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;i( „�;�; , .. . . . �,;� <br /> ..._. ' i�i` �i <br /> .� . �... / �l�' .� . <br /> . . , , � _ . . . .ti . <br /> 1 . •-•_ ., .. - . . . .. .• "�Y�'" 11:�. ' . <br /> [' <br /> . . . ,• � ,w•df.4.�M'fJ1.�.r.. <br /> . �{�. <br /> . - -I. �.. R � � ., .���)I}Fik,`.��('.. <br /> .' . I . ' .. . ^,...���'Ij:.. .._•...� . . <br /> .:, . . <br /> -. .� .• .. ._ ,.—_—___"_� 1�. <br /> . . . . .I._.. ' " . : --...._ _-__-_-_ <br />__ ._. .. _ . , . <br /> '�::1 .. .�_._ �.______,11. ___....__-. . <br /> .. _.. . . _. .., . . . . ... .. - -. aF <br /> . ; �). <br /> J��;; �. <br /> ��,. 103�'7� �- <br /> � 16.�orraH�er's Copy. Hun�wc.r shal!bc givcn onc canformcd capy of thc Note ann af this Sccurity Inswmcn�. � ' . "' <br /> 1T.TrAneRr ui the Property or a Deneficlal taterest in Borrower_ If all or eny part of ihc Propcny or any intcrast in it is �� <br /> :!old ar trnnsfcrccd(or if a bcncCicia! intcrest in �orrowcr is sold or UansFcncd a��d Burrowcr is nat n nutural per.san)witk�out •• �, <br /> � %,cu�er's priort w�itten conxnt,Lc���cr may,a:it�o�tinn,requirc ltnmc�i:ue p�ymenR in full cff flll sums securcd by thig Scc��rity ;.:. �_ <br /> F.nstrumcnG HaW�ucr. Ihis option shnll not bc cxcrc�scd by L.ender if cxacisv is prohihitcd by fulcral IAw as of thc dratc of thfs ' f; <br /> accudry Instrument ?• <br /> ' If Lcndcr cxcrciscs this opdon,Lendcr shall givc Borrow�cr nodce of acceleration.The nodce shall provide ap�rial oFn�t Icss 5 �; •- <br /> � � IIian 30 days [rom the cfate the nadce is deliverod or mailed within which gormwer mus2 pay all sums sccured by this Securiry :,: , <br /> ' [nswmen�IC Borrower fails to pay lhcse sums pdor W the expiration of�his per�od. Lcnder n�ay i�vokc any rcmcdics permiucd �;` .Y. <br /> � 4y diis Sccurity Instrumen�without fwUtee nodce or demnnd on Borrower. '` � <br /> 18.liorrower's Right to Rcinstate. �' Boaower mcets certaim m�ditions, Borrower shall have thc right w havc ' �;t <br /> 1 r,nforeement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to th,, earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period es r�; .,.�.�,�,;���_ <br /> � • S' x-- <br /> � �spplicable Iaw may specify for reinstatcment)before sale of the Propecty pursuanc to any power of sale contained in thes Security �n�.�+-;�• <br /> S�ts►r►►m.rit;o-r @)enlry of a jaclg�nnent enforcing this 3ecuri.ty Insm�men�'lhose candi�ons aze that Borrr,wer:(a)nay�i.endcr aU �- �=���..--____ <br /> • � sums�vhich then would be dua under this Security Instrument and ths Nwte as if no nccelerarion had or,currcii; (b) �ures anY '�4i�- <br /> •:�, �- •;- <br /> ; rsefaidt of any otteer covennnts ar u�reecnents;(c)pays all oxpenses incuiretl in enforcing this Securiry Insmunent,incl uding.but ° <br /> - • not limitcd tn.rc�asonnble�uameys'f�s;and(c�)takes such action as Lendes may reasonubly requirc to assure that lhe licn of this a %�' $ `�� <br /> .. ,,�;_,_�`:.. <br /> . r�' 5ocurity Inswm^.nt, Lender'c rlghts in the �r�petty and Borrower's obligntion to pay ihe sums secured by this Socuriry •,, ?=_: <br /> � ' L�isGti�i�ent shail conttuuc unchanged. U�n rsinstatement by Borrow�r,Ghis Secusiry Instmment nnd the nbligauons sectucd � `.� ��___ <br /> �; Iiereby shall remain[ully cffective ns if no accel�adon had c�ccurced.Ho�ev�r,this right to reinstate shull not apply in the case of —_, <br /> r�cceleradon i�ndcr paragrnph l7. ����'�`��� <br /> � 19.SAIe otNote;Change oY Loan Servicer. The Note ar u p��ti�l interest in The Nate (tagether with this Sccuriry ;'..,�:�:�, <br /> ^� ireswment)may ba sald onc or more tunes w'sthout prior nouce w Borrnn�er.A sale may result in a chxnge in the entity(known �P_.��`�;=�s---, <br /> . us t�e"L,oan Servicer")that cullects monthly yments due under the N�te�r�d this Secunty Insirument There also may baone o: � <br /> rnrn•e ctu�nges of the Loan Servicer unrelc�o a sale of the Note. If t7�¢re is a change af the I.oan Sravlcer,Bonower will t�e �r=�= <br /> ':;. 1Fi��G�. <br /> � • given wriuen nodco of the change in accordanca with paragaph 14 above and applicable law.'R�e nodce will stau,the name and �4r��,�. <br /> � addres,of the new Laan Servicer and the address to which a ents siwuld be made. The nodce will also contnin �y other �'";----"— _ <br /> ,�,_ P Ym i.�.,:<; :.� <br /> infarmadon rcquircd Isy applicable law. nni� (` �''• ���. <br /> �.,� 20.liq�rdous Substwn�es. Bonower shaU not cause or permit the presence,use, disposal, s�.orage, OC TCIK•."C Ol ally 5 ,�•f•• <br /> ���• Hazardous Substance.s on or in the Properey.Borrower s6all not do.nor allow anyone clse to do,anythmg affecUng the Properry ;�,`;� <br /> 'r�'� that is in violation of an�Enviranmentnl Law.'fhe preceding two sentences shall not apply w the presence,us�,or stprage on the �,;' <br /> � . ---.-- ns.�...�,�.:;af;,����� Pa�r �nntnnc Cntncu�n�c�hat are ¢enerally recoaniud to be apProA»te to normal racidentiel uses __ <br /> :'`�',� end to maintenarice of the Proper.ty. <br /> 3°, :�a;. � ' ;�..;�. -. <br /> gorrower shall prompdy ,��ve l.ender written nodce of any invesdgation, clum deman�d lawsuit or other �don by any '' � <br />:�� :'�' gavemmental or rcgulalory agency or prlvate party involving the Prop�ty and any�ardaus Substar.�e or Fu►vlronmental L.uw ; , , : <br /> '1��i`� of which Bormwer has actual knowledga If Borrower kams,or ls n '�nf'ied by any govemmental or regulntory autharity,that an � °'; :, <br /> r;��•,-• .' <br /> removal or oihcr m�nediaaon of any Hazardous Substance at�'ecting the Property is necessary.Boaower shaU promptiy talce l t. • � j,_- <br />""�' neccssery remedial ections in accordance with Environmental <br /> ' As usod in thls parsgreph Z0, "Ha7.ardoas Substanccs" are those substances deCu�ed as toxic or ha7ardous substarices by , ��� <br /> • Fsnvimnmental Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene,other flammablo or toxic petrolcum products, toxic +•� <br /> k pesticides end horbicides,�olatik solvents.materials contaming asbestos or formaldehyde.and redioactive materials..As used in <br /> • ��� this paragrysh 20."finvironmentel' means ft�daral laws and laws of�he jorisdiction where the Proper.y is laratcd thnt relato � _ <br /> ' '� � to health,safery or environmental prouction. ��'`•�� <br /> ����;. <br /> .�. �� -- Y� <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVBNAN'TS.Borrower and[.ender further covenant and agcee as folbws: �"-��:'_- <br />'% • '�' 21.Accekration; Remedies.Lender shAU�ive notioe to Bormwzr prior to accekration folbwing Borrower's 6rcach ot __ <br /> =;r:,i�'�. „ ;, , any coveaaut or agreement fn th[s Securtty Instrument (but not prior to acoekration under paragraph 17 unkss _ - _ <br />.•.'r' : •,��?' opplica6k t�rr provides otBervrise).The notke shall specify: (�)the defaulh. (6) !6e Action required to cure the default;(c) - <br /> :,,;,.•� ; o dAte.not 1w►iliam 30 dAys irom the date the nntke is givee to Borto�ver,by which the def=�M inust be cured;nad (d) _ ,'..., <br /> "' tlwt failure to cure the default on nr before t6e date specitied in the notia mAy result En ncceleratloo of the suma secured — �"" " <br />�'�`- r �'�'� ' by this Security Instrument e�nd sak of the Pro The notioe s2uU furt6er inform Borrower oP the rig6t M reiastrle --_---- <br /> , peKS'• �tM;;;`�—---- <br /> pfter Accekntion And t6e right to bring A rnurt action to Assert the nun-exL�tence ot o defaw:�r any a.�xr defense ot �!��•���_ <br /> .� . �-_-----�- <br />- �'�r.• Borrower tu�ccelers�tion and sak.It tbe detituit is not cu�ced on or Def�nre the dote specitkd in l�e notia,Lender�at Its ���,� <br /> . ;r` � opdon�msy reyy3re immalittte payment�n tull of aU sums secured Dy t�6�Secur�ty Iostrument wit�out f�rt6er demand . _ <br /> � -• �nd mey invoke the power ot sale and Any ot6er remeslies permitt�d by applk�bk[aw.Leeder shalf be eatitkd to collect �--�-��'��.� <br /> '� `' ��` � all rxpenses inCUrred tn pursaing fhe remedies provided in t6is pangrap6 Zl,in¢luding,but nM WaEtsd to,rtASOna61e --- <br /> �- ��m,,.a�.-.. <br /> , -','-���:—,'.. <br /> ariorneye'tea and coets at titk evidence. ' *���= <br /> �, , If the power of snk � invokM, Trtisiee shall reC�nid A notice o� defstult in eac6 rnunty in wdicd any part oE t�e �. • �� .�p=�_' <br /> � � '� Pro{xrty Es 7ocr�tttl and s6a11�nail rnpies�i sucd notioe in the m�tanerprRSCribed by applicabl�law to Borrower and to the Y�,.: • .'.`,?"��`� <br /> �'':r� `' oiher pensox�prescribed by a�pplicabk law.Atter tbe 3�,me required by applicA6k l�w9 Trustee shall give pu6lic notice ot ''=+?����•'?.��?y_:�.�::. <br /> � ��il�. . sple to the persens�nd in t�he manner prescribed by Applicabk I�w.Trautee,without demand on Borrower,shuU seil t6e ,. ° `�°,. � <br /> � r����• Froperty at public auctbn to tbo hig6est b3dder at the tim4 and plaae and under the terms desi�ttd in the notice oi s�le . . .. <br /> . '.`, . , . <br />_ , �•�•;.;, :. <br /> ," , Form J02e 9I80 <br /> }��� �-8R(RE)Iox�Rl.o� Pap�6 of 8 ��waie: <br /> 1� � <br /> � E <br /> • _ _- � - - -- <br /> , .!r -; . r - <br /> .:, <br /> `4 . . .. . .. . .._.. _.._...�._r--�—� --------___._. . .__ _. _..__ ..--- —._. <br /> ..... .. . . � <br /> ,� . . . <br />, � <br />= .E; ,. • <br />_ ;r , <br />'�ji, �,. � � . .. <br />�r�� <br /> •i . - -... . . . <br /> � <br /> i. ° <br /> •� <br /> -_� .� ., . , „ , . <br /> �_ _ _ <br /> ,_ <br />