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201200550 <br /> All insiu�anoe policie�s required by Lender and renewals ofsuch yolioies staall be subjeoC Co Lender's right to <br /> disapprove such policies, slxall rnclude a sGwdard mortgage clat�se, a»d sha11 name Lender as mortgagee <br /> and/or�s ati additional loas payee. Le��dor shall hava tlie right Eo hold the polioies a�d re�tewal cacti6cates. If <br /> Lender reqttiras, I3orrower shall promptly give Co Lcndcr all receipts of paid pretuimns and renowal notiices. <br /> If Borro�er obtains any form of insurance coverage, not otherwieo rcquired Uy Lander, for duvnge to, or <br /> dest�ucYion oP, the Properly, such policy sha11 include a�sYanderd mortgage clause and shall name Leucler es <br /> mortgagee a�id/or as an additional loss payee. <br /> In the event of loss, Borrower sha11 give prompt noYice to the inew�anca carrier a»d I,ender. Leuder m�y <br /> make prooP of loss if not made promptly by 13orrower. Unless Lender and Bonower otl�erwise agrea in <br /> �*n�iting, any insurance prooeeds, whefher or not the tmderlyi�g insixrance was required by Le�idor, sha71 be <br /> applied to resCoration or repair of the Proparty, if the reetorefion or ropair is ecoilomically feasibl�And <br /> Lendea•'s security is not lesse�ied. During such rapan•and restoration period, Lender sha1l l�ave the right Yo <br /> hold such insuranca proceeds until Lender has had an opport�mity tio inspecY sucl�Proper[y fo ensi�rc flie <br /> work has been comp1eted to Lender's setisfection, provided lhat such iuspection sha11 be undextaken <br /> pronzptly. Lender may disbiu'sc proceeds£or the repaiz•s and restorafion in a singlepayment or in a series of � <br /> progress payments as the work is coii��lcted. Un1ess an agreement is m�de in wrieing or ApplicaUle Law <br /> requires interest to be paid on snoh insiu€�nce procceds, Lender sha11 not be required to p�y Borr�wer a�iy <br /> �nterest or eu�ninge on such proaeeds. FeeB for piiblic adjusters, or other tliird pattiea, retnined by Bo�rowcr <br /> ehall not bc paid out of'the instuance proceeda nnd shall he the solo o6ligation of Borrower. If the restora[ion <br /> or repair is not cewiomioally feasiUle or Lender's security would be lesecncd, the insttrauce prooeeds ahall be <br /> applied to the sunvs seciued by fl�is Secm'ity Instrument, a$ather or not then due, with tl�e excose, if any, <br /> paid to Borrower. Such insurnuoe proceeds shall bo applied iu tl�e order provldad for in Section 2. <br /> IF Borrower�bandons the Property, I,ender may file, nagotiate aud sattle any avtulable insurnnce claim and <br /> rclated matters. If Borrower does not reapond within 30 days to a notice ii�om Lender tliat the insuranoe <br /> oa�rier haa offc��cd to sett1e a claim, then Lender'may negotiate ntid seltle 4he claim. 'Clie 30-day period will <br /> begin when Lhe notiee is given. In either event, or if Landar acquires the Property under SecL2on 22 or <br /> othercvise, Borrower hereUy asaigns fo Lend� (a) }3orrowe�'s ri�;hts Co uiy insw�tuice proeeeds in nn ainounC <br /> not to �ceed the amoimts unpaid nnder the NoCe or thie Socurity Instrwnent, aaid(b) any other oP <br /> Borrower'e riglrts(other tlian tlie.right to nuy refund of unearned premiums paid Uy Borrower) under all <br /> insurnnce polioies covering Che Propcn�ty, insofar as such rights are applicable to the coverage oP lhe <br /> Propertiy. Lander may use the insurtv�ce prooeede eitl�cr to repair or restore the Pxoperty or Yo pfly Arnaunts <br /> impaid under flie Note or{his Secm•ity InsYa•ument, whether or noC then duo. <br /> 6. Occupancy. Rorrowar sliall occupy, esYxbliah, flnd use hhe Property as Boreower's principal resideuce <br /> within 60 d�ye aftcr Ykc cxccution of this Securitiy ffistiiument Tud shnll contimie'to ocoixpy Vhe Pro�erty as <br /> Borrower's principal reeidenee for aC least one yoar after tl�e date of occupaacy, unless Lender otherwiae <br /> a�rees in writing, which oonsent shnll not be unreaaonal�ly withhcld, or unless extemutitiing circumstances <br /> cxist which a��e Ueyond Borrower's coutrol. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall not destroy, <br /> dvnage or impalr the Propertiy, allow tho Property to deteriorate or commit waste ou the Yroperty. Wl�eflier <br /> or not$orrower is residing in the Propertiy, Borrower shn11 ma3ntain the Property in order to provcnt the <br /> Property ftom deferiorating or docrcasing in valua dLie ko its condition. Unless it ia detennined pursuant to <br /> SeoCion 5 tliat repair or restoratioii is not€conomically feasiblo, Borrowax s1�a11 prompUy repair the Property <br /> if dat��agcti to auoicl further deterioration ar daanege. IF iusucanoe or oonden�naCion��rocceds arc pald in <br /> connection wilh clan�age Co, or thc taking of, the Pmperty, Borrowar sho11 be responeiUle£or repairing �r <br /> restoring the Property only if Lender hns relensed piroccc ds for such purposes. Lender ina}�disburse proceeds <br /> za00000a <br /> NEeRA9KA-61ngleFamlly�FannleMaelFretltlleMacUNIFORM WSTROMENT Porm30201l0.1 <br /> VMP� VM P6(NE)f11051 <br /> Woltars Kluwer Flnanclel Servlces Page Y of 17 <br />