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<br />_ f i 5. Haia�•d ur F'roperte� In+urunce. 13arru�vcr shall kecp thc impruvcnunts nuw cxisting on c�rcaftcr crectcd �,n thc �i
<br /> •� �I Property insurcd a�,ain,t lo�ti By fice. harur�l, inciudcd �vithin thc tc�•m "cxtendcd cu�crage" and :my othcr har.iirdr•, iite.luJ+ng -
<br /> . f7unds ur tl�icdin�. Tnr���hicli I.cndrr rryuirr�intiuranc�. 'fliis;insurcmrc�h��ll hc maintiiiircd in t{tc amountti nnd for tlu: pr.ricsds �_
<br /> "'�'�"��� dtat L�ndrr rcqnirc, '1'he•II11UI'111i'C cm•ricr pruvidinp thc intiurancc+hull hc chu�cn hy 13urru�ti•cr +uhjrct w l.cndcr's apprc�vnl �_
<br /> •. �,,.• «-
<br />_'-�� ��hi�h ,h�dl n�u hc unrca�un;►bly �viihhcld. 1��i��rr„�+•�r fLil� tu �naintiiin ravcru�c drticrilicd ahc►vc. I.cndcr may, cit I.cndcr'e —
<br /> upUon.obtain r�,���ru�.r t.�pr�i�cct I.rndcr'�ri�th�ti in thc 1'rupdrtp in accunl,mcr�vith �iaruEr.iph 7.
<br />�..�'� Ail insur��ncr puliric+�ind re�ic+valr tihall bc acreptuhlc t�� I.endcr u�ui sh�dl inriudc u ,��u►dard u�nr?�.uga rinunc, Iwn�.lcr
<br /> � '� rhall h;rvc Ihc ri�lu tu li�►Id Ih►•�Ndicicti�md r�nrwalr. If Lendcr rcc�uireti,li�n•ru��•cr�hi�U pnm�ptly��ivc t�►A..:ndr.I'ull��c�:ipts of �
<br /> .. p:dJ prcnitum,un,! rcnrwul w�llcc.. In thc cvrut ul'It�:,, Rorrrn�•cr,Irdl ��ive prom�et nulirc tu ihc lo�ur.mr,��cm•eier and I.�nder.
<br />_ � Iwndcr n9�iy w;�kr pi���i ui'lu�,If i���i mudc prwupily hy linrru�vcr. _
<br /> •Unlc,ti Itiixl�r nnil li�n�u�ticr �Hhcrw�l,c u�!rcr in ari�in�;, in+�nnnrc pr„�:ced,�ly;dl hc nrpllcd lu rrstnr:tllc�ei ur rcpni�•uf'thc
<br /> _ Ih•o�xrly dui►wgcd. II tha n°,ti�r;�di�ll ui�Cp;11Y I�tra�llu�lll�ully IC�I+Iblti nittl I.CndC�'+ ururig• i,m�t Icyyrn�ii. If tlac r:�lor::,tion or �-
<br /> rcp,�ir is nut cc�,nunilcally fr:�,fblr ur IAndrr'��c�uiiiy �v��uld hc Ic.+cm:�l. Uic in�ur��nrc prucc�'+Is shidl Cn:a�iplicd to tlj�;suc».s �-
<br />--4� . ,ecured by this ticcurly Intilrumcnt, wlicth�r��r nut thrn duc. wi�h iiny cxccti+pi�iJ w I�u�•ruwer. (f NN►srower ah:mdRms the _
<br /> '•* . i'ro{xrty. ��r dcKS nm�ntiti«•ce within�11 day+ii �w�irc fn,m l.cndrr that thc insunwcc r:trricr h��.r u(I'c�•cd t��.�culc a clnitu�,thcn
<br />-• � � l.endcr nuiy c��llect the IIItiUfilllCl' p���r�:�dti. l.endcr may use the prucsesls tu rep�.slr ur re����ra ihe �n,�r.rty or ta p�y suma _
<br />_�,�;,y - sccured by this Sccurily In�u•umcnt,whetlicr ur tuit thcn duc.1'Nc 30-day periud wil)bcgin whcn thc noiicc is givcn. �
<br /> ' • UOIC55 l.cnder nnd Horrowcr otltenvisc .igrcc i�t writing, any applicution ot'prucccds t�� princi�nl shull n�t extcnd or �
<br /> '• �;• >• postponc thc due clatc of ihc monthly paymrnts referrcd to in purugraphs 1 und 2 ur changc dic nnu�unr. oF thr, paym�:nts. lf
<br />=!„',,, �._
<br /> under parugraph 21 the Propeny is�cquired by l.enuer, Borru���er's riglu to uny insurance policies and rrc�ceed9 resultir�g frnm
<br />_ .. � d�unage to the Propeny prior ta the acyuisitiun shall pass to C.cndcr lo th�_cxteni uf the xums secured by tleir,Security instrument =
<br /> •'=`''••' immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br />=k` •�•',;c 6.Occupa�xy,Preservattm�� l�falntenuncc end�otection uf the Properiy:Borroµ•er's I.onn ApplFention;I.et►sehosds.
<br />��.�-'�� .' Borrower shall occupy, estnblish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence wiehin sixry dayr�uft�:r thc executioT ot
<br />-- �-�• this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Rorrower's frrincipal residenee for nt Ieiut one year nfter
<br />�����-•� the date of occupancy, unless Lender atherwise Ageees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonab{y withheld,or un.lr.ss
<br />___��:. ,
<br />_.��i;.�w�;;.y� CItlCnuaiiug �i►cuiiiilui�Gc�+v-n{;t W����: �TC �°.�JSI� �^ST^�'•'^r� cn��rr�l. Rorrower shall not dr.stroV. (JlilYlA[IC OT IIrinII1P [hC
<br />_ '�-'''";,� Pmperty, allow the Property to dctcriorate, or ccrmmit wastc on the Property. Borrower shall bc in dcfctulc if nny forfeiwre
<br /> �.� rJ"�.�.
<br />__°•'��4� ' action or proceccting, whether civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could resulc i�� forfeitur.�e of the
<br />_9¢ 1'� _
<br /> - Propeny or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security intotrst.Borrower mny
<br />_M-���' cure such a default and reinstate,as provided'+n paragraph l8, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismi:+sed tvith a rutana
<br /> that, in L.ender's goai faith determin�tion, prccludes forfeiturc of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other mnterial
<br /> �M::'�� impairment af,thw•liun crcated by this Security Instrument or I..cnder's se,curiry interest. Borrower shall ulno be in defaula if _
<br /> == i3orcower,durin�;�tho loan applir,ation process,gave materially fulse or inaccurate inforniation ar statements ta llPnder(or failed
<br />�`""'"�'�-'`� to provide Lender with any matetial information)in connectimn with the loan evidenced by the Note, ineludina,but not limeted
<br /> ��.���--��
<br /> �__�� rn, cepresentntions conceming Bortower's occupuncy of'the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Iz�rtrumeni�s on a
<br />-_---- lesisehold, Bonower shall comply with all the provisions of the Iease. If 8orrower acyuires fee title to th�� Property, the
<br />-- —'a� leasehold:�nd the fce title shall not mergc unless Lender agrces to the mergcr en writin�.
<br /> ?.Protec:tlon of Lender's Rights in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the c�venanGS and agreement�containcd in
<br /> --"'�"� this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding thlt may siFnificantly affect C.ender's righ�s in the Prapurty(s�ech ?s a _
<br />---�-- - proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws ar regulations), then L,ender may da and
<br /> _m-- pay for whatever is necessatiy to protect the vnlue u{'the Araperty and Lender's rights in the Peoperty. Ltnder's aetiono may
<br />-�- .__ — include paying any sums secured by a lien which lias priority over this Se;,urity Instruntent, Appearing in coui�. paying
<br />-°,��
<br />