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<br /> paymentr;niuy no longer lx;requireci,nt d�e aptian of Le�ndr,r,if mort�+.tRe i�r,v►rnttce c<�vern�;a li►t thc:imount and for the period
<br /> that l.cndcr reyuires)providcd by an insu`er nppravc�l by Lcn�er ug�,�i:�m tec��r�:s avnilnt�l��nnd 'ss obtained. &�rrawer slmll pay
<br /> thc pramiu�ns rcyuiiul tu uia�intain mong��e inyurnnre in effec�.o�•ta r��o�rir,�:a loss rescrvn.until the requiremcnt for mort�age r
<br /> insucunce ends in accordancc witl�uny written.igrerment betwezn �:,�rc���+e+�f�:+1 [..+:i�d�r or ap}�t(cable law. �
<br /> 9. Inspectiott. Lender i�r its ngent muy make reasonable entcirts c��rn acx9 inspectinnF uf the Prup�rty. Lender shall give
<br /> Borrower notice at tiie time of or prior to an inspcctian spccifying r.aer;,nah;�.rncn.,e fm•the inx�rcction.
<br /> 10. Conde.mnation. The pracc,eds of any awurd or claim fcri ui�r'n;,�es, d'ercct m'r.on��'qucntiul, in connectlon with �ny
<br /> candcmnation or other taking of any part of thc Proper�y,or tor c�}Rt+wyurr,�:c im Heu of condamnation, are hereby assisnrd and
<br /> shall bc paid to Lendcr.
<br /> !n thc evcnt of a total taking of the Froperty, U1C(fYUC�etI9 FI1AI�F.�a a«�i�d to the sume;�ccurcd by this Security Instwncnt. —
<br /> whethsr or not then due, with uny excess paid to Rorcower. In tHa e�+ertt. o£a pnrtic�l tt�king of the Property in which tha fair
<br /> markct value of the Property immediatcly before thc takinB is equaR uc�oc greatcr than thn:tmount of the sums securc;d by this
<br /> Security Instrument immecfiately before the taking, unless E3orrower an�r�[r�ed�:r othenvisc:t��ree in�vriting,the sums securc:d by
<br /> this Security Instrument shall be reducctl by the amount of ihe procecd�� mi��uiplied try the following fraction: (a) the total
<br /> amount of the sums securcd immediAtely bcfare che wking. dividcd b�(b)tl:e fair murkct vnluc uf the i'ropcny immediately
<br /> before the utkin�. Any balunce shall be paid to Borrower. In tFxe evene o�a�+nrti3��u►king cif�he Propeny in which ihe fair
<br /> market vaiue of the Pruperty immediately before the talcing is Ie,s th�i tlie an����ua�t nP tl�c sums secured immedintcly beiore the
<br /> taking,unless Borrower and l.ender�oc�erwise�gree in wri[ing or uttless aj?p!l�:ablc law oth�nvisc pro��ides, the procexds shall
<br /> . be applied ta the sumc secured by this Secvrity Iqsss�tment whether or not the saune are thern due.�
<br /> If the Froperty as lbandoned by Barrower,or ifi,aRec natice by i.ender to eorrower that the ca�ndemnar offers tp mak�an
<br /> award or settle a claim for dAmnges, Borrower fails to respond to i.ender ai7t�in 30 du��s a�ter the•clnte the notice 9s given, �. _
<br /> Lender is uathorized to callect ancf Apply the proceeds,at its optian,either to restaration�r repuir of the praperty ur to the sums
<br /> securesi by this Sec;urity instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> ' Unless 11.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal snall not extend or
<br /> postpane the due date of the monthly paymcnts refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changa the umount of such paymcnts,
<br /> ll.Borro�ver Not Released;ForUearnnce By I.ender Noi a Watver.Extension of the time for payment or mociification
<br /> of amortization of th�sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Horrower shall
<br /> not operatc to rdcase the liabiliry of the original Bnrrower ur Bonower's successors in lnterest. �.endcr shaii not bc requircci io
<br /> commence proce�iings against nny succcssor in intcrest or refuse to extend timc for paymel►t or othcrwise modify amonization
<br /> of the sums s�xured by this Sec�arity Instrumcnt by rcason of uny dcmand ��w�ie by thc oriAinal �arawer or Butrowcr's
<br /> sucressors in lnteresG Any forbeurance by [.er�der in exerci:sing •rny right or r�nx:dy shnll not be u waiver of nr preclude the
<br /> ' exercice of any right or remccly.
<br /> l2. Succes.sorM �nd A.gslgnq Hound; Jolnt and Sevenl I,IxblUty: Cu-4lgnerK� Thc �ovcnants und agrocn►eMs of thi�s
<br /> Su:urity Instrun�en► sh�dl bind utxl ixrkfit thc saccrsu�n Lid a�sig�is oF l.cndcr u��l Rorrowcr, subJcrt to ttic pr��vi�lons of
<br /> pArngraph 17. Horrower's ruvennnts uixl ugreenxnts shulf be joint u��! +cveral. Any Oormwcr wh�� cn•sibns 1hi� Sccurlry
<br /> ' lnswmcnt but dc�es not�x��cutc thc Notc: (u) is ca•sibninb ih�ti Securlty lnstrun►cnt only to mortgugc,grant e�Nl a�nvcy that
<br /> � Borrowe�s interest in th�Pmperiy wxle:th:.tenm uf this Sccueity�nstrumcnt; (b) is nut Fxrsunally obllgutecl to pay the sums
<br /> •� secured by this Socurity[nstrunx:nt und(c)ogrces thut Lcndcr and any othcr Borrower muy agree to cxtend. modify, fo�bcar or
<br /> make eny acwmirwdatiuns with regard to the terms of this Security[nstcument or the Nnte wlthout tBat Barrower's cunsent.
<br /> 13.Loan C6�trges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrunient is subject to n luw which sets maximum loan ch:irges.
<br /> • and that law is finally interpreted so that the inter�st or othr.r loan charge.a callcetal or to be collectal in connection with the
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits, rhen: (a)any sucl�loan charge shatl be raluced by thu amount nccessary to reduce erie ebnrge
<br /> to thc permittod limit;arui(b)any sums already collectcd from Dor-rower wtiich exu�dt�i permittcd limits will be refunded to
<br /> Borrower. I.encler may choose to make this rcfand by reducimg tlie principal owal under the Note or by making a dirxt
<br /> payment to Bonower. If a refund reduces principal, the rcduction will be treutal as a partial prepayment witlrout uny
<br /> prepaymcnt charge under she Note.
<br /> 14.Notfces.Any notice to Borrowier provided for in this Security Instmment shall�be given by delivering it or by nbailing
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicablc law rcc�uires usc of anoilter m�thod.TI►c notice s}�ull be directcd to thc Property Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower desi�nutes by natice to L.ender. Any notice tu L.encier cltall be given by first class mail ta
<br /> I.eruler's address stilted herein or any other address Lender dcsignutes by notec=to Ror!+ower. Any netice providal for in this
<br /> 3ecurity Instrument shaU be decmed to hnve been given to�rrower or I.ender when given as providcd in this paragraph.
<br /> 15.Gnoverning Law; Se��erability. This Sccurity inst►u�uci�t sl►nq be govemecl Uy federal law and ttte law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is locatcd. Gi the evcnt that any provision or clauso of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with applicnble law,such contlict shnll nat aCfect other provisions of this Sccuriry Inst�vment or the Note which can be
<br /> given efiect without the conflicting provision.To diie end the provisions of this Secu►�ty Instrument ar.d the Nnte are dec;lared _
<br />— to be severable.
<br /> l6.Borrower's Copy.Borco�ver shnll be givcn one conformed copy of tiie Note und of this Security Instrument.
<br /> Form 3028 8/90
<br /> Ppo 4 018
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