<br /> i ' '1: >rpr:.
<br /> _y5il �- r��i ��ifi i1��._r��tijf Jr,J�f��. s -'i rt t.�,<'_.
<br /> �
<br /> 1 et-(...i �.1-s .�iau�t_� O:✓�.:a:..�ti-..:.:+t'.�++r�'nLT+i;.LAir:ti�:cl!3L.. . -. •�. t __
<br /> ... (��L --�_."_��_
<br /> • spbs�anUnity a�ulvalcm nwn�agc(ns6tenco mvcr�gc is not avallablc.Darcnwcr shall pay�o I.cndcr woh momh a sum cqnnl tn
<br /> " ulwt�eaifl6 of tho ycady mm�gagc insuinnca premium Ixing patd by 6nrro�cer a�i�cn�he inwrnnco covcrge lapscd or cwscd�o
<br /> bo In cf(x�.I.cndcr wlll acapt,usa dnA rc�nln Qre.cc p3�•mcros as a lois reservc in Ilcn nf mongugc fnsunncc. I.nss rescrva
<br /> - � ------- paynttnts ncy nn Inngcr Ne ru�nircA,at ll�o iiMlon of I.cndcr, If mongago inxurmsc mvcrago(in�hc amnunt nnA fnr t6c perind _
<br /> Ihnt I.cndcr rcqulrcs)provided by nn insurcr appNVCd 6y I.cnJcr again baomcs avalt�blc nn:l ta oi>ninttl. Rnrrmvcr shall pay
<br /> �ho prcmtums rcquiral to maintain mm�gaga fnsnnnce in efPocL or to provide n Inss rcserve,until dce rcyuiremem fnr mnngnge
<br /> insnnnco ends in�ccorcinnce whh nny wdnen ngreement bcnveen Iforrmvcr and I�ender or applicnble Iaw.
<br /> 9� Ins(Ktllan.(.cndtt or tis agcm may makc rcasonablo eNflcs upon nnA inspcctinns of�hc Propcny. I.cndcr ahall givc
<br /> --- Rorrn�ver no�icc at t6c timc ator pdor tn an ins�xrtlnn specifying rcasann6lc cauxc fnr ihc inspcc�lon.
<br /> - -' •' 10. (:ondemnntlm�. 71�e pmcards ot any nward or clalm fnr damages, direc�nr mnsequemial, in connec�inn wiih nny ,— . .
<br /> ._:._."__, -:.
<br /> --------. m�ulcmns�ion or o�lKr taklne of anv pan of�ha Pmpcny,m fnr mnvcyanw in li��u uf rnndcmna�fon,arc hcrcby assignul and _—
<br /> - - - •
<br /> stwll 6c piid ta I.cnder. -�---...
<br /> [n[tz crent ot a�aal takfng of�6e Propeny.�he p�a�•ats.t�zU h:wptinl w ihe svins s�curtrl6y ihis Securiry Instrunxm. �
<br /> xheNer or not lhen duc, wilh any excess Qaid lu 13orroirer. In thc crene of a panial taking of tfie Propcny in��hich the fair
<br /> _ uiukel vatue of thc Prop¢rty imntcdiately ixfo[t the ta.4ing is cqual to or grc:tter thm ti�e amnunt of thc wms xrurcd Dy this
<br /> _v°-_� � Sceumy fnstrumcnt inmxdiatrlp beforc�he taking,uatess lSorro��.r and Lcndcr ahenrix agnti in�rriting,the sums snvrctt by —
<br /> uiis Sauri�y� Insm�n��nt sAall tn; ntivad by the uibunt of�he prt+c��eds muttiplitti hy ihe fallmrine (ractinn_ (al �he taal
<br /> amount of the sunss secvnd inun.dintely beforc the taking, divid�d by tb)the (air markc� �•alue of�he Prupcny immedi�trly
<br /> ---- Ix[ore the ta4in�. Any batana shall 0.plid w 6orrox�er. In �ik crent uf a panial �nking of ihc Propeny in�1M1ich the fair
<br />- ?,`=� � market�-alue of thz Prcpznq imnxdi5tely 2+eforc the txkine is Izss th�n the amount af ihe sums xecuaYl immcAiately befurc�he
<br /> ='� WAllis,UIIICSS ROtlOPYP 1nd Le�xltr o�henrise:igrcc in u�riting or ur,l��sy applicable law o�hcnvlse providcs, thc prcecnls sG;9!
<br />-";.� Ix applicd to ttm sumc s�nnd hy�his Seciui��•Instrunnnt�nc�thcr occra:ilie sums arc�hcn duc.
<br />...-��i:6'� � If ihe Propeny is abxndoncd by�Oomnrcr.or if.,ticr no�ice 61'Ixmkkr m f3orron�er�ha��hc co�demnor otfers ro make nn _
<br />�. #� C�I avard or seule a elaim for damagcs, Onrro�rcr fails to respond �0 4nicr x•iq�ia?0 days af�cr �he da�c �he nniice is given.
<br />_-_=;,r� �% I.vndcr is awhoriznl�o culieci anJ upply�hc prattd,.�i iis op�ion,eiihcr�a res�or.r.�u:�rcpair of�hc Properq�.v tn thc sums -.-.--
<br /> -�: .�, f secund Uy�his Sttumy lastrument.�rhed�rr or not�hen due.
<br /> ,,�7k� Unless Lender and I3orrower o�he�a•<u. agrce in writing, any applica�ion ot pcocud.tu pnrni�.:F ,h�11 no� e��end or
<br /> y;� j 5. pos�pnne�ha due date of the moml�ly pa�mtnts rc(errcd�o inpa r�graphs I and 2 or chan�r Ihe.r.anur.�ot�c:h paYmeres. a;_,_
<br /> *!•+� 11. IIorro�eer Nnt Rrlrased�Farbe�rante fiy (.ender Not e{Yniver. Eaiem:oa af�he iime�or pnymeo:nr mcxlitica:"s�a
<br />--`u,',,�'i�, of nmoniration of the suma securcd by this Securiq•Insuumem granted by l.ender a any successor in imemn n;'Dorrm��et sh;Jl _ _
<br />��'�;�,s.,2� not opente to rele:ise the IiaSili�y of�he original Uorro���er or Oorm�cer's suc.e.mn in imeresi. LcnJer shall no�M rcyuireJ�n
<br /> ��s,o'd� mmmrnce pracedines ngains�any successor in imercs�or refuse�a eat.nA ilnta fnr paymem nr othen��ise matily amoniracazn ��_
<br /> of the sumc uwrcd hy this Securiry Insuument by rcasnn o(a.ry dertcn:J m;+de by the nriginal Oormu�er ar 6orro�rer's "�-
<br /> Z�}if�ts succeunrs in interest. Any lor6earanm by Lend.•r in exereising aay cc�ht ur remedy shall no� he a a'aieer of or preclude �h-: �,��,.
<br /> - .,; cxcrcisc nf any rigln or ren�dy. _.
<br /> .0 J�v li. Snttessors aud Assiq�u Oound; Jolnl nnd Seceral l.inbiltt��; Co-algners. Thc covcnnmx anJ agrtemems nf�h�s 8° :
<br /> �.,:�, ., Seeuriry lnstmnxN shall bind and benefil �he successurs anJ ac,icm of Lender and Oorrower, subjce� m the provisions af �,;._-°�
<br /> vr rc,j.:-- p�n�grdph i�. Uorto�vci a av�cnanu uid ug�ccnmula e6nii im jv��n .rni SG:i�1. nn� E:.rc;.."f ni:o :o sir.s il:is c._.�g.t.y .-
<br /> - Inswmcm hst d�ks not exrcmc dre Ku•r (a) is m•cigning dii.St�vdry Inarumcm only �o mongagt, grant anA cunrcy th.n �ys"�
<br /> -l���t1 6orro���cr's imerul in ihc Propenp unJer thc�enns ohhis Securip•In.trumem;(h)is not personally abliga�cJ in pay ihe.um. � �
<br /> - secund b �hls Securi� 6�strumenC anJ(c)a mes�hat Lender,md an other 6a�rower ma ��rn�o ex�enJ, m�iif lndxar nr �`�':_-
<br /> i�;u Y Y S Y Y;b Y•
<br /> .�S�r� make xny att»mm��dations uiih regard m�he temu of�his Security Insuumem nc the Sum�cnhout iha�6orra�ver x conum. �i�,,:�
<br /> yti S �y. IJ• I.o�m Charges, li�hc loan sccunvl hy�hic Sauri�y Instrumcn! i.wbjca to a laa which sns mazimum Icun chargcs. �wrr ,
<br /> + � Ye
<br /> and Iha1 law•is fin:Jly imCrprd�vl eu ILaI Ihc intcm+l ar o1h.r In.m thatgco colkc�aJ ur lo b.rolltcicJ in rnnncclion nili� Ihe �#�Lf;;
<br />-;�a,+�G�K; lomi eececJ ihe�krmineJ limi�s.ihrn: I;U:my wch In:m charge�kdl h�� rtd��c.d Fy �he amoucc mce�.aq•lo reJuce�he c}ur>_� ,�R�.�::�.
<br /> - .rC-,'•}� m ihc permluttl Iimil:und l6):my sumti alrcaJy collatttl frnin Roin�aar��hinc�sctcdcd �nniucJ limi�s will bc rrtmi.nd.•�� `�'�i;-
<br /> . YT:% I• _.
<br /> '}�-,., ISnrcmccr. IAndcr may chonse m makc �6i. r.funJ hy rcJucinf ihr pnr.vip.d o«rd undcr �hc Nmc nr hg makin@ a J�rcr� ��y� ..
<br /> �'w�ts p�ymem w 6n�ro�cer. If a refunJ mluxs prinripal. �hc rcd�icunn ��ill he irc.crd as a ���r,i �«�.��«<<n� ��iihnut any .
<br /> ,�$�^ +fF prepay�inenl charge undcr IhC ha1C. ����IS�.
<br /> ��-+�4 t4.No�ifes.Tny nnlice lo I3�ttm�re�prociJnl fnr nt ihis Se�nu.} 6HUUnunl+hail Ix grcen 6y Jelirermg ic or hy madm''
<br /> �� '�_.y;� i�Uy firs�clua mail units.r.pplicablr I:nv rcyuircti�ue nf nno�her mhhaf.'fhe nmim.hall be Jir�r�eJ In the Proyrrq dddre-, s :
<br /> ��'� Y�� ur any o�her adJress Oarrmcer Jesignaio hy no�ice en Lend.r. Niy nntice �n Isnder shall be giren 6y floi rlrcx mxi; ro
<br /> ,.:�T+i�1:^� k��der's adJrcss s�:n�d hcrein nr:my nihcr adJrcs. I.cndcr dnignaky by nolicc in IA�rrmc.r. Any nmicc procE.IcJ Por in �his �jMS :
<br /> sA�a;t� Securily Ina�umem x6a11 he dmmeJ tn have Iken @ir�n�a Onrrm�cr or LenJrr w6:n giren:u prnvided in U�i.p.,ngraph. ;,F
<br /> 15. Cu��erning l.m+: 5creni6111tp. This Sc.uriiy In+�rumcm .h:dl bc gm��n;eJ 6y fcdcral law and ihe lawol' �hc f�U �-
<br /> ' n`r� luriSJicllon in�vhich Ih. Pmptrl)•ii Ickalcd. In Ihc c�cnt �ha� any pn�ei.iun ar cl:uM of�his S.curiq�Irolrunx:nt or�hc ho�c $,��t .
<br /> _�`] con0icts��ilh:�pplieahlr I:m.wch can0iq tih.Jl no1 aRccl�Hhcr pmri.inm af lhih Snuriq• Inqrucaria or 16e holc�chich e:m hc �it � �,
<br /> f 6ivcn effc�t wihaw�h.mnlliaing pro��i.iun.Ta d�i.cnJ thr pnn ivnn.nf t6u Savrily In,uum.m aml Ihc \otc arc d�t�arcal �-r
<br /> , �� lo be scretaFk. ��fis,��
<br /> 3'�'�\.� 16. 8orrower's fnH3.Ilorrowenhall bc�ircn onc<onfnnn�J rnpp at ihr\.•:e.mJ��I'ihi�Stinnq In.mmxm. t
<br /> ,u;.?'�, 17. 7rantfrr nf Ilie Yrnper���ar n Ueneflclal inlerat In Barm�cer.If all ur.mr pnn a(iLt Pmpeny or any inleresl in il �`�J�, .
<br /> '�Y is xnld or trxndcmd(or if a iwncficial intcn�i in 6urrmnr i,.oIJ or Ir:m.frrrcd:mJ Ilorto�rtr�.nnt a naW rai perxi�U���ilhoal {
<br /> 9
<br /> �_ssitl_ I.enJti s pr�.,r wriuen .onsem. Lcr.Jcr ma�•. at i�. opiion. rryufrr immnliatc pa)m.nt in luli nf all .um. sitnrpl hy Ih�. t��.,-f:
<br /> -` Securily Inaltumenl.Hmce�cr.Ihi.oplinn.hall nm he c�crci.ttl h� LaNer il.�crc�w•��prnhihnrJ hr I.v1.r:J lau�:n at Ihe Jalc �+.��._�!
<br /> zy+ �i 4` �+f Ihis Sccuriry�Inslrumrni. �N �
<br /> ) �n� If I.enJer exeni.c.�hi.option.IsnJcr.h:Jl girc Ik�rzu��cr nnucr ol aa�itrat•n l h� n�Iiia�hdll pm��de a rc�i�wl of nni 151 1 '.`
<br /> lets Ihan ?0 J:nr fmm thc J��c 16c nm�cc �.dclinnJ nr mail.vl ��nhin �Jifah liorro��er mu.l pa) nll .ums.ccurnl hr Ihi. �(
<br /> _�_11i}N r SKUfII)' IIINNIIICII�.I�I3nRo��Cf IaA.in p:p��hc.c.wm pnnr��+�hr ttpir.ainn o1�hi.�xn I Lcndcr m;n m�o{,c:m) nmcJic.
<br /> - �s! � pcnniucd t d�i.Securi�r Iminunrr�t . 2 an lunhcr nnu.c ur d.,r. �"an Borru��rr. "
<br /> -��'' IR. IS�xrnxer's Iilgh� lo Rrim�.rte. If I{nrro��rr mtah .�.tnn �nndflion.. Il�vr.�urr .hall ha�c �hr ng61 tn Itnt � -.
<br /> "�3�;� cn(orccn:tm ni ihi.Sravnn ln.tmmrr.� dhc.munud.n :m� nmr pm,r �o thc radrcr �+1- �a� 5 ,:.n.��,r vnh.o�hcr �wn.d :�. fj ' `��.
<br /> �-r_�.a, e�,..
<br /> - . ;S applicaM1ic Lm nnn � . 1nr rcuncntn�cnu h::�•r, .dc .�f Ihc Prnpcm punu.mt la .�m �xn�rr n .:nlaincJ m Ihi. il.y,�
<br /> !' �`� \trnnl� Ir..L•unun�.���•h•rinn �.In�a�f�v:c.YCr[.�r.:-.Ih�.tiranm� ln.vumrnt I'ha.r..mJmon.arc•l`.a,E :oxer.�a�p.n. `ir-'.
<br /> S'id I.tndet:�:. . .Ws:b Ih:u���.uIJ M1c �:..: �.cl.s 1::- V.em� I��y:cm.m .a„I �h: C.qc .n tl w,e::atrr.�L�•r. .:id�...mrcJ. J•. �f7�
<br /> -�I,.i,Y '' p
<br />. � �'�p:Sft} Ntct a4) .sl:�.:l n(.Gn a1LU Co�r:�a:.h .•r .�gr.:n:.ol.: �c� �\�)�.�.[c�pcn.t• m.nual m rn!•r.r.} IL:. 1hunN Iu.uum:cL 14�
<br /> C:t[�i�n incluJmg. :cl nnl Iimiicd In.rd:nuaah:r a'inrna�: A�..::ntJ nb IaAt..uih ail�on a.L��nJr � : �:.rv+nabl� rcynrtc �o:nwrr ((
<br /> �+Y�'.Y, . . ``/' :� .
<br /> •�y=. Ih:il Ihc IicO nl Ihi+S2cnnl) In�INmCni. I.Cltdcf.n,•.:.m Iha Pm�4f1) :md Bnrroutr.��!�hF:�....n In��a� ihc.unl.�tturtl h) �.
<br /> _:� IIIH $fCOf�l\' IItHt0111:11 -`011 COIIIIOUP Olkll.tllj,:�f t�M1�II ltI11.Id:flllt111 P� IR�R��NCL 101� lRVf�l) in.IN�uCn� :mai �irt' �-
<br /> _ ,. - nhligaiinro.ecnnd hrr.h• �:all rcnuin�ull� cll.t�nr a.if nn airehnt�ua ha�. ...-•:tJ Ilm.c�ir. �hn ught b.rcm.�.ne.hall 1� -
<br /> .. ::7i:i{ r.n�:ipply m�hc c:nc nf.x:�I.r.nian undrr p:mgraph I:. �.
<br /> - IY. �alr oi \nle: Clumge nf Laan ticnkcr. lhr �otr �-i .� P.�:��•: iia:r:�t m tlir Soc na�,ihcr wnh �hn 1r.uui. t::��,�. .
<br /> _ _ �.r_� In>lrwna:l• ..n Ix.uW wrt ur moic liin..nil6ou�puor imit:::� Itr:n.wa�. \�alt m:n rc.ult�n e Jumct in tL•:a�bt) �An.n.n �l��. .
<br /> a.Ihc'Loan Sentar- �ihal collcal.monlhl) p:nn:rnt.Jut and:r�ix\r�r nml ii:�.k.um� in.trom:m_Ti�at nho m.n br.•n.
<br />., " ur mo�c changc.nf Ihc 1.��n Scn tcs unrclatal la n ..,1:.•I IL•c ti,nr II Ihera i.a:.�ng:u(Il;t I..en S.r rct:. lSurrm�rr.�dl bi
<br /> ,..y g��en a rnicn nn:i t of�r.i thange in aiautdapr�u�tit�er.craph IA.�F�n.aml.���...ahle L�x.TLt crnp�•w::.c�ie Iha n.inte anJ ;.5�
<br /> .� aJJrc�.ot Ihc rn�w I nan Scniacr a�xl�h..�JJre.. �...,hi,ii paurria--L•nuid h; nud: Th:r..q.-c �.dl:d.n cnnlam:m� oihrr �- ' .
<br /> - 5 infnrnuurn r.yuin:d b� apphiaM1ir Lro
<br /> ,. 17,,y 10. 03.vaidou.tiubqmiccs. Ilnrtuxrr .6ali mn.��.r �.r �r:n �hr Crc.:�cc_ u.r. dnp.�.cJ. .mngc. ��� �clr.nr.q .nn
<br /> '=-. : - s.' Naiardnu. Suh.cm.a nn ur in Ihc Prnpert�. Ik�rrauct .iuil mn J.�. u.r .ul�•w am.mc cl.r a. do. .m�dun�: all.ti�mg ihr
<br /> '::lC.�} . . .
<br />'+1'r�e.>n Pmpc�l) Ihn<. �a 11.�IdGOp U(JII\ linnronmcm:d I..m. T6:prrcilms ra�• �:utar.cc. .lull nol ap��h lo Ihc Prc.cn.c.u.c. m _
<br /> �-'",}��i .IOra•t un Il�c Ptn n� o(�mall uamitfc.al flaiaNnu.Suhaan.c.C�at .rc: _rncrall� r.�'o miC.l Ia Dr a m. uatc �a nrnm.J (' -
<br /> ,T:t . .i_, b P� 4 . F I`I I` �
<br /> r ji rc.iJennai u.a:uxl ta m:�imcnanr.n1�hc fh�qwrl�. I -
<br /> ,i
<br /> -: ... � Foun 3020 9 90
<br /> :;
<br />. . _ . ��:�-.
<br />