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.i " C -� 4� . L�v( d . (3-`'s s t iif i�,22if4i'. ^t 1{; ,� <br /> l �y r i�! - : _ r a <br /> ..�q :.1. � e ."`�u� � / ,. � .. . <br /> - �` ,i.ta3l..'l, 4�K a v� � . �,�,s.v� rf .[�� __ <br /> y L !�t f °•, <br /> .i.A..Sk�u.2u..!¢�:.,h;..32,.�fi�✓..u:.�.s..s.f.....u+..Nn+aa�A:e3:i�e�..liNSxa. _.."__'_ <br /> _ g2�.,.ota���; � - _ . _ <br /> a <br /> p �i ' � .—"` "__ —_ <br /> '"��-'� , parowK mry cure auch a d�NWI �nd rdnsYtti as provldW M pv�ynph 78, by uueNp tlio nctlon a ryrocee�iny to 6e iiz� .c <br /> — dnmb�W w11h a Mrp 1Mt h Lmdw's yood GNh delwmNflbn.pw4d�e tod+Aur�ol the Oortower'a h;xesl h 1N Pooperry or �`r �- .__ <br /> -- a�s olhN mtlaW Yroainxnt of N�Mn:,�xtW by thls Sawdry InsWmer.t a LenJKS secu�(ty Nleresi. t3onowa ahq tlao be F.,4.�,'F�?� ,;,.-. <br /> -x.-3 N d�:;f tl BF�trrx.a'hp tF.o So,m�{txeee.Sr'e mslM�y W�u Yuccum�Nfomutbn w �4temmte b lender �--is�`-. :-- <br /> - (a hNd lo Mm1M Lendx vM any rnIMN Mlam�tbn)h comectlon xilh th� Iw�evidmad by �he Nole� Ndudnp. but �c�7,, + � � <br /> �;l'. nol tmMal lo, reprotenl�ibns conc�rNp Bmower's auup�ncy ol lhe Property as a qNUp�l ros�dnnu. 11�hls BcwAry �„�;3'±�. j� ' ;��, <br /> S ,��+s'�n NstNment 16 on�le�aeltdd. �onower 4M�cotnpt�r veNh�i the proNSlona ol the fets�. H 8arower�equ4es iee Ii�le to Ihe �j ,'�t� � T -.' <br /> rY.�i�_;` Propdty,tho laso!iold and ihe fee IYJe eh►i not merge unbsa I.cnder eg.ees�o�he meryer N xning. ��{#�„- i .,,1� <br /> �'+t 7.Prot�ction of l.�nd�r's Rl9hts in tM Arop�rty.u oonown f�es �o patam me eorma:s n.,a+preemmic 4 � ,� _ <br /> T�`,;�- eomeNrJ M this 8ocurfry Inswment, or lhere Is�logel proceed'np�hel may aipnificnnlH a11r,A Lendzr'a dgMa In iha PropMy !i'� ��}��� - <br /> � (aud��s�procexLnB M bmWuplc%prWwla ta condon�olbn or fodd;u:o or lo anfo:oo I�rvs a repuls9ons), Ihn�La:der rr�y `-'� ` _ • <br /> �S�� ,� du and pry to�WhilrlM la nece56uy to proiec!Ne v+1he o�Ih0 Propay Md Lentlm6 A9h1�N lhu Propttry. Lentln'a acuons ,� , w, �r_.,, <br /> � s mt�Indude p�ying�ny sunx seared Ly e 6on which h�s pdaYy oxa this 6ecuriry Instmmar�t appenrN9 M���� PM"9 ':i r� =w �;;- <br /> �St� � ronson�bb attomeys'ftes a�d mt.nHg x tho ProPaty Io make rcpa4s.Arhauqh Len�[zr maY�'«+�'�n wdtt lh:s puepmPh �j j:.f �. + <br /> S 7,Lert�.Vt vUCS r.ot hr+o to M so. A,' i * � �+ .- <br /> �17 �t j�. MY Lrctmts ds6�rs2el 6Y Caru�er vidn G�+�g�7h 7 etw7 heeorcre ev458crta1 dzbl ot Barca`s sr„Y� by 1h15 ¢ . t! i� - <br /> ,,,fi f� �� S2a�?y InsGUmnft Uc+t2cs Oor+aux and tm�r age2 to ott✓:r tertns o1 paymx�t Nese a�rq�nts sir,aS trrrr irtvest tcm � , �.,. . <br /> -.e 1Ta ct;»M dsbunm.enl at the[Vote mte and ah�� Eo payatie.attl NterasL upon noL4a:c++�lM�.x 2o Oar..xN IF7:s3T`:'y --� <br /> � � _-:_ . �ft2�t. ,-. 1 ( �.- <br /> i'�� � + �.L�lkarJgagq lnsur�nce.U lmder reqaYed mortgego iasor<��x as A x:d;UCn ot mzhir.�Ih: la:r. sn7red by thts �F � �� # - -� <br /> s - i'�� Secv.:'h nn�2 i�n�4-wa ahN the rmiM1ias r u4od to malitsli Ihe mcr• L�sure^ex ti e1thY. fl,for v reeson,Ihe . '-= - <br /> 5 - M S� WY P M 1�ri�'e 1 j ! + �.t:%�. <br /> t�i _�.� nwrtpaye Ha�nd:z ms ra3x rcquimd by Lmder ly�ses or coases lo be In eftect. Banowa sh�pay tM1e prack� requtred to �lr � < s`� ` , <br /> i . r, obtein CoxFiBpO;vLslanwu'}xt.vNa'tr-S lo Iho mo�lgaga nsurance ptrAOUSy L�e!.'ect. el a ces!sebstfnOsry equkelml to ihe �I�y �� r qYti }, � <br /> �' ,i� cost to eor.cwlr N thu mchn�ku:rance pre+lousy N eP.ect, tem en aRanale malgega tnsrx �pprored by Lender. 11 ��s2 f�YC����.-.,-- <br /> + '�� s�ts2s.+5N,r epx��:mi mo:1�e mw•a.:ro wver+ge Is noi ava�2te, farower sh�ll pey lo leca�•xa�h math a aum equat�a ji��,� jci ,, <br /> +�H fl�-f- ono-:rerit sf ihe yamt,r mM.y�pa'nas-exe Premium befn9 Patd b�Z:rtower when Ihe Insurence cr_•.mago Ixased a wesed to �-tEiy�:t$���6 > ' '-_ <br /> x ` �¢ -; b¢Irs etton. Lmder v�tJ aocepi, use and rM�k�Ihese paynrnts aa a bss resme N feu ol mortgage Ns�rra.- Loss resme y rd i���" <br /> +� . payracrns riuy ro longu ba requYed,at the op0on ce Lender,il rwilyage Insuruwe eorttago (n the ertwurta+:-lf�r the pMod r`T�I+ �yc;";:. <br /> i��4 ti thal�en�a tequYes)proWded by an Nsurn approvM 6y lenc�zr a;zti becomos avaiablo and is o6le4ied. shell Fa•/ ? r��,pji �°� �-� <br /> �h-- i' the�ea�ams requhed to m�Y��N moR9�pe Nsuru�ee 4�Nrec�, sr zx proride �loss resave,un17 tha�equtemem tr moncpy .e r 2 4+1.r �+i��+-:�� <br /> � '�,� hs�avix ends Li�eeorduice vrilh en wiM:n agreemMl bxlween[nnowa and Lender or a 6able kw. ��5�'�rJ>e�i� � <br /> y PP ni�s Y I� ��1- <br /> �h �sn �- �, fn6p�Cllon.lender or Ns agml mey r�uke rasonable muks upon and InspecUOna of Ihe Property. L^�ter sha9 g1�e t 4.(f v+ :.- <br /> ��>i. Oortoxtt noUce�t tho t4ne N or pbr lo an hspecllon speUlyfng reasonable eeuse lu lhe inspectlon. . )�},$.;���`�����+ - <br /> -��� 10. C011d�11111H1Ot1.ThO proecMS ot�ny ewud or daUn br dartuges, cf2d or wnseSucntfal.In�cnnedion wilh eny ��j`y���yJx� <br /> , condCmn�lion a olher t�ldng ol any pM of the Properry, or tor convryanco in Ncu ol conden•na.'�n, ere F.neby essigned end k(�/tr�l��{��t� /�yy-:,- <br /> �{' . �r ��� sha'1 be�uM lo Ler,M.r. 4(INT�i�t'� {1" . <br /> 'ti. C ! i�7'�vftra�` }'�:. <br /> �t .�y�C� 7n Ne erent ot n toW Iekin�; al the RopMy, the proceeds aheY bo epPfied lo Il:r sums secured by this Becun*.j ���4�/if��jr�rfr t� ' <br /> ''< ,_ k�L^.:aM L�F.�.".�c:r.ct 4.:��� r.�.l:r:.;=;:�e Fd to @�rcne. In Lry•wrhl nl 9�arlwl Ia4N� �� fn.Prapstg �, > SY t41fl _-- <br /> a�'4�����1 wMch the(eY muket value ol lhe PropMy imme&ele�y bebro ihe lekng is equal to or greater than Ihe artouv cf Iho sums �+`[�i4t�`��� �> :_' <br /> t & �S secwed 6y Ihis Sewrft/ InsWmml hm[dwtey betoro the Ieking,unless Dortc�er ond Lendtt othervAse a,�ee��wi9ing, 7he ti ��1 j,(����y��Cv^. <br /> % <br /> . ��`�_)4��.*• eums eear�d by this Sea�y InsWm^nl sh�l 6e rMuced 6y ihe er.wum ot the proceeds muY3p0ed by Ihe Is^.cx'nfl fmnien: � 1i��,��7�Y`�,rl� a <br /> ft� ��A��F (e)tho iolnl amounl oi lhe auns secured immede;ely bMoro tha tN<n;,EMdod by @)lhe fa:r maikel vatu� ol�ho Prope�� ji�n.Nt}7` ��{���. `,- <br /> �ypµ�r�rt�� YnmeCatey before lhe kWng.hny Latince sha7 bo paid l0 6arov.n.�a iho cHenl o�a par4'a� tacng el tho Propttty N vCfrh S'�.`,°`�` s1� �-� <br /> � - the ta'r rc�'Iee1 value ol the Prope�ry ImmetlialNy Uelore Iho Inking is kss than Ihe emount ol the eums secured Irmeda:2p �%4.T�����'f�i�(___ <br /> ':'(•'L��:'•"� beforo the leldn , unlesa Oarower end lendtt olhemisa egrce i.i wRJn a unkss e 6wbla law other�lse prorides. lhe ,`.�:{,:;"-� ,v„s�'-._. <br /> 9 9 PP � . .� � y Yi <br /> y ���,t'.- proceeds ehel be appGed to tho aums aecured by thls 3ecurity InsW:nml whelEer er not the aums are Ihen due. �'�}r:^�+,��r,)`.�j'�71.,�j <br /> c�� � � If lhe Property Is ebandoned 6y Oortower, or H, eflc+nolleo 6y Lender lo Oenewtt thal�ha condemna oNers lo nmke on k� , y� �x tF�.',;' <br /> j��`���� ax�rd or setlle e elaim for dameges, Uonower taCS to respond to Lendcr within 30 days a4m tF.e dato Ne no'JCO is 9!vzn. - ..4'N'y� ��,�,�� -� <br /> ' -?�,��'. lmder Is aulhorizcd lo wlect end eppy Ihe proceetls, et Xs optlon, p:hcr lo reslorec'on cre;e4 0l Ihe Propmty or to _- .+y�,�` �{)�C __,� <br /> 51 �,���,S . lhe sums sewred by this Secwiry InsWmen6 whelher or nol then due. -- kiJdl� r h `,:.. <br /> -�;yaZ Unless lmder and Uarower othenASe ayreo In rm9ng, any epp5wlion ol proceeds ro Fvindpal rF,7 no1 extmd or �., �s5��rf acv -. <br /> � poslpona tho tluo tlato of the monfhy payments retencd lo in paregreRys 1 and 2 or chaage the nmovnf of aa;.,paymmis. 1 . '�� _ _ <br /> !,, k��t��ti 11� Borrowar Nut Released; Forbavance By Londer Not e Waiver.Extenswn o�tho r;ne mr peymem o� s ?; ,:�;sT y����� ;-� <br /> y �(1�1_.T motl�Knlim ol amoNtelton of Iho sums secured by this Sewrly InaWmm!grenled by LenNi to any suaessor In in[cresl _�,i �f� st�i -: <br /> n�t ��'�yK` ot 6ortower ah�0 nol opero:e lo releese Iho I�abS.y oi iha original Oortower or Danowa'e sssa�son h Interes4 Lendtt¢he9 s'-ij���,�f.y r ._ <br /> ;�� not be requUed to commence proceedsgs ogeNSl any suaessor fn Nlereat u�zF�so to ezlmd tima Iw pay.nenl or ofhe�wise -�„K}j'l�kyi.�,_:_: <br /> �f;z '��� ' modiry emortiielbn ol tha sums seared by this Sewrity Inswmenl hy Nazon oi any demand mado by lhe odglnal f�s z;�� il _, <br /> � � - :' Oonowu or 6ortawera suuessors In in:tteat. My foibealenco by Lender in c�x::�sinp eny righl or �cmed�sheC not be e z�, � : <br /> wWM ol of preUude tho ezwd5o of eny rigfil or remedy. �^} ' - <br /> .[s'���'f� f 12. Succassors and Aasl na Bound; Jolnt and Sevaral Llabill Co•sl ners. n:a eorenams end �'�t�Fi1?�r�1?��f f'-� <br /> '� P-t;�t',, agreemmis o��hts SecurHy IasWmen�aha3 bNd end beneEl tho suceessas and essig��ol Lmdtt antl Oortaxer,subJecl to iho ��n�#) ,�a4`k`h^ , <br /> ?C - .<j proWSions o�pa:egreph 17. Oortowcr's wvenanls end e9reemenis sha7 ba jo'nt entl sncreL My Oortowawl�o co-s!gns tMs , #i;���y�i2,.�iLg„n-;_. <br /> i - '` Secutlty InsWmmt but does not�ecule tho No:e: (a)is co�slgnMg th:s Sewri.y InsWmenl ony lo mortgage.�raM and conve/ - _�e;i +�{jjt��Sty - <br /> `' �f t�:+ Ihat Bortowcrs Intcrest In Ne Prope�ry untler ICe te+ms ol this Secunry InsWmenL' @)is nol persona7y obEgaled to pay Iho 1�t{ r� i� j•'�: <br /> ��i �� r:ms securetl by this Sewir.y InstrummC and(c) egrees�ha1 Lendn enA eny other Oortown mey egrx to e�tend.mociy. �r-'�. '!1 i� � <br /> ��+ r� Yibx�m mako eay oeeommodelions wi:h regard lo Iho lemu ol lhi Securiry Inslvmenl or Ihe Nolo wllha:l fhel 6osowers . ���F�� <br />.:.J�).��c�5`f r cooszN -, . �. : <br /> `��,.1,�57. 5;�� 79. Loan Charflae.n mo ioao securca ny mis Securiry Insinmmt ts sub�ect �o a Iaw wmeh se!s mixinam loan ._, •- - <br /> . f'';i'- r � <br /> � �dr��j chargos,and Ihal 6a is fneAy L�Ir.prelM so Ihal tha inlerest or o:her loaa eham,es wCttIM o� fo be coCCCtei n eonnection ��. - <br /> ;;,c:�.��(,�y+��r;r wGh fhe loen exceed Ine perm'tled lim:".s.then: (e)eny such loan charge sha7 t��educed by the omant r.acesaary to redace �•' <br /> ._ Lhe charpe lo Ihe pertnilled fnN: aod @) eny sums a:•eatly cafxted fmm Guroxer whtch exeeeCed pcm:T.ed Ero�s�n3 . <br /> be reLnded lo Uortowtt. LmEc R�� choose lo make this relontl by retluang �he pn+:�:ca� rxetl cndx Iho Nole cr :i <br />. :�'� �•, makr9 e direcl Dayrnenf to Dcrc�°� tl a re:�nd retl•�ces pr.nupal �he rcQUtlion r,:.t. eza'ztl as a pa�l:al prepa}m=:: . <br />� �! '��j v'-� ; w�houl any prepaymem cha�6e unCx 1he Note <br /> �� '=' � 1M1. N011C09. ?n no::e lo Bortcwer �aideU for h Ihis Secu... I.�sir.rcrl sha7 Ce nen E�r�n tt b rai;in ri <br /> :�q...:`° Y F "Y f ' Y Y 9 <br /> ���+�-,�. � by Gsl dass mad�nless eDDE�bfe�aw�equxes�se cf anothe� rce7hoA. The r.ccce sha9 be dreded lo �r.r-�ope�ty AtlCnss = <br /> :J.v� "' "_ ' "" " " ' '_ ' ' �4. w.. � .,.. <br /> . ,r__ oP oPd 4i:�; awo» .°.......dF:d�e.y..a1.., by...:...� :.. .�..C�: :'.y.:..F...'C. :o :C.^.d� o`�L r c.^. _�r'e' _ '^__' !" . _ <br /> --`, ` 'i'��� Ler.dzr'a address slaled haei� or any other edd�ess Lrnder Ces�Sna:es 6y no:ice to Bono••e� My nnLU prorided Iw M <br /> � � Ihis Sew:y IasW:nenl shal be dee.r.ed lo hare 6een y:�m�a Purtower or Lender�vhen gven as pmw,ded i+this Carayrepfi. <br /> 1 � i6. Qovorninp l.ew; Sovorebllity.Th[s Secur",ty Insimmmt sha�l ne qoremed ty �eaera� taw a:a mo uw o�mc <br /> �'J;f;'-�. � �uASd:tGOn In wF.ich tha Ropnty h bwled. In Ihe erenl Ihat any Frorision or Uause ol lhis Secur.ry nstn:menl or 1he <br />��''i'��`�;.�•:i:� Nme un!Jds wnh eppiiceble Iaw. such wnfk�shan not elfetl oihtt pro+isions ol ihis Sew�.ry�nsw:nem or Ihe No:e wh!ch . <br /> con be g4en elfecl withoul Ihe con.".ictir.g pwHSbn To IMS enE �he proris�ons ol ihis Secm�rr Ins:maeN and the Note are <br />. - dedared lo be swereble. <br /> � 78. BOffOwOf�B COpy. Ua�own sha7 be gWm one contormed wpy of Ihe Note anG ol lhis SKUrM1y Ina�mmL <br /> •. n: ,_) <br /> •� _;j.,r 1����� //•] l/�/.a/�• <br /> .:"tt.• i1J'S WO tl0l)]I h:^)cl 5 �y`� — l.��lJ.l� <br /> .:,%��". .J <br /> _.l i..e..�r�. <br />. E'�%...ryi,j-' . <br /> ..:_-. i ' <br /> - .;. . .." .. <br /> ' •' ". _ io5t <br />.. <br /> . , <br /> . . <br /> . ._ <br /> . V. <br />