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<br /> � 2. Tixes. 'Cruecar sto�ll paY ear.l�installmnnc at ali t,ryxea and special msseasrroents of everY k�nd, nA�v or herea4tcr
<br /> q3,,�,{,�U�;;�;,ti;�;tfi a Tcus. F,�e�tl ur uuy psri tlicrccst, b,^.tarc de�lnq�arcncy, without noticn ar dem�nd. __
<br /> 3 /nsur��n��ndllpp�l�s. 7rustor sh211 maintain tirr�and extended coverape insuranse insurbrp thc Irnprovements �-
<br /> conrtr.ie�.�tir:p Gart of thn T+u�t Estato far suc1� amaunts ar+d an:+�anl�terms reason.ebly satlalactory to Beneficiary. So tonp as the� _
<br /> Prq�e�rty I�f seCUred by A flts¢dned of t�u&t or raortflapo, complf9nr.�wfth the insurance requirements ot the fir�t deed o4 trust or'
<br /> .,1�,u h�w„{11n;nnt rn gaynly;,�5�..^..^�U�•^�.n�p.w n!t��l�nnf, .��n,�: 3:^.!�!.1r.Q t� insufancc. __
<br /> :::r.r.;,a„: .. . ,..._o...
<br /> Tro:�stor ah�ll prornptly repair and rR{�lece U�a Tnist�st�trE ar any part thereof sa that,except fur ordlnary wear and tear, �.i
<br /> t3�,rt Tnsrrt FStaYe shatl nnt dnt�:�iorato. Ir+nu svent shall tNa Tn�mru cammit waste an or ro Yhe T�ust Estate,or cammit, suft�r or Q _
<br /> d►R.tnnrgr,ET ustor'snc:t�at and expen�e aIl Il nsiaencuml�rance.�r�nd charpes�ievaed�imposed orassessed apahnstthe T ust Estate N
<br /> ar an.y Farc thercot. Q _
<br /> � 4. Ac.tlnnF ANecflny Tiust Estate. Trusr�r si�a11��i7ear in and conTest any action or proeeedi�p purponinp to affect
<br /> the asaurity hareaf ar titn ripl►ts or pawar9 of Fleneflciary ar'Pn�a1RU.and ahall pay aIl costa�nd exper�ses,inctudinp cost oi evidence
<br /> oP fiete ar+d a.�orr:ays'lcto�.in any sUCh actlnn�r proceedlnp in�n�ch BEneflciary or'!'rustee m�y sppcar. If T�ustar fails to make -
<br /> ariy payment or to do anY act as and ln the manner pravidcA In�?any af the 10a�� �nstrumenu,Beneficiary anc7lor 7rustz2,each in
<br /> tt�air own disc►etion,r�ittwut ablipedon so to do and withouc nnrice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasinp Trustar from _
<br /> , � ur�aGlla3tion, may mF�i:a or do tl�o samn in sucl�rnannor anA tn such extent xs�ither may deem�ecessary to pratect the securicy
<br /> , harRmt. Trustor Mall, immediatety upon demand ti�er�;for lsy IHeneficiary, pay atl cn�::�°1 exRe�s�������rred by Beneficiary ��
<br /> r , : �•. ��^�•••!,. .vrtnout limitation costs of evidence of titlt, covrc
<br /> ccrtrtact�r�with tho exarcise by f3eneficlory a. .. .......,,_''.. . -•- y
<br /> ` ca.,t.s,aF��raisats,sun�ays ond attorneys'fees.
<br /> 5, £minnnt Damaln. If the T�uat E,mte.or any�sart thereo4 or interest therein,be taken or d�mayed by reason of
<br /> a�ny puhlic improvemant or condQmnatinn procaedinp. or in.an��uther ma�ner includinp deed in lieu thereof l'Condemnation'1, or
<br /> if'f�u�ta�receives any nntice or other informadon regardin�� mich proceedinp, '�'rustor shall pive prompt written notice thereof to
<br /> i Bu�utfir.iary. Trustor st�all he ent+tl[sd to all compensa2.ian, flvantds�^•�othar payments or reliei thereof and shall be entitled at its
<br /> a�iiu��ia cy+:�r�ar:�,�^,.:A��''•r'-�"!�r�+�nr_utn in IYS own namit.�ny action or procee�inqs. Yrusto�stull also be entitled to make
<br /> aa>>campromise or snn�ie�ent in connectlon with SucN fakin�E or damape.
<br /> � g. �ppg�r�qra�nnt o!Succnssor 7�ustoe. 13enQ1ir.;arV may,trom t+rr�e to time, by a written instrument executed and
<br /> acknowtcdaed by �1Fn�e!%:�+ary,mail�sd to Tnistor and recordnd ir,the Coanty in which the Trust Estate is bcated and by otherw�se
<br /> ' cQ,eipiyin�with tl►a pT�v�sions af tho applicable law of tl�e 5t2cte o!Nebraska substitute a Successor or suc�essors to th�e Trustee
<br /> `1 � i:erned herein or aQtfrn�q�!!ereundcr.
<br /> �.
<br /> �• 7. SuccY�ssas�nd Asslgns. Tt�is Second Daacl�uf Trust appties to,inures to the benetit ot onc3'.+Ainds all parties heretn,
<br /> ±':.' tr��r ne�rs,teeateQS,d[s�isees,parsonet�epresentatiucs,su�r.c:itssors and assipns. The term 'Beneficiary's9u�il mean the owner and
<br /> �°. " hcidQr o3 any promiasory nole q�van to beneficiary, (whel9+ar or not named as Beneficiary hereinJ.
<br /> "t '. g, li�arFpioi�C+vnsoJlSidon,S�les or leasns. '15ustar covenants that T�ustor wiG not sell,lease or otherw7sa dispose
<br /> ,4�� • of any af tha Tru,tx f.�syatB' In the event that'I'rustor saflF,Ittnses ar otherwise d isposes of�ny part of the'�'rust Estate,Beneficiary
<br /> �`� m.ay af iEE r]p�i4� diT�%ar6 the�ndebtedness stscurecf horeUy immediatetY due and paYabte, whether or npt�any defau�t exists.
<br /> �' B�rtefic+ary shall�diib��f to a t�ansfur ot the Trust f:stata tp a third party ta xtu exte�t such third party ma�ts the requirements
<br /> �cr.tairrpd in,and assumes the oblipdtians sat fonh in Utte ltirst Ueed af Trusi. The coven�nts contained.�erein shatl rpn Nvith the
<br /> .. prdperty �nd shatl reinain in full forco and Qifect until tZm indebtednoss is paid In full.
<br /> g_ Evorns af AefatdL Any n�tha t�n:tnan�in�; ���er.is s��!��!�!eerned ar+Event of �etault hereunder.
<br /> � (a) defdul[sT►atl be mado in ti�o�usyment�f the(ndebtedness or any other surn seCUred hereby when due;
<br /> t, .
<br /> cr
<br /> �i:
<br /> :! (U) Trustor sl►all p¢rtorm any �tCt in Oankruptcy: �� � •
<br /> ',•;:.,
<br /> {p�. a couK af compcstant juiisdiction shatl e�ter an order,jud9ment or decree appruvinp a petition fitod against �
<br /> • Trustor soo►:inp any rQOrgar►ization,dissiilut+on or similar reliet under 2iny prPSent or(uture tederal,state or other siatute.
<br /> taw or respu78tion �otatlnH to banluuptcV,insolvency ar other reliet for debtors,�nd sueh order, judpment�r decree shall
<br /> I remain unvt•.catad and unstayad 1or an a��greqate of sixty(601 days Iwhether or not consecutivel from the tirst date of enUy
<br /> •�� tP�eraoi; ur gny t�usten, racoivOr ot•IltSwd32Ur or �'rustor or of a(!or any p�rt of the Trust Esta'ee:or of any or all of the
<br /> r3yaltias,rEnenues,rents,issuus or�{►r�tits tnereof,shatl be appointed withaut the consent or acAu:escenco of Trustor and
<br /> s�1�appolnYment shetl�umain um�ocatad and unstayed tor an apyreQate of s�xty (6O)days (whether or not consecut�vel:
<br /> ��.
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