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<br /> no lon cr bc rcquircd,nt th�opdan of L.cndcr,if mongagc ir�surancclablc nnd is�at�ta nrd.BorroW r shall pay ti�i�C " �
<br /> �►ymcnts may B
<br /> b5at I.cndcr rcquiscs)providcd by an insurcr npprovcd by l.endcr Ag�nr�dc a las�rescnc,until tho rcq�ircmcnt Por mort$ugc , �,
<br /> � prc.miums r�uu�.+1 w maintain mort�P,e insurnncc in cff�t,or to p , -
<br /> insurance end�in accordance with any writtcn agrccmcnt bctwc;cn Borrower'an�d nspections at the 1'roPcrty.
<br /> l,cndcr shull givc ��'
<br /> 9.Inspectbr. Lcndcr or its agent may rnuke rcasonablc cnuies uPo „
<br /> .ti Elr,�rrower notice atthe time of or priar ro nn inspecdon specifytn8 rc�sonablc cnuse tor the inspecdon �S' n��d
<br /> � 10.Co�ndemnation. Tho pracccds at' r.u►Y awnrd or cl.aim �oRdam�B�,�li utaf c¢•ttd mnauan,�urc hcrcbyuon�with at►Y
<br /> ` cGndemnation or oth�r tnkina aF an7+ pRtt.�f tl�c Propony. or for w Y _
<br /> „ shs�ll be paicl�o L.cnder. ��proc�eds shall be applied to thc sum�sect�red by [his Securiry Inswmen�. ., . . � �, .:.` _
<br /> 1 ,
<br /> .� I n t h e cv�n� of a wtallAkJnII of tha Froperty, af�e�r�ger�y in which the fair mFirct i •,.���`,
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<br /> � whether or not tl�en due,with an;r er,coss paid un Boaaw e r. I n t h e e v c n t o f a p a r ti a l takin8 w,���,p._
<br /> Q�c sums sez�u� hY al� i
<br /> • v.alue of thoPropeny immediswl�Uoturr,thc►a�'.inBonow�er nndrLcnderroth rwiseaagreetinf wn'ting�a�tuc t l b y t h L s S e c u n ry - �_- ---
<br /> Insuument imrnediately I�eforc d�o tciking, unl .;,:;;,;��;:�——
<br /> tc ki
<br /> immcdiately bcforc thc .�:;.�'r'.:—
<br /> � 5ecuriry Insmumen►shaU Ix:reduced by the�oun�O d�d by ro�mf�mnrk t value�`of tt►e Pra�peKy.(fl)the total amoun a k . y,�:-
<br /> the�ums secured immedietelY bcfoie th,. 8 of the PropertY in Which the f�ir market velue of the • „�,.-_
<br /> „ �� pn3,��ce sha(1 be paid to Sarower.In the event of A panin�takinB �1�to thc �
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