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<br /> '• �s -r c�t f6��e 1"ra� +;r'iy o��ne(lclal[eiter��:t U�Horr+iwer.If idl c�r nn�r�wcr i.�►u��p n Itural�person)rwit�out
<br /> 17.'I��n fc U
<br /> is�old ur trmi�fcrrr�t(��r if n bcr�cliciul intcrest i�nik�rrnwcr is sol�1��r trimsfcrred pi5 eor
<br /> Lender's priur �v►itl�» cmisent, l.ender may. :►t iis optinn, requir� immediute ��nunt in full Of LIII ti11I115 secured by this
<br /> Sccurity Instrument. Na�ti•evar, tfiis optiun,isal� aa nc cxe:«i;ed hy Lend�r iP exercise is prnhiUited by federal law ns of tl�e diae _
<br /> of this Security Insuu�x�rut. — -
<br /> If[e:ndcr excrcis;c�:d�is o�;iou. l.cndcr shall give Dnrrawcr nntice of acccicrition•Th��»���P I�tl pravide n perlal of noi
<br /> Iess tl�an 3Q Jays frciiea th�daLe tlm notice is ddivered or mailed within whicn Barr�}wcr must a .�II sums sccured by this
<br /> Su:urity lnstn�ment.Tf t3��rrnw�•r fails to piry thescsums prior to dic expiratian of th�s peri�xl�l-�°dcr may invokc any remcdi�s
<br /> penniteed by this Sccurity Instri�ment without funher notice oe demanJ on Borrowcr. _
<br /> 18. Sorrowcr's ltt��ltt to Reinstate. If Borrawer meets ccrtuin conditiuns, Borrowcr shall havc nc� right to havc
<br /> cnforcemcnt of this Secur�ty Instrument discontinuad at any tim�prior to the earlier af: (a) 5 days (or such other period us `
<br /> applicnblc Inw �nay specif}� for reinstatcment) b:foro salc of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contxiued tn this
<br /> Security Insuument;or(b)entay of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions ure that Borrower: (u)pays
<br /> I,ender all sums which then wauld be du�under ihis Sec;urity I�sta,me�nt nsest incuned in�nforc'mgl 3tiis�Secun Y Instrumen�
<br /> cures nny default af�ny other.covenants or a�recments; (c) pay, pe •
<br /> �..,�s�a h��t not limited to,�easonablc attorncys' fees: and (d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> :�;,...,....o.
<br /> that tl�e lici�uP this Secuiety ir��trument, l.cnder's rights in the Propyrcy and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured y
<br /> this SecaFity Insnument sha�l continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Instrun�ent and the
<br /> obligutions sccured hereby sha71 remain fully et�f�tive as if no ac�1eiati�n had occnrred. Ho�vever,this right to reinstate sha11
<br /> no1 upply in the casa of ac�eler�tion under paragraph 17•
<br /> 19. Salc of Nnte; Chz��ige a1' I.oan Scrvlcer. Tha Note or u panial interest in the Nate (together with this Sesuriiy
<br /> Instrumcnt)mny be sold one ur more times w}thout prinr notice to Borrower. A aale mny result in a change in Ihe entity(known ,�.,_
<br /> as�the"Lnan Servicer")diflt oollects anonthly payments clue under the Nate and ihis Security lnstrument.There al�n may be one �;;
<br /> ar more 6�£n naucetof the ch��ga nrnccardanc�v th pacagraph 14 above and�appl cable lawth�'ti��O psze�Wi��sa eTthe name and �
<br /> •�ivcn wn
<br /> address of..th� new Loan Sen�icer and the Add'ras eo which payments should be madt. The notice will also contain any othe:
<br /> inSormution�scyuiced by npplicablc law.
<br /> Z0. Huznrdous Substu�x�es. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release 4 any
<br /> Hnzurdous Snbstances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, an thing uffcctins �h�
<br /> Property that is in violsition of an uE°tic of Heza d us Sub sanr.es�hat a c generally eclagni�toybe appropr at o normul
<br /> gi�rgaor�P �hr Property of small q
<br />- residential uses and tu maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> Borrower shall nronmtly give I.ender wriuen noticc of any invescigation.cluim,demand. lawsuit�r other uction by any
<br /> govcrnmentnl or reguln�nry agency or priv;Ue pany involving the Propeny and any Haa.ardous Substancc or�nvironmcntal Law
<br /> uf which Hnrcowcr has uctual knowlc,�lgc. If Borrowcr Icarns,or is notificd by any govcrnmental or regulntor��authority, that
<br /> nuy remo�nl or aQier rematixtion of wiy Hazt►rdous Substance affecting the Property�s necessary.Horrower shall�romptly take
<br /> � ull necessary remaliul uctions in uccurdunce with Ee�vironmental Laa•
<br /> As usecl in thfs parugraph 20. "Ha•r,a�'�ous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous subst;tnces by
<br /> Envirunmentxuilhe�rt�icidc.�v 1 t Ie salvents, mtatcrials c�on a'in ng asbestos�or fortnu!dehyde1eand radioactive ma erlals�.Asyused in
<br /> peslicides a
<br /> : this paragmph 20, "Environmentul Law" mears fedcral la�vs and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated t at
<br /> relatc to health.safcty or er�vironmental protcction.
<br /> NUN-Ui�iIi�OR�i CQVENANTS. Borrot�•er and Lender further covenant and agrcc as foltows:
<br /> 21. Acccleration;Remedies. l.endrr shall give noNce W Borrower prior to accelcratlon Pollowing Borr'o h r17 uness
<br /> of any covenant or Age�eanent in this S�eer�dty Instrument (but not pdor to acceleration under para8rs�p
<br /> ; a}�pliceble law provides o4herwise).The notke slwll specSfy: (a) the defaulh (�)the action requlred to cure the default;
<br /> (d) thatt[Wils,re�S cure the de[aul ontoT before the dateispeclfied In the notice mayi�es��t n�iaccelerati�n of the su ns
<br /> secured by th[s Secu►4ty Instrument and�sak of the Praperty• T1hE potice shali ilirther infn�an •8orrower aP the righf to
<br /> rcinstate after accelerat�On snnd the righ�t Sa��jf��e a Fault is ndt cured ot�hor before the date sp.�rc',tled.In th�not ce,
<br /> detense ot�urroWer to�leration an
<br /> I,ender, At its optinn, ma}�requu'+'immeiiiate payment in fuli o3 ull s��ms se nr'd�bbthas �i�c.abse Iaw.tLC der shall�be
<br /> fuither demand and may invoke the powcr of salc and any other mmedles pen Y PP
<br /> entitled tu c�c�7lect all expe��es incurrer;ln pursuing the remedies pruvided In this paragraph Z1, including,but not Ilmbted
<br /> -= to,reuso��able attorneys'fc.es�nd costs of title evidence.
<br /> -=- It t6epo w�er of sale is Invoked, 'frustee shall rccord a notice of default in each���blc I w to�arrower and to
<br /> -'_- nr.��,,.rty is located an�3 shall mail dop[es of such noticc in the manuer prescr 1b bb �aWp Trustce shall give publle no[fce
<br /> - tt�e other persons hre.+cribeci by Applica)tie Iaw. Atter the time required by app _
<br /> -- o!'sale to the per�►ns and in thc manner pnscrlb�3 bY applicable law.Trustee,without demand on Burrowcr, shall sell
<br /> - the Property at publtc auctlon to the highestbidrkr at the ttme and place and ynder the ten��s de�ignated in th�e'tof the -
<br /> sale In�nc or morc ps�rcels and In an�order Trustee deternilnes. TrustQe ma postponc sa9e ot all or any pa
<br /> ; property by public announcement at the tlme and place of any previmuly scheduled sAle. LendQr or its designce may
<br /> purchasc thc Prope�ty at uny sale.
<br /> forrc�30:8 9190
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