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<br /> S. N�nM ar f'ro�xrtY ]ncnr�nce. &on°wcr sh�11 keqi fho ImproV�nlsW now eili�l�n�or lier�fter erated on ttw
<br /> � Proptny lnsnrod rgalnst loss by flro,l�nrnnis Inclnd�d wl�l�in tho�erm'extendad mvcroge'and Any othcr heanrds, Inciudina
<br /> flopds or tlooding,for which J-tndtt�tqulros Insmm�cc.Tl�ic insumnce shall bo nuintaincd In thc amouNS and Por lhc pcdods
<br /> tiut Guber rtqolrcs.The insunnco carcicr providins Ihe Inwm�lCO aLntl Ik ciwstn 6y iturrou2r snbJat tn I.cnckPs npp:o�•el
<br /> rfilch slull not be unrason�bly wiihLeid. if Ilorrowcr fails to nuintain mvcregc dusdttd�Iwvc, I.cndcr may,m Lc�er's
<br /> oplion,obliln mver�o In protcct l.endcr's rigLls In eho Propeny In aocordmce whh paragraph 9.
<br /> All insannN pollcies and rtnewils sfull be at+cepAb�e�o T..ender ud shall IncluAc a smndard mongaga ciause. I.cnder
<br /> shall hive the dgh[to holA tha policics and renowats.if Lender rcquiru,Borrower shall prompily�ive m i.ender all reccip�s of
<br /> prld prcmlums and renmvnl nntlas.In tim evem of loss.Ttorrower sh�l�give prompt notice to thc Insurance nrdcr nnd i.endcr. _ . : �
<br /> l.cndor mny moko proof of loss It not m�lo prompiiy by iiorrowcr.
<br /> Uni�ss I.cnder and tSorcower oiLcrniso agreo in wriiing,tnmrance praccuLs sMCll be��Qlicd to renorsiao.or rcpair oF�:e
<br /> rm�nr u�a�a«�,[f tho«uoratton or repair is economicatty[easibto and Lender's securiry is r.a lessseod_It tlte eestnraxiou or '_
<br /> rcpelr is ent ecomemically feu[bLe or Leadi:r's sccu�ity wou:d be lessened.�he Insurar.ce pm�s stult tre apptiod to ehc svms _
<br /> savmd 6y this Securtty Snrttumcnt, wl:cttur or�we then deq with any exccss pa:d to Borrower. (f Barowcr aDxn:�ns the �.._
<br />� Propeeqr,or dces not ansx�w within 301ays a aurntt froca l.e+KSer Iliat�he insuracce catticr Fas otfer�t w xttle a clnim,then =_.__�
<br /> i,tr.ASi aiay collat�ho insuroncx pcautls. lea.tr.r n�ay vse tho proceeds to rcpair or rzstorc thz Propzny or to pay sums
<br /> sanua3 by�his Security Instr¢mr.r,r.s�fi��l:er or not�hen due.The 30�day peAocl will br.gin r,ten ttce notice is given. '"°==
<br /> UnLss I.ender and porrourr C3xnviu�gnx in writing, any application of pram�ctr to principal shall na eztend or n%.'-v=-
<br /> �r:�.-.
<br /> postpo;e tht due dxe of Iha momhly paynxnts rcferrcd to in paragraphs 1 aled 2 or chxaga the amcuat of the paymems. If �:;:t;,;,
<br /> under fiaragroph 21 ih:Ptoperty Is acqntred hy i.ender,Borrower's dgh�to any insumnce polici�s er.d pc<eceds raultlng Rom -- __
<br /> danv�co the Property Pdur to the acquisiQon st�il pass to Lender lo�he extent of the sums sauredby ra�s Security Instrenknt ��,:.,
<br /> imr.o3u¢aly prior ro thc xqulsition. -�;•`.=;?_.
<br /> 6.13aup�ncy,Pnstrvilion,Dfalntenanex a^d l'.o:uotr�n o[ihe PtopertY:lkrr�nM's Lnan A�ylicatlon;•7.et�4r'Aolds. �i,.;_;;
<br /> Hortower shall occupy,establish,and use�he Y�xttcns fd,x.�uwer's pdneipal residence x�i�hin sixty dayt after the execution of :.
<br /> thls Seeurity ins�mme�t a�d shall coniinue ro oacec?p iSz G'r.cperty az Bortower's pdncipal rcsidence for�Ieast one year af�er �'.`-' ;
<br /> the da�e of occupancy,unleu I.ender olhetwia a^cesc in w�ri:ing,which mnsent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unlus �;r�_'1:
<br /> ' extenuating circumstu�ces exist which aro beyond I3orro:.e�s mmrol. Oorcower shall not des�roy, damage or impair �he ��;::_..
<br /> Propeny, al�ow�he Propeny to detedorate,or commit waste on the Property. Iiunower shall be in de(ault if any torfciturc �x?:'-=-��
<br /> xtion or proceeding,whGher efvil or cdminal,is begun th��in Lender's gaxl faith judgm�eM couid rcsuh in fodeimre of the �'-F.'-.;�-_
<br /> � Propeny or otM1envise nu[edally Inipair the Ilen crcated by�hts Sccurity InsW mcnt or Lendcr's sccurily intercst.Dorrowcr may X„•�-_-
<br /> eure such a defauli an:l reinstate,az providM in paregraph 18,by causfng tUr,action or pra+eeding ro be dismtssed with a mling i�'4?;-:
<br /> thx�, in undcc's gva� t�ith dserminxtion, pariudes forfeiture of�he Oovower's inter:s� in the Propcny or o�her ma�crial ��;=;=`_
<br /> imp+iierent of tha�6en cru�te.�!ny:�is Security insimmcuz ur 3xnJzr s aa�uiity imerc�...E„�r��er shall:sa �:c:v::i:�!t If ` ;_
<br /> IIorcs}�zr,dudng�ho loan appBcation pracess,gave r.wtxis:tlg fatse or inaccurete infon;v:wn or statemen�s to Ler.du t�r feiled -
<br /> to prov{do Lcndcr wi�h any maledal Infomiatioz)i�ooa�eo:ia�with the loan cvidenccd by ahe Vnta iadeding,M1u not IimitW �^-''=���
<br /> to, rspresenta�lons mnceming Dortower's om�pan;y of cSe Pmpeny as a principal resiAenx.lf this Se�z:riry Insmm�en:is on a l�t=:
<br /> Icacc'+:,Id, Dorrower shill mmply wi�h all thc provlslons of thc Icau. If Borzower�n:�uira fce�i�lc to �he Fi�,�crty. �hc riu�:�-;.;
<br /> Ita:eFuld and�he fw Iltic shall mm�xrgc mdess I.cnder agre.s w�hc mcrgcr in wriUng. ��";:;;;
<br /> 7.Prdecilon ot Lender's Rlgh4s In lhe PropeHy.If Qonower fails m pedomi We covcnants and agramems comnined(n �%;�__-��
<br /> this Security Instmmem,or�herc is a legal procxding that may signiflcar.tly aRat Lender's dghts in�he Propeny (such az a p;�=:
<br /> praadfng in bankmptcy,prob�k, for mndemna8on or todefiure or to enfocce laws or rcgulatfons),�hen Lender may do and ^`�--�
<br /> x�'r
<br /> pay Por wha�evcr Is nccesury m pro�al �he value of thc Property end Lcnck:i a rights In�he Propeny. Lcnder's ectinrs nuy ��c=;__;
<br /> F`�Y 8 Y Y P Y PP� 8 �Y 8 '.��``-
<br /> include in en sums sccurcd b a licn whkh has riur2q ovcr this Sccurit dsntununt, a rin in conec, a in ,•.:_-
<br /> rcaswiaSle auomeys'kes and cntering on�hc Propcny�o ms�r rcpairs.Although Lend.r n�ay�akc ullon under ihis pangraph .a=:4-'
<br /> 9.L.ci�ar das nm havc a do so. g"� "-�
<br /> �_.Fi:.,
<br /> Aqy enwunts disbursed by Lcnder undcr �his paragnph 7 shall bttome additional debt of Bonower saurcd by thls k,r,:;:--
<br />- Securzy InstrunxnL Unless Uorrowcr and Lcndcr agrce to oiher�crtns of paymcn6 thesc e�iwunts sF.r.0 b.ar interest from the tC�'�'�
<br /> da�e of disbursement at ihc No�e rete and s6a11 be payable, with Imeres�, upon notice from Lcndcr to Borrower requesting �?;�,�-.
<br /> paymcn;. �„y°,_:e
<br /> 8.htotlgoge Insuranm.If Lcnder requircd mongagc insurance az a mndition of nuking�hc loan secun�by this Security ���=;'-`
<br /> Inslmmcnt, 13ortowcr shall a �hc rcmiums r uiad ro maintain�hc mort a c insuraccc in c(fctt. If, for an rcason, thc "'"� --
<br /> P Y P W 8 8 Y 1�P�',-
<br /> mongage insuranee mverage rcqutred by Lender lapses or ccaxs�o Ix in eftca,6ortoxrr shall pay the pmmiums rcquir�to --i<,':.
<br /> ob�ain coverzge substamialty eqnivalem to�he mongage insurance prcviously in effce�.x�a ms�suLs�amially eyai�aient io the �";�'
<br /> wsl ro 6orto�ver of the mongr.gr insurance prcviously in eftcc�. !rom an aliemate mongage insurer approveil b:. i.erAcr. If ����"-
<br />- substantially equivalent mongage i:surance m�•crage is not�raf lab!e,Dorrower shall pa�m Lender exch m�ntn n sum eGual to ' -
<br />- onrtwdllh ot thc ytady mongage insurar.ar o-�mium bcing paid 6y[iormwer xhen�hc incuran�z m�erxge lapscd or ccutd to
<br /> - be in e(fai.Lender will aecept,nse:md recaia:t.se paymems ac a locs rcurve in lieu of monga_r +acenr.ce. Loss reurve '
<br />_ �•.,.
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