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<br /> S.�HazArd or��operty[nsurwnce. Honnwce shall kcep tho Improvements naw cxisdng or hercaftcr erected on thc Property
<br /> ' insurect against lo:s by fice, hfuavds tncludcd within thc tcmi "oxtendcd covr.rnge" end nny mhcr har.ards,including iloods or ,.
<br /> � flaoding,for which l.cndcr requires insurnncc.This insurwicc siiuilloc�m.►is�talneci ln the amounts and for thc periods thut Lendcr
<br /> rcquirr,s.Thc ins�uancu cnrricr provid'sng thc insurancc shall tx:choscn by Iiorcowcr subjcct w I.cndcr's appravstl which shall not •
<br /> • • ix� unm.asonably wiQihcicl• If BorraNCr fuils to maintain cuvGr�gc dc.scribed ebovc, I.cnder may, at Lc�dcr's option, obtain � Y_
<br /> � "'� coverago to protect 1Lendct's righGg in Ihe Praperty in accordunce wld�pamgragh 7. • ' .
<br /> p���fiu���Ucios ar►d rencwals shall ba acccptable to Lcndcr snd shall includc a stanriard mortga�c claus�.L.cndcr shall
<br /> hi►vc the right to hold tha policioA end renawals.If L.cndcr reqaucs,Borrowce sh�ll promptly givc ro I.�nder all rcceipis of p;rid _ ,^., N �
<br /> ; ptcmiums and ancwal noUccs.In thc cvent of loss,Horrowcr shaU giva prampt noticc co thc insurarn'.r,��rrier cutd 1 ender.Lr�ndcr . • _
<br /> may make proof of loss if noz madc promptly by Bomowcr. •�'`-
<br /> .Y,���
<br /> Un1e.c.c Lender and}3anrowet othenvise agre.�in wd►ing�insurance procoeds shaU be applied w mscorad�n.or re�a)r of th. Y� ::�;:•k•;,;#1�w 7""_"".'--
<br /> � propeny dumt�ed.if tha restoration or repair is ecanomicaily fca5iaic w�ri Leadei'�sectuity is nat lcss�nu1.If th-,res�are�tnm�r _ . _ T;,_.:;:
<br /> . cepair is rtot economieally feasible or Lender's se�uriry would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be appti,sd to the sums `� •�;�� �
<br /> rncn whcther or no1 then due,with any excess paid to Barrower. I€Horrower abandans the ::,,;5,,;.J,r;�n;':.��i;.L�.'"�, �-
<br /> i secured by thfe Security Insiru l, . `��t� x-
<br /> • i,a�,erty,ar doe:no:answcr within 30 days a nadce from Lc:nder that the Insurancc carrier has offered w seule a claim.then ,iii;;:,,,1��'
<br /> � Lender muy co9ect the insurance procecds.Len�ler mny usa the procecds to repair or restore the Property or to PaY su�rss secure�i •;,�_:s,;„..;�'�_------
<br /> . . by this Sec�u'sty Ir,m�mcnt,whethcr or not thc��uo.'ll►a 30•day period will 6e8in When the nodcc is givcn. `'�,,�,•.�;_ .;�---
<br /> �� �•�'
<br /> , Unlass L�endar nnd Borrower otherwise agrce in writing,anY�PFU�►uUn of proceeds c°principal shall not extend or postpon� .,.�
<br /> ' hs 1 end 2 ar chan e the an:ount of the paymenu.If undcr paragraph ..�"'`'"�
<br /> ;:.. i•; �ha due datc of il�a monthlY PaYments re.fcacd to in parograp ' 8 � •-�- ---� - -
<br /> , ,�._.�..
<br /> • Y�,j 21 thu Pro(x'.ttY is acquitetl by L.ender. Barrower's right to any insurance policics and proceeds resulting from damage to the �i!:�;�,�;,�•_�.,�—�--
<br /> property pdoE tc�aha acquisitian shnll pass to 1-ender w the extent of the sums secured by dus Sec�uity Instrument immediately ;:.s,:�.�
<br /> t(> :•�szn,r-��
<br /> . -� prior to tho ecqulaibon. lication;Leasehokls.
<br /> 6.f)ccupancy�FreservutjoB�Mp►i►tenance anJ Protectton of the Property; Borrower's Loan App :�:s;�„
<br /> . . �. B o r ro w e r shall occu p y,establish.and use tho Prope�ty as Borcower's principal residence within sixty days after the exc:cudon of ,
<br /> �i �his gec�rity Insmamant and shnl!continuo w occupy tha Properey as Borrower's princip a l resi d e n c e f o r a t l e a s t o n e year afcer the ,,�••
<br />--- •. � �f��p���; �minss I ,mder oth2rwise agrccs in ��:ung, which consent. shall not bc unreasonably withheld, ar unlcss ��
<br /> �� extenuadng citCUr�stttnces esist which are beyand Borro���er's control.Borrower stiail noi oeairuy.u���tn im�'t�s��Sa�'. + �
<br /> .� : �W �e p�pa�y to deter'soretc. or commit wacta an tl►e PropertY• Borrower shall be in defauli iF any forfciture action or �: �', �'4w
<br /> ' ,� pr�nceeding,whathCr civi!o�crimin�l�is beB►�n that►n I�ender's good fa;th judgment coWd result in forFeiwre of the Pcoperty�r ;� ';; :_
<br /> o���wi,�e mnu;r1�lly imFair the lien created by U�is Security Instrume�u or Lender's security intecesG Borrower may cure such a � ,�,..
<br /> ' v�ded In paragraPh �8.by caueing the actian or proceedin� co be d'►smissetl with a ruling that,in �.
<br /> default tmd reinstata� as P�'� � �_
<br /> � I.ender's gcwd feit�detemcinntlom,P�e,cludes forfaituro of tha Borrower's interest in the Property or other matuial impaicment of �°::
<br /> ' �e li�n created by tltin�5ecurity Instrument or I.endcr's security�nteres�Borrowcr shall nLso be in default if Borcowcr.durii►g the �,
<br />_' (oar,appGcadon grocess,gctwc rtwte�llY f��Qr inaccuraso infamation or statements co 1.ender(or failed co provide Lender with
<br /> � " �y macerial informution) in co�nection with the loan evidenced by the Note, inctuding, but not limited to, representadons
<br />- Conc,eming Barower's ocetspAncy of the Property as a principul residence.If this Security Inswment is on a leasehold,Sorrower __ _ ��
<br />- ��mp(y with all the provisin�ma of the le�se.If Borco�ver sicquires fee pde to Ihc Praperty,the leasehold a�id thc fea title shall
<br />- , not merge u�less Lendcr agrecs Uo t��c mer�cr in writing. - __��
<br />��,:: 7,Protectio�of Lender'd R1��Rt in!6e 1'ruperty. �f Bonower faiLs to perfonn the�ovenants and agrccments contanesl'un -
<br /> �, ,� � �his Sec�uity Instrument,os thero Is s]egaf pmccecling �nt may significanQy affocc L�eader's rights in tt�e Property (such as a _�-F�
<br />_ �ing;n banl�uptcy�probate,for condemnudon or F�rfoiture or to enforcc laws or regula6ons),then Lcndcr may do and pay �:,�,:,V----
<br />'>'�'� for whatever is n�ttecessarY co Prouc�thc vali�e of the Praperty and Lendcr's rights in Ihe Prope.rty.Lender's acdons may include �-,��
<br />=�r=�_. : paying a,ny euma socurcd by a lien which hAS pQiority over ihis Security InsUument, appearin� in court. paYing reasonabie �- __
<br />_ .. �, a��ys' fces an d entaring on the Property u�cnc�ko ccpairs.Although Lender mny take acdon und�r this paragraph 7,L.ender ! -
<br /> :�`•.:...•.. • ' doos not have w do so. =�<—
<br /> '� :'`". � ;''.'Y Any amounts disbursed by L.ender uniler this ParugruPh 7 shall bccnme eddidonal debi of IIorrowcr sc;cured by this 5ccurity
<br />—�..• : � .
<br /> ` � Insmut►ent. Unless Borrower and Len�der t�ree to other tcrms of payment, these amounts shall bcar interest from the date of � .,� __
<br /> ' , .M � '' dlsbursement at ihe Note rate and shall be paynble.with intcress,upon notice from Lendcr to nocrower rec;uesting paym�ent. F+.__ _
<br /> • �� 8.Mortgs�ge xnsuranCe. If Lender required mortgage insurance ss a cc�ndidon of making the loan secured by this Security �z...�o�.
<br /> - inatrument, Borrower shull pay the premtums rcquircd co meinteir► ihe mortgage insurance in affect. If, for any resuon. the _ _____
<br /> - rr�ortgege insurance covecage rcc�uired by Le►ider lapses or ccases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay tL1c premiums requircd to .---
<br />