa[s and agreements shall Ee j�int and se��eral. Any Oac�o��er who co•signs �his S�urily - <br />� Instm:;:c:a Dut da;s r.o[ exaetc the Y�tr. (a) fs m-signir.g this Sttudty Insuument only�o irongage, gren� and com��n�ihet ` <br /> Dorrnwr�'s Imcres�in ih�Propeny under�hc�ercax of ihis Security Inswmenr,(b)(s not personally o6praicd�o pay�he sums `�"- <br /> securci!by this Securi�y lnsw�wm;and(c)egrces�hat Lender and any other porrower may ngm:�o ext.r.d,madi(y,forbear or �.-_�: <br /> roake xny�xcmmnwda�lons with rcgard In Uic ierms of this Securi�y Inslmment or�he Note wi�hout�hat 6orrowcr's mnsem. ���- <br /> A3.iupn Churges.If the loan securM hy Ihis Socurity Ins�mmenl is subJect ta a law ahich se�s maximum loan charges, u'� <br /> and�ha�law Is finaliy Intcrprcttd xo�hat�he Imcrest or other lozn charges mlla�cd or lo bc wlla�ed tm m�ntt�lon with�he �---' <br /> loan cacwd�he perrtua�i limiis, �hen: (a)nny s�nh loan charge shall be reduced by the anwum necessary��o redua�he charge 4��;�- <br /> lo�he Ftnnfltcd lim+t:amt(b)nny sums nlrcady cMleacd from fiorrower whlch exccedcd permiucd Ilmi�s will be rcPondcd to $" <br /> Uorrov.e�. l.ectlu may chaox �o make this rcfiuxf by reducing �he princip�l owed under �LC Note or by making u dinrt ;;�:-: <br /> p�ymcnc +u florrorver. If n refaad reJuces principal. �he redcaion �vill ht venttA as a �ninl prepaymcnt xid�oat any P:.-- <br /> prepay�ncra charge under�ho Note. - <br /> IA.tiollces.Any ncwice lo Dormwcr provked for fn�his Scrod�y hu�m�aem shall Ik given 6y delivedng it or by maiiing ;���- <br /> it by firet class nuil unless npplicable law rcqufrcs as�of nnmher mcthod. 1'F.a no�ice ahali be directeA[o c5.�Ptuptny Addrus �i�-� <br /> or nny u�ber addrus 6orco�rer Aesigmta by uaice to Lender. Auy no�ice to LenJer sliall be glven b�� (rst clacs mall to - <br /> Lender's zddras slated herein or zny dhCt addtess Lender dtsig�atCS by nolice lo Ootrower.Any nolice provid¢d toc in Ihis -- <br /> SecuriTy:��:irvment shall be denmcd;o have been given to Uorro���rr o:Lender when gi�•en ns provided in thir p�r�groph. �,?_- <br /> 15.Govcrninn 9.�x�; SevcraAlllty. This S:curi�y Ins�rumcra shali F; govcmed by fcderal la�e ard the law uf�hc - _ <br /> jutisdletlnn in���hich ite Propeny is locatal. In ehe e��em�hat auy proris:.•n or claum of Ihis Securi�q Insuument or�he 4me [�]; <br /> mn0ic�s x4�h appllcable law,sech cnn(lict shall�m�u(fat�mcisions of�his Securiiy Insuument ur the No�e��hich can be ;5` <br /> giren e4rrc�withow �he con0i.�inc pmvision.Tu�his enJ Oie}+rcvi<ians of Ihis Scrurin Insvwnenl and Ihc Ynte arc<trdared --� <br /> lo be s ;�ble. ��:': <br /> I�S.Dorro�err's Capv. Oorro••�cr shall IM Fivcn onc mnfnrn:tJ cnpy n!tF,VMt ar.J o:�his Sccuriq�Irouumcm. i^�: <br /> C;:'. <br />. Porm302D 9i90 i:{, <br /> c.x�a.e �y-6 <br /> F:-. <br /> �♦ <br /> ,xseYnr�+i�isi-�r�:'��. .. �F,�i��.�•�-�.:-�,LUx� r �.;z.,_i,•d5t:zti�rr� r_F�z�rr�;:'?1F;•�7�JfiSC�rl.�c+ �4_-_ <br /> � ' . _ _ -r - � ,�c <br /> _._.._,.C�. tl' • �_ .i <br /> N _ _ ' '—' . _ „ . _ _ . ___— <br /> ` i . l <br /> 4'�i� . _ .. . . V . � . .. . . . " , . <br /> ! [�( <br /> " l.T,P . :y - _ . . . - .. , - _ �' � . <br /> '. , _. , , . _ . <br /> �hl.� J!_ .iP . . . . . . <br /> ' �-- :' •' " <br /> i :r{. - ,_...� � _.�. . . ... . . ' . . <br /> FYI r' � - . . - ' _ _, ' <br /> 8 - . J -i. _�: . . ..�.� . - ' <br /> �v- '5�4�' d '. , . . ' . <br /> � � .[_1 %L- . . � _ . � . . . <br /> . - � , � � -� : - . <br /> ^ - ' - - r �r. � �-- _ . ,,., . <br /> '(' .i t > . . . - . � _ <br /> ti <br /> a .�}5J�j70.. - r��`, i in ' r _ . - - �'_ <br /> •�.-�- qlif �x ., t� �.�� Y .jj� " ':'� Y� -� �1� ry. � . <br /> � -r: � �,' 2r;� 3 ` -�re � . _ ' . . . �'." _ <br /> u a. i f J'• � - - ... - ._ ) <br /> { l! <br /> _ _ 1 ` r r.:5 �1 Y�i� : .� f : i�, � <br /> 1)< r _j/.1 /� . � - <br /> 1 4 �l <br /> .• . . i..r._.. ll\{Y �• . .. . ._� . f .. -. .1. �:S.YT � . , f ��. •!- •. ��'�_ <br />