.1 r; �`l�i �,� ��rlTni3.1� rra.t:� r.[y _'� �'-:.. . }.,:
<br /> . /
<br /> -� rt{� (7 tin .! iFft.rir a<c �.Ft tf.in �_.
<br /> X .��:..�.....n�-. .�'. c. . . '..l.:ef[b.�.r�:.......��.._...._.............. ._:...... . . . . _ ._ t�.�_. .
<br />,.�.�-(w, .._ 92w» �,a��,t�
<br /> Rorrower shall promptly glva I.cncicr w�luen notitt of nny Invcstlgatlon,daim. domnnd, Iawsui�or o�hcr acilun by r.ny
<br /> gavcmntini9l or rogui+tory sgepcy or ptiv�tcpariy involving tl�o Prn�xny and any)iwudnns Snbs�anro or P.nvimnmcntnl l.nw
<br /> of whicL l3utn�wec has Aclwl.$no�vlcdge.!f A4ttowci Ic�ms,nr Is nniificd by nny gorcrnnmNnl or rcgulaiory amirority,ih�t -- � --
<br /> ' nny ramnvni or rnhor rematla�lm�of nny Nazardous Substenw nffcctlng Oio Pmpcny is nccenary.13mrowcr s6s11 pmaiptly mke
<br /> — nU ncccssary rcnxdial xtlons(n ncmrdnn�a wii6 Hnrlronnxnlnl I.nw. '
<br /> As used In Ihls pu�q roph 20, 'Hmardous Substan�cs' nro thosc suta�anas dcllnal ns toxic nr harardous suNstnnccs 6y '
<br /> Environmcmel Lsw nnd �he follorving suhs�anca: gusollne, kcrosenc, o�hcr Oanunn6le or toxic pctrolwm Producix, roxic
<br /> pesticidcs aM M;rblcidu,volaiile solvems,nuurisis com�ining;u6cstns or fomutdc6ydo,nnd nJioxllve nw�criats,As usod in
<br />. _.; thls paraCnp5 20, 'Cnviroraicntol I.aw' means fNerol la�vs nnd laws of ihe Jnr(sdlcUnn whem �he Property is Inental iha� _ _
<br /> rcimo m I�uilih,safMy or caivironmcntal prolation. --�
<br /> � -� NON•UNIFDRM WVE�ANT9.JSonnwet and Lende�Imllicr covenam and agree u ioiimvs '---'
<br /> 21.Atteleulion{Remeilfes,].ender sha1l gke mliee ro Borroxer lxior to neceterallon follo�Nng Rnrronec's h,renc6
<br /> aP any covrnant or ag:tement 6� Ibls 3ecadly instn�ment (Lut �wt pdor tn acoztzexaMn under pnmgra,S�Z t9 va�CSs
<br /> ApPIICAI/IC IpWp roNda other���(se).The notice shall specity� (u)tM1e defaull� 0�)1Qre ac¢b:n mqti:lreQ Ilo c+xre thie rReG.�th _,R_.
<br /> (r)x�d+te,not Iess tl�an 30 daya lrom Iho dpte tho noUce�s gh•en to Rorroxer,by xAtr,R t"r�.cY<Gaett r.uer,9 Ge cw•mi:xnd --
<br /> (rn eRxt[atinro to cnro the defs:k crr ea 2x�!me 1Me data spct�Iticd In ihe notico cnaY¢as'aft tn sim�tsratd:a oF tCn runs _
<br /> - � srFUtarP Cr iFis SttuHty ]rc7.mxmhn.t ac�!s.dc oB ibe 6eoperly. Thc nollre shail 4rNhc•e taFonn�iorro�cer a•t6e irUgat to -- �
<br /> etu-stzEe aher acadza'�liaee sa9lke��ghi ta trrE;� :p mur2 acllon to nsscrt the m.anutyriM of a detault a a�eq other --
<br /> ckfaacx a?3brrq»Be to�ce�6�rntion and sa.@. L'�r„hx�9iiAU�t!s not cured on or LnPece the date s�xclflcd in t?m nwim. ��'-�
<br /> i.�rvAt+', at Its opilan,may rcc,tiiirc Imrcas'a¢c gagmrnt in Nll of all surns sccurcd Dr ihis Sccurly Jnsltvmenl ��tthout —�
<br /> fnH!+er dmiand And may i�sc�ke tlhe�w��m of�r.7e and any other rentedla pemfi�NdDy updicable law. I.cnder sfiail be _
<br /> _ enlltiod to colleet all expensa�^a^xrn�tJ 1n pursuLig the remtdies prorlded In this pr.s�mph f!,Includtng,6u1�nd itmlled ��t-_.
<br /> � to,reawnaLle attorncys`fecs a:m!msts of tille evide�xe. �+t�=
<br /> ' il Ihepower of wie Is iaxc�e3, 3Yluttt shalt record a�wlice ot de�ault D�encij connt9 In xhich an��yc.rY of�he
<br /> __�� Proptrty Is Iocated and shall maSl co,pks aT auch nolice In the manner pracri6ed by appifcable le���to Rnrco}+er and to �„�_"
<br /> = ihe olher perwrs pmudlxd Ay applirablx]n��.Atter Ihe Iimc requlrrd by opplicable la�r,7Yustce sh�1t give public nollm �,��;;;-._:
<br /> nt soie to Ihe persons and in 1am mnnner prc...cflbrd by appllcohie Iaw.Tnutee, xiihouf drmtuv.5�n Bormx�er,shall r,ell �;'r,,;;,,.
<br /> —'- ilK Property at public auclion to the 14ghes�Uldder al ihe time and place and under Ihe Icrms dtsignxted In Ihe nollte af !''3:^:'.-:'.
<br /> mte!n one or more rcels ami in nn�ordec Trustce determines.Trustce ma ne snle oY sll or an �arcc!of ihe "^'-
<br /> Pp ! Y i�M Y ,-.,_r-..
<br /> 3'ro�rrrty by public amwuncc�rnerzt at �he t(nte nnd place of nny prcviousl�•uhMuled Fnie. l.ender or Its daignec may �'•'-.'.'•r-
<br /> pu�chau 1he Property at any snBe. r��;���--.-
<br /> - _ Upon receipt of pay�mrnt oi fhe �idce bid, Trustce shali drlNrr ro �he purchaser Tnutec'.deed wnreying�he _ t�� �_
<br /> - Proprrty�The rectiais(n the Tr,ntm•s decd shail be prima facle evidence ot the Imth of the st,urments made thercln. p -
<br /> -'° Tn�+tee shall appty ihe procers�•3F 1he sale In the folloxfng order.(a)ro all cosls and expenaes of ezerdsing�he poxer of R�S____�
<br /> � ,-:
<br /> - salhandtheule,(ncludingtbe;�zymenlottheTrustee'sfeesactually�lncurrcd,notmezecedheyof SS0.00 or $�b � '
<br />- - - of Ihe pr(ncipai emomrt ot tl�e nwe at Ihe time of the declaratlon at default,and reasonsUle auomey�s•lers tu permitlal Z,;_.�.;-:
<br /> by Iuw;@)lo ail sums ucurM by Ihls Seeurify lastrument;and(c)any exeess to U�e person or�mrsvas iegaily enii�led io �.,,., :-
<br /> . � ��� 32. Rttonvcynnce. Upon �ymem of all sums ucund 6y thfs Sceuri�y Insuumem. Lender shall requcs� Trustcc �o �r�
<br /> ..,.� rtcon�.,-.�he Property and shatl ki�render �his Securiry� I�cauwnem and ali noles ecidencing deb� secured by �his Securi�y `s �
<br /> ]nsltunxm to Trus�ce.Trus�ce shrlt rernnvcy�hc Propcny ai�c.-,ut warremy and wiihoin chargc�o Uu person or pennas legally a`'��-_`
<br /> -_;Gi enlltlM w fl.Such penon ot persn:���all pay any rccurdaima cu��s. �°'���`<
<br /> ,',,tiA 23.Substllnte Tmstee. l.tn:ler,a�its op�ion. may from time In lirtec rcmore Tmslet and npEwin.a succecsor IrUStM lo �;'��.
<br /> .ny Ttustee appolnted hercunJer br en insuumen:recordal in the munty in�.hich ihis Securi�Y Inxinimrn�is rceunfnl. Wi�hom `Q-
<br />��..-__°� �;''a_�..'.
<br /> . .� mnvcyanm of�he Propcny,�he st�.e...or Imsttc+ha11 mazed m all thc iitle.�ner ar.d Auues confevnl upon Tivs�ee hercin F'
<br /> _,_ and by applkable Imv. ""
<br /> Lil.RMuest Por Nollees. 8�x�naer rcque�u�ha�mpir+ot�he notices of de(ouli r.n.t wle be senl m 6arrowxr'. adJrct+ ��r ""
<br /> ��:� which i,�:e Propeny Addrecs. % •
<br /> :%� 23.Rlders i.�tlls Securtt}�lnaruntem. C nne or morc riders aro exccmal by Unrmx�cr and�.tx.kd�ngcthcr�viih ihis �� ,"
<br /> `-��?'�• Securi�y Irts�mnxnt.th.am�enanu urA ngrcemenu uf each such riJer�hall be ina�rpnrateJ into and ehnll�micnJ nnJ suppicnum f„� .:
<br />--.`-',:y -�he�v��snams anJ q&recmer.iz of ahia Security Innrument us i(the rWert.)were a pan nf�his Securi�y Insmiment. ��.;°�..
<br />`:��,;Y ICE.nc:cxpplica6lebox(es)1 ��,'i.^=.
<br /> i ,•.
<br /> ��'•� CI Adjus�abic Ratc Ridcr L�Q�ndominium RiJCr �I-0 R:unily RiAcr � pi�.;
<br /> s�;� []Gradua�al Psyment Rider O Plaim�d Unit Dcrclopmem RiJcr ❑6i�rceklp P�;r`xnt Ridcr r�;.'
<br /> .!;i �]Dalloon Ridcr L�Ratc Impmventem RiJcr 0 SccanJ H�au RiJcr k -
<br /> +?I L�]V.A.Ridcr �O�hens)�.perify� AcknowledReaenc ��4�
<br /> �r� Iloce Hquity Accese Line Rider , '"��
<br /> �•j �,!Y_
<br /> .:+(t� �4 .
<br /> DY SIONING BROW. Qouoxcr::cccpis anJ agr.n In th.•Icrma:mJ.m�cn�niti.rn!ni�xJ in Ihis Sccurily Irotmmcr.l and ','�j;`1.'_.
<br /> � in�ny ridrr(sl execneed hy Rortmtitr anJ ntnrJcd wilh ii- � ��'
<br /> ��;1 Wilnesaea: �7 ° ppp///��� n ,+
<br /> ;� / 9J '/!!
<br /> .:.i� .�f.fLL.f.1E.r_�!`�L�_a-�^�—_-15ca11 e -;
<br />�-�"''� W1111en C. GlddinRe �➢nm,��r• :'.:.
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<br /> r �
<br /> _.:� ._ . _ __ _ .___ . -\��L C' ,:'`"I�(!,� .� ' �"�
<br /> -T(�n ° GiddinFs f ��..r.d� r.--:.
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<br /> ;t.t� .J,
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<br /> �...� IL.u..wa� 14.:u....� �. -.
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<br /> - `:'� S"!A'fF,OKVER1iA56A. ffALL ('mml� ..: cyE::;.--.
<br />���.?(:`�� Thc(uregnmgmarunun[�.a.a�Anawle.Ig��Jlwfu�cn�;raJ�(� 5[h aLn.•( Oc[ober � 1992 ' ��
<br /> -�, b. 93111an G. Giddings and Jean F,. G q} tusband and Wtfe
<br /> ;`�< 1Vi1nc.�myI1JI1JJ11J�Inl:ffldl>l'JIJI � ^ m.e�.l('o�mt�.d�r kal �:vv�J- �:
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