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<br /> �� puymcnts n�ay no lon8cr b�rcc{uircd,at thc opticm of l.cndcr, if mortgagc insurnncc cuvcra�tc(in tiu amuunt«nd G!t tSt�s��:�y �.:;-,
<br /> i' nzvidcQ I� an insurcr u� roval b l.cndcr u uin lxcomcs�rvuilahlc unJ ly ubmincd. 13urr�wr.r r+t�,nl� i —
<br /> {P y b
<br /> � that I.cndcr rcq�dresy y Y' __-.
<br /> _:__: the premiums rd�{ui��d1 la ��iaintain ma�tgciLe insurnncc in cf�fcct.or to providc i►lotis rescrva uniil tl�e rcquircmcnt P�rr rnrsr�ti�ciltc =_
<br /> _� insur�nce cncis in ncccirJ;�ncc�vi�h imy wriucn ogrccnv:nt bctwccn f���i��wcc afid l.c�tz�lcr ur applicuhtc I��.y. —
<br /> 9. Insp��cilun. Q�cn�cr ur its ascnt niny miikc rcas�innble ciuricy up�m u�d inti{►�ctians�►f'tlic Pru�xny, PAUdcr yltul! gbvc �__
<br /> 13�►rmw•cr noticc iit thc�iinc ui'nr prinr t�nn insFxction s�xcifying rcasnnnblc cauyc fur tlic in,ncctiun.
<br /> . - 10. Condcmuutinn. 'fhc pnxecds nf amy uw�nl or rluim fnr dmnugcw. direc� ur run�e�ucnUid, �n c�nmeebi,+ir wit� uny -
<br /> condcmnatiun��r��tl�cr�nkiug ��P�iny part of thc Property. ur fi�r convcyancc in licu of condcrnnution, ircr.hurr.t�y +u+yiL�t��cd uii�! W
<br /> �:�: shull bc paid tu�ler. °-
<br /> - In Ihe event of:.�inttd tc�king of the Property.the prn�eeds shnll be applied to the sums sccured by thi�Scuuricy [n:;fn�nt.cnt,
<br />_��� whetltar or not thcn due. with suiy cxcess paid to Bonawcr. ln the event oi'a parcial t.iking of tho Prop�:rty i�,w1r;r.IT, thc fair -
<br />"'�:„■ murkct vuluc of thc Propeny immedie�te�Y before the taking is cqual to or grcatcr thAn ti�n a�jiount uf tfut switz secu.�d by this __
<br /> - - Scc:uriry Instrumcnt innnedintcly hefore the taking,unlcss Borrower and l.cndcr atherwisc agrec in writiat�,x,t5+�suma secured by _
<br />'°?�{ this Security Instrument shall be reducecl by the amouni of the procccds multiplied by the foilowing fraat��n: (n) tl�e total
<br /> =�� amount of the sums �ecured immediately Izefm•e thG taking, divided by (b) thc fair markct valuc of t!ta Fi�+R�rty intmediatcly
<br />�;;� before thc tuking. Any balnnce shall be paid tu Borrower. In the e�ent of a pah►nl takinE of the f�e y+g.:rtY in whir.h thc fair _
<br /> :�� market value of the Property immediutely before the taking is less than thc amount of the sums securv� b�fore thc
<br />_;;_� taking, unless Borro�ver and Lender othenvisc agree in writing or unless applicabl�law otherwise prr�srirt�s, ttar.proceeds shnll -
<br /> -- be applied to the sunu secured by this Security lnstrwnent whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> ..� If the Pro�xrty is nbandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by I.ender ta Borroa�er that the cmtdumnor offcrs to mnice an
<br /> -- award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond ta I.ender within 30 days afler ttia dnt�dte: nc�tice is given.
<br /> L.ender is autharized to callect and apply the proceeds,at iGc option,either to restoration or rep�ir of+lt+z P�ropeny or to thx sums
<br /> securecl by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> - Unless Lender and Bonow•er otherwise agree in writing, any npplication of proseeds to pr�ctai�rnl sliala not extend or
<br />;;;� postpone the duc date of the monthly payments referred to in puragraphs 1 1nd 2 or change the amounD of such pny�nenu.
<br /> — 11.Borrower Not Released;I'orbcarance By I.ender Not a Wuiver. Extcnsion of the lime Pcrr{snyment or modification
<br /> of sunortizution of the sums se.cured by ihi�Sacu���y 1�stn,smeZt or�t!p�hy I.ender to any successnr in�iitt�rest of Borrower shnll
<br /> r.ot operste to release the liabilicy of the�ri�inal Bonower or Bonower's successors in interest. Lend�t��shnll nat be requ�rea to
<br /> � commence proccedings against any succ�ssor in interest or refuse to extend timc for puyment or otherwiae modify amonization
<br /> -- ot ttto sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original G�tirnower or Borrower's _
<br /> successors in intcrest, Any forbcanlnce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shull:nut bc a wui�+cr af or preclude tl►c '
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy. ` --
<br /> 12. Suecccsors and Assigns Beund; J49nt and 5evera! Lia6illty; Co•signers. Th¢ cqvanant�+ and ag�emei�ts of this
<br />_ . Security [nstrument shall bind and ben�fit the successors a��d assigns of Lender and Bnr�arvrsr, subjr.ct t� tlie provisians of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be ioint and several. Any Edrro�v�n wktm can6andfconve uth t
<br /> Inst►umcnt but does not execute tfie Nate: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortguya, Ztt� Y
<br /> Borrower's i�lterest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is rx�r persannll� ahliQated to puy t1�e sums
<br /> secureci by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender und any other Bonower muy aQnae tcr ex�end, m�adify, forbear or
<br /> make any:�cconunodations with regard to the terms af this Securit,y Instrument or the Nqte withaut�tttut Iiuumiwcr's consent.
<br /> ig,w�,��C;Arges.If the loan st�cured by this Security Instrument is subject ta u�iuw which�setc muxirnum loan chArges.
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so ittat the interest or othzr loan churges collected r•rn tn Be eall�eted in connection with the
<br /> loan exceed th:pernutted��mits. then: (a)any such losn char�e shAll be reduced by tttt�amonnt�nucessary ta rcduce the char�e
<br /> to the permitted limir and (b)any snms already collected from't3orrowcr which exc�edu�i•percnitted litnitc will 6e refunded to ,
<br /> Bonower. Lender may choosc to rrake this cefund by reducing the principal owe%1• uniter ttt� D(ute or by mlking u`�diiect
<br /> _ payment to Bonower. If a refunct recluces principal, the reduction will be treatad�'au a pa�tinl prep:iyment without any _
<br /> - prepayment charge undcr die Note.
<br /> 14.Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in tliis Security instrument shnll�ba givcrn hy d�livering it ar by mailireg -
<br /> it by first class mail u�less applicable law requires use of another method. Tl�e notice shnli be dli�ected to the Froperty Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower dcsignates by notice to Lendcr. Any natice �to L.ender sludl� ba �iven by first cl:�ss mail to
<br /> Lender's adairess stated hercin or any other address Lender dcsignates by noticc to &irm�ycr. Any noticc provided for in this
<br />--_= Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given ta Borrower ar[.endcr when•�i��un ay provided in t�►is paragraph.
<br />"'�-i: 15.Govtrning 1!.aw; Severubliity. This Secueity Instrument sl�all be govcrrscal� by fudesral luw and thc law of the
<br /> �;;�_� jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event thut any provision or clause of� this 3ecurity Instntment or the Note
<br />.��'r,w� wnflicts�vith upplicable la�v,such conflict shnll nat nffect other provisions of this Security 5i�:tiamc�nt or tliu Note which ca��be
<br />__��:.�:� given eff��ct without the confliating provision. To this end the provisions of this Secu�it+j in�qrument and the l�iote am declared
<br />_
<br />