. ,. . , , . :
<br /> . , ,...,, . .
<br /> . :, , „ = , .s�..�
<br /> ., , •�, � .. . .. .. �rt-h
<br /> . ..... . .; .. � � �' �i ..c �� .� ...v+��.Mar. _
<br /> . • . .YF.� . •� :. '� r•. ..
<br /> - . .. . ' ��1 . . .. .. _ .. � .., , .. . .�..�N�� _ . . i X7ru.-tYVr^:: -
<br /> .. � � . .. .. . .. . . � -. ' � • �j..��...�r��a.. ar,�r...,..
<br /> ��., , �: , 97�- ic�3o�a �..�_=".��-
<br /> �..�__:.
<br /> ��-
<br /> � • 17. Tra+nr,�t�r of tNs t�r�po�ty �r a Ren�niir.fal intss��t In gorrowror.u all or eny yert o} tha Property or , , --^�::��;���.
<br /> � o��y Int�rnst l� 61 it sa!d or trennfnrrnd (�r U n bani�lic!�I �ntm�est in F3ortower Is sold�r Iranslene� and Borrower Is not n nNural
<br /> � �er:,ony �v:t��ctti lx�ldt.':prior�vtilten con��1. I.::nde�mny.m ,ta o�tion,req�'re Immedi�lo p�ymenl in full of nll sums secused hy � __
<br /> . { thl� 3aa»nty Intlr�irrent Hriwmnr, Ihit, oplion ch�d nnt tsu �mcrr.i:cd hy Lcnucr ii exCrc�,c i�N�ufd�ited by federnl liw ns o1 ihe �_
<br /> � da�tn ol thfs Stc�a�lh'In�lnn�uni.
<br /> j li i.ondnr u.�uro:s��Ihi� o�Slnn, l.onder sli:!! g!:�r. Finrrnwr.r r�otic�o! ntcelaalion- ihea noiico shnll provlde n porlod o1 not � _
<br /> i Ir.ss Ihr.n 34 riG►�a Irom Ihn dato tt�� no�ir.n is doiN�rod or �nelled wilhin which 8oerower must pay all sums sewred by Ih�s . �
<br /> Sc�r.unty In�tnu�)u�d� II Bart�wnr fpilc ta pny u�osa numr pdor to the oxpiraUon o1 I�ds p�riod. Lender mAy invoko nny remcdle^, �
<br /> • � perrriilnd Uy Ihis 43ocuiiry I�tetn�mnnt��flhout lunhnr n�tlr.R or�3emanA on F3ortowcr. �
<br /> (,..
<br /> ' 1�i� (5�y�1'CiVICP•�3(±((��tU 4Q f�q111S4�'.i0. II f3�rrmvR! mP?ty terteln conditlons. 8orruwer shail have the rigtit to haoo � ' „ `
<br /> _°._:._:__.—._i . . � .� e ,.dt+ in_e ��� rnar.�ntlru�rtd nl t10V Ilmo PriUr to Ihe CdtflCt 01: 0 5 da S (or SuCtl other eriod ns �[ , ,�,,.
<br /> , ,.. . cniu,�cuivm :,� I�7�: _L'.....; ...^.nt!7t..... 1) Y P F
<br /> --._._---_._ - —
<br /> � � npp!�cab!o tmv tnny sWr.dy ior r�inotatement)bator�, o�ln al Ihrr Rroperty pursuant to any power ot sale contained In this Security . ,
<br /> ,;, � Instrumnnt: or (p�:ontry nl a Judnmr.nt entorr.!n�this S�c�idry!nctrumenl Those cor.ditlons ere lhat Bonower: (a) pays Lender nll •.
<br /> ' � sums wf�lch•thEm �vnuldba duo �mdnr thin Sacurity Inatnimnnt and the Note as N no eceeleralion had occurred: (b) cures eny .r�^� _
<br /> dutau`.I o1�nv,n1hM cavenant or npranmr.nts; (o) pnys nll rtxprniaes incurred in enforctng ihis Securiry Instrument, including, but . _
<br /> � not fm'If�d tn,m�conabls Attomcryn lons; flnd (d) tnkas zur.h ar.tlon as Lender may reasonably requfre tu essure ihat the Ilen of , . _ _-
<br /> . � j this Soc�arity onttNment,Landnr'� d htn in tho Nro e nnd i?ortawer's oliG aliors �o prty li�o sums secured by ihfs Scwrity ' �� .���"�''
<br /> 8 P �h' 9 �itr�,9��i���:_.
<br /> � Instnimflnt ihsaft:Fontinuo unr.hnn�nd, Upnn minatotement by Borrower. this Security InsWment and the obligaUans secured ���y��'�;���.
<br /> ';�'���-- --
<br /> hernby SIIfl11 YF411910 i1111y�if1Q�1NA AD iI 00 ncceternifon hnd ocnurted. Howeret,ihis �ight to reinstate shsll not upply tn the case ° �•�r"=
<br /> � of nrco�tnnNnn undt�s F�ampmpll 17. _ -° s.----
<br /> ' ;• '�i 1!'1. �nlc+ af Mat�,; (:I1HIt�n dF Lcrai� uf'sf'�:iG�;P. Fhe �:ot� or a a partial interest in the Note (together with tnis �_iY?�--_--
<br /> , �'I SQCUrity InalnimxTt) muy bP r�ald ono or moro timas�vilhoul pii��r notice to Bortower. A saie may result In a chenge in the entiry _ •�=•��
<br /> � (known �c ttio 'l.t�nn 9e+vicnr') ihnl c�llsct�monthty paymonta�YUn under the Note end this Security Instrumenl. There also may •'��'.m
<br /> � � .��� be ono ot rnprn ohnripes ot the Lonn Servicer unrefatnd in �i sui�oC t��a tiote. if there is a chango 04 the Loan 5�rvicer. --
<br /> Burto•�v�r�Y7 i►n�glven w+itinn notise oi ihe chanpe In nccaidrusce with paaar.aph 14 above and applioable law. The notice will .':.:�
<br /> . �;�'.i,, stnte tho nt�rno nnd addrnss�1.tht+nc+w Lonn Servicer and iho+tddress tc� w5ich payments should be made. The natiee will also �,:4�"': _
<br /> ,. ca:�isL� Any oltiar in(otmatlrn�mqulrod by nppAcnbla la�v. y���" _
<br /> �1�.�'�: 'L0. I�tfzAi'dOta9 SUIIStatICOO. Borrower shall not crcuso or pemtil the presence,use, disposal. storage, or release o1 ,,, —
<br /> ' an Hazard�uA ��bstance, on or In Ihn Propeity. f3arrawnr�thall not do,nor allow enyane else to do,anything aflecting the ���>.,i�—.�._
<br /> • ��, Y '
<br /> Property thpt (5 ia vlolation of any Environmentnl Lu�v. Tha preceding two sentenc�s she�not eppiy to the presence, use, or ;e�,
<br /> " �, starage on thn Property oi small quflntiHes of Hazardoun SuHutances that ere genera!ty rec��n¢ed to be eppropriate to nomial �.- -
<br /> rosidential uses�nd to maintennnan o1 tho Property. ,
<br /> ' ,�� Boaower onnll promptry �Nn I.ender �vritten noticn o1 nny InvestigaGon, daim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any � ,�
<br /> �. govemm:ntal ar repulptory apenay or privato pnrty Involvin{�ll�m Property and any Nazardous Substance or Envkonmental l.aw ol K .
<br /> ,., �_• which Borrowcrt has actuni knuwledc�o. II Bonowar leam�, ar is�otified by any c�avemmental or regu:atory authority, :hat any
<br /> „ � �'���,' ff(IlOYA) Of O�t10f ffNilOdI�T�011 01 Rllyl HNL7ftl0116 .'SUIISlFlIlGii tlitCCling 1"i0yttiy i5 i�eica�ei�i, �''uTivci oii�'a° �'.iv:�2j �«...�� .^.�� _
<br /> ;..�g�,��, 'l'.',;; nocossAry resm9dal acllons in t�oaordancn with Environmeeninl l:nw.
<br /> ��' ',���•,,:��:: As usad in thls parogrnph 20, 'linzardous Substnncos' ru•e thuse substances deivi�xias toxic or hazardous substances by �r,
<br /> . :,::�,',�,.�;" Envlronmental Law and tho (ollowinp substances: gnsolhie, kerosene,other fiammamla •or toxic petinleum products, toxic �_
<br /> ,�'��,1?:±;� •;; pesticides und hsnbicides, vofati!e solvants,mulerisls contnininy [tsbestos or tormaldehyde.and radioaciive materials. As usecl !n �
<br />- �� ,., ,� l;� paregraph 20, '�nvironmentel laiv' means federal laws nnd ihws of the judsdiction where ihe PropeAy is locnted that rektle to
<br /> ''�������':,j"; heal(h, safety a, c�nvironmental ptotoction. _
<br />, .,.;,'% ,. .
<br /> '�•��� ' NQN•UNIFOHM �:OVENA�rT3. E3orrower snd Lender furtll�N covenunt and ag�ee as lcrllows:
<br /> _ :�'�:��.:1,,;,,. ,
<br />,.� , ��';i,';; 21. Acculertttlon; laomodlos. Londor sh�ll give �otice to Borrower prlor t� accelsration _
<br />- . � '� foflowin� 13orrower's broach of aoy covonAni: or agresma�t in this Security Inst�umont (but not
<br /> ' 'r �+ prior to accoleratlon undor paragraph 1'l uiyl«ss applfcobl� law pro�ides otherw!se). Tt�a notice -_
<br /> o:;,l��...;,.;,,;-.' ' shell 3pecify: (a) tho defeult; (b) the actio�� ror�uir�d to cure the de�f�ult; (c) a date, not less than
<br /> `-. '�'' ' 3U days from the dato tha not7co is �ivon t�a l9arrower, by which the default must be cured; xnd __—__.
<br /> -'• �...,..�:1f; ', �'"�.
<br />_,�__�:�r,�...�.n � (c1) that fallure �o curo tl�e dofault on on c��itore the d�ta Bpecifled ir� thg notice may result in .
<br />-i •'�>.:�. acceleratian of the sume saeurod I.i�r this 5ac��rity Instrumant an�sale of the Property. The not�ce -
<br />- . `� ^ shall furthar inform 8orrow�r of t�6 rlght to reinstat� after accele�ation and tl�e right to bring a
<br /> '� � ` � cou�t aatian to assert tl�o non-exiestonco af a detault or an� other defense af Bor�owar to - __—
<br />�,�,�i;:+;'�:1:;;:�, ;: acceleration and salo. If ti�o default la not �c�+red on or before thQS date specified in the notice, _�----
<br />--��.ic;•;,�••��� ' 8.isnder at itg aptlon may roquire iminadl�4o laayment 6n full of all sum$secur�d by thts Security �.�.,_.
<br /> "`+`:�` '`'� I�srtrumenf uN3thout furtl�or demand and ma�r Invoke ihe powar of sale and any other rere�edles ---
<br /> �'�::;.;V::�'�."f _
<br /> p�rm[tted ►�Z�s�pplicable law. Lend�r shall b� entftled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing � _
<br /> -�y , � ���� tha remadlies;provided in tFils paragruph ?.1, In�luding,but not Ilmkod to, roasonable attomeys' _--___ _
<br /> '`.,"�'��'.' �;' ' f�as �nd costs of tltla o��idenco. ��
<br /> �:7�.:,, ' �T,�.m.�--a,_------..
<br /> ,.,;rf�.�� �, ,' If the power of sats Is invokad, TrusYa,r� sfi�all record a notice of defauft fn esch county in �
<br /> '. ' � whlch any �art o} the Proporty is locotod ��nd shall rnatl copiea of such notice In the manner �--�----- --
<br /> . .� �j�, �=���:
<br /> • ., , ' ,,� pr65Cri[�e� imy �tgpiicabiv iaw io oa�7rvwvr and Qo the x►ther person$ prescribed �.y applicable law. _-� ..
<br /> • � '��. Aftor tha 1ti�A r�quired by appliaeblo Icav, 'frustee shaAl glya publia notl�e of aale to the persons �
<br /> ��•,s r'•�, �- .._.,"
<br /> � �.;:;�';�. �' and on the manner ron�ribed b a Ilcablm law.Trus��e, without dornand on 8orrower� shall seU y.,�4`+{r_�,-tr�CF�'��
<br /> . p • Y pp '�',;?�`�
<br /> • �•�'�:�•'�' "' • t�he Property at pubf3c auation to tho high�ut b��der at the time avad .place and under tl�e tarms _ ,��
<br /> �-�,;�' � .
<br /> ,, , , dosignated �� the �atioa of sale In ono or mo�e parcels ,and in any order Trustee determifles. ;,;tiY��:�
<br /> ' • Trustoe may postpone �{ale of a1� or any pm•cel of tha P�r-.nperty by�pubNc announcement at the - �
<br /> • h uNi sale. �er��ier or Its desi nee m urchase the '�'��"'��.��.
<br /> • time and placR of ans provtous]y sa od d 9 aY P . �.. .
<br /> °• P�oAerty at any sale. �;,�,��_'�.;=�.,`
<br /> �� ' Upon recelpt af pt+��anent af t3�e pric� [�ld, Trustee shall dali�ver to the purchaser Tr�stee's :i;;'•
<br /> aL_ T_'_a_�t_ J_��!iJ1 L� .����4�Sr �..�r�r�w � �
<br />� . __ _--__ ' . ._.. _
<br /> ._.._:. ._y_ . _ " _����� ��.
<br /> tteea� comreymg inr� rroporiy. t►EB rvcna�n tlt ltt0 •tqatoo� vooY ost�u aiv �nnno •ov�o o�r�v.w v. -' —
<br /> � the truth of tha statamonts mctdm fho��in. Trustee shall apply the proceeds oi tUe sale in the �
<br /> ��:
<br /> ' following order: (a) to all costs and oxponses ot exercising tha power of sale. and the sale,
<br /> � inc�uding the pAyment of tho Trusto�'s fao�a actuaily incurred, not tm axceed three ,
<br /> % mi the principal amount ofi the
<br />- ::�+o a� the tim�e of the doclaration of dafrault, and ressanable attorr�ey's fees as permitted by law;
<br /> - (h) to all suma seeurod by this Sacuriiy Instrurnent;and(�) any excess to 4he person or persons
<br /> " " '� Ic�galty en4itlod to ft. �
<br />- ., �
<br /> C��^�� .,
<br /> - c-t>'0.:.�.V 3 1��9i) Pa�r 4 .;t 5 � I
<br /> • �, � .
<br /> I
<br /> g � :
<br /> T ! '
<br />� " I 97u�9 � .
<br />_ , �J �- - .. _. _.
<br />