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201200550 <br /> Any applioaCion of paymants, insm�anca proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceede to principal due unde��the Nota <br /> �shall not exhend or postporie Wc due date, or change the amoim'k, of H10 Yeriodic Pa}nnents. <br /> 3. I�mde for�scrow Items. Sorrower s1�a11 pay to Lender on thc day Periodic Pa}nxients nre due uuder tha <br /> Note, witil tl�e Note is paid in fiEll, a sum(the "Fuuds")to provide for payinent of aznounta due for: (a)taxes <br /> uid asscssmente vid other items which oui eCtain priority over this Secnrity Instrunrent as a lien or <br /> e�icumbranoe on tlie Property; {bj leasahold paymenCa or ground rent�on Yhe Properfy, iP airy; (c)preiniunis <br /> fvr any fmd nll insurpnoe rcqtiircd by 1.ender under Secfion 5; and(dJ Mo�tgage Tnsncanoe premiams, i£any, <br /> or any sutns payAble by Borro�ver to T ender in lieu of the payment of Morfgaga Inem'ance premimns in <br /> accordance with tlie�roviaions of Section 10. These items are called "L+scrow ltems.° At originnlion or at <br /> any tima dL�ring the term of the Loan, Lender may reqnire that CoirnYnuniLy Association Dues, Pees, nnd <br /> Aeseasmen6s, if any, be escrowed by Borrower,and such dtres, fees a�id assesements ahall6e an Escrow <br /> Itein. Borrower shall promplly finnieh to I,ender all notices o£nmounts to be paid mider Y1ue Section. <br /> Borrower sha11 pay Lender the I'unds for L�ecrow ltems unless I�ender waives l3c�rrowcr•'e oUligation to pay <br /> the Funde for any or al1 Eaorow Itesns. Lender may waive Borrower's obliga�tion to pay to Lemdcr i'uuds for <br /> any or all Escrow ICema at any trm�, Any such waiver may only be in writing. In the evenC of euch waiver, <br /> Bocrower sha11 pay directly, when and whcn•o payable, the vnomiYs due for any h'scrow'Itenvs for which <br /> payment of f unds has been waived by Lender and, if Lo�idc��requires, shall furnish to Lender roceipts <br /> evidencing suel�pa5nnent within such time period na Lender mhy requice. Borrower'e obligntion w malcc <br /> suoh paymenta and to provide receipts shall for all purposes be denncd ta be a covennnt and agreemenC <br /> contained in tkus Seeurity Instrument, as tha phrase"covei�nt ancl agreemc7�P' is used in Seetion 9. If <br /> Borrower is obligated lo pay L�scrow Tte�vs directly, pm�suanY to a waiver, and 13orrower fails to pay the <br /> amowrt due for an Escrow Item, Lender may exun�aiye its rights wicler Seotion 9 and p�y suc1� amount and <br /> Borrower sha11 then be obligaYed under SecEion 9 Co rapay to Lender any such amount. Lender may ravolcc <br /> the waiver as lo wy or al1 Escrow ICems�t�iy Yime by�norioe given in acwrduice witli Section 15 �nd, <br /> upon such revocation, Borrower shall pay to L�1der all Funds, and in euoh unounts, that nro then required <br /> under khis Section 3. <br /> L,ender ixu�y, at any tune�, collect fuid hold Funds in au a�nomrt(a) suffiaient tn permit Lender to a}�ply the <br /> Ftn7ds at t]ie U,me specified mider RESPA, and(l�)no[to exceod the mnximum asnount�lender caz�require <br /> under RESPA. Lender eha11 esCiinate the amount of Pnnde dua on tho basis of current data nnd reasonabla <br /> estunates of espenditures of fiihire LFCrow Iten�s or otlierwisa in accordance with Applicablo Law. <br /> Tl�e Punds shall be held in au institutiou whosa de�osiCs are insurecl 6y a fedoi�al agency, instrmnentality, or <br /> entity('vicluding Lender, if Lender is v�inetitation wl�oea deposits aa�e so ineured) or in any P'adera1 liome <br /> L oan�F3anlc. l,.ender sha41 apply Yhe Funds to pny tha L+scrow Items no latai than the time speeified nncit�r <br /> R�SPA. Lender ehall npt charga 13m'rower for hold'ang and applying lhe FwTds, ammally uialyzing the <br /> eserow zccounY, or verifyiug the E+sorow Items, un1ess I.ander pays Borrower interesu on Che Punds and <br /> App1ieable I',c�w permits Lendar Yo inake such a chaige. Unless an ag{�eemenC ia inade in writing or <br /> ApplicaUle Law requires interest to Ue paid oxi Yhe Funds, Lendex eh�ll vot be required to pey Borrower eny <br /> intexest or earnings on lhe Funds. Borrower avd Lender can agree in writing, howevcr, fhat interest shall be <br /> paici on the P'unds. Lenelei ahall give Co Bnrro�ver, withont charge, an�imunl aceonnting of the F'unde as <br /> requiied by RLSPA. <br /> If there is a surplus oF Punds held in cscrow, as defined widar RESPA, Lender shall account to I�ocrower Por <br /> the excess tands in accordance wiUi RESPA, If Chere is a shortage of Funds held in escrow, �s de�ned Lnider <br /> I2�SPA, Londcr shall noYi,fy Iiorrower as required by ItESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the tunounC <br /> neceseary tct malce up the shorCage in acoordance wifli RLSPA, l�ut in no more than 12 monYh]y payinentis. If <br /> tliere is a cle4iciancy of Funde held in esorow, �s defined undcr RESPA, Lender ahall notify Borrower as <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin la Famll -Fannle h1salFretltlle Mac ONIfORIVI INSTRIIhi[NT 24000003 <br /> 9 Y � Form 3028 1/01 <br /> Wol�c s Kluwer Financial Servlcas VMP6(NE)(17051 <br /> Page 5 of 7 7 <br />