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hl l J f . : i . 1 <br /> � <br />. <br /> '"+}1 °> �i fl,i�y �_F 3h'l4 f'��il fln' - fa . _ 11 � s'f �����r_.,.�iYs�i�- � <br /> . -�.1�'w:�,h�ah4�A4�iS}dih:..�..t..o,Jr.L.',••i,�^•t•°•,'•rx`i.YFYl7iir'.6dr. _.. - -- - . ` <br /> - g'j.� ��'2i v <br /> ��y,n�u n,.y no io�a���o�«�»i�oa.a�tho oqfon of Iandcr,lf moqg�ge inwr�nce covrrtge pn�he uiwunt ond for the pRdai <br /> tlut Ltndor ru�nlros)providai Uy an Insnrcr tpproved by I.endsr�g�in bzmma avatlabic and is obiairr.d.Borcox�r sh�ll p+y <br /> t6o prcminms roqutmd ro aiainleln nwrt6�8e imurwn;in effal,or to provide a loss rcurve,umll the roqulrenxm for mntlg�e =_:�- <br /> Insumnca ende In a000rdnnca with nny Kdttrn agrcenxnt tr:tnYtn Hottower ud l.crder or applicabia low. �. . - <br /> 9.Imywdion.Lender or its�gcnt mAy m�ke rc�son�bla cntdes upon and Insncnions ot the Propc�ty.I.cnAer shall givo —_ <br /> Aorrox•er notice nt thc tlmo of or pflor to an Inspaiion srccifying rcasonnble c,msc for�hc inspnylon. �j�r_ <br /> 10.Condminplion. The procveds of any oward or eialm for damngu,diroct or wnscqucmlai, im m�nccUon wlth nny �,,,�.�-:= <br />__ condemnn�lon or othor tnking ot any part of ihe Pro}xny,or Por co�vcynnw in Ilu�of mndemnation,are M1crcUy usigncd and �£,_u_:___ _ <br /> s6a11 be pald to I.cndcr. �- .-. . <br /> In dw event ot a ta�l t�king of tho Pro�xny,�ho procetds shnll Ix app�ied lo tho sums secund 6y�his Securiiy Insuumrnt. �`s+.� - <br /> whdher or not Ncn dua, wiih any cxccss pald m I2orrower.In tho cvent of a paulal�aking oi�ho Propeny(n wLIcU�ho Gir �.';.-�,-;;:,t=- <br />— o:'r:;i.',r,,..;�:— <br /> m4rkU vatuo of tho Propctly imnxdiacely Hctoro�ho taking is equal�o or grwtee Uian tho amoum of�ho sums saund by�his �;+',��=�>�'�.��--=- <br />-- Suud�y Ins�mnvnt tmmqita7aly before tho wYing,nnless Uorrower and 1�nder ahenviso asrce tn writing,tho snms secural by �+''+� �{"=� <br /> — �E•, . ."- <br />_ �his Stcutity Eaumm.'ac s6alt Re nryAnced Uy Ne amount of tho �..xccds multiplted by the following tractlon: (a) tho tGal �.��ri�i z,:;_�"� <br /> .. a;xc;.:o£rJ�o vms su�ucat imu:edi:tciy beforc ttx taYing.divt�+d by @)ths ftir mar&d v�lca oF Nt FrcEeny imn:cdlakiy :.:..F°,:_,,. _�1^=-'_: <br />=_ lxfore tlae txFtng• Any balan.e shzll �e pa:d to Borro�xer. In the evenc aF a pa�Cv�.l takiag of Nr Peopeny i¢vrtdch tF.o falr ,••";�S�:tY;��_�-.: <br /> � rou&xt rr�ae of t2r.Propeny immedlatciy 6efore tlw tating is Iess than Pa�amounc of the surns seccvred imir�diateiy tefore tt�.c ,';� Y rs� * y�;_ <br /> = t�kiea,an{rss u��rrox�cr and Le+�der atxtwise agnw In writing or unkss dpplicabte law ahenvise prorides,Ne piocceiis sAa1E x�� , � .,,z._ <br /> te h;d to t1re anns s..^curod b Qiis Securi� Inst[ument whether or not ihe snms arc tEr,n due. ��`'FX�'�{,��.°.`=-�� <br /> a�: Y Y t,s: $ � <br /> -_ 1Ptho iT�ro{+e�Ty is abandnned by Ilottowtr,or 1f,aRer noliee by I.ender to 8artoicer that the mndemnor offecs to make an ,i:•-��,�� z'+-�-_- <br /> = award or scnlc a clstm for�an.aes, 6ortoa'cr fatls lo respond to Lender wi0�in 3Q c!3ys after i�.da�c thc mtia is givea. .�� ta5� -_ ` <br /> _ Y�:^' <br /> LenJu Is authu�Gxd ro collen nad ap�!y dv:p�occods,at its opifon,ci�her a rcsromiio�or rcpair of�tre Pmpcny nr ro�he sur.vs tY��'+��fr,nr�y;a,:-. <br />_ uarcd by this Sxurity Instrunur.i,�ifre�szor na then duc. ,�,���;kq.___,..__--.-- <br />_ Unless Lender xnd Qnrroku whan���k agr� in wri�ing, any appifca�ion of proceeds to principal sAa�i not extend m �.�r,'?�f�����ri_„_ <br /> - postpono tho due date of iha rwn�hly paymenis rcferr�to in paragrophs 1 and 2 or change the amoum of such paynxnts. ��'<< " <br /> = ft.8orrox'u Not Re[ac�adi Forbearance By Lendtr Not a Waiven 4+xtension of�hc time for p�yment or nwdiflca�ion �if�'�"r^7 _ <br />= of amoniration o6tAa snrns xcurcd by this Security lnsuument grantcd by Lcndcr io any succcssor in intcrcsl of Bonowcr shill f':��{�„r;{`4�=`-� <br /> .° not operem to relexu ire'Iiability of�he original[iorrower or Aorrower's succesmrs in interest. Lender shall not be rcquind to .`.-�-��' S� -,: <br /> - wmmenu Qrocadings agains�any sutt�essor in intcrut or rcPose�o extend tfmc for payment or ahenvfu nwdify anwnization ����7�v q.._ <br /> l� . 3).�,._.. <br /> ot tho sunu setund by this Sccurt�y Instrunxnl by rea�on of any dema�d madc by the odgin�l Oonowcr or I3onower's ,s N <br /> _ , suceasors in ImcrrsL Any to:bearence 6y Lcnder In exerelsing any right or rzmaly s6n11 not Ix a wafver of or precludo 1he �t�^` '}�., •�.- <br /> excrciu of ncry•right or m:�cdy. ���,yi' ,: <br /> ' il,.�unz.son in�1 n"v}giu �uu::�m; auini Aiid acrarid LiiLiiitq;Cu•signers. 7iic mmn;:as and agrocmcnis of ihis ��.-���, � ''- - <br />..� , Socurity�m sha11 fi?nd ard bcneGt �he successors a�d assign,- of Lender ar.d Borcower, ,v�Sj.ct to�he provislons of �irl?ru�tti ui•.- <br /> -_•, paragraph 12 3lorrower's cos.nama arA agrcemems shall Ix Jolnt xnd r.everal. Any Qonower who co-sigas this Security ���4j`Y j�'`}�,j �t <br /> Inswment bu�dcea r.a exaauz tl:a Nole: (e) Is co-sfgning Ihis Secudry inslmn�ent only to morigage, gram a��1 ronvey�h�t t;i i,, ?�_ -_ <br /> -'+ Qorrower's iN<mst in the Pco;eny widcr aln�emts of�his Sccuri�y Ins!rtunent;(b)is not penonally obliga�cd to pay�he sums �1j�'1J1�Z�4��iY��_- <br /> . secund by tBix S:curity Instrurt:em;and�c):i,rccs�ha�Lender and anp a,her Itonower may agrx ro extend,modify,fo`bear or it yf��,�FF"x"._ <br /> -� make any 2:commatations wiih regard to�he temis of�his Securiry Insuumem or�he Note wi�hout�hat Dorrower's mnunt. i��1�'if S d�l�s� � - <br /> 9 ]3.Yonn Charges. i(�hr I,an securcd by this Securiry Inswmcnt is subjec�to a law whkh se�s maxfmum loan charges, -���`` .�K�--� '�� <br /> aad ffim Imv is 6nally in:erprued so�hat�he intercst or u:AU loan charges mllec�ed or to be collated im m�nallon with tlw -��)�+ ht' a Y <br /> -'. Iwn exaed�he permaied limiu,�hen:(x) nny such loan charge shall he reduced by�tht amount necessary ro reduce the cha�ge �7;r�,�y fsr .�-�Y�:;� <br /> _a to tho permi[tai timir and @)any smm at�rady m�IMCd from Qovuwea uhich.teeednl per��.en]limils wfll be rcfundcd to ����7�f,*t's} ,�sxi�_--- <br />:A Borrower. Les.u�r rray ehoose lo make tOis rcfund by nducing�he princi�l o�}xd under t�1c .:o�e or by making a dirctt �,?.)� � ;f _ r - <br /> _ paynxnt ro IIorrm�er. CO' a rePond reduces principal, the reduNion will be �na:rA as a pattial prepayment without any �'i,�T�* y�+x ': <br /> - prc pa yment cbx:ge ur,der ihe hoic. J;.� ,L'+ 1 ,f <br /> -' 14.Not)ces.Ary notia to Qorrox�cr providcd for in ihis Sccurity Inswmcro shail be givcn by dclivcring it or by mailtng �`yy 4Jp � -r . <br /> �j it by first cla?s mail unl¢rs applicable law rcquires use of another method.7fie notice shall be directed ro the Propeny Address ���ss�`j24''i '- '_� <br /> ,i or any o�her aildrcu Itonowcr daigna�es by notice to Lendca Any no�icc to Lendcr shall bc gtvcn by fint clan nu11 to �r�3k� �, - <br /> � Lender's ad�:e�cc sta�td heeein or any o;her addrcss Lender designates by no�ice to Qorrower. Any no�ice provfded(or In tlds - '�>r fyl�,3 : '� <br /> 1}r � <br /> -t Saurity Inttnm:em shx!t be d.xmed ro havc been given co Dorrower or Lcnder when given as pro�ided in this pnragraph. �E�+ �6`3 5,�,+�'' , <br /> 15. Gnverning Lov;Sc��eraUilily. 7Lis Securitg fmtrumer.t shall bc gm•emed by fcderal law a:id the law of�he j �)a �,r-' <br /> Jutisdtainn in�vhirh the Yro�xny is l.�:aed.In thc e�ent�hat any pmvision or claux of�I�is Sfl:arity Instrumem or thc hcee t'��{j �'����ti�: <br /> - con0ins�rt:h appiitahle Ixw,such contiici siull r.ot aBect mher procisions o(�his Security Ifuecum:m or�he Note whfch u�tre A�'����;i��;:;'i�fk;�,`� <br /> - f S l.ti;.�Gs:,.,i,..._ <br /> givtn tlfaY withoul Rrc cunlli.ling provisiun.Tu lhie enJ�he prorisinna o(�his&curiiy Insltumenl and�h�Note are dalaieci .�;�:�.�;1p__•__�_--,n�.r. <br /> € w bt scvcrable. - �-� � - <br /> l6.IIorrower's Cu� * P.,rrower shall M nen ont conformed co s nf�he tioce and of�his Saurit Instrunxnt. �-`� <br /> j - ?.• B' P." Y �1N <br /> .{ Form 30n !.!o �l�J-�tt r _ <br /> -�� � MC3019�NEl4 v.a..e�e ����Vr - .. <br />„f . t." .£.: - :r-. <br /> �i • � -. <br /> i <br /> s � <br />. >r;.uH..,.r...-.,___.'"'_-. •c•cts�•l •na:t�r.� - -sr . . .. . .. ...... . ..�_ ..... ..._. , .__�..._..._.- '- f��: . ' <br /> :fi;ry;i`5'd�;':_ .. .Jf.....1 . %'q;.: . !_'. . .. <br /> S � �' <br /> � �. . - . i <br /> t ..�. _ .'. . ._. . � � . . - � - - . <br /> ,� .. � -.. _ . . . . _ _ . __ _ _ _ _ <br /> ..�-...-,. .-. . .:_ -. _ _ _ . ... .. _ _ <br /> r. <br />�._ila �:{� _ . . .. � � . <br /> _i�:. t-'A11: .}� � <br /> ��� , :1.�l�' . . . <br /> �l- r; <br /> -\J� :! . - .. • - <br />_ � ' V::.'/. ' . . . . . . <br /> �vl".�� ' . ':� . •I . <br /> �..i <br />, 'l - <br /> ,-.+R{. • <br /> '.� _;: ._.� _ . . . . . . � . <br /> � � � I .. 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