: J:( c� -5f i>€7 � r:y .7e � i7_
<br /> j- 1/a ����t�j` 1 fy � S �{t ,. I .�F�1�;'
<br /> �i 'y},a.���`a '�4...a�:U3s��is_.wi, .X0.SO,t_ t -_ ........ "'"'"„'�y�, . �.�f- .m.lfi.n.�.bt_�::.
<br /> ....:�......�.u2.L .w � .�1! .., e �
<br /> l..,. �2..... �f}�'e'�S5 � ..
<br /> TOpl;TN�R W1Ttt�II tllo impro�enxnts now or heru�llar ara�al on the prapcny,ud ali e►semonts,�p�xinsn►naa,�nd
<br /> Ozlutts now or txre�fler a pnn of thc propeny. A�I rr�lnamcnts nnd xJdlilons slull ilso be coverut by thls Security __
<br /> ._ lrslmmcnt.Ail of the forcgning is r�fcrrcd to tn t61s Sxnrhy instrumcnt os thc'Propeny.' �_.__.
<br /> RORROWR(t COVRNANT9 thm Bnrmwer is Imvfidly scicaf ottho csictc hercby mnvcyed and hos dw right to gran!ai�d _
<br /> convcy tho Propeny nnd�h�t thc Propcny is unenamlkrcd,cxcep�tor cncumhranccs of raont. ilorroxxr wurants and wlll �:�, .
<br /> — dcfcnd�cnenlly�ho tlt�o to tho Propcny nSAnst all clnims nnd dwnxnAs, subJcct tn any tiilL•mbrancks of rccotJ. a,s
<br /> - TIlIS SL'CURI"CY INST'RUMRNT combines uniform covcnnms fnr nniional ueo nod mn•uniforni mvcnsms with Iim(tod
<br /> u
<br /> - vndvions by Jurisdiaion to cuns�imto n unifomi xavAty insuumcm covcdng ru�l pmpcny. �i
<br /> � UNIFORAS COVGNANTS.Rnrrowcr and I.cndcr mvcnam anA:gn:c as lollu�vr. �
<br /> v 1. ty�•ment of Prindp�t�nd lntoresii �Y��mt �nd Iale Ch�r�es. Oorrower ahall promply pay whcn duo�he �t{ .
<br />-_ �cinct�al of and inttrut on�ha dclu ovldcnccd 6y thc Nalo and any propaynxm nnd latc chorgcs duo imder tUc Noto. ��4;;`�•;;��
<br /> - 2.'F�mGs tor Trnes aud insnrnntt.SnLject�o npplia�blo law or to a�vrittca watre�by Lender,6orrowcr shnll ry�y�o �j�;�;:,;-:
<br />� -� L:n'„�ran thc day monthly paymems nrc duc undcr�ho Not0.umil the Note is pa.�l i�Eull,awm('Punds')for.(a)ycxd tuu -""'�-�'��
<br /> Y �,iti-��:_"_
<br />- xnd aasessa�rts wt�Is6 ma attaln rlari� over�his Secnrit Instnnnent�s a ti:a on tEr.fh.�'Pe�t.y:(b)yai�ly IeaseliolA peyments J=:�'s�•>'�
<br /> Y P Y Y ,:r,_. •.•
<br /> w 8raaed rms ca a'.r.Property.If eny:(e)ycady harard ot ptcpeny tasn%m pcemiu�s:(dl Yexrty flaod i.n,sura�cc prcndv�m _ _, 'r �
<br /> if ury:<e)>'eady m�rtgago inwrar.ce prcmlunu, ff any:aa1(�any r.�ttis piyaS:e by t�rmwEt to is�'er. [n aecarduxe widt 3 ;
<br /> mrt
<br /> i4a,yrovisinns o(pawgr�ph 8, in lixs of t6o paymcr.t o£¢»rtgaye insurancc pn:miums.'t�se irems aro cal!ed'Fssro•rr Aems. -f
<br />- Lrmt.r nuy,a�any tinx, mllect and hold ru�ds io an amount not to excocd tYe ota'iromi amount a Icnd:r for x fakratty �: --
<br /> - mitted nwngage loan rtuy n�uirc for&rrower's escrotv mount uadcr ihe fcdenl Reai Fstate Senkment Proccduns Act of a` F� :'-
<br /> - 1974 at anunded from Iime to Um.e. 12 U.S.C.Svction 2601 rf srq.('RfiSPA'),unless aratT.cr Lav�eh3t apptlas ro 1he Punds S�r� ' '
<br /> sets n lesser 2nwunt. If w. LenCer may, at r.ny tim:,collzct end hold Funds in an anwunt aot to excced the lesser anwunt ���.�� �-
<br />�:.7 LeNer nuy atimaro�hc arnount of Punds due on�he basis uf wrtent data and reason�6le aiinutes of ex ndilures of fumm s"'"-``.�
<br /> Ix Yti .
<br /> :e Escrow Items or ahetwise in acmrdance with,ppiicablc l:�w. vY, ..
<br />:,4 7ric Pands shail be M1cid in nn ins�im�im ��hnzt drpnsits aro insurod 6y o fe+ieral agency, insmunen�ili�y, or tmiry r�fr,_ ,,
<br /> (including 4tntu..�f I-ender is such an instilwi�ai or in nny Ptticrei Harne I.oan Da�k.[cndar shall oQpty the Punds ro pay tht ;,a,.;?�2;;_-
<br /> S.•;.._.
<br /> r�,sCrow tre_��s.L.;ad:r may nol ehargc Oorrowcr Por holding snd a�lyi:g th:funds,annuaily analyzing Ihc acrow aocounl,or -����;.
<br />'�'� ve(ifyi�e¢FC Fscrow Itcros,anless 4endcr pays ilorrowcr ir.�cr<h an�he funds and npyti�h!e law pem�iis i.ender to make such Y ?�;pg_�_,
<br /> �� .�_•
<br /> a charge.However.Lender may rnqulrc Oottower lo pay u m..r�ime charge for an in2rpeadent real eslaro tax re�mRing urvice ?�u��:;
<br />__�,;:� uad hy Lcoder in connaUon wlth �hfs lomi, unlas applicable I�w provides mherx-iu. Unirss an agnxrtrcnt is rtudo or ,E�ir:,;:..�
<br /> {, .,,.-:c-
<br />--�:�;� applicabio law requires(nrens�to 6e paid,Lender ihall na be required to pay I7ortowcr any intcn:si or eamings on tho Funds. �.��,?s,.•-
<br />-,;;��a , Borrower and l.endcr nuy agrs in writlng, however, that interest shall be paid on thc Punds. Lcnder shall giva to Dorrower, !f��,,;;�__�
<br /> - vr?.t�cKa charge,an annual acrnuming of the Nnds, showing etedi�s and drbtta m�he Fards and �he purpose for which each �.r,+;r-_-__
<br />---s�i �ebit�o�he�uMs was madc. 7LC F'unds arc icd cd ns addawnal ucuri� ior all surzx s:imui b �nii ia.�i�t .o'���Fr�i. �"`�; '.
<br /> P 8 Y Y� Y� "' � n.,�- �-
<br />-.c;,; !!ate�unds held by Lender ezcad Ihe nmounts peraticti9 to M:held by epplicabfe Isw,Lender shill aoroun��o Dorrower _��°-.-
<br /> �' for the arcrss Fuck1�in accardance with thc requircmems of eppliable law.It Uie emount of the Punds heid by Lendcr at any t'„ :
<br /> ' ? Ilme is r.ot s�tYfx'r.:at to pay thc Curow hems wfien duc, Ler.dcr nuy w notity Bortowcr in writlng,and,In such caw Iforrowtr Y,'ri� r =
<br />-?+"7 si�sl!pap to I.ender the amounl necessa to mnke u �hc deficien [3orrower slwli make u Ihe defiden in no morc than '� �`'�r-�-�
<br /> - tw•ehe monthly paymems,at LendePs sole dixrction. ty P � �ir� ��`
<br /> iUpon paynxnt in NII of all sunu secund by this Sec«rity Insuumcr.6 Lender shall promptly ttund�o Dnrmwer any i�f�j;s'��
<br /> -'"i Punds held by I.ender.if,under paragraph 21,Lcoder shnll ncquirc or sell the Property.I.e:der,prier r+the acquis?tion or sale y � :_
<br /> :7j of the Propeny,shall apply any�unds held by Lcndcr at�he Gmo of ecquisiflon or sale az e cred"eg.r.ias�the sums sccurcd by . ��=_.
<br /> ":j this Security lnstmment. � -
<br /> N r'..
<br /> _-;� 3.Applkation of Paymenu.Unlas eppticab!e law�,eovida o�hcrwise,ali paymcn�s accirr�l 6p Lendw under paragrephs - .
<br />•�••+ 1 acd t shall be applicd: first,w any prcpaymem charge,ehx undcr�hc Note; sarond,m anwuNS payablc under paragraph 2, �. -
<br /> ---7� (hi�@,tn InlCmsl duc; founh, �o principal duc;and latt.�o ang lam charga duc undcr the Notc. k� �� _
<br /> A.�Chnrges;l.4ns. Qorrox�er shall pay afl�a.a,ncussmems,d+<cges,fines and impositions ac:nbutablc to q�c Property -' a.`-�'
<br /> -'i whic7i may xtlain priority over Ihis Socurily Instrumcnt, nr.d Ieaaelmld p:�yments or ground rents, if any. Borrower ahall pa;; ',_i� .'-
<br /> -: th:se obliga�ions in�he manncr providcd in paragraph 2,or it r.ot pald in�hat menncr_Bo:<owcr shall pay�hem on«mc dirccdy % �n --
<br /> �� Io ct�c perwn owed payment. Oorrower shall pmmptly fi:mish�o Lcnder all notica nf aauo:a�s�o bc pald under this paragrsph ?yt� ,;-
<br />-..__' It 9otrowcr maka Ihcse a mems diratl Oorzuwcr shail rom tl tumfsh to Lcnder rettl �s evidentin thc a meNS. �'� " '
<br />::-,.; P Y Y• P p Y P 8 P Y ry�:-•::-'.
<br /> --; Borrower shall promptly dixharge eny licn whicM has priorily over this Securi�y Insimment unlcu 9orrower.(a)agrces In !=`t
<br /> -� wri�ing ro the paymem of�he obligation securcd by tl�e I ien in o manner acecp�abie to Lender, @)contuu in goad(�Ith the It� "�-
<br /> �1! by-. or de@nds agains� entorcement o(thc lien in, Icgel p�aadings which in the lsnder's opTnion operate to gtevent �he ry °
<br /> -.'� enforcemtnt of the lien;or(c)secures from the hotder of�T,e lien a�agrcement satisfactory�io Lendet ru:boNim!ing:ke lien lo ��t:,':�:; ;
<br /> g Ihis Sccuti�y InswmcN. I(Lcndcr dc�emiines tha�any pui o(�he Propcny is subjcc� lo a licn u-}:�ch r.uy auain primi�y over - , -,--
<br /> .�•�! �his Sa:uri�y Intmmem, Lender may gire 2Sor.owcr a no�ice identifying�hc lien.6orrower sha0 xati iy U�c licn or take one or - -
<br />_,�;:3 }`;�..;.
<br />.-.,:;�F morc ot�hc actzna se�fonh aborc wiiF.i: 19 ea�s of thc giving of no�i.c. <.;jy,�.;
<br />`R='� Fo�m 3028 9.'90 t�:;��'"":
<br /> wi,a :
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