<br /> required by R�SI'A, and Barrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to malce up the deficiency in
<br /> nceordance�uith ItLSYA, but in no more H�an 12 monthly payments.
<br /> Upon payn�ent in fiill of a11 sums aeci�red Uy this Secw•ity Inatrume�it, Lendex shnil prompCly refund to
<br /> Borrower vry Funds held by I,ender.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay alI t�xes, aasesymenCs, chaxges, fines, and impoaiCions atb ibutable to
<br /> the Propet�ty wluoh can atCain prioiity over thia Security Instrwnent, leaeelxrld payinenYs or gtound retrts on
<br /> the Proper6y, if auy, a�id Convnunity Asyociation Dues, P ees, and tlsseseme��ts, if any, To the extent that
<br /> these iteins are L�ecrow Items, Borrower ahall pay tliem in the n�anner�rovided in Sectic�n 3.
<br /> Borrower shall proinptly disckargo any lieil which has priority ovar thie Seciu�ity Insh�tunent unless
<br /> ]3on�ower: (a) flgrees in writing to the payn�ent of the obligation aecured by the lien in a manner AccepTnble
<br /> t� I,ender, buY only so long�s I3orrower is performing such agreeinenf; (b) contests tlie lien in go�d faifli by,
<br /> or dafends against enfoxoement of t1ie llen in, l�gel proccodings which iu Lender's opinion operate Co prevei�t
<br /> the enforcomont of the lien wtrile thoso proceedinga u e pending, Uut only imtil such prnceedings aa•e
<br /> cancluded; ox(o) secures �i�om tlie holder of tlie ]ien an agreement eatisfactory to Lender sY�bordinating tlie
<br /> licn to thie Sectu'ity Ins[rnn�cnt. 1'f I,ender deternunes that any part of the Property is subject to a liei� which
<br /> can atf�in priorlty over this Secnrity Insri•ument, Lenr1er may give Bonower a nocioc identifyuig the lien.
<br /> Within 10 da,ye oP tl�e clata on which that notice ie given, Borrow���sliall satisfy the lien or take one or inore
<br /> of tha actions set Porth above in tlus Section 4.
<br /> Lender may reqiure Borrower Yo pay a onc-tiine charge for a real estata t�verification andlor reporting
<br /> service used by Lonc9er in oo�nneciion with Yhis I,oaii.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrawer shall kecp the improvemente vow existing or hereaf4cr erected on the
<br /> Property insured against loss by$ro, hezerds included wiflun the fern� "extended coverage," aud ariy other
<br /> hazarde includi�ig, bL�t not limited to, earthqunlces and floods, for which Lende��requires inaurance. 'I7�is
<br /> insurancc sha11 be inaintained in the mnounts (including deductible levals) and for tho periods tihat Lender
<br /> requires. Wli2t Lendor rec�uires pureuant tn [�he preceding santences can cl�uige during the lerm of the Loen.
<br /> 17ze insuranee carrier pirov'rdinb the insurance shall bo c1iosen by Barrower suUject to Lender's riglit Co
<br /> disapprove Borrower'a choice, which cight shall not be excrcieed mueasonably. Lenciet may require
<br /> Boirowcn-to pay, in connection wil'1�this I,oan, eitlier: (a)n one-time charge for flood zoile deter�nination,
<br /> certitication end tracking servicas; w'(b) n one-timc oharge for flood zone dctermination and oertification
<br /> services aaid subaequenC charges each time remappings or similTr chauges occm�wliioh reasonably might
<br /> �fecC such defernunfltion or oerCification. Borrower shall also Uc res�onsible for the payment af any fees
<br /> imposed by thc�Hederal L�mei�gency Managcme�it Agency in connecLion with(1ie raview of any flood zone
<br /> detennuiation resulfing fi•om an objection by Borrowcr.
<br /> If Borrowex fails to maintain airy of the covexages cioscriUed above, Lender may oUtain insurance noveYago,
<br /> at Lcnder's option and Borrowor'a expense. Lendez•is uncier no oUligatiou to purchase any pArticulu�type or
<br /> amount of coverage. Therefore, such aover�ge shall cover Lencler, l�ut mighC or might nof�rotcct Rorrower,
<br /> Borrower'a equity in the Property, or the contents of flie Property, againsE auy rislc, lu�az�d or liability v�d
<br /> mighf provide greater or lesser cove��ag�e th�n was�re��ion�ly in effect, Borrower aclmowledges that the�cost
<br /> of tlie inaurAnce ooverage eo oUtained might eiguificantly exceed tlie coet of insuL�ncc that Borrower aonld
<br /> have obtained. Any amou�its disUurscd by Lender under tliis Section 5 sha11 Uecome additional deUt of
<br /> Bon�owcr secLxred by fhis Security Inelnimcnk These atnounts ahall Uear interest at the Nole ratc from tha
<br /> daYe of disburseis�ont and sha11 be pay�le, wifh such interest, upon notioe from I,ander to Borrowe��
<br /> requesting pay7xieut.
<br /> 240D0003
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sin�jlo Family-Fflnnie h1aelFredtlle Mac 11NIfORM INSTRUM ENT Form 3028 1101
<br /> vtaPO vMaeM����to5�
<br /> lMollere KWw e�Financlal Scr�ices Paqe 6�of 1]
<br />