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201200506 <br /> All insurance policies required by Lende�•and renewals oF such policies shall be subjecY to Zender's right Yo <br /> dieapprove such policies, sha11 include a standard mortgage claLisq and s1�a11 na�na Lendar as mortgagee <br /> and/or as an additional loss payee. Lender shall have the right to hold Ckepolicies and reuewal cartificaYee. If <br /> I,ender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to I,ender all receipts of paid premiums v�d renewal notices. <br /> IP Borrower ob4�in.s any form oP ineuravice eovcragq nof �therwise required by Lender, for damage to, or <br /> destruction of, the Property, such policy shall inolude a sfandard n�ortgaga clause aud sha11 nanie Leuder as <br /> inortgagee and/or ae an additional loss payee. <br /> In tha event of loss, Tiorrower shall give prompt uotice to the insiu•auce carricr and Lender. I.ender may <br /> malcc proof of]oss if not madc promptly by 13arrower. Unless Lender and Borrower oCherwise agroo in <br /> v,n�iCing, any insurance proceeds, wheCher or noC i4�e undcrlying insn�ance was recluired by Lender, shnll be <br /> applied to restoration or rapair of the Property, if the res6oxTCion or rapait is eoonomically fcasiUle aud <br /> Lendec's secm•ity is not losecnod. Dwing such and resforatio7i period, Lender shall l�iave thc riglit to <br /> hold such insurancc prooeecla tu�Lil Lcndor has l�ad an opporhtuity to inspecf such Property to ensnre khe <br /> work l��s been eoinpleted to Lender's satisfaclion, provicieci Uhzt sueh inspection sha�ll be midertalcen <br /> pxompfly. Lender may clisburse proceeds for flie repairs and restorltion in a single paymc��t or in a series of <br /> progress payinents as tl�c worlc is cou�pleted. Uiiless a�i a�rezinent is inade in writing ox Ap�licable Law <br /> rcquiros inteeast to be paid on such insurenoe proceeds, Lendcr shall not Ue reqnired to pag IIorrower nuy <br /> interest or eamings on such proceeds. Fees Par public adjusters, or otlier Ihird parHes, retaincd Uy'Rorrower <br /> sha11 not be paid out of the insurance�roceede and sha11 be tihe sole obligation oP Borrower. If the reaCoration <br /> or repair is not cco��omically feasiblc or Le�3dpr's sccurity would ba lessened, tlie instu•ance proceeds shn11 be <br /> a��lied Co the siuns aecured by thie Seanrity Inslrmnenf, �vheCher or not then due, with the excess, if�ry, <br /> paid to Borrower. Suoh insurance proceecla shnll be npplied in the order providcd fc�r in Sectic�n 2. <br /> If Borrower nbandons Hie Propertg, Lender u�ay fle, negotiaCe aud settle any availaUle insLUanoe claim and <br /> relnked mattera. If Bon�ower daes not respond within 30 days to fl notioe fi�om Lcndor thaf tUo insurance <br /> carrier has oifered to scttlp a claun, then Lender may negotiate tui<l sattle the olaiin. The 30-dny period will <br /> bcgin whcn thc notice�is given. In either event�, nr if Lcndcr acquires fhe Properdy tmder Section 22 or <br /> otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender (a) Borrower's righes lo any u�euraucc pr occcds in an ainounf <br /> not tio exceed the axnoLinfa wipe�id under the Note or this Sectu'ity Iustrtunent, and(b) atry other of <br /> Bc�rrc�wcr's righCs (other than lhe righG Co any refund aC�uicarncd premiums paid by Borrower)under all <br /> insw-pnce policies oovering the Properdy, insofar aa sueh rights are applieablc to the coviceage of the <br /> Property. l.endex may use Hic insurancc procccds eithe� to repair or restora 11ie Property or to pay�mounts <br /> unpaid under tho Nofe or this Security Inalr�unenf, �vheCher or i�ot tl�e�1 due. <br /> 6. Oeeupancy. Rorrowec el�all occupy, cstaUlisl�, and uae Ehe Property as Borrower's prinoipal rasidence <br /> within 60 ciayF afCer hhe exeoution of Lhis Secm�ity InsCrwi�ent and ehall continue to occnpy flie ProparY�y as <br /> Borrower'e principal residence For at least one yeu� after the date of 000upancy, nnlese La��der otherwise <br /> a.grees in writing, u�hicl�conec7rt sha11 not be unre�souably witl�lield, or unless extenuating circumstances <br /> cxisC which are beyond Borrower's oonlrol. <br /> 7. Preservation, M aintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. I3orrower sliall not desG�oy, <br /> damege or impair the Property, a11ow the Proparty to deYeriorate or coimnit wasCe on thoProperCy. Whether <br /> or not Boxrower is residing in the Property, Ron�ower shall maint�in the Property in oxder to prevent lhe <br /> Property ftorn deteriornCing or ciccroasing i�� val�ie duc to its condition. Unless it is determined purauaut to <br /> Scctiou 5 thak re��vr or restor�tion is not eoononvc�llg feasibla, Bz>rrowe�'sl�all prompYly repaix the Property <br /> iP cl�maged to avoid fueflier deteriort�tion or damage, If inauru2oe or condeim�adion procecds are paid in <br /> co�mecCion with daniage to, ox the talcing of', Uie Proparty, Borrower ahall be reapousible for repvring or <br /> i�es^toring the'Property only if Ionder has rcleased procecds for auch puiposes. Lender niay disbtuse�roceeds <br /> 240000I5 <br /> NE9RASKA-Sin91e Famlly-f-annieMaclFreddieMac UNIFORM17 INSTRUTAfNT Form 3o28110�1 <br /> VM P�� VM P6(NE)(1106) <br /> Wollers KluWer Financial SeNices Pq�e 7 of 19 <br />