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<br /> ' • TOGI3THER WlTH uU thc improvemcnts now on c�reafter erected on the property, and a��risemcnts, appu�tcn.iuccs,und __
<br /> `:•:t, ,..,, .� fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All re{�Incements and adc9itions shall :dso he coverecl by this Secur:ty _
<br /> ` � � Instrument. All of dte faregoinE is refcrrcd to in this Security Instrument ns thc "Praperry." __
<br /> BOREiOW�lt CO�'�NANTS that Burro�vcr is Inwfully seised of thc cstatc hcrcby convcyed ilAa h:i5 II1C f1�;Ill IO b1:Utl illi(I _
<br /> _ convey the Property and thut the Property is unencumbercd, except for encumbnnces of'record. Bnrrawer warr.tnts and will
<br /> defencl�;.n:rally the title to thu Propenv against ail cluims and demands,subjcct w any�ncuwb�ance.of record. �
<br /> - TNG5 SECb?RITY INSTRiJMENT combincs uneform cu��cnants far na�ioiaal us�and n�urunitiirm covenants witl�limited
<br /> ,:,,:,,;�;;;.� variations t�}'jul�isdi.,tion to constitute a un6�orm sccurity inst�Ument cov�ering�e:�l property.
<br /> '`i'�"�� UNIF�RD��'i.`OVENAI�TS.8orru�ver nnd I..ender covenant and ageee�.e fi�llows:
<br /> ;�
<br /> .. . L PKymcnt of 1'riitri�+al and Intemst; Prepnyment and 7.ate Charges.Borrc�wcr shaU promptly �ay whcn duc the _
<br /> - principal of and intcrest un the debt evidcnccJ by the Notc and.uiy prcpaymcnt and late cliargcs duc under the Notc. -
<br /> �� • 2. Funds for Taxes ond Ynsurs�nce. Subject to applicublc la�v or to a wriucn wniver by Lender. Rorrciwer shall pay tn
<br /> ��." Lc:ndcr on thed:�y monthly paymcnts.�re due under the Nutc,until tlic Noto is paid in full,a sum("FunJs"1 i'or: (.0 ycarly taxes
<br /> .:� ._. �,• and asx�ssmcnts which may attain prioriry��vcr this Srcurity Instrumcnt.is u licn on thc Pm�xrry: Ihl ycarly Ic;�scliold paymcnts
<br /> �-`':e:,.r��,.,•t i�r�nnmJ rcnts on thc Pruperry.if'uny:(c)ycarly hni��rci or pn�pctty insur.mcc�rcmiums:lJ)yci�rly flix�l imurancc prcmiams,
<br />-- • �Z�:
<br />,•r:��;•;�= if uny; Icl ycarly mongagc insuruncc prcmiums. if uny: unJ (f1 :my sums pay.iblc by Rc�rruwcr tu l.�ndcr. iu uccunlunc�with
<br />_ �;;'j'�.�.• thc n�„��hi�,�,5����rarugraph S, in licu oi'�hc p:ry�►�cut uf mnrtgagc ins��rancc preiuium�.The�c ita�r��iire called "f:scr��w Itcros.
<br /> _^"�''*���'�: I..cndcr m,�y.nt any timc, collcrt ond hnl�l I�ttnd� in :m amuunt nc�t to cxcccd thc maximum «i»����iu a Icndcr fur�i fcd�ndly
<br /> rclntc�t murt�abe loan mi►y rcquire t'ur I3orrower's e�crow acrount under the fc:deril Reid E�tate Settie�ucnt Ar�xcdures rc: .tif
<br /> ='-..=���,,,,+�,,;_ 197A ns aiiundc�l frum timo to timc, l2 U.S.C. Scctian 2G01 ct scq. ("RGSPA"),unlcss anolhcr fa�v lhtrt upplics to thc Funds
<br /> :`� tiets n Icsser mm�unt. If so, L�'ndcr may. :►t any time, collect and hold Funds in nn amaunt not to exceed the Iesser amount,
<br /> �. -;� I.cndcr may estimatc thc anuiunt of Funds duc an the biisis of currcnt data and rcasonable estimates of cxpcnditures of futurc
<br /> —_._r•u:
<br />- �.=Y,� Escro�v Items or od�erwisc in accordunce with applicable uw.
<br /> ry���� Tlie Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits nre insured by a fcdeeal agency, instrumentaliry, or entity
<br /> =-�•�r�� (including L.endcr,if L.cndcr is such un institution)or in any Fedcral Homc Loa�i Bank. Lendcr shall apply thc Funds to pay thc
<br /> �;_�;�� Escrow Iterns. L,cnder m�y uot char�e Borrower for holding and applying the Funds.Annually analyzing the escrow account, or
<br /> __" �r_:�a verifying zhe Escrow Items,unless L.ender pays Borro�ver interest on tt►e Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such
<br /> - a chargc. However, i.eno�r may TC(�UItG DVilirii�C.i t���Suj w D.^.�::^:�Th,g.ror t�r an independent real estate tax rcporting service
<br /> �.:a::�;�,i.7
<br /> --� --� uscd by Lend4r.in conncction with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwisc. Unless an agrecment is macie a�r
<br />--==:�:ira_�: applic�lble la�v tequires interest te bc paid. Lender shull not be require�to pay Borcower any interast or eamings on the Fu�cls.
<br /> _� Borrower and [.ender m�y ugree in writing, however, �hnt interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower,
<br />---- - witl�out charge, an unnunl accowuing of thc Funds, sho�ving credits and debits to the Funds and thc pu�pose for which each
<br /> �--=- debit to the Funds was mncie.The Funds are pledged us additional security for 311 suntis secured by this Securiry Instrument.
<br />-
<br />