<br /> Any applicnlion of pa}nnents, insurance proceeds, or Miscollancous Prooeeds Co prinoi�a(due uuder the 1�TOte
<br /> ehall not extend or postpnne the duc datc, or ch�nge che zmoimc, oP the Periodic P�yments.
<br /> 3. Piuids for�scrow Itwtts. Borrower sha�ll pay to I.endc�'on tlao day Periodio Payr��enCs are due under lhe
<br /> Note, until the NoEe ia pAid in fii11, a suin (tl�c 'Bimds") w provide for payme�ll of pmounte due£or: (a)taxee
<br /> aaid assessmeats and ofhcr it��ne wl�ich can attain priority over thia Seoarity Instrwneirt as a lien or
<br /> encumUranco on 11ie Property; (b) leasehold payments or grotuici rents on the Property, if any; (o)prou�rums
<br /> for any and all insurance required Uy Lender iuider Section 5; and(d)Mortgagc Ineurance premiums, if sary,
<br /> or any surns payabla by Borrowcr to Londer in lieGi oP tke payment of Mortgage InsurAnce preuvmns in
<br /> acoorduice with thc provieions of Section 10. These itams nre called"Fscrow Items." Af oribination or ati
<br /> any tiine dnring the Eerm oP tha Loan, Lender inay require that Cominunity Aseociation Dnes, Pees, �nd
<br /> Assassmants, if any, be c.scrowed by 13oxrower, and such dues, fees and assessmants shall Ue an F,�crow
<br /> Itein. F3orrowor ehall promptly£urnieh to Lendar all notices of amonnts to be p,aid ut�dcr this Seclioa.
<br /> I3orrower sh�l1 pay Lender the Fmids for Escrow Items twless,Lcnder waives Borrower's obliga�ion to pay
<br /> tha Punds far any or al1 Escrow TTems. ].endor may wai�e Borro�ver's�obligaCion to pay to Lender Punds Por
<br /> Any or all Eseiow Items at any tim�. Aiiq ench wniver may only be in writing. In Y1ie event of sucli waiver,
<br /> Borrower shall pay diroctly, when end where payeble, the nmotuits due Por any Escrow Items for whiah �
<br /> paymcnt of Fimda has been waived by Lender and, if Lender requir�s, shall ftirniah tio Lender receipts
<br /> evideneing such payment within sndi time period as Lender may require. Borrowex's obligetion to make
<br /> such payinents aud W provide reccipts shnll for all pnrposes be deeined to ba a covenanf aAid a�'eemcnt
<br /> containcd in tl�is Security Inshvment, as Yhe phrase"coveuant.aiid agreemcnt" is uscd ii2 SecCion 9. I£
<br /> Borrower is oUligated to pay Escrow Items directly, par�uant Io a waiver, and Borrower fails to p�y the
<br /> amount dua Pox au Escrow ltcm, Lo�ider may exercise its rights under Sectio�n 9 aaid pay such amolxnf xitid
<br /> Borrower shall flic�i bo obligaCed iwder Seetiari 9 to repay to Lencler any such �unonnt. l.cnder may revoke
<br /> the waivcr as to 1ny or all�scrow Items at any time by a notice givc��iu aceordavoe wiH�Seclion 15 nnd,
<br /> upon et�ch re�zocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender a1l Ntmds, and in suoh nmoimte, [hat�re Ehen required
<br /> nndex this Section 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any time, collect aod hold FimclS in an rui�ount(�) sufficient to permit Lender to apply U�c
<br /> Punds at the time speoificd tmdcr RLSPA, and (b) not to excead Che masiinum amouut a lcndc� can rcqitire
<br /> under RESPA. Lencler sh�ll es6nilte the unount oFFtmds dLie on thc beisis of emrent dflla and reasonable
<br /> eetimates of e�pendihires oi'ftiiiure Eecrow Items or othei-�vise in accordance with Ap�lionble Law.
<br /> The Fuuds shall Ue held in av iiie4ituCion whose deposits ere insw'ed by a federal agency, instrumentality, or
<br /> entity(including Lender, iFLender is an institution whose deposits dre so insurcd) or in nny Peeleral IIome
<br /> Loan &�vk Lencier sh�ll apply the Funds to pay the 1?ecrow Items no laier tlinn Lhe[nne specified under
<br /> RI3SPA. Lender sh�11 not cl�arge 13orrower for holdiiig a�id npplying the Punde, nnnually uialyzing flie
<br /> escrow aceouut, or verifying thc E�crow ICems, unless Lender pays Borrower iirterest on tha FLmds and
<br /> �ApplicaUlo Law pormiCs Lencier to meke such a charge. Unless an agre���cnt is madc in writing or
<br /> Ap}�licable L2w requires interest to Ue paid on tl�e 1�imds, Lcnider shall noti be required to pay Borrower any
<br /> interest or aaziungs on the Fnnds. Borrower 2nd Lendex can ngree in writirtg, however, that uiterest shall ho
<br /> paid oii the Fttnds. Lcnider sh111 give to Borrower, without charge, an annua] aecountiiig of 11ie F[u�cia as
<br /> rcyuircd by I2LSPA.
<br /> Cf therc is a smphts of runda held in esoxow, aa defined undcr RESPA, Lender shall a000unt to Borrower for
<br /> 4he exoess funde in accoidauce with RP_SVA, if therc is a shortage oF Punda he]d in escrow, as def ned Lu�dcr
<br /> RESPA, Lendar sha11 nntify 13orrowcr as sequireci hy RESPA, tuid Borrower shall pay to l.ender tl�e ai�ioun[
<br /> necessary to make up thc shorCage in encoxdance�*rith RESPA, but in no more than 12 monflily p�}nnenie. If
<br /> there is a daflcienoy of Punds helel in escrow, as defined etnder 12HSEA, Le��dor aha11 notify Borrower�s
<br /> ea0000�s
<br /> NEeRASKA-Sin91e Famlly-Fannle Mae/Fredtlle Mac UNIfOFUvI IN3(RU�NEN I . Gornl 3028 1/07
<br /> VM P O VA7 P6(NF)(71051
<br /> Wollers Kluwer Flnanolal Servicas Pege 6 0(17
<br />