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201200506 <br /> raquircd by RFSPA, a�id Borrower shall pay to Lcnder the a�nowit ncceas�ry to inalce up the deficiency in <br /> accordnnee with It�SYA, bLrt in nn mora than 12 n7onLhly payments, <br /> Upon��ayinerrt in full of all awns secured by this Security Inshument, Lender shall promptly refund fo <br /> Borrower any Funds he1d Up l.eudar. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Rorrower shall pay all tnxes, aescssr�ients, charges, fines, and imposifions atUibutable to <br /> tke Properfy whiph cav attain prinritiy over thie SeouriCy Inetrumcnt, ]easehald pa}nnenLs or ground renTs on <br /> the Property, if zny, nnd Cominimity flsyocia�tiion Duea, Fees, nnd Assc,ssmenEs, i£any. To the extent thtit <br /> fihe9e ifems are Escrow Stems, Boxrower shall pay thein in the inntuZer provided in Section 3. <br /> Rorrower shall prompYly discharge any lien which l�as priority over this Security Inshuuient unless <br /> IIoxrawex: (aj lgrees in writing to khe payinent of the oUlig�Cion 9ecured Uy tlie lien in a manner ance��taUle <br /> to Lender, but only so Iong as Bon�ower is�erforining such�gxeement; (b) contests t11e lien in good faifl�hy, <br /> or detends against enforcement oF ehe lien in, logal proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate to prevent <br /> tlie enf'oreement of the lien while those proceedings are pending, but oi4y until such�roccedings are <br /> concludcd; ot(e) sectxres from The holder of the lien an ngreomcnt 5atisfaotory Y�o Lencler subordinaCing the <br /> lien fo fhis Security Instnuncnt. ]f I',euder detennines thnt eny p�rf of tl�c Property is subject to a lien whidT <br /> cui attain priority over tivs Security Instrument, Lender inay give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. <br /> Within 10 dAys of the date on which that notico iC given, Rorrower slu�ll sAtisfy the lien or talce one or tnore <br /> of Lhe actions sct forth above,in tl�is Section 4. <br /> Lencler may rcquire Borrower to pay a on�tiine charge for�a real cstate tax veritication and/or reporting <br /> service used by Lender in wimcc}iEm with thie Loaai. <br /> 5. Property Insuranee. Borrower shalll<eep the improvements now existinb or hereafter erected on the <br /> Properfy insueed ng�insc loss Uy firc, ha�ard�included wit[iin the term"exCendui covarage," and uiy other <br /> hazaa�de ineluding, but not linvCeci Co, earthqualces aud floods, Par which Lender rec�dres insurance. This <br /> ins�u'auce shall ba maintained in the amounl�s(inclnding dcdiictible levels) and for the period6 th1C Lender <br /> requires. Wliat Lender requires pm�suaart to tha preoeding senfencce oau change dm�ing Uie term of tihe Loan, <br /> The insw��noe ourier proviciing tiho insurance sha11 lie chosen by Borrower subjwt to T.ender's right to <br /> dieapprove Bon•ower's choice, whioh xighe shall not Uo cxeroised wu easounbly. Leude��may rcqtiire <br /> Bon�owcr to pay, in comiection with this Loan, either: (n) a one�Limo char�e for �tlood zone detennination, <br /> cerfifieation enel t��aeking seivices; ar (b) 1 one fime c;ha�'ge for filaod sone daYernvnation and corLiScation <br /> sorvices and sLiUsequant charges each tiine remappings or aiinilac changes occur which reasonably mighC <br /> affect such delern�inllion or certific<[Yion. Rorrower shttll elso ba responsible for the payment of any f'ees <br /> imposed by the Pederal Emergency Managcmeiit Agency in connec6on with the revicw of airy flood aone <br /> deCerinination rasulting fxotn an oUjeotion by Borrowcr. <br /> I4'Borrower fails to maintAin any oP 11�e cove��agcs de�criUed Tbnva, Lender mfly obtain ins�iranco coverage, <br /> at Lender's option aa�d Borrower's expense. Lencler is undc��no oUligation Co pixrchase any particular type c�r <br /> vi�oLUrt of cnvcragc. 'fhcYefore, such coverage shall covex Lender, l�uC might or might not proYect Boirower, <br /> Borrowex's equity in the Property, �r the cot�teirts of the Property, againet nny rislc, 7�azard or liqbilrty and <br /> ntight provide ga'eatac or lesser coverege Lhan w�s prcviously in effect. Borrower nslaiowledges that N�e cost <br /> of the ineurance coveragc so oUtained might significautly exceed the c��t of ineurance that Borrowet•coulci <br /> have ol�tained. Any au�oimis disbursc;d hy I,ender midar this Section 5 ehall beooil�c additional deUti of <br /> Barrower seoured by Yhis Security TnsCnm�ent. Thcsc amomits shall Ueu•interest t�t the NoCo ratc fi�om Uie <br /> date of diabucsement and shall be payable, with suoh interest, upon notice from Lender to IIorxowe� <br /> requestiug payment. <br /> 2aaaoo�s <br /> NEBRA31<ASingleFamlty-FannieMaelFretldleMec UNIFORM IN9TRUMENT Porm 302817a1 <br /> VM11 P� VM PG(Nf)(7105) <br /> Walters Kluwer Flnenclsl5ervices P�ge 6 of 17 <br />