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<br />��:;v�, •- •,�r; , (d) � wdt o)�xeCUt(on or att�chmont o}sny simflsr process shall he ent�red ap�inst 7ru�tar which Shall --
<br /> � • '` �� become �lien on the Trust Est�te ar sny poRion thernof or intnrost therein and such exRCUtion, attachme�t ar �imdar �
<br /> ,�
<br /> "' Gror.c�:of�udqr��c::c I:�.at r�:;.�s�d,borict;;d, :,atisllcd,v�C�4Cd OP stayCd L"JI�IIItI sixcy 1601 d:.yc�1ter fts entr��or levy; or ��
<br /> `�.`�r.}r€� -
<br />::;jtGr�N'''�''� (el there na�oecurred a braach oi or dehutt under any term,covenant, apreement, conditior+,provision,� ;.�
<br /> �-y�?� renrrernrr�ton or warranty contained in any prlor de�d ot trust or moRp�ae oifeCting the?'rust Estate. �,,� "
<br />::,-„m=•,.� .�`� � _
<br /> . .� 10. .AccN�i�itton uport DdaWt;Ado7tlona!R�muAiJ. If an event of defautt accurs, Beneficiary may declare the� �,
<br /> '� �� indsDtedness securpd harebY to be due anci p�yabla and the same shall thereupon become due and payabte without any�
<br /> :�;� �`;��'� presentment,demand, protest or ratice of any ktnd. Thtreafter.8aneticlary may: �
<br />;;;;<,,.�.•�.
<br />`:;`=�j:�, (i) either in person or hy aqent,with or withoux hrin�inp any action or proceedinp,or hy a receiv�er appainted�
<br />`% �ir;.'.•
<br /> `-`�•:f��.� , by a couR and witlwut repud to the adeqwcy oi its sacurity,enter upon•�nd take passession of the T��ust Est�te,or an�
<br /> ;�; „_ry part thereof,in its awn nam� or in the name of Trusxee,and do any acts v�chich it deems necassary ar desirabte to preserve
<br />�;-��'�� tne eatu4,m�rfcetabitity ar rent�biliry of the T►ust Estate,or part thereof or interest therein,incressa the irx:ome therefrom�
<br />-�`.n.?%'�' or protect the securi hereof and,with or without taki
<br /> :��.� ty np possesslon of the Trust Estate,sue for ar otherv+rise collect the
<br />•;;ii,s;2�„� rents, issues ub profits ther¢nf, Inctudinp those past due and unpaid, �nd sppty the same,less costs and expenses of
<br />-=;=�•�••' operation and collection includinp attorneys'fees,upon any indebtedness sec�ued hereby,a!I in such orde�as Beneficiary
<br /> `^;��; : � may dettnnine. The enterinfl upon a�d takinp pnsseaslon oi the Trust Estate, the coltestion of such rtnts,Issves and
<br /> :;.�a:,:�� prolits and the appticstion thereo} as afarosaid shall not cure or waive any d�xtault or notiee of default r�ereunder or
<br /> :,��T4:a� invalidate any act done in response to such default or pursuant to such notice M detautt and, notwithsUndinp the
<br /> c�ntinuance in possession of the Trust Estate ar the colleetion,r�ceipt and applieation of rents,issues or protita, Trustee
<br /> �.-`���i or Beneficiary shall been tntitled ta exercise every ripht provided for in any oi the Loan Instruments or by law upon
<br /> ��'n"`��.y:
<br /> occurrence of any event of default, inctudinp the ripht ta exercise the power of sale;
<br /> ��;��•
<br />___ ��:o (ii) commence an action ta forectoss th�s Deed of Trust as a mortqape, appoint a receiver or speeifically
<br /> :m��7� er�force any of the covenants hereof;
<br />=_ -'�-�-'�
<br /> -°== i1111 QCItYEf i0 1�USLEE i W►IREfI aEClitdLlD�1 OT�EtBUIL 0t1O�ER12�TOf SB�E dll�a W(IiiEtl�lOi10E OT U�TaUIt aIY'i
<br /> �'=''�� mlection to cause Trust�o�'s i�terest in the Trust Estate�to be aold,which notice 7rustee shall cause to be duly fiied fo+•
<br /> - _-- record in the appropriaca oYfices of the County in whic'h the Trust EstatE 1s located;oc
<br />-,��a�. •
<br /> -- (iv► exercise such other riQhts or�emedies at law or iR equity.
<br />._„�� 11. �irrcksr.r,r6yF'aw�reOSiJ�. !f Beneficiary etects Yo forectose by exercise ot the Power of Sale hereincontainecl,
<br /> Benefici�ry shall noNfy Trustee and shall deposit with TrustGe this Second Oeed of Trost and any note evidenciny the Indebiedne!„r.
<br /> __y_ and such recespts and evidence ot expenditures rnade and secured hereby as Trustee may require.
<br /> ` (a) Upon receipt of such Rotice trom Beneficiary,Trustee shall cause to be rrcord�d, published and deliveree�
<br /> _ _ '� to T�ustor such Noiica ot Dmtautt and Notice of Sale as then required by law and by Lhis Second Oaed of Trust. Truste�
<br /> - shall,w;thout demand otiiTrustor,aher such tima as Rn�y then De required by law and atter reco�dation o!such Notica c�f
<br /> -- Def�ult and after tJotice ot Sale havinp been 0iven as required by law,sell the"frust�state at the time and �place of sanh
<br /> — fixed by it in Euch Natiae uf Sale,either as a whole,or in separate lots ar parce7s or items as Trustce shatl dee�nexpedient;
<br /> -__-- = �' and in such��aler,as it rc�a�'datermine,at�ubtic auction to the hiphest bidder fe�cash in lawtus money of tha!,lrrted Statqs
<br /> � ` pay�bta at tht.�irhe oi sale. Trostee sltiari daliver to s��ch purchaser or purchasers thenof its yaad and sufficient dee�d �ir
<br /> �1 deeds cortvtylnp the preyti�y so sold,but without any covenant or warranty,express or implie�: The recital�,insuch deed
<br /> _...,,.,,,.__._ . .4 nf any matters or facts s'W'i!be conclusive proof of the truthtutness therEOf. /any person, incSuding whhuut lirnitaticc _
<br /> �' Trustor,Trustea or Benetic�ary, may purchase at�uch�'safe.
<br /> �� l4) As may 6e permitted by law,after deduct+ng at!costs,fees and expenses ot Trustee and ot this TruaS;
<br /> �? includirtp costs of evidence of title in connection with Sale,Trus�tee shall appty ti�a:p�uceeds ot sale to payment of li!t��a
<br /> .InOebtedness(ii►all othe�su�s then secured hereb�r.and liii)the remainder,if arry."„a the person or persons legally entitle�l
<br /> a�hereto. ,
<br /> :� (c) Trustee may in ihe manner provided by law postpone sate of all or any portion of the Trust Estate.
<br /> - — ,
<br />__ _�=— ,f . 12. R�mK!!es Not Extl�sJve. Trustee and geneficiary, and each ut therta,shall be entitled to snforce payment and� _
<br /> -� i patorman�e oi any indebtedness or o61i0ations secured hereby and to exercise all riphts and pawers urtder this Sec�nd Oeed of�
<br />- ---"""'-�"' Trust or urxler ony Loin Instrument or othtr apreement or any 7aws�ow ar hereaitcr in torce;nptwithstandinfl, Somte or all ot tnt `
<br /> �_-•�-� � such�rufebtedncss a»d ebliQatior+s aeeured hBreby may now or hereafter be otherwise secured,whnther by mortpape,dad o}trust, ��
<br /> „_._;,._„_, � pledpe,tien,assprment or otherwise. Neither tha acceptance of th:s Secand Deed of Trust nor its enfpraement,whether by caurt
<br /> �;�.�,. ' ar,tion or purswnt to the power ot sale or other powers herein contained, sha�l prejudice or in any mmnrse�atfect Trustee's or —
<br /> -- --= Brnefic�arys riqht to realize upan or en}orce any other security�cw or hereafter hetd by Trustee or BenefiCiary,it foeing�pr�ed that
<br /> _� T�u�:a°and Beneficiary,and eaehot them,sha!7 be entitled to 2niarce this 5econd Deed ot Trust�ssd a:s��u�e� ser.unty now or -
<br />., :_ 3 �,
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