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'}z� xi'n 4y l �f fY1a�5 bJ �� a�rilir.7'!� _":... c ... .� • .,i � i�ei �r a e -�. <br /> }t t '!2� i� �j' � n: � f - t! i . <br /> . ,��M1.1-et�i'�. �i-��w.-w.i»�1:19. ,�.,��._..:. -..:.__s._L,.,�w.:.:... .,----:--•-� � � <br /> �/�s'""� �\j�7,G�V <br /> S. 2f#mrd a Propetty Inuir�nco. Ilorro�ccr shall kttp iM improvenxnis now cxlsting on c�rraRcr aaled on t110 <br /> Ptoptary h�wral�gainu tosf by Ilra,�Lasards Indud�d wiihin the tem�'ex�ended m�•erego•an.1-nny mhcr hvnrds, Inclnding .——__ . <br /> ilaxis or 1looding,for whidi I.ender rtqulces Insunnce. Thls insurancro shail be mafmainal In tLe nmaunts nnd fnr t6o�xdals <br /> �li�i1 I.�nda roquiru.71w Insnnnw carrier providing�he Insuroncc shall bo chosen Uy Dorrox•or su6Jcct ta Lcnder's npptovnl <br /> which sh111 not Iw nnrcamnabty willihetd, lf Borrower(a(Is w maln�oin mverage drscribal eUovo. Lend:r may, r.t l.criAer's <br /> option,oblain a�vorago to pro(ect Lender's dghts in the Propehy In xcorJanco wlih paragroph 7. <br /> All insuranco�allcles nnd rcnewais sM1all bo acceplablo ta Lender and shall includo a siandard mo�tgage clause. LeMCr <br />- shnll hnvo tl�o right lo hoid tho policiu an�!rem:wWs.If Lcndtt requires,Uattoµxr shall promptly givc�o i.ender all rcccipis o( ' ----'_'�°_' - <br /> � pnld premtums nnd renewal noticu.In the ermt af lass,8orco��'er sh�ll givo prompt no�Ice to tho insmm�w carcier ond I.enclet. <br /> I.ender may mnko proot of lou If not n�do promptiy by Aorrowcr. <br /> Unless Lender end Borrower ahernlso agrcro in wdting,insunnco proceeds shall iw applicd a restornUon or rcpair of t6o <br /> Propeny danuged,if�Lo restomtlon or repalr is economicnliy feasl6lo nnd I.ender's security Is not tes�ened.if�6o ru�orai(on or <br /> re{�aJr ts cot eoqj�om'.cally frasfblo or 1.endePs secudty would bo Iessenod,tim(nsur�nco procccJs s6a1[Be applteJ m�ho smns <br /> stcurcd by this�S;ivd�y Instru�ient, whGhcr or not then duc, wtth any excess paid to Homower. [f Borcowtt abandons tho � � <br /> Ptvperty,o¢dcyy+.`M answer�t2cNn 30 dhys e.noUce from[zr,der Uwt t�e iusurance cam_r has offerod to scttte a clatm,�e+s _ <br /> Lend;r may'tdSfxl'�he Insuranm Qtomeds.Ler.der n�ay use the proceeds to rcpa[r or restore ihe Pmpcny or to pay sums. �,.._�- <br /> sccurcd by thi;:S::nri,y Insimmcnt,whetRer�r apt Uien due.7he 30day period viill begin when the�:im!s given. . <br /> Unlen C.'p:irr arid portower otherni�e agmg In writing, eny npplication of proa�ecis to principal shali no� eztend or -- -- <br /> pos�po�w �he d✓a cUta of tho monthiy p�yrcKr.t;sr9rrred io in paragrnphs 1 and 2 or chanoe�h�amount of ihe paymenu. If — <br /> mider paragraph YI�h.o Propeny Is xqufrM�br dsaa4er, Onrmwer•s dght io any mliclesa:�procecds ruul�ing Gom :,_ <br /> damago ro the Ro�xrty prior to the acquisitiae dnntl�v ta l.ender to the exten�of thx sums s::nred b��this Sauri�y Instrunxm ����;;f:,. <br /> Inv�tiftely pdor to the acqutsi�lon. . °"^` <br /> rr=.= <br /> �.4ktupp�ky,P�eservetion,Tlalntenanec and Ih'v�eectlan ot the Property;Sior,rosvci s D.oan Appllrntinn;t.caseholJs, y�ix:;�._;•.- . <br /> i5ortm�2r�h�l l occupy,estaCtis?ard use ihe Property es 3iorn�wer's principal tcsidtrc.e��iihin six�y d�ys etter e[r.-r�reutlon of �;"`=._- <br /> thi's Secnrity Instmnint nm�shn!;rominue w accupy�he Propcny as IIorcower's priisipai <esidency for xt ieati7.�nc year aner ��t'�;�,z-.. <br /> �n::�•�::- <br /> Ih;'da'e of i�ocupaa:y, i.crder olherwlse agrees In wdting, which wnsent shall no�be unre�mnably�ri�hh:id, or unless �a�,--_.,:�-� <br /> extemta[in ciRYm�✓anres esist which arc be ond Rortower's mntrol. I3orrou•er shall nat destm , dan�.1 e e: im ir the �'"'� <br /> 8 Y Y B 1� ��;w�,::. <br /> Propqnq, nllo�.�h:Yrqxe�y�n dctedorate, or rnmmh wastc on the Propeny. 13orrowcr shall bc fn detautt if ar.y torkimrc .p� j_�:_,. <br /> acda�or roceeAin ,whe�het civll or cdminal,is be un�hat in Lender's ooel fafih'ud ment could result in tor..eimre of the '`€i�°�_'-- <br /> P 8 S B 1 8 , <,_: <br /> Propeny or othenvice materlally impair Uie Iien crcated by this Seeurl�y Inswment or Lender's seeuri�y interat. ISorrower may `��jy�-.f-_ <br /> cure sueA a difaid�and reins�ate,as orovided in paragraph I8,by cansins�ho ac�lon or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling 4�}:::;:.�<;;'..-_ <br /> �ha4 hi I.ender R 5ood letth detemiinatlon, precludes forfeiwrc of tlu llorrowcr's interes� in thc Propcny or other material ,� ��, <br /> impairment of Ihe Iien crcatcd by�his Securiiy Instmmem or Lender's secudty interesl. Bottower shnll aiso be in defauit if �AS; a4•� <br /> Bocmrvu,dudng tha loan appli•:x:ion proccss,gave malcrer[ty falsc ot Inaccurato infmm�tion or swtcmcnis tolan;xr(or failal �$yt4';,;;�- <br /> to.peuvide Lender wiih e.ny¢�l infornu8on)In conmaion with the loan oviderw+�ct 4c Ihe Note.Including,F:s nol limiled "t;iyv,-,..'-.��,,, <br />� ro, re r�.senlaUons concemin tbrroa�cr's acu anc�o(�he Pro n as a rinci al resider:ce.If this Securit•Inctrun�nt is on a �t�'c=�='!�`;1'�'''' <br /> P � P Y P2 Y P P Y .i�rF-'°.'tP°5�"- <br /> leasehold, Dotro«•ri shxll �vmply �vith all �he pmclslons of the Ieaze. If T3orrower acquircs fce title ro �he Property, tSje ,,��{G'.,� - <br /> /� c.j�.���._. <br /> leaschotd nnd�he(m tide shall no�mergc untess Lendcr ogreca to�hc merger in wri�ing, f rr;i�_;;_. <br /> ��„1.'4h`:: <br /> 7.Fmt�rtlon ot Lendcr's�ights In the Properly.If I3orrower tnits to perfomi thc wvenants and agrcenxms mmatned in i1•. --,:�.,- <br /> �«.t�,;:..<a��,�. <br /> �hls Securily insWmem,or�hcrc is n Iegal procecding thm may signifltantly n(fM Lender's righ�s in�he Pn�y.rty(such as a i;�"� £tlti�,•��_= <br /> praeoding in bankmptcy, probate, for condemnatlan or fodeiwre or m enforce laws w regulations),then Lencl:r may do and �"�,:*;?+���.. <br /> pay for whatever &neccssary m prottt� �he value of the Propeny and Lcnder's rights in the Proyeny.Lnwer's ac�lons may 4{�i�i)��r�ti'--";�>- <br /> Include paying u�ry sums secured by o lien which has priori�y over �his Sccuri�y Inrtmmen4 oppcaring in mun, p�ying vx�i�����<�%�`�`�'::�' <br /> rcasonablo ailomc s'fees and entedn on thc Pro n ro makc rc airs.Ahhou h lacsil•�ma �akc anlon mukr this are re h i:"�^;''':;''.-'t"' <br /> Y S P� Y P 8 Y P S P �}t,r:tf�;;+::,�•,;.':.;�. <br /> 7. Lcndcr docs no�have to do w. �'�5'r'�{,�``� � ; <br /> Any amounis disburscd by Ler.der under this paregroph 7 shall bttome addi;innal deb� uf Ilorrower sec�r�d by this �<2��.�a,�e <br /> Security lnslrument.Unless Dorrower and Lender agn�m o�her cemu o(paymem. �hese nmaunts shall bear imerul from�he �:itAPt'tr�,�!1:,,___��_ <br /> date of disbunamcnt ai �he No�e rate and shall lx pay�ble, wi�h interest, upon nrdim from Lcndcr �a I3orrowcr rcquesting �'�R ., �i� '_ <br /> paymcn6 `�jL F, �zr � <br /> �'� x�}i6. <br /> 8.�tortgage Inaurnnce. if Lendcr requircd mortgage insumncc as a mixlf�icn or:.vking�hn loan ucurcd 6r ehis Sauriry + )�v�� `ps�F' �� <br /> In;trument. Oonon�er shall pay �he premiums rcqu(nd W nuimain the mmtbng. mv�anm in eff.c�. If, for an} reuon, the s� •�r ' � <br /> +�i�F <br />. mongage insunmce mverage required by Lender lapses ar ceaces�o he in e(fect. �om�wer shail pay�the pmmiums required to }; --,,.'.:3� v..-:,` <br />� o6iain coverage suUstamially equivalent to the mongage insurance prcviously in effec�,a�a cos�subs�amially equivolent ro�he t -.�• aYt� �r-_.- <br />' mst�a Uorrou�cr of�hc mongnge inwrance prcvinusly in effcc6 from an altem:ne mongagc insunr approvcd bp Lendcr. If rs°tl;�"��°��`�:'���- <br />. subsixntially eyuivatent mortpage insurance covenge is not a��ailable.Uorro���er shall pey«�Lender cach mmnh..>�m equal �o ��-. �-':�.- <br />- nnrta�cl0h of�hc ycady mongntr insurenm premium bcing paid by 6orrmvcr�ehrn�hc insurance mverage laptraf m ccascd to -[�i1;j'::.�:'�:� -�%,� <br /> ti}1. <br />- bc in cffCtL l.C�tdcr�rill accept.use and relain Ihcsc papmcnis as a In.s rescrve in licu of mongagc incurancc. l.oss rcxrve S�::: >_��,.`,;'--- <br /> �._...., <br /> Form3028 9�90 ��;'i� ''��"' - <br />' o,x���t f-r�tf i ,". <br /> c�.at <br /> � /, <br />, �f'f(�f���i}"��.'^'`'. <br /> tyi � i � <br /> ��t�5f �t��7 V AP�l4l+h1.41t6i/11-^�_t 7,...1- .-i .�).£.i'ai:::5;::'..i•S .1'�f�l%Y%��ja`il�T d�j r �9*ln�a (r-:—rJa£'xvytve �i�l lk�f��� t <br /> � . k � 5 . �� � . <br /> 7 <br /> nl� . lE i _ - . "' _ _ ' , _ _ ._ . . l . r ;.J - . l � . . <br /> -� Et� � . . . . . - - . . <br /> `i ' t' i���'i : . � .. ' . ` - . � ' . � . <br /> " t`i - ' _ . . . . _.. . <br /> i � . . . . . . . - - . " _ <br /> - - -: �1e.- . . _ . . . - . . <br /> •s t -�� / . - . . . . • . _ <br /> �� <�. ..Np !: __ 1... . - . . . _ . <br /> + � . <br /> ih]�- �w 3 �� - " _ ' ' . , <br /> c� s 1 +f--. - r - - . . . <br /> i � .�ryC . . � _ , . <br /> - � �5 4 yr --_. �y = - . ' - . -- , . - <br /> °.� � - � � N �1�?--. - ��. � - ;� - � dLs.f, ,, ,-� �,�,]}_�.- . . . <br /> 1 i \l� J j - _ /J�JJI . e ( t 1 � n`.N �G ' "`�� l . <br /> � 1 <br /> f . . /i, t � ! 3� . - - <br /> .{ f �`.�J t t ' <br /> �. <br /> �u���5' F)>>� _ sr .�i��i�... , . _ . '. - .'�. - . . . . .._� � � , "�F . . . ._. _. . . . . <br />