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�f.:�i;t.�.,"" , :�N• <br /> ,..�r1aw ��Y. .. r:t'`• , . ' .. , . <br /> � .,- �.. . , , . ; <br /> . ..r..,.�_ ......,.rarti.��., � `' . ._ •%� . ' .... „ . . " , ..�','�._ . .. ' •• - - .,. . a ,''"""����_:t.._:� 'µ:�� <br /> ���- a�.o3�'� ��_,;:-.Y�-.: <br /> � :� . . . �.-.- L <br /> Bonower may cure such e deiauit anA n�ns!ale. es provldad In pair�grn{�h 1U, by ceu�ing ihe actlon or proceeding t� be �,,•;�.;�=_,_ <br /> :. �-.:,:, <br /> 1 ' d�smisso�wi:h e ruiing that,In Lender's �ood taph de;errtdnatlon, ptcclude9lodcilurn o1 iho florrower'a In the Property or , � <br /> ' • uiYci i7u1Ci W1 ��M�6I:fYt�Rl 01 lh°C°.*1 tfC3ln(�by Ih�c_ Sncudty Instrument or Lender'e securiry interesl. Bonower shall nlso bo In � . •:;�-,,,�� <br /> � tldauR II ►JorrawFr, dwinc� thu loan nppllc��llon t�ac����s.!tr�r�ot�ir•�at�y t"f-o or Innccurr.te In1e��utlan nr stntement�•tn 1 rnner (u� i <br /> lailed to provide Lender wYih any material Infvimntlon) !n conne�tlon witli Iltn IaAn ovldniced hy tho Noto., but not . <br /> . Ilmlted to. representatlons conceminfl E3orrower's ocCUpancy ot lha Proprrty no n princlpal rusldenco. tl thls 5ecurity <br /> Insirument ia cn a leasehold, 9onowcr �hnll ccrnNry with all the provislonc ot tho Icaso. N�orrower Acqulres iee titlr. to th� <br /> _ i Property, the laas�hold and the tee tllle shell ctolmerpe uNees Lender aQraos to tho mergar fn writinfl. <br /> 7. PlAtectl�n �f Lbnd�r'�RIgMa In th� Prop��'ty. II Borrowr.r �ans to pertaim Ihe cavenonts end agroements <br /> � containe�i in Ihfs Secwity Instrumont, or ihere la a legal procreding Ihat mey sigNficanity affect Lender's dghts In lhe Property .�.:.-..� <br /> (such es a proceeding in bank�uptcy,prabalo. lu c:ond:rnnstlon or'�rl�iturn or lo enk�rco laws ar regulatlons).then l.ender mey <br /> ----:_, �_ _�a .,...1....�,l�wfe�er Is nwr.�s�FrS+tn nmtF+tltite veluw M thw Prnnwiy end LendtY's Itghts N Ihe P�ODerIY. Lender's nctlons �.. _y.y.,�4;,_ <br /> .__ .:. �.u.�.. r� ._. .. . , ..�: <br /> „�„��� mny Includo paylnfl en�+ sums secured by n 6M which h�s prlority ovor Ihis 9ecurity InstNrrtUnt, eppearing In court, puying "_�_.�`• <br /> �...,.�w� rensonebto nttomeys'toes Qnd entering on ihe Property to make r�paira. Allhouph Lendar may tako nctlon under lhls parngreph �' . <br /> 7, lender doos nat hevv to do so. ��: r �� <br /> �'���'��.. <br /> My amounts disb►tr�ted by Lender undPr peragreph 7 shall hecome eddilional debt of Borrower secured by this Security <br /> Instrument. Unloss BoRqwr,r and Lender agree Io othtx terms ol paymenl, 1110�A f�m9unts shail bcar tra�n thfl o1 <br /> disbursement at thA Nvtn mtv ond shail be payable,wlth Interest, upon notlo�a iror.�L�e�dE+ta Aorrawer reyuost4�p pAyment. �,__ <br /> B. Mortgagm bnsura�nc�. II Lender ayuired mortgage in3uranco n^ a condition a1 maktng the luan securod by this S,��- <br /> � Security Instrument. Bnrrqwer shall pay the pr�mF�ms requlred to rnhfnttdn Ihfl mortgage Insurance In eftect.ii, tor any reason, tho ,___ <br /> moRg'tge Insurance cav.Urnge requlred by Lender lapses or ceasPS to be In �liect, Borrower shall pRy the premlums requirod to ±�•��,____ <br /> } .�,�..� - <br /> obtain coverega subatt�ntinily equivnlent to themnrtaage, Insurance proviausiy in e(tect, at a cost substantialty equlvalenl ta thp ;y,r.s:. <br /> cost to Borrower o} thp mortgnge Insurence prevlously In effect, trom an alternete mortguge Insurer approved by Lendct. fl �_�� <br /> ^ � substantially equlvnlFmt mortgage insurance covnage Is not availeble, Borrowor shell pay to Lender each monih a sum equal to -__- <br /> onaNrelflh nt thn y4art��mortgaga Insurance premium being paid by Horrower when ttte Insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to <br /> �''I be In eftect. Lendc:r wPh accepl, use and retainthese payments es e losa �oserve in iieu o4 mo�i�y� insurancr�. Lo�a reserve ,'__,.-_- <br /> �ii�l�;~ payments may no longc�r be rer{utred,at the opYon ot I.ender, if mortgage Insurance coverege(in the amount end lor the pedod '_'��-%-- <br /> '''���V thut Lendee requires)pro��Ec�ed by an Insurer apprnved by Lender again beoomes evaitable and is obteined. Burtower shall pay �``.,, _ <br /> '�:��� ths p�+emlums requirRd'to mc+!ntain mortgege insu%nce (n eNect. or to provlda a loss resewe,until the requfrement(or mortgage ;�.Ft�ri- <br /> ' �1 insurr.nse ends In�„sn�ce with eny written�greement belween Borcower and Lender ar�ppNcable law. �1�_�w,- <br /> .,,,!,;. --- _ <br /> � :f, 9, II'E�gLeCt6�(B. Lender or Its nge�it mz3y make reasonabie endles upon end inspectlons of the Property. lender shall give __-- <br /> � ���`��� Borrawer notlee at tltn Nmo oi or prlor to an inspeetton specilying reasonnblo causa tor the inspection. <br /> � 10. C�nd�n�rnn�lon.The proc�eeds ol eny award or ctalm tor damages, direct or consequentfal,In connectton with any _ <br /> condemnatlon or othnr tnking of uny part of ihe Property,or for conveynnce In lieu of condemnatlon, are herek�y assigned end <br /> ,� � shall be paid to LendE�s, __ <br /> - �, In the event of n totai taking of the Property, the pruceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by ihis Secudty _ _ <br /> :; Instrument,whotlinr or,nat tl►en due,wiih any exeess paid tm Borrower. In the event ol a paNal taking ol the Properiy in whlch R_ <br /> ..;;i� ii�e iai� �„�ro..a;uo�t.:he °t:�Ar!;Im-^.??d�Rtc� betore the takinp Is etlual to or greater than the amaunt of the sums securesl � <br /> •• 1 by lhis &8clirity'Inatrument immediatety Uetore the taking, unless Botrower and Lender otherwise agree in wnting, tne sums = -_- <br /> �• secured by this SeGUriqr lnstrument shail be �eduaed by the amount of the proceeds muftiplied by the fol;o�ving frqetlon: (a)lhe _�.._F,. <br /> totnl emoun�0i tha s:Ims secured Immediatefybetore the taking, divided dy (b) the tair mn►kel value of the Property Immediatety ��U�;=— <br /> betore the taking. My�balance shall be pald to Borrower.In the evetot o1 a partial teking of the f'roperty In which tho falr market •� , - _�, <br /> � vaiue ot tho Prnporly�tnmedietely before the t�fng Is less then the amount of the sums seauErd fm;nediatety before the takJnc�, <br /> -�°1�'.� �� unloss Qorrn�ver anA�Lender otherwise agree In viriting or unless applicsbla Inw othenrviso provi�os, the proceeds shail be <br /> " , applied to the sumn s�cured by this Security Instrument whether or not lhe sums are then duo. <br />� ���'�`� �• If lhe Proport��f:i abnndoned by Bortower,o�N,after notice by Lender to Borrower that�tha candcm.�or oricYS to m�ko an -- <br />- .;,. �:,,. <br /> ,_-��,• award or serile e ckiirn�tor damages, F30RONM tails to respond to Lender within 30 days atter tha dato tho notice is given. <br /> :,, ..s.,..��. Lender is authorizad�ta ct,llect are�eppy the proceeds, et its optlon, eilher to restoraUon a repair at tho Property or to the <br />_,,^,;t;���;, sums secured by thl.F�S�curity Instrument,whelher or not then due. <br />=_�x��;�� Unless Lendar.and Bortower oth�rwise agree in wdting, eny epplicatlon of proceeds to prina!psi�shall not extend or � <br />-=----r•5� postpone the duo d�rtc��af the monthy peymenls �eterted to In p+�ragrephe 1 end 2 or change the amouM ai such payments. <br /><'.���;�=-�..�' 11, gorrourQr t+lc��: Releaaed; Forbe�rAnc�B�+ L�nder Not a VYaiver. Extenslon of the Ume tor payment or <br />:�i�"=:�'.:...'��� modiiicntion of urnoAkv�Uoo of tho sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument grented by Lender to nny successor In Interest ot _ <br />,rf°�rr-;c <br /> _;-;;,.:..: Bo:ro��ver ahali not oparato to retease the IladAy o1 the odglnnl Bortower or Borrower's sucCessors in Interest. Lender s a no <br />:;,;.:`�:���;,� ba roquiracS ta commance proceedinc�s apainst any successor in intanst or refuse to extend time br payme+it or othenrise <br /> �,,,,.�.,�_, mockly amnrihatian ol�tho sums secured by Ws Security Instrument by reason oi any demnnd made bytha orlglnal Barrower ur <br />=�?���:-� Borcower'� succe�soro In interest. Any tarb�errance by Lender In exercising any �ight or remedy shan nol be n weive�• oi ar _ <br /> `-�'��"•_ preciudo lAe exercise of any dght or remedy. '� <br /> �°._���� 12. Succsssurs and �laslgtss 6ound; Jolnt and Several Uab11(ty; Co-signers. Tne covenants end """ <br /> �Ju�'��` agreements ot thl-�9ucuriry Instrument sh�ll b�nd and benefit the successors end asslgns of Lender and BoROwer,cubJect to the ` <br />=1:'�.��e•s?'r:!f!i�. <br /> - �,,.,,;..�r,�,;;: provislons ot pertigraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be�olnt end several. My Bortower who ca•slgns lhis — <br />�_.;�.�!"����;`�',;�>;;i Securiry Instrume�ni�but does not execute the Note: (a) Is co-slgning thln Secudty Instrument only to mortgage, c�rant end convey _ <br /> �`�P�•��`�•��' that Bortower's trdtvwst�n the Property undathe tertns of this Securiry Instrument; @) is not personalty obligated to pay the <br />� +sr.,...r... '. ' � y ��:r_ <br /> . .,�,ti sumu sacured by Ihi� Secudty Instrument; end (c) agrees that Lender and eny other IDortower ma agree to extend, modiTy, <br /> . facbear or make any accemmodations w�th re9ard to the terms o1 this Seeurity instrument or tho Note vritfiout that 8ortower's C`;�;,. <br />- il�� <br />• � • conoent. Y <br /> ,�,� � 13. Loat� Cnarg�ss� i1 the 4oan saured by thls Security Instrument is subJeet to a law which sets maximum loan �-:_- <br /> chnrgos, and th�t iaw Is finaHy interpreted soihat the Interes2 0�other loan charges coltected or to be cotlected in connection �;,�;_ <br /> with tho loan exceed tho pertnitted limits,then: (a)any such laan charpa shall be reduced by the nmount necessery to roduce >"m <br /> � th� chargo to tlia pertnitted limit; ond(b)any sums aiready collectod from Bortawer whkh exceeded pertnitted limits wi'I be n. r�,�� <br /> relundad to 6orrower. Lender may choose to rnnkF;thta retund by reducing the principal r,wed under the Noto or by miSonp o Yr !;+_: <br /> , � � dtrect payment tn Bono�Ner. Ii e retund reduCes pnnr,ipsl. tho reducqon will be treeted as e partial prepe.��r:nt �vithout any ����;.,.,: <br /> prep.�ymeni chargo undzr the Note. <br /> 1d. NutiCee.My notice to Borrowerprovlded tor In this Security Instrument shell begt�ien�by'dtliv�*ring it or by mafling It <br /> u <br /> .,��J�"�y'�� by tirat class ms.�l unless npplicable lavr requees use o1 another method. The notice shatl be directed to the Propertyr Address <br /> � � .i or amj other addruss Borrower designate�Dy ��tice to L�ender. Any notice to Lender shall he glven by tirst class mail ta <br /> : . ;,.. . . <br /> "' • .t����tns hv notico tn Borrowsr. Anv notice provlded far tn this � <br /> ----� . . . .. .._._.�� .___....���...a,�.m� �d„�o. <br /> _-.-- _=t�..--_� l[IfiQOfG 40UtPJa atatcu �mm• vr o.•� .....�..�_'�_ __"__' _'_o ' -_ _-. <br /> � ; Socu�ity InsUwnent shall be deemcd to havobeen given to Borto�ver or Lendr.r when glven es provide�i In thls paragreph. <br /> - ;;,�, i 1S. Cxoverning law; Sevel'abilfly. This Securiy Instrument shall bo �ovemed by tedernl law and the law oi the <br /> �'��+' { judntiinUon In which 4ho Pruperty Is Incated. �n tha evenl that any provision or ciausn ol lhis Security Irc�trument or the Note " <br /> •d � 'I confliats w!tlo npplicabte law,such conflict shall not�ffect nther provislons af thls Security Instrument or thc Note which ceo be ° <br />; � i given eHoct without tf�e con11ic2ing provislon.To thls end the provisions ot thls Security Inslmmenl end the Nuto ere deciared to �� <br />- � ' i ba sevem.�te. • <br /> � 1l3. gorrower's Copy. Borrower shail bc+gf�en one conformed copy o1 the Notc�nnd ol this Security Instiument. <br /> � + �����,��� y � . <br /> � � , I P.�gr �i of 5 . -�/-'--°--1�� .�. <br /> F7J16.LM0 (1)97) I <br />: �� , + I <br /> " � � <br /> i i <br /> � s�u.s <br /> � _ _ _ <br />