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S.s,, �r�� �tn__kj rfs�f't`ct:: : t ii <br /> -T r�4 t - � � 't t �; °�1��; � t} .A { .... <br /> - -�r � . .� F t i '�7*� i . .. , -. ' ...3,�_.z:: <br /> � e.� sb �sJrt.r :d;2 y` �f'�r�{ . . <br /> �� S�r'T.s�+wa� wii5i�iiaw�irix�,�i§�--�-».-- --- -.:--' <br />_--'f:� w_��P.dll c�,i:G:: _... <br />: '" t�f.^° �.£i���"`o�� . <br /> 1�.Trnn+far ot Ihe Propraty or a AtiKfkl�S Inlcrtst In 9ornnircr,If nll nr any pan of�ho Propeny or any Imercst in Ic <br /> Is�old 9r itansfettt3(ot If n bencficlnl Imerest in Borcower is soid or�nmforrod and Rnttnwer Is not a naturol perwn)without <br /> I.uder's ptlor wdtten eaasam, Lc�der may, at hs oplon, rcq uim immcctielo p9ynxnt in full of ail su�iu secur�by ihls <br /> Secudty insttunxnt}foHever,this op�inn sbnll not bc cxcrcised by I.cndcr if cxcrctu is prohiLhul6y fedcml law as of tho date <br /> oP�hts 5ccarity InuNmcnl. <br /> If Lendcr cxercixs this op�lon,I.cn9cr shall gIvc Rorro«�ar nalice otncnlern�lon.Thc nalico shall Provido n pedod ot nol <br /> less thm 30 days (rom �hc dnro�hc nnilro Is dclivcrcd or mnilcd wi�hin which Eorroxxr must pay nll sums s�eared by �his <br /> Socuflry Inslrument If Donowcr falls to pay thac sums pdor Io tho explration of this periad.4ender may invoko any remedlcs <br /> --= pennincd b�ythls Starl�y Instmnicnt a•h6out futlhcr noflce nr dcmand nn Qorro�ecr. _ <br /> 18. SwroM'er's Rlght to Rdnsl�te. If fiorrowcr mecu wtlnin rnrdillnns, Iforrowcr shall havo ihc dgh� �o havo <br /> cnfonenxm of fhis Sm�ri�y nstmmet�r�qI�cpq�lnua}.�L'aqy�Imc pdor�o tl:e enrllcr oC (a)S dnys(or such othcr perincl ns <br /> opplicablo law mny spccify �ot'rc(pYld�fY.��p)bC(oSc�sqla of�iio i'rop^.i1y pursuam �o any pnwcr of snic mNnincd in this <br /> Secud�y lns�n�mcm;or N)enfry of aJuduj��¢�l`enf0��n�thls�Saurity Ini�n�ment.Thoso mnditions nru thm Uorro�ver.fa)pays <br /> l.cndcr all sums whlch thcn would bo.duo uiSder Q�s Sa�ifl�y Insirumcnt nod�ho Nnto rts if no ncccicru�lon liad occumxl: (b) - <br /> - cures any default of nny o�her covenants or pays nU expensu Incarcaf in mtnrcing this Se�id�y Insuumem, - <br /> � - ineludlng,but r.ot Itmitai w,nawu.x�le attomcYs' fees;aad(d1 l�ka such ec��mi as Isnder mny re.vonnbly require�a assure _. <br /> ihnt tho Itni of thk�ecuriry Inswmr.n[.t�ndcr s rights In tho Pmpcny nnd tiorrmvcr's obliCa�lon m pay Ihc snms sccurcd by - <br /> Uils Security Insnw�xnt shaII mntinue vnchangcJ. Upon rcinstntemcnt by Dorrower, �his Sccuriry Tnstrumcm and �he <br /> o6ligz�ioes secured hr.re6y shall remain fidly eftecdve as it no cceiem�lon itrl occurred. Ilowever,this right ro rcinsta:e shall . <br /> roc appIy in ths aase of asceLezafion under p�regrsph l7. - <br /> 19. SnSe eR�cf.r, fd'ange ot I.oan Se��}.tv.ttu Nae or a pania[inceres� fn the Noie (toge�her eith �tils Security _ <br /> -- Ins�mnxnp may be so!d on,or more tlmes wt�hout prior rcxice ro Bafro�xzr.A sate may raul�in u change Gi t6e.mLy(knos-n -_. <br />"— as�he'Loan Scrvicer')tiuf mllats momhly paymcc.cs dne under i6a Note and�his Saudty Instrumem.Thcrc nlxo may b:�.-r. _ <br /> �-° or nar�changes of the Loan Servicer unrcia�ed ro a sa��i�Te Nme.If�herc is a diange of�he I.oan Senicer,l3oTxou�er��i;'.t>: _ <br /> -- given wriuen notice aF the change in acco�dance�vith p:�r.z.raph t4 above artd applicabie law.Trie no�ice witl s�g,r ihe name and _ <br /> addrcss of Ihe new Loan S:n�+cer end the eddrcss to�ct<irh paymenn sF.outd be n�de.The notice will aiw comain any other _- <br />= inPomutlon requlnd by e.��tic361e law. __ <br />-- 20, Flazardot�s Snhf:nrx�s. Dorrot�er shall na�caum or permit�he pnsena. act,dixposnl, slorage,oa rtitase Of nny _ <br /> Ila�rdous SobsRances on c¢ in �he Propey. Dorrower shall not do. �mr allow•a�pnr.t risc ta du, any�ihir.g effcelinf tbe ar <br /> Property iba�is in violatica mf any Environmemal Lew.The p:eading�wo sentences sMll nm apply�o�lec Erecencc,usc, ur _ <br />-._.� storege on Ihe Prop.ny oCuoail quantitfes of IlazarAous Subsia�cwc�hat are generily�recogn(zttl to be 2pF�ra,riate to normal ° <br />-= rcslden�ial uses and to maiR�runce of ihe Propeny. `- <br />": Dc�vo�rer shall}+ro;qriy give Lender wriuen no�icr of any Invesligation,ciaim,demand, lawsull or u���:.r�ion by any .=:�_-- <br />"`'� govcrnmental a rega'aton�agency or private Party Invniving the Propetly and nny H,vardous Subs�ance or Lr,��n+naxmal 4aw _'- <br /> - - of whkh Ootro�ccr haz atmal knowledgc.If Ilorrowcr Icams,ot is notificd by nny govemmentel or rcgulntoty authorily, lhat �:;�. <br />- - any removal ix o�her Npk�u�tion of eny flazarAous SuM1slance a(fecUng�hc Propeny is necessary, Dorro���cr shall prompily mke - <br /> ,�� sll necasary rcmediel aaiw��+n accord:uicc wi�fi L•nvironmental Lnw. <br /> . As used In thls�t�eatr.�h 20, 'Flaunlous Subsnnces'nre Ihox subxlanres Jxfm.ed as loxic or ha�anta:s subsiancex by <br />--- Gnvlronmemal Lew and ahe following subslanms: g:�nline, kerosene, oUxr RzmmAble or mxic pirolwn� produc�s, toxic =`• <br />-- pes�IclAes and txtbieides.�'olatile solventa.matedal3 cumilning acbesms or fomwld:hyde,nnd�adioac�ive matennls.As used tn "-"' <br /> -= this paregraph '_A�, 'Hnvironrcxr.�el {,3u"m;ans laws,.ncl laws of ihe judxl?ciion ehe�r the Propeny is iocatcd Ui�l -_ <br /> rcla�c�o fiwl�h,snfcly ui<n.irunnx:u7ul y�n.:caiiun. . <br /> �-i hON-UNI�ORA1 COVENANTS.Qortmver ant!G:.�dcr funhcr mvcnam and ngnr as follows: - <br /> - 21.Aceeleretion; Re;:a.'.ies.Lender slmll give au,ice to 6orrm�er prbr to acceiemtlon fo11o���InR Stora.,���ets brcach �::� <br />`__+ of eny rnrenant or agnemer.l in this Secudty Insfmment (but not prior ro eccelerullon ander �siasg;ayh 17 unlcn _" <br /> " applleabie lew providrs oiherwise).The notim shall speciry: (n) the defaul�� (b)the actioie r.".equirni ie�cure tAe delanlr, <br /> -� (c)u date,nol tess than 30 dups trmn�he dale the imtice Is gireTa to 6orro�rer,by xhlcl�fE�k,.7rfnnli mna ix eu�ril:acecl <br />;; (J)that fallurc to curc lhe detault on or ixfore the date speclPdef in the notim may ranSn �ir,nrcelerntinn of 16e���a�s <br />�.[_� secured Ly thls Securily Tattrmnenl and snie of Ihe Propehy. 7'hr nntice shall Nrther InP�rw� t3orro>+rr oT We dgh'� to -- <br /> ' rcinstate nfter ncmleratinn and @e dght to bring n court acqon ro assert the non•ezlstence oi a�1x7auU or any oiher _ <br /> - detciue o[Borro�rer�o aceclerntlun nnd snle. If tM1c deteuil Is not cnred on or betore U�e a7ntr apec7'7ied In the notice, _-- <br />`_; Lendcr,at ICC opflon, ma�� rcquGc Immeelintc payment In fu11 ot n11 smns sccurcd Ly lhlc Sirurily liuirumenl�rithoul �:�.=i. <br /> turlM1er de�iinnd and mny tnvoke the yoncr af snic nnd nny o�hcv rm�edles�xmdlted 6��api�7irnbie imr.I,endcr shn[d bc --• <br />_ �� enlhicd to collect all expenses Incurred in punuing ihe remedieg�rorided In this paraRmpfi:S,Inciuding,but not Iini:ed �-`�` <br /> ��� to,rcasonnUte nttarneys'fees nnd co�ts ot tttie evidence. - <br /> .� If Ihe �ONCI'OF FBIC IS IIIYORMI�Tf051M S�1PII iEf01'(I 0 IIO�ICC 0�(If�p11lf III PHfII f011I71Y IO 11IlICI1 Af1,Y N3f1 Of(I1C <br /> � Properq•Is I�cntcd end s6all mnll coples of snd� notice In Ihe manner pracrliml by nppllca�le la�s lo Aotrotrer and to _ <br />'_;i Ihe o�her peROtu prescrfbed by appliceble�a���.Afler lhe Ilmc requircd by appilcn6le Imr,Trustee shnit gi.�e publte nntlee = <br />,_;yo uf sale to the persons mid in the mennrr prescrilxd by xpplicab7r laos Truslee, nilhout Jemmid on lSarro�scr,sha(F v�fl - <br />--.,.� the Proper���nt rynhlic nuclimi to tl�c hi6hest 6lddcr et Ihe tlme a�d place and under Il�e lermv Ucsignnted In ihe nm4cr uP = <br /> =+� sale in one or nwre pmrels m�d in nn��ordcr Truclm detemilnrs.Tmstce ma���wslpone sale o(all or m�y parccl of U�e -_ <br /> '`�-� Property hy puhlic nnnnuneement N ihe time nnd piace o�nn�� preeloud}- m�hednled aeta [.ender nr:t< <leslqnee mnr - <br />-;_°� purchl5e thc Prope�9y at m�y snle. - <br />.::�� <br /> " s:; <br />����^� =o�m3078 D�90 ���� <br /> PHe 5 0l 6 <br /> if y� <br />..i:f I-.. <br /> r�n f. <br /> �'N- . lJY"1'-l�4'.r?3l�ir�;?.�fi.i;4- _ "_.r.a a. ... E . . r e;�.. .,• {�;�wt1`T}f�fi71'N'Fi�t� •-tY�'�f {?i '.'ij'l.� <br /> ...J.?���J + n(%P. _ . �i� _ - <br /> ^:1._��t .'-Y.`�.�il{!. ' i' -.. . <br /> - 1� ... _ _ _ _ _ ,. <br /> � ;'• '�qbk' � <br />;:,,;.,:. �• �t,;:;. ,.. : <br /> '��'�-L.R�'` •. . _ <br /> J _) . <br /> f � � • . <br /> .. ii 4.. . �_ ( � _. . . <br /> �_r"..... -i:�qd.'-�..=d�^ ' . <br /> � . { f <br /> s r1� -�� - � i-- . - . . � _ ' . <br /> ',y:.fF;y`L2, � � .._ ' _ <br />..ai_'..�`.' - - - ' . . . <br /> i � ii-- . ..• . . _ ' _ . - . - . - <br /> J ��• -�� - aF • . .. . . . . <br /> 1.� . - .,�: - .�� . . - . _ . <br /> f �� ` ;+ r � . ,e,�� - - <br /> � . . rn 1' � -, <br /> i f ~ 4 <br /> � ` _ > - _ . - " i r ) <br /> ' {_ <br /> � , �.i:{S . . - t . . . , . , r.,n { F.4 . �.-, <br />. . _ . _ . .. . _.. ." _ _ . . ..�J�,.a � �t4. . .. .. ._ _. . <br />