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_ / �U ,r' : �.j�t=ft+I/4i�£r�.y� f�P� � . : 4'�+.,�,����}j�i .: <br /> +' _i�n�`I 1i.G5:�r 7 C�' l -- rU� � . , � ir. r_', i(__,.: <br /> KV ta �i w31[W?�Y� .J�� .. /�(] �yy y� e••� <br /> .._... rY�� � 4MrWY�n\✓vww- ' . . <br /> VlA���YV f�� <br /> 'tLo fnnAs slwtl lx hcld in nn Inuitmlon whnso dryasits arc insunxt by a fedcrai ngrnc>, Instrunxnt,liiy. or emity <br /> (Inciudins�lcr,if I.endcr Is such nn Ins�imtionl or in any 1'cdcml Ilome I.cwn fiank.I.ciutcr slutl appty thc!'un;is to p�y�hc <br /> 1?�eniw hnns.I.cndcr nwy im�char�o lkurowcr fnr huldlnF nnd aPD�Y���B�ho i'unJs,nnm�nlly analy�.ing thc curow rx�ronnt.or <br /> vcrifying�hc fiscmw Qcros,unlns I.endcr pays Rnrmwcr In�eresl on iho Funds and np Iicahlc lan{krmus La�der to nuko sud� � <br /> a chorgc.Hox•cvcr, I.cndcr n�ay rcq�dro Dnrmwcr In pay a ono-�ima chnrgo for an i�cp.rvhm real cs�atc�ac rcponing scrvicc <br /> uud 6 I.en3er Im m�nocllon �rlih Uds Inan, unlcss npplicalilo I,w p:nvides a!hcnvlu. Unlcis an ngrcenxm Is made or <br /> applica�ie law reqalres interest to be paid,l.cnJcr shall no�bc rcquind to pay Ilnrrmcer any imcrest or avnings an the�unds. <br /> Ilnrtox�cr and I�ndcr�c in wriiing,hox�cvcr.�ha�intcrexi xhail be p:dd on thc Funds. iwndrr shall glvo�o ISorrox�er. <br /> withom cbarga an annual nccoaming of�hc Runds. showing cr�vills and dcblis In Ihc FunJs and ihc put{wsc for whreh cach _ <br /> debi�to the funds w.0 mado.The�unds ara pl�dgnl as addi�lonal stcuril7'fn�all sums securttl by ihis tin�urig Imuunxa�. .:. <br /> ii mo Fnndi heiJ by f.�ndcr u�cc.i�i�c au�N�r�t��n��riti.3la:M1 L'e,d Ey .5�. 7:::.h:::�:e.:�:t s!:9!:c::'ee.^.e rp M,^.^sY; -. . <br /> for the excus�unds in attnnianee wl�h�he r uircmeNS nf applirable Imv. If iKe amoum of�he 1'unds hcld hy I.cndrr at any <br /> time Is nol su(ficicm lo pay ihe G•scrnw Ilems w�cn duc,tandcr nny so nmify Ilormn�er in wriling, inch�ase Oovuw�et =_ <br /> shall pay m Lend.r ihe,moum nmsmry ro mako up the Aelicfrncy. I3nrtnwer shall make up the deficmncy in nn nmro d�an <br /> txrlve nwraNy paymenis,at Lender's sole discr.�ion. <br /> f7port paymcnt in full of all sums sreur.d by U�is Secu�itX Irovunxnt, I.enACr ahail mmplly rcfnnd lo Bnrm�ecr any <br /> Fucrh he[d by Lcrdzr.3G under paragraph 2t.Lea.ter shal��yaro or y:ll du:Pn�pcny.I�nScr,rrivr iu ti�a ncquisi�ion or�.itc - <br /> of t1x P��ty,shali apply any 1'unds hctJ by(.ertdtr at�hc limr af xyuisi4[on or salc as a ctcdit agai�ut thc euntx�ceurtd M1y - <br /> t6is St�vrity[n:tnuicent. �— <br /> 3.A�Ie!irntdon ot Fiyments.Unte.a appli�blc lax�prorides uther.�ise. :x11 pay�nnnes cmirnF Dy l�:�wcr undzr par�gnphs �___- <br /> 1 an.t?shatl be applicA:firs�.to any papaymznt charges dce nndcr�tec�ote:snvr.A,w m�unts pay�able urv4:c par�gmph 2: _ , <br /> in�ertst dar' principal dar:ar.d las4�o any lace ahnrges due cnler th,e Ptaa `ti:- <br /> 4.Ci�argu;i7.icns.Uortmccr shall�uy ail iaxes,assessmems,rharga, fimx anS in�positivns anri6mablc�o Uic Prop�n�� �-:- <br />�. at�irh n�ay auain priarity m•er�his Security Imwment. and Ieacehotd pyments or gmwvl rems. ii any. Qorm�cer slull pay -;-�.-:- <br /> thc�e obligaiions in thc n�anntr providcd in angraph 2,or it no�piid in�hat manncr.Onm���'er s6ail pry�hcm on�imc dinY�ly ���:;.; <br /> tn tEc person ou��d paynxm.IIorrower shalPpromp�ly Pornish!n Lender all notims of anmums m be p�id under d�is paragnph. s_,: <br /> ff 6wrs��er makes these paynr;r,o directly,Uorro�aer sh:dl prompdy furnish ta 4nder rmipts eviJencing the papmems. _"`- <br /> Borro�ccr shall pmmptly dischargc any licn which hac priorny arcr�his Snuri�y Inzuunxnt unless Romnvcr.(a)agrces in �e�=�_� <br /> wriHng�o�he pa� of the ubiigaiian snand 6y�hc licn in a n�.�nncr ancptab!c in Lcnder.(b)mmests in ga�d fai�h dic licn �i.• <br /> by,or defcnds ngainsl cnforcemem of�he lnn in. Icgal pn+ccedinge ��hich in�hc Lcnder's opinion oper�tc to pre��cn� thc e- �� <br /> enfnrttmem af�he lien;or(c)ucuns from tte hold.r of the licn an agre.mem satisfar�ory�o Lender sulxirJina�ing�he licn w �_- <br /> this S.turily Insuumcnl. If I.en.l.r delermincx tha�aa?��::n u(the Prop.ny iz>ubjnt to a licn which nuy aunin priumy orcr �%'�:: <br /> thi�S:curil Instnimen6 LAr.der uu ive 6ormwer a no�irr idemif in•the lirn.Unrrmw shall satitf the lico or tak.ona or i�-�� <br /> y Y6 Y b Y 1?'�: <br /> nwrc nf�hc actione ul fonh a:+uce a��hin 10 Ja�s of�hc gi��ing o(nalicc. .:;-- <br /> 5. Ifaznr<7 ar Propetly lnsurance. So.mner shall k�tp Ihe in;pmo.�m.nt. nnn• exis�ing or herea(ier ercc0.vl on Ihr �_;� <br /> Propeny insurcd neains�losi by fir.. ha�ant.iu:ludad �riihin�he temi -ratenJ�d cm�emge' and any mher haiarJ..incluJing i'=?��: <br />. n�y,n�.,.nn,dine, fnr��hich Lender rc�uire.�ianranR.This insnnnm shall b�maimain�d in�he amounts anJ (or the perials j___• <br /> �{vi Under requircs.The insuronm camer prnviding�he inwmnce shcill lx chosen M1� Uavmrer suDjec��o LeMr�s appmrai --- <br /> �vh' shall nn�l�e unrcasonably wi�hhclJ. If 6orrowcr fails tu maintain mverage dwribed abm•e. Leixler ma��, a� Lender's f��1•: <br /> ap�ion,ob�ain coverage m pm��e�Lender's righis in the Prapeny in accordance�vi�h puagraph 2 t`'�-� <br />- All insunr.ce �licics and rcnewals�haU h atteptable to Ixmler anJ �hall include a xlandard mong�F�rh:uu. lAnder r:``- <br /> c� F.+.: <br />- shall have thc ri�ht i��ho'A�he�wlicies and rcnc+als. I(Lender rcquire+.Dnrrooer.hall promp�ly gi��e eo lsnder all ntciVn at H�; <br />- paid premlum�m.t r:ncu�l nnlicet.In�hr evrm nf Inx.Rnrmnxr ch�ll gire prnaip�nmice�a the msnr.u�ce rarricr and I.rnd:r i;__" <br /> Lcndcr may makc pruof of loss if rn��madc prnmptly M1y 6nrrm��cr. i'=:: <br /> Unlesc l.ender anJ 6orro�ceroihen��iu agrce in uriting.inwrance prxe.J�shall:a�pplieJ w m.�oniion or rc{air uf U;r �;_ , <br /> Property Jainagttl.if�hc rcunra�iou or repair is economically ka.iblc anJ LenJcr's.eturin is nm I.caeeJ.If the re.tnr.ninn��r .-- <br />.. rcpair is na annnmic:dly fca�ihie or Iwn�.�r's xcuri�y �rnulJ Ix I.i+crnvl.�hc imuran�ti prcxead.ah:ll lk applicd lo�hC sum> _ <br />.. sttvrttl by thia S.arity Inu�umrnt. �che�her or nm ihcn du.. oid�:m7�.xress paiJ �u Oorroutr- (1 Qorro�acr:�handont�ht F;=^� <br />- Propeny. nr dnes nM uns�eer�eilhin 30 days;i notiiti Gnm Iwndcr ihal Ihe inwrann carritr has n0'ercJ lo>etlle a clainL Ihen '•:: <br /> I.cmtx may eoilcct �hc inxuranr prtxc�d�. I.cnJcr m:�c u.c Iht prnraJc t��rer�ir or rn�nrc ihc Propcny or lo ry'+y �wro ���':'. <br />- v:cu�ti16y�his Securi�y Iro�ma:ras.oi�e�her nr no��hen d�x.The 30�d:q�perii�J��iil M1egin when die notic,u gicen. ����_ <br /> Unicss Lender anJ f3orcm�:: n�hcnriu agre. in wri:in�. any appli.auan of pnwc�ds �o principal �hall n�K tvlcnd nr !.>��� <br />- iwstpnne lhc dur datc nf�hc momhly pa�msr.0 re(crred tn m par:i�mphs f aaJ : or changc lh. amuunl o(1hc pa)incnb. I( ''�:�_.... <br /> wultr paragraph'! �he Propeny ie b� Ltndt�. Bnrru�ier' m :up'inwnnce policie5 and prewecJc rcsulung from �_ <br />- damage to�he Propem•prior m�he r.cyui.i�ion.h.Jl pac to In I:z...�ent nf Ihe winc.•�.urad by Ihiti S�YUrilr Inanuntnc �{:_: <br />.. Im�udiately prior lo Ihc aiquisiiion. `. <br /> b.Oetupancy.Presercntlon.1lalnienaucr nnd Pntteraion u(�he Properl�:pon�.�ner's le�an Appllnuioer.[,eaceholds. [>.": <br />- QOfNN'Pf xI18II Oltillr)1 CHB�IIQ1.O�I�I�hC IhC P�O�fO':h II�Ufn\cff��11'IOIIr:II RSL�t11tf NIIIIIII flCl)'IIJ}'S BIIC� Iht C1i11111011 tl( t <br />= Ihis Stturiy�Inclrun:eni:mJ sh:dl iromiix¢t_�crupy Ihe Proprny a.Il.,rro��d�prin:ip:J residen:e(nr a�le:ui nne c.;v a�er {'Y(r <br />- ihc Jatc of�xYUpanq�. unless IsnJer othcn•S,:.� nriting. �Jiich:nmrm.�hall uo�1+.unc::i maNly��' unln� `�;: <br />- ctilcnualing ciraunctancex cai.t �vhirh art IxyunJ 13u�rnaci. toulfol. llurtnncr <hall nnl Jretro�. dama}. or imp:iir �ht �t:�: <br />- Property. allow�Ihc Pmperty lo Jeterinra�q nr rummi� •-cnu.m Ih. Y���n rt�. Itartm�.rr+hall lu in Jef:mlt d:m� forfcilnrc (_'_ <br />._ ::::-n n�pnncttling. a'L•ethct ci.'il�+r criminal. i.httun i:�a in I.rndci.g.x•d Lmh n�!.nxm.auW rcwh in in:lrvurc ol�hc i�:°�- <br />= Ywirn) .x oihernix materiall��impair�hc licn rrraled h� ihu Srcuril}�h:.trun:.ri m :.:r.der's.ecurit��inlercsl.FY••'mce�m:n' E' <br /> curr sud�a Jcfaull and refn.� prnndcd in pangnph cm.�r_�hc :u��on or pn4.rJing In Ir Jumi�cJ wnh a rulim, k"-.-. <br /> �hat. in I.crxlcr'�g�nxl fai�h dccermin:nion. preduJc. furfeiluro ol Ihr :nrrm�rr'. mlcrni m Ihc Pro�wm nr n�F.0 malcn:d !:'.� <br />° ic:nirnxnt of�ht iicn arc:n�d b� this Sr.vritc 6i.�mnrnt ur Lcndrr',.:curi�y m�en.�. 13��rra�ccr.hall :d.n h: m dcfault if �,_= <br />• [y..�:�rrq during Ihc luan:�pplcetinn prm'a+.Faec mx:^�;.. ::ikr.�r ia.i m�,nnaiian ontalcmcm.L�>s Inr I:�iicJ i__• <br /> c:.rociJe LenJer�ci�h am rt::-.d inlonnaun:u m..�:':r-.m w�h�he Inan ev� h� �he\o:c.includmt.h�.: r.ot IimiltJ E;.'. <br />-�m.annr.nmi}•.:rnn�cr'..:acp.n:.� �r, c_:i'rn��:m .�..�p�imipalrc•:�::r.:r- �:�.: <br />, Icar•halJ. 13nrrm�cr .h.ill ...r:,^!} ..C.`. .. ' : pn.�ninn ri tl:r la�.r li I�•in.t.r .nyuu.. 1:: :-..: i.. t1:: Pn.�c�t�. :w �. <br /> - ka.chnld a:�J ihr Icc�nlr.Lall cn�mrr.c _' _ - 1.ndc�.:p�tc.�.��iic� a-r 'n m��wv �•'-�. <br /> 7.Proitrlinn nf Lcndcr\Iti�;hfi inlpr Prupa'q.11 B��u,...n I.n. .. �t�lonn�Lr�.n:n.�nt..�. .�.^:crr..����•:nanna. - <br /> - ' ILi.'icvrfl� In.In�mtnL or Ihir:�..� li_�I p:n.arlm. ':.n n�.n .i�niln.n�d� nu..� I aiJ:� .nghn in Ih:1" -'- ..u.h.n a F�:-: <br /> - pr�cccJing�in hanArupl.�. prnh.a.. Inr u�r.dtnm.a�nu n� I.�tlnmrc r� to cnlortr Ln....r t:cnl.m��n.�. �h.0 1: ..: :r,. d...mJ <br /> p�� 6tt w6alcccr �.ncic..:m t��prnlca� �h: �alur.d i9c i1�q..m .md I.n.k��.:�clu, w Ihc Prn�a•�I� I cnd::- _�� � . <br /> �..I.�.In n n.l h� .� L.n �.L�,h L.n nnanh mer Iln. lnuriH Inymm<nl. :qq4annt u ...�.n. �;omg <br /> Icl�nnahle eli.vnc�i`Itc.:utJ'cr.�:nn[ ' r P:opt�h tn nnAa�tPaih \I�l�oach LnWt� me� �eAr e.l�„n nnJr�IL�.p.rcagraph � <br /> _ 7.Lcndcr d�n.nu1 ha.r 1.,.1„... I <br /> Am amown. di>bunrJ h. Latd:� audn I:r.. ; ::_ciph 7 .li.dl I�r.,m: ., dd,� ,�t 13.•�m�.r: '":r.:J M �hi. <br />- S,iitr In.Imm:nl. Vrlc.• B.qp,ae� e�xi I cr.J:r.i;•:.:�.•Ihe. Irnn..•1�.i_ �h.•�:.nro.:u��. .L.J:h�.r ii:::.t Irum ihr <br />.- Jalc af di�M1utvmcnl al Ihe ].:i: �.�!: .��J .L.J: h r.:�.clr. ��nh mterc.t. u�+,a o<�.t Ir.•in Lrudtr u, 13:r.r..:r rtyu:.lmg <br /> � ���„�.�„� : <br /> 8. \lnfigegc hltiuntucc.11 L.nJs cymr:�'r.a�n}.�gr m.ur.ut.r.n a..�nJm..r...l malu:c Iix In.�n.:.c:tJ h� �In,tii.nni� . <br /> _ IqqN111U1i. IIUR��qt� �h]II (V� ih. pm:n.:�., rcyurtcd�o m�im.un �ht mnnc.ya �a.aran.t m r:ir.�- IL �,r mn rc.non. �h: ' <br /> � <br />- -r.hgagc fn.urance av�cratr nyoucd b} I.cndu :.�,^.c•�n cta.c.lo hr in r�l:.:. li•r�.:at!.h.dl p.n �hr P?rr:r�:r..rcyuu.d i„ I. <br />. , ,.?�afn cmcragc�ub4an�u�{� R�l�\dI<I11 4`fllC IIYCIi.�;C i�wr.m:c prc��ou.l� n:n:.L at a....1 .uM1.t.�au�.., n.:�.dt�n la�Lr <br />�- Y�.I IO IiJItPNIf U(II1C II:n:IJii �tl.ulal4f Fli�1..4.f\ :S fIICCL ItJllt J�l :�Ilitf.i: 9l.•tSJti I�M11�G: dF`Cr.••-:.. '• It�lalir I� 1 <br /> f <br /> f <br /> - . ' .� . � Pom�3038 9 90 � <br /> � � <br /> l <br />