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.1�/� �. ;��f ' ' . .. � � . . .. ..� .,: :,�' '�'.' <br /> ":1', � ��: _,;_.:;J47" .. , <br /> .r ":^,e ., � ,.'4.�}.4��1���''-. <br /> . � f <br /> ` , . .. . . •, '_ ' <br /> . ..�� : .. .• . . .� . � � . �� •. I' �1� ' " <br /> "-'NKfiMiitK'Kdl►so+ .. . .ti . .-. � . <br /> • - . <br /> , . <br /> .. .. . .. .. .. ., ' <br /> • � .. _ . ,1.+• <br /> _ - •�"••- ' <br /> . , c�7,,,,��13�,y,Q, �: �:>��=�_- <br /> TOGETHER WITH all Ihe Improvemente naw or hereatter emcted on lho prapr.�ry. and all easemenis, nppurtenanceo, and .t4, , • <br /> ' tiutures now or hereafter e parl ol�h�property. All replaceme�ts and addillons sht��nlso bo coverad by ihls SECUri4y In:,trument. <br /> . .� � Atl o}ttcs!oceqo:nt�le reterred to In ihi�tir.curity Instrumeni nr.Iho'PropeRy-' �iir ;i�r,t to �mrt ^nd r " •• <br /> BOFROWER CUVENAMTS thal porro�vcr Is lati•rfuly acizcd ot ihn o�tntn hqrahy canvcyzJ m�� h��:, <br /> � ce.^..ey Iho Property und ihut Iho Pranerty Is unencum9ered, except lor encumbienr,es oi mcord. Borrawer warrants nnd w�ll <br /> � detend generally the tltla lo iho Properiy against all clalms end dpmxnd�, sub�oct!o miy encumbinnces o1 record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT combines uniform �ovenants (or nationnl ��sa ond nqn unitorm covenanl.; with limitc±d <br /> vodatlons by jurisdlclion tu constitule a unllorn security Instrument coverinp real piopr.ity. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8arrower�nd Lender cavcnant end agraa as fo0ow�: ' <br /> � 1. F�ayment of Princlpal and Intereat; Prsp�ymsnt and Lr�t� Ch�r�ee. E3orrower shull promptiy pny when <br /> due the pdnclpal of end Inte:test on lhe debt evidenced by tiie Note a�za eny preptry���cn1 und�.�tc ch�rpes due m�tfr`r Ihr Nolz _ <br /> • -�---__.' �. eN:�o��:�r��� ..�.d Int��r�ecr�. Cub..rt to anollcable law or ta r� wdtten waiver by Lender, 8onower shell pay Q __ i <br /> ,.. to Lender an tho day manthty peyments ere due under lhe Note, until lhe Nata is peid In tull, n �um �"Funds'�for: (a) ycarty <br /> _ ._ ,: ' <br /> � . 4exes and assessments which rnay attaln prlority over lhls Snuviry Instrument c�°� a lien on the Property; (b)yearly leasehold . <br /> , *n <br /> � payments or qround rents on the Property, I1 any; (c)yearly hNZerd or property In&urnnco premlums; (d) yearly Ilood Inaurenco ;� <br /> .: premlums, il any: (e) yeary mortgege insurance premfums, if eny: and (Q any sumy payab�e by 9orrnwer to Lender in accordanco <br /> wllh the provlslons o1 paragraph B. in Ileu oT tho pnymenl 01 mortg��e Ins��rancr� ptamiums. Th;se Items ara called "Escrow � <br /> Items.' Lender may. at any tirno,col!ect nnd hatd Fund� in nn emaunt not to exceed the m9xtmum amouN A lender far a �_r:. <br /> tederally related mortpage loen rnay requlre tor Borrower's escrow AccouM under lho federal Real �state SettlemeM Procedures ..�� <br /> Act ot 1874 as amended iram time Io time, 12 U.S.C.9 Z601 et seq. ('RCSPA"), unlesa another law that applies to th�� Fimiia �-.z,;`.:R <br /> sets a lesser nmaunt. II so,Lender may, et any time,col!ecl and hold Funds in on nmount not ta exceed the lessor amount. <br /> ,.;�y„�: <br /> „ Lender may ostimate the amount ol Funds duo on the basis o1 aurent data and raasonabt� estintates o1 expenditurns ot luture <br /> Escro•N Items or otherwlse fn accardame with epPilcable taw. .,:- . <br /> ". The Funds shail be he{d fn en Instilution wtiose deposits ara Insured by a(ederal agency, Instn�mentality, or entity (including � ,�`;_, '- <br /> " Lender, if Lender is such an Instilution) or fn any Federal Nome Loan Bank. Lenda shall apg.y ihE+Funds to pAy the Escrow �,,;�:.^ <br /> ltems. Lender mey not charge Barower lar hotding and appt�rsg iho Funds, ennualy ennly2ina ths�escrow nccouni,or verirying .,,tf:;:.: _ <br /> � the Escrow Items, anless Lender pays Bonower interesl on tho Funds and appliG3bte law perrMis I.ender lo make such e . �'•.��<;-; <br /> • chargo. However, l.ender may require Bortower to pay a ona•time charge for An independent renl ostate tax reponing service :t�ti�; <br /> used by LendQr Ir. connectlon wilh this loan, untess epplic..�+blo law pr�vidas othervvise. UnlqaF nn agreement Is made or .,,�i <br /> � epplicable law requires fnterest to be peld. Lender shall not bo requirad to pay Borrow¢r eny Inter�st or eamtngs on the Funds. _y_•=.—_ <br /> 8ortower and Lender may agree N writing, however, that inlarest shall bo pald on the Funds. Utnder sha91 gNe to Bortower, <br /> without chargo, an annusl accounting ot lhe Funds, shaw�np credits and debits to lhce Funds an:l th�purp�se(or which each -;rv <br /> aiebit to the Funds was made. The Funds ere pledged us addittonal security tor all sums secur�nd by ihe Securiry Instn�me�it. -- <br /> If tho Funds hHd by LendF:r exceed the amounts perm'.!tad to be hefd by appUcablo law, Lendrr shall account to Borrower �_- <br /> � tor the excess Funds In eocordance wilh ihe requlren�enta o}applicahle law. II tha emounl oi the Funds held by lender at any _:�— <br /> time I� not suf�cf2nt to pay the Esc:ovr Iterte�when dus. Lender may sn notify Borrower fn wriU�ig, nnd, In such case Borrower � <br /> shull pay to Lender the amount necessary to maks up tha deficiency. Borcower shail mnko up thA deticlency In no more than t-_- <br /> ��_ twelve monthty payments,at Lender's salo discretfan. _" <br /> , - !lFor. �y^��t !!!! �f au a�ms secured 6y thls SecuriN InstrumeM, Lender shell promRlN rofur.d to BoROwer any Funds _ <br /> ���'`'�` hofd by Lender. If, under paragreyh 21, Lender shall acqulra or sell the Property. Lender, pdor tn tne acqulsltion or saie oi ine <br />�,'����=,� �r � Property, shalt eppy any Funds held by Lender at the timo of acqulsitlon or sale as a crudit again�st th4�sume secured by thls <br />- • 8e�urity Instrument. <br /> . 3. Applicatton of Paymellis. Unlass appl!eable law provides olherwise. all paymen�s� ��?vad by Lendor un�ier <br /> pAraflraphs 1 end 2 shall be appied: tirst,to nny prepayment oharges dua under the N�te; seconcl.[a tiT�c�unls payablo under <br /> pnmgraph 2�th(rd,to inlerest due;fourth, to prinalpal duo;flnd tnst,to eny late charges due undar th�Note. <br /> , �, 4. Chergas; LIen9. Borrower sha�l pay ell taxes, asaessments, charges, fines nnd IncpaslGons anributable to the <br />�•-• � Property which may atteln prforiry over this Sscurfty Instrument, and leasehold payments or grouncl rcnitE, I1 any. Borrower shall <br /> • '� pay these obGgations in tho manner provi�ed in paragraph 2, or if not pnid in ihat manner, BDITQ•�rer shall pay them on time <br />- .� : directty to the person owed payment. Bortower shail promptly furnish to Londer all noticos ot ameu�ts to 5e pald under this <br /> paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly, Borrower shall promptly fumish ta I.ender receipls evidencing the <br /> ��i`tz:�;��' payments. - -- <br /> ` �'' 8orrower shall promptry dischar�e any Ilen which has pdariry over thls Secudry Instrum�nl unlar,s Oarrower. (a) agrees In _ __ <br /> ;;����,� — -_-- <br /> 3, `.�.�L wdting to the payment ot the obigation seau►ed 6y tho Ilen In a manner acceptAblo to Lender; (d)contvsts h good telth the <br /> -_ _.:-.:� �•. Iien by, or detends agalnst enfwcement of the Ilen in, legal proceedings which In the Lendor's op'n(r„�,operate tu prevent the <br />�;;:�=:_�r� enforcement ot the lien;or (c) secures trom the fiolder oi tha 8en an eqreement satlstactory to Lender s�tbordnnting the Ilen to <br />�;._•-•�, thls Secudty Instrument.It 4ender determires ihat eny pArt of tho Properry Is subject to a lien whfch tn3y.�ti3�in pHodty over this _ <br />�r� •-`: Security Inst�ume�it, Lender may gNe Burtowr.a notfco ide��titytng the Ilen.Borrower sliuli satloty the lien or take one or more of <br /> s'�:•'. 'E7,4 <br /> . ,.•r� . ihe actlons set torth ebo•�e wfthin 1Q days of thn glving of notice. <br />_"`�''� - 5. Hazard or Froporty lnsurance. Bortower shatl keep tha improvements now existing�r here�Aer erected on ihe <br /> �:,...... <br /> :ns;;�' ';�'r• Property Insured egalnst ioss by fire, hnzards included withln thu term 'exiended coverago" nnc7 nrry uthe►hezt�rds, includinp , �_ <br />-__.��; � � �; tldods or flooding, tor whlch LQnder requlres fnsurance. This insurnnce ahall bo malntnlned In the am,imt� end for the pedode � <br /> '� z" •' ' ihat Lender requlres. The insurence cartier provlding tho insuranao shal!be chosen B}I BOROWP.f SU�J�CC1 to Lendefs approval . <br />=�i:w+�.::.�;�, :��. �: <br /> �..+- - � .I ' whlch shall not be unreasonat�ly withheld. 11 8ortower fails to mafntAln coverege desorihed a6ove, Lender may, at Lender's <br /> '� '� " � opilon,obteln coverage to pro4ed Lender'�rights in tho Properiy In ar,cordance with pardgraph 7. �+�•�=�_ <br /> -� 'r•� ' 1 . • - _- <br />_:,x,.��-, � ; NI Insurence policiss and ren�rrals shall be accepteble to Lender and shell Inc(ud2 a standard mortgage clause. Lender :..�.,� <br /> shnll have the riflht to hold the policles and renewals. N Lender raquUos. Bortower shali prompt(y gi��o to Lender ell receipts ol <br /> '„ 5 paid premtums and renewal notices. In the ovent oi losg, Bortower shall givo prompt notice to ihe Insurance carrier and Lender. ���'- <br /> � ii=- <br /> Lender may maRe prooi of loss N not mado promptly by Borrower. <br /> � � Untess Lender and Borrower othervvise agree In writing, fnsurnnco procoeds shall be epplied to rastoration or repair o1 the <br />_ � ��,� Property dameged, If the restora�on or repait is economic�iry feasiDie anu�enaers securiry ia noi fe�oenud. il Ihu restoratlon or = -- <br /> repair Is not economically feasiMe or Lender's security woulcl be lessened,the insumnco proceeds �hall bo applied to thn sums =__-.---- <br /> �� secured by this Securiry InstrumenE, svhother or not then due, with any oncess pald tu Bortower. If Bvrro�rer nbundona tho •��ri'=";�;o <br /> t:: <br /> Properiy, or doas not nnswer wilhin 30 days a notice trom lender that the insurance car►ier has oft�red to settlo a clairn, then ' �l:'���: <br /> ��`� Lendcr may colloct tho Insurance proceeds. Lender rr�ay use tho proceods to rE�pair or rostoro th�� Pro�merty or to pny sumc • :;':r <br /> }:t securod by this Security Instrurnmt, whether or not then duo. Tho 30-day p�riod�vill begir.whtn tAe notico is given. ''�y,.�i� <br /> �,k:,;,t._• <br /> ��( Un!au3 Ler�der and Borrower otherwise agree In viriliny, any applicatfon ot p:roteods to principal shail not exlond or � ,,,,,•-, <br />. � i postpone tho duo date of the monthy payments reierrod to in psragrAphs 7 and 2 �c c�ange the amount ol the�paymoMs.II . ;:�:;�;��;: <br /> ._. <br /> _�Z under parngraph 21 tho Property Is acqulred by Le�dor. Bonower's right to any Insurance polinlao en�Qroceedc reaultinp fram <br /> :..�'� �, , ,.. <br /> � damage to the Prope�ty prior to the acquisitian shall ppss to Lender to tho extent of the cums by ihis Security Instrument . ; " <br /> - _�, immemaieiy Privr io ind aC:Cryian�n�. _- <br /> 6. Oacupancy, Preservatlon, Malnlen�nae and Protection uf tho Proporty; Borrower's Loan <br /> � , A�pIlCttiOn; LeASelvold9.Borrower shall occupy, eskbi:sh, nnd uso tha Propetty as Bortower's principal residenco withln <br /> i slxty days efter the exeeution ol this Security Instrumcnt and shail continuo to occupy the Property as Borrower's prineipai <br /> . residence for et least one year elter the date ot occupanGy, un::ss Lender otherwlse egrec�s in wr(Ung, whfch consent shall not <br /> ,> be unreasonubly wfthheld, or unless extcnuating circumste�cvs oxist which are beyond 8orrowt:r's cuntrol. Borrower shall not <br /> destroy, damage or impalr the Property, allow lhe Property to�dete�orelo, or commlt weste on the Property. Borrower shall be In <br /> detault If any forteitura actfon orproceeding, whether civu or Cr,m�nci,is begun ihnl in Lenders good faith �uagment cou�d resutt <br /> . ` In forfeiture of the Property nr alherwise materially impafr tlit�Be,�t create�by this Security Inatrument or Lender's secwity interesl. <br /> `, F7316.LMG(�NI) Nag��2 of 3 r''/��� .. <br /> � <br /> 9T07:� <br /> i <br />