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<br /> _,. Upnn recelpt �if paymcnt of thc prici� MA, 7ra�cec sii�iii dciivcr to tl�. �,�ir�,hi��:: Crzsi��'9�rrd cnnveyinu thc — _
<br /> l�r o p e r t y. T h e r c c l t a l s I n i h e'i'r u s t e e's c f e e d h h a l i f►e p r i m e f u c i e c v l d e n c��i f tl�r t�yv i h of Ihe htaten�€nts mxtl�.�therein.
<br /> Trustee shs�ll apply the proceeds nf tl�e sale G�the f+�ltuwb��nrder. (u)to uU cc►�ts and.expensc�oP eurckinK tlie�x►wer�f
<br /> snle,nnd tbc su�e,Including the p:�yment of tNe Tru�tee's fces actunlly 6uurred, n�►!tu.txcccd �
<br /> of the princlpal amount of the note at ihc fi��ie uP fl►e c7c.�:iu�•aiEou u�deS'uu{i,u�i�� r+;.c,�ia;sblc alto:ncy,'fc:.y as a�rinittetl .
<br /> by IAw;(b)to ali sums securecl by this Security lnstrument;An�(c)uny cn�c�.,�o t:t.��.^.�::n�"[!P!'�^�a�����y entitled to _
<br /> it.
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of ull sums secured by this Security Ins�runt�nt, L.cnder shall requcst Trustce to
<br /> reconvcy thc Property and shaU surrendcr tbis 5e¢urity Instrumcnt and all notes evici24�cing debt saured by this Security
<br /> Instrument to Tnutc�e•Trustce shall reconvey the f'mperty without wArranty and withc�ut ch,�rg�to tiie per�cm c►r persons legnlly
<br /> entitled to it.Su�cli pexson or persons shall pay any rccordation costs,
<br /> 23. Substttute Ttvstec. Lcnder,at its option, may from timc to time removs Ti�tst�e �nd appoiN u succ:rssor trustee to
<br /> any Trustec appainted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Inst�ument as recorded.Witl��ut
<br /> conveyance of the Property,the successor truste.c st�all,aucceed to all the title,powes atYa,dt►ties conferred upon Tn+stce h�:rcin
<br /> and by applicablo la�v. .
<br /> ZA. Requcst far Notices. Borrower �equests that copios of the nolacss of defa.�alt nry.4 snle b�sent to Dorrower's addtw:ss
<br /> wliich is the Property Address. �• -
<br /> 25. �tiders t�ahis Seeurity fnstrument:If.onA:or mar�:rider�xre•executed by Bo�rnwer and recorded together.with this
<br /> ' Securi[y•InStrunlent, tltt cove.nant�and n��eements of each such rider.�hai1�b�irtcorparn.b,L►nto and sha91 amend and supplcmont
<br /> the covenanta•u�d agreements of this Security Instrumeut us if the riiloclsD werF�pflr,t.or'F1��i�Security Rnstmrnent..
<br /> ' [Chcck applictl��e�box(�:s)1 � � • , �
<br /> I-�Adjustab!e Rate Rider C�Condominium Rider �.� t-4 Family Rider
<br /> [_]Graduated Payment Rider �Plunned Unit Development Ridcr C�Bi�veekly Payment Rider
<br /> ❑Ballcwn Rider �, �- It:�ta Improvement Rider CJ Secon�d Han�e Rider
<br /> ❑V.A.Rider L.._J Other(5)�specify)
<br /> BY SI(iNll�iti HL.LUw.tsorfc�wc�AcCCpis;tnti t�grc�s iu iiio iciiiie dini iG'vci�ai�ia f�ii�idii�c�i.-�i�ii�a�iitit� jti;ii'iiitivil!�Sk�
<br />: in uny rlder(s)excsuted by Borroa�er and remrJa�witli it.
<br /> Witnesscs;
<br /> �.,t'a►'�ytl'� (Scal�
<br /> J MES P Kf�lAMFR -Borrower
<br /> ...-- - — _..-
<br /> � _.—("+:ai)� .
<br /> LYN �ICRAWER -eorrower
<br /> (Seal) � (�)
<br /> . -Dorrowcr -Bntrowcr
<br /> STATF:OF NEATiASKA, HALL Cu�nx�Yy ss:
<br /> Tlie fomgoing instn�meat avas acknuwlodged before me this 18�H d�y af APR IL , 1947 ,
<br /> b}� _ JAIIL� [IlANLI A!� LiNClYB C [AAMBl�tU981i(D d1�D�1P6 ' . .
<br /> Wicness my hand at�d aotarial seal at 6RAND Y SLAND, NEHC{At�K�?► in said Cauniy,ti�dnt�aforesaid.
<br /> My Commission Expires: .•�• aa+��
<br /> • G[NEAAI.MOiAHII•St11��1 �'i nlio
<br /> SfAT'T C.KiSSLEH
<br /> .. �i ca.�.�.�o.wr 3�,��e '
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