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<br /> , , � r1 nr n Ilencficl�il I�atc�•:.;:!iz�±orrnwer. Ir�;�I1 nr��rr,y pca6t nf�e i'rnp�:rq� ur nry�iritcrest in it �:.
<br /> ('1,'�ri�t�sPcr nf thc Pmr►c y
<br /> is sold m'tranhfcrrccs(ur if n hencticlnl intcrcet in[lurruwcr is ni�ld��r trmStili�rrrd aicd I]nr„�wcr ih nrn�i nnlur��S�crs��nl���ithunt _
<br /> l.endcr'. priur wefucn cunscnl, l.cndcr m����. ut Ils aptiun, rcquirc imimcd;��t:: �mysetcnt in full ��f �dl tiu�n4 >�c.a�rcd hy Qiis �'�_
<br /> , Sccurity Intilruntcnt. Nawcvcr� this npt ian tihall nut I�c cxcrcir;cd by I.�nd���•it'cxcrris,: i,pruhltNlcd hy f��ilr.�•al In+v irs uY Ihc dut+:
<br /> .. ':� uf thl�tic�urity bititrumcnt.
<br /> If ixndcr cxcr:isr,d�i��,S,t���n. 1 .��ulcr+hall uivc Burruwcr nnticc F�r wxetr.ratiure.'I'lec nutir.c r,l�ull pruvidi�a pr.riixl of niu �..
<br /> ,^�,�"�� letix thun 3U duys fr�mi Ihe d:¢te thc nulir� is d��livered ur ntuilcd wllttrr.r, wlt,c�:i► Hnc•rowcr� rour.i �n�y ��ii +uins n�'�:urcd t�y tliis �-
<br /> Sccurity Imtrumcnt. lf Iiormwcr fuilti ta p:ry�hcsc�umy prior tu�lic c:��r�i�-ati�,r1,uf t{►i:+�xriail, I.�:ndcr muy invul:e uny rcmcdics _
<br /> �'"!'� Ex:rniittai by thir Sccurity In�trumcnt wilh�iut fu�Uicr not�ce ur dcmimit�+r��H]orri�,ucr.
<br /> :�w++f•'�' . 1H. Borrower's Rl�ht tu Relnstate. If' dorro�ver meets cerci�r.r. cutttl'oli�.�ttis, Barrowm' slmll itn��c �he ri�ht ui �:o'�e:
<br /> ' ' cnf�rcc:ncnt of thiti Sccuriry Instrument discontinued at any timc peinr to th�: curlir_r of: Inl S duys (or tiuch o��t�r {►�riod as
<br /> e ��ppli�ablc law muy spccify for rcinsta�cment) hefore salc of the F.i+oQcMy �ursuar�t io any po+yar of snlc con�ained in this __
<br /> � Securiry Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgnient enforcinII this Securlr� I:rtslstt�tn'n[.Those citntlfl�nns t�ix�thut Rrn'rrs��aer:(�!pays c
<br /> •S Lender all sums which then would be due under this Sc::uriry Instrun.Tant anc� ttic Nc�te u� i(i�u uccele�•atinu had ���:cuncxl; (b)
<br /> � cures any detault i�f any other caven:+ms or�igreements; (c) pays:sl0 exu+�nses imcuered in enfnrcing this .riecurita� Instrument,
<br /> ' including, but not limited to, rcasunablc attorncys' Fccs; a�zd(d)taie�s sitch aciior.», LesZ�'er rna)� reusonnhly r�uu�re to assure
<br /> ' .�. that the lien af this Security Instrument,L.ender's ri�hts in the Prc���:ny cind F3ur►'otiver's otdigmion to pny tl�e susnr�secured by
<br /> this Security lnstn�ment shaQ continue unchanged. Upon rcim�natemant L�y Burro�vcr, this Security Instru�nent aud the
<br /> _ obligations seczred hereby shall rentiein fully effective us if no aca:eh:rution I►ad occ�narai. Hawover, this riQht tis reinstnte shall
<br /> _- �, not apply in the case of acceleration under para�raph 17. ,
<br /> i9. 5ule�f No�2; Change of S.oncn Servicer. 1'hs Nntc nr a partin! interest in tha tJote (tn�ether �vil�t this Securi4y _
<br /> 4 ,,, Instrumenq may be sold one ur more times without prior notice tc�L���rrower. A sale may re�nit in a change in ti�ie entiry(knuwn _
<br /> as the"l.c�an Servicer")that collccts monthly payments due undei�thr. A7ore ar.�i this Security Insu�ument.Theit::il:m mny be one
<br /> nr more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the iV�rte. fi't6icre is a change�f tl�n l.oan Serviccr,I�errower will b�:
<br /> _Y;�,-' given written natice of the change in accordance with parasraph 1•4 above and applica5le law.The notice will st.ftr:the nante and
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymc:at:; sli4uld be m�de. Ttie notice aill alsa c{sntain any othes
<br /> ,r information rcquired by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substane.�s.Borrower shall not cause or �rcrmir. tiie presence, use, (IIfij�OA�I, storiAe, ca• release of:u►y
<br /> , '� I Ha�ardous Subsrn.nces on or in the Pro�erty. Borrower shall :z��t du, rtor alfo�v anyone Qlse to do, an ything affecting the
<br /> Propeny that is in violation of any Environmental Law. 'Phe pntcedunB hvo sentences shpll not apply to t he presence, use, or
<br /> '" '°� storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substaitces tDiat ure gcnerally rccognited to be app���printe to norm�l
<br /> ;��;s.,�" . residential uses and to maintenanceof thc Property.
<br /> - �..y_.• � Borrower shall promptly givc Lender wnttcn nutice of any iavestigation, claim,demand, In�vsuit or nQter action by any
<br /> :��ri;�;�.: governmenwi ur�cbuinio�y a•�nc�:.r;.,i:•s:e p»rt; ���^Iving th��p��c�e�rtv aad any�rzurdnus Subsinnee or Lnvironmental Law
<br /> ~��',•••`::�� of which Bonower has a�:ua�knowi.:.dge. If Borrower learns, r�•i:; nuti6ed by any governmr.ntul or��egui►stoty authority,that _
<br /> _;.?Y,�,,3'' , any removal or other remed9ation of any riazurJuu�Substance a{•:f:ctiiib utr.PropenY ia necess.iry, Borm�v�r. shtill promptly take , •_
<br /> .s�, 5 all necessary remedial actions ln accordanc:e with Environmenta(�I..a�,v.
<br />°""""'"-'�'� As used in this pangraph 20, "}laaardous Substnnces" a►sa tNc�se substances c➢e6uc:d as �,xic ur tnv.�rdo�s substances by
<br /> `�'� � Environmer.tal L.aw and the follow�ng substunces: gusoline, keresene, other flammable�+L• t•axic pctn�leum products, toxic
<br /> `=,'.��:� ,
<br /> -_.-�:��� pesticides an�herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containin��asL•v:stos ur formaldehydc,anr7 mdlonctive materials.As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Euvironmental Law" means fedcral luws autd luws of the ju���diction �vhere the Pix�perty is located that
<br /> --�=�= relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> ,,�'7;��'� NON-UNIFORAA CO'VENANTS.Borrower and[.cttder fu►�t{iQr covcnunt and a�rce as follows:
<br /> ==--����s;°:.-�.,� 21. Acceteratton;Remedtes.I.ender shall give notEce tco Bmr.r�wer prior to acceleratiau follo�vtug 13orrower's breuch
<br /> -��� of any covenant ur agreement M thls Secur(ty InstrumenC (1nuc rtrnt prtor to uccelm�►tion und�e�� �►aragraph 17 unless
<br /> °-_=`��=;`�`� applicable Iaw provides otherwise�.The notice shall specit�r: (a�t9cc defaulq (b)the aetion requirr.d to cure the defaul�t;
<br /> ----- (c)a date, not less than 30 days irom the date the notice ia g6�ve►�t�Borrosver, by wlffel�ttio dei'aiult must be cured;und
<br /> --° � (d) t�at fuilure to cure the default on ar before the date sj:ect�ir.d i�the noYice may i�ult lu ��ccelerution of the sums
<br />_---�-�*'��;� secure�i by this Security Instt'ument and sule of the Prope�+t'y. Ti he aMice shall turther inform�l3ur�•owe�•of the r�ght to =_:
<br /> ------_'="�!?-� reinstate ail�r a��...01°'.'8ti4:!9:251 1�3�cight to bring a court nchlu�ro to asscrt the uon�ex�sten�o oK a default or any other
<br /> — defense of Borru�1e**�?rrelpt�a�lAll A�Id SAI@. If the defaaEi;ir, �tat cured on ur befm+o n�re dute specitictl In the pollc�e,
<br /> .�__�� 1.ender, at its option, may requSre immediatc payment ia�iuE; �€B::���n±�!c secured I�y.l4�ls �it�;urity Instrumcnt wlthc�ut
<br /> _
<br />