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<br /> . hereatter hsld by Banaliciuy or Trustae in such order �nd mmner as thay �:sr elthrer ot thnm ma� ��� t�nlr ah.Yalute d�scr�oon
<br /> detarmine. No�em�sdy Iwr�in eonftr��d upon or nservsd to 7ruste�a.na�ri{�i���r,i:,7�;cr.�a�.����i;�w�u:'.ve sf !r�u nther ramedy
<br /> herein or hy law provided or permittnd,bux each shall be cumul�cive�nd si►�il ba(�M,xciclillnn ta evar,�atnrt��am�d+�+,�g��en herriAndar
<br /> ar now or herea(ttr axisttnQ �t law or in puity or by st�tute. Every power or r�m�eciy+{�Ivs+ti�y d�+��10� :����•�M��r�trum�nts to
<br /> Trustea or Benetkiary or to which�ither of tMrti may b�othsrwise entitttd�may b��zerr•lsad,cor�eWr'�Mt{y�or In�fip���t�Y� tiom
<br /> tlme to timR snd as often as m�y be deemed expadient by Trustee or Honeficisry aexa e�tFenr af thram raiay atrd:tue Ir�anaiatent �_e
<br /> �emadies. NOL�71flQ�lOfd�ll=���b6 i.0i'iatP�i��..��^.!^.Fty��rr ��n�lP�ler/ 1!(1I9!SRAIA�1��A',�,}::l.^.r.;�h,�!.�iMrr"o g�:iy'�(:::.^.*i�S:r�Gt�w �
<br /> the extent scech�ction(s permitted 6y law.
<br /> �g, Rpuast FiarNa�a. TPUStar and all other pArtie�set tarth her.pr.c�hernbY requU�t;s�I��tsY flf�n,V��otice of DGfwic�
<br /> aixf a copy of sny Notice of Sale twreu�der be rn�iled to them�t the sddress<a�t fortli in the f�r.�y�.�npr�ph af tiiis Second Oeed�
<br /> cf Tn�tt. �"'�
<br /> ��, � •,Gavw,�fnA Law. This Sacond�eEd of Ttust shall Le yovtr��d hp and GonsU�r4d•ir�accardane.e�•with the Iswo of�
<br /> tt►e State of?��,brtsks. In tha exent th�t sny provision or clause of my o1 ttvn l�o�Inairuments cOnf)Fr�ts wiM ap�.'��Ic�t►�e l�ws,such�
<br /> conflkt sh�d rwt�ffect othet prqvisions at suct►Losn I�strcxnents which c�l b�fl�h��n eftect without th�t contlirt.'tnp prnvfsion,�nd
<br /> ia Lhis ertd ilsa pro�t�iens of tt►e�oan �n:truments �re declared to ba ac,�,mh1�r. 1'hia instr�xnRRe cannnt be �wived. ch�nqed,
<br /> discharped c+r terminsted orally,but only by an instrument in writ+r+p sipned:tjp:thD pt+rtY aqainst whttrn entqrce+rnhmt of eny waiver,
<br /> chanqe, disct�srpe or termination is wuyht. .
<br /> 15, R�eonwyancr br Tnester. Upan written request of 8en��ic:+�s�r atrtir�p that eN 4�;�ns sncurecA atere6y have been
<br /> paid and upon surrender ot this Seeond Deed ot Trust and any note to Tru�ot�fc►r c�cx:ellat(�n ux�r�etentie�n�ntf�upon payment by
<br /> '.Trustor ot Truste�'s tees,7rustae stall raconvey to'Yee�sior.�r the person r�rparF,ans Icpally entitled theret�a,rr,_itdfr�ut warrsnty,�ny
<br /> portion af t#�e Trost Estate then held hernundar. The�retit�ia insuch racorriv�yn.nc�of�ny matt�rs o�f�cts sl+all A,ie conclusiva proof
<br /> oi tA�tcui?�Ruiness thereof. The flrantee in sny recortveey�nce may be desscYned as'the person on,persons IopaH!y�.entitled Qt�reto.'
<br /> •'. .,';j��`.'� Node�s. Whensver 8erbficiary.Trustor or Trustea shikti.deslrs to yive or serva anV noGCn,d�lmand, rot�wiCst ar
<br /> ''�'`�ot�qr paa�i�+unication with respect to this Second Oeed of Trust. each suCin notfce,demand,raqudsi or ather c.r.�ntnun(c�tlon shall
<br /> ' �i+e 3n Wt}!�g an�±�II be etfnctive only if the s�me Is delivered by(ferssr�al s�+rol�e or mailed b;t certitirsd maii6 pa:t�pe p�ap�id,
<br /> ittum r���requested,sddressed to.t1A address set forth af the bepirc.�i+r�,i of this SeconO ateu aT iruesc. prWy Pa+iy m+v������
<br /> time etanpYt�ts�ddnss tor such rwtic,ps�4y deliverinp or mailinq to the ot�Me�ps�ties hereto, aa afarase�d. a ru►r.;v,e oi such ctuinpe.
<br /> ;��,,, 17. A4Cfpta/tC1 Ely TiftflN. Trustee.accepts this T�ust:whe� this Secand Deed o� Tuwt, cfuly axecuted �nd
<br /> ;;i`..�.;aCknowledfled. is made�pub�Ic record as provida�hy law.
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