-y '��:�i yf�n{fi r. .yyyryt��Y �'t ._. ; ��.�f�,i�f�t - � +�f ,
<br /> Z 7� rt F � F �3r l_
<br /> �F� v"::1 �,.�;��/�C�lA��'�'-:' _�.t.��TU ki� a� , _���jx� Y��""T� _ _._......,,.,.u.c,ress+� ti '� , .
<br /> t `' �k r. kd T � . <nt . s -
<br /> f .iina alk.:.�..T.iv�f.�........:.., w.mwa.n�..._a:..if.ua.+. �: �F�. ...av�r,,...�
<br /> >,a, , . g2...P �.t�ss:�z ��: N .�.
<br /> �-�,��� 703E'f}iF1t N1T}7 Y th�NyxwKnants nax w hxaflar ernuM on th� MoPMY�and�i e�sttnorilc.aPPulennnces. r�nd '� isv.:r���-�
<br /> .._+,71{ -_ bAUm now a hra�AK R(+N of U�propMy.A!rapYOOmanl�anJ�ddXbns aMA dfo be corued Uy t41s 6ecw�ry InsW man L:�..�, r ��;����
<br /> F M ot N�lap>In0 Ic tNNfid lo N 1.hie Swir�J InsVum�nt u 1he•Propury.' �r,ii<rz�,4'�r�i�'�":.
<br /> ���av -,�,4,:�1 &ORB015tli COVENANfB thn Borrowx Is N sd�ed o1 fhe ost�lo haeC conro-/ed AnC Ilea lho dphl Io ryNF i�d _
<br /> FJ �+' 9 !• �St ) 7
<br /> conrry th�hropMy reid th�l thr ito�b b un�ncumber�d. sxcpl fa anamW�nees o1 rowr�. Oortower w�rtr.ts �na t� r �i`t41p+�F ,•,
<br /> �{ ,"i��,�' w7C MNnJ pa��►/th�tMb lo the ho�y+p�Np a1 cYkns+nd dx�und�,auYJecl�o enY rna+mLnnces of�ecotd. �Y�•y��� L-�i2�r�:
<br /> � �5 ��f,.;. 11119 SECURIIV INSTflUMCNT canbBK unNam covm�nt� fa ntliontl use antl non�unHOrcn cornuits xfh „�, , y� y��.�i .
<br /> {r'r ��:'�' Lt1NCd YIII�1{Df15 hY IlldfdiC11DI110 C0�lIhU1Q�U�NOM1 SOGl111iy N61N51M1 GOYNIIIO INJ rf6�IXty. (}�[ 'v� ��,�' i} �
<br /> j� .'• uwFOnM cov[wurrs. oonmww�na�.naa urennm s,u ayes�s iowws: tirs���?xk4'�.n�!'`R a::
<br /> r� � �'f 1.Paym�nt Af P►Inclpwi�nd IM�nat; pn�eyment+nd Lau Chup��.aarowor an.e�mmpiN wr wnm i;rsl,��¢r T, � -
<br /> R�o tho pdiU�sl ol and Ntaest on tho de6t Mdmerd ry tho Nole nnd nny preper�xN and kle cherqes die unAer tho ,..� 1 �t� � �
<br /> 1° NOIO.
<br /> 3{� ' 2. Fund�tor T�uc��md In�unnae&ibJxi to epp4Gbb Aw a to a xritim w�Na by Lmder, Oarowa shnll pry ;r�. ; r� �`��� '
<br /> < < f�S y�j, to LmAU on Ihe My monthT�p�ymmla are duo undtt Iho No1e, unli the Note Is p�ld 0 1u9.�sum(�Funds')lor. (6)yOL1J !�f�,F t� �i '� �. '�-
<br /> {"� ��3».: texes anA aasassmente which rrMy NI�N pdotlry ora tMS Boa�Ny InsWmmt ea�6en on tho Propary;(b)youy Iwsohold �yn.t! � � 'r f f' �
<br /> +ra ��.>�a.. pnyments or gound rmts on 4he Propxry.X enY• (�J Y�N htzud or proPMb Nsuruiee promlums: (�Y��y�od Naumnce Pr� _S . , 5 � ,:
<br /> � T.-i�,-q.- premWnu,i any.(o)y.v�y malgnpe Insurenw premiums, H�nY and(�nny sums pry+b�a dy Rortowa to L�nder L�acco:dnnce 't t�L r
<br /> � ._ wiLti Na pra�B!cns oP pYayaph 0,N Gnu ol lho peyrc�nl of mottp�9e Insuronco prm9ums. 7hoso ftems nro w0od Tsc+an _�� 7�t _„(�
<br /> � - ,iy t[ems,• �auN.r may, 02 any Yme, w�ec1 a�d hold Funds h en unounl not lo ezceed tho medroum emouni e lentla for� -- 3 r �,c�, �
<br /> X-�.. ���?� � ted2tay te:Y.c�7 mc�tg��Ican may reqttiro lor Oortowefs esaow aaaunl under the fe<kr�l fleel Eaulo Selllanml Pmcedurs -�{;�r<�X� �> "
<br />-:;;t y%_4:�CrS rlct ot 1974 as anan:ckd firom 5n210 Iimo.12 U.9.C.@ 2601 M so . RESPA'. unkss another lew th�l n Gos m Iho Funds rrn`.�' cJ-��F.f-, ' .�
<br /> � 9 (� ) PP , r° � h.,}�: '.
<br /> $�_ } sets a les,ar srncnt. 8 so,lxidtt may.�I any thne,coGecl enA hold Funds N an amwnt nol to exceed tho losser wiour.L ' �
<br /> ,v' -J r 5'h?�
<br /> 1 f �`.�� Lmdtt rcay r..tir:.'e the armunt oi funds Me on the bnsis ol curtcr.t d.sti and rmsawkN e�sYma`cn of e��pend.turos of ful•xe 'f � , x� � ,
<br /> �� t r i;� £sc+ow I;�nt ev o:ldMse Sn acconivice w3h appGCa61a t7m. r i „
<br /> rrs }/�--�-��.�, The F�nds sNL ba heb3 h an hstiNBan whose deposts so hx:re.!by a tedmi ager.ry.hsN:m:ntafiy.or aitty(mdudng ��, �i{ 1��Z.��
<br /> _ ��,t�r� ler.A�,�4mdu k auch a�tn.'LUOm) et H arry fedtN Ptam Loi�SaNc Ler.d�shal eppy lhe Fundi to Px�tAe Esaaw .,-5 iCCr�'. _
<br /> �i s�• � Rrens.Lmde:nny nol aherpa 6�nowtt tor holdng�nd¢ppf�d�g 7he Funds.annuoPy�nalydng 1ho esaow acca:nL a rerifyi+9 - �� m t � _
<br /> � �17',(-�.' tlti: .i jR�..
<br /> ai,�t �y���'r �he Esaow 11:rns, unkss Lmder prys Oorrowa Intaat on tho Funds and app5a61e l+w pem'ts lendw Io m�ke such� �fti 1 �r .�'
<br /> y,a.,�yf��f,;�� i� charge.Howa�e*. Lende�mey requte Bo:rsnzr to pey e onelimo charge tor an Indepmdml real eswte tez reporliny smioa j�j�L ` },^y -
<br /> �.ar]�� �y� used by Lmden c �onnedicn wAh this loan, unloss eppG�abia lsw provfdes othernise Unless an agreemenl is r.ade or Sj�j1�� � �
<br /> .+�(G�t � appfabie kw reµies Ntxest lo be paid,Lmda shY not be reqc4M to poy Bortaxer o�r intttesl or eamNgs on the funds. _� �q.� y,���U��s�.'-
<br /> �y«#F'�.��- - Basvxer end 4mder may er9°-e in wriWg.howaer, UaL A.west shall 6e paid on Cr.e Fu�:s. Lmd:r shaY ghe to Uarowr. .' �(�� '� C' \`.. L�.
<br />��l fi; �J)f'�y� ��'mcul cherge,aa annuU accauntfng of Ihe Funds, showirv3 aeeGts and debfls to �r.o r�na,ana uwe Fu@ose for wAkh each `�tily�y,s -�nRe: :'` =
<br />� �'�� i��<; debil to lho Fun2s�ras medu. The Funds ere plxdged�s ad:i:en�l secv:;n for e➢su:ns azcuta OK tu;5earity InslNment. -. A,{ � -�1 :
<br /> e f� � '-
<br /> c- �+�7L'�Y S' II�he Fun�s hdd by LenQa exeeed the emounts perM:trd to be 1a#a by appGubla kw, Czniar sril eccounl to Oorrewx ��� n -
<br /> �F �� �'`�,";� for!he ezcess FuMS N accord+nce wfth Ihe requYemmis of app7lca:le 7sn.It Ihe omW nt ol lho Fcnd3 tHd 6y Lmda et s�y `r�t k ���-y
<br /> /���i(r''�'�;. Pmo Is not suticlml to pey tha Esaax Ilems whm dua l.en:ur m3y so no[H�ortowa N writing. end, in such case Borrowa . y ;�r'"'
<br /> ,Y%,if,) Y�5 :�i t�':l-.�!':f�:�£�:..
<br /> fi �(�t �� sha.9 pay to Lender Ihe emou�t n�uss�ry la meke up the dzidenry. Oaraxer shaA meko up Ihe defidency in no mae Itun � .,�
<br />�„�in�"�r t.,:, - "
<br /> a '
<br /> :
<br /> hveMo monlhyD�lmenis,a!LmAefs eote dsaetion. -:�� } ���fl���t -
<br /> ¢} j��y!rp��i Upon puynrnt in N� oi �1 a�ws sea;rM oy ma 5ewiry insm�r.er.. Lmda ahan promps� ,ervnd to B����R ��y )1 t "y� r r
<br /> Il f{p�ji ri'1.� Funds held b�4saer. If. unda puagraph 21. Lender sha!wqu4e or aN�Ihe Propary.Lmder,pr5�c nx eha aarylsi�lon or sda i° Yj���' .,
<br />��s ���!��{r,`��'.1 of Ihe PropNy,st+a] upply any Funds held hy Lmder d the Gme o1 ac,usr.!on or sele e�e ued�.agansf tha sums aecu:ed �•.f.���T�}r,� F�11i _-
<br /> �{�4 - •. hY lhis 3ea�'ry hu,ruman�. t. 1 h�i , L
<br /> � in� y,
<br /> k i���$x%,;, 3.App 1 10Atlon Of AaynlOnte. Un!ess eppliuble kw prorldes othmMSO, o!: D�l��'� �ecahed by Lendx� unCer i_��������a���( 1.
<br /> �,-_� jn• qaragnph9 4 end Y aha!I bo eppied (nt,lo eny prepa�mmt ehar9ee due undtt Iha No;�. stco�d,to naoums paYe=�under -,�i���y__i y.sa� t l
<br /> r.r� . P P 9 1��<:.�-i..���r,..� '.
<br />.;-����. �,;,�;:�,�y' pan5r.ph 2; ILirU.b H:wusl dio;taurth,to ttnd al Oue: end Wsl,to nny leto ehaz ea Uu.�mder Ihe No:e.
<br /> ( t � ��%� A. ChnTpns; LIBnE. Oovowx sha7 Dey a7 taxes, assessnm�s, charges, fnes end ImpaaiS:os atvibumb!o to the ?c ,N � �;,����?
<br /> ,x�ti(44_�,� p�opMy wh)oh nay aneln prtariry mer Ihis 6eariry Inswmmt a�d leasehold paymenls or ground renis, H eny. Dorcowx �4'!, ,( -f -�
<br /> �� s �- -•- " sha]Fay�heae ob7gobns in�ho moaner provldeJ In paragroph 2, ar il nol paid In that menncr. Oonowtt shell pey�hom on '� °-�Y- �t{�;� �;
<br /> ;i -- �' "�s� tine ui:ecLy fo the percon ow[d payment. Oortower sh+ll promptly kmish to Lender a?: no7ces ol emounls lo bo F.i:d undtt ;'0' "�jv - �' -• _
<br /> -�-�- �r�?,'. Ihis paragrnDh.11 Buiowxr makes�Aeso paymenis dieuN• Ocrtowx sha9 promptM ium�sh to lmdtt recdpts e:�Vrnd�g L� �S� �•i�.A�' -�
<br /> ri.-�ii+'.:i: �hapnymenis. i;;:.e-�e��:�{l;1'1'':';N:.
<br /> t 'ry.�` Bonower sha�prcmply Cschago eny Een whlch hes prtcriry orer thts Secudry Insaument unless Bortower. (e)ogrees '-';J t� ��:. �:::
<br /> ����� ��tt�}` Gm 6y or,ttefentla aga.n151¢nhacemenl ol theplien inY leg I proceed gsr v.�ne In�tbe�LenfCer's op!nio.� cperele�to Pi�'�'�eM �\`i�t+rf i�+�fiii" .:
<br />-^';`••�S�t��'„r:j, " Ihe en!acemeM of th+ tiWs: or(e)secures hom tho hol�tu oi the II¢n en pgreem.ent saSSNCtcry lo Lendd eubotdina[ng Lhp ,�7������'�(�� -
<br /> �"�-�w� ��_� fip�tO iF�9$CWfI:Y IIISINIn¢Ift�f �MdM d[1Nti1111CS Ihdl eiy pB11 ot Ihe Property¢suS,ecl to e Gen which may ollaN prio:.'.y ''fr �y�� ��r�n�
<br /> �t r�� 1--.:';;., over this Secu:iry InaWmenl, 'tnder mey g4o Oortower e r.cllco Iden6f�Mg Iho Een. �o:�vxer ahall satlsy lhe fien or 4ke �r��+,�ii7�+ ��f� 5� '.
<br /> fr� ,> �'-`,>(�t. or.o a mare o!the nUions sM lotlh abovo x'.ths 10 days ol lhe gNHg of noL'ce. -,� 1 i� �. - .'
<br /> ' �S;}��' 6. hl:unrd O�propedy Ineu�anCe.Oortcner shai keep the%Rp�oremer.IS nax ezisting or hereafter erected on�:a '-:� 'xi� ' ' �4� ' -��
<br /> ,j�i,.t��r?„i E•;. prcµvy fnscrei+gainsl losa by fire.hatetds InUudetl withln tho lem� 'ex�ended eorem o' end on othtt huards, Fclud.+ -' �'�"'' '` ..
<br /> ;� '�`--� tloab m Ilooc'ng,lor which lende�requGes Nwrance. This Nsuanco shae be rrailained in lha amounls wd tor the peNads s�.r >f, F;��' b°o,_
<br /> P ; ��F "�.s�-' thai Lendq reyu4es. Tho insmance eeniM provid:ng the C+scrance sha7 be ahwen hy Dortower subjeq �o Lender's:DP�oral . �� � �� _'?r� .
<br />���� Fy�:;y{„�`- 'y . ., _�rtTa•,t±.,
<br /> ;`-;•� s whi<h shal not be unreasonaby w?hheid. II Oortowx fals Io rtuinta!n ccvMage descnbed nboro, lmdtt mey, a1 lencfers �� . •.k��:;�„__ ,,,.�
<br />'-�<�E.>.`,��:fi�:��: opL'on.oblaBe u+•mn9e lo protect Lentlers dgh�s in the P�opnry in aero�da�re wilh para9raPh 7. i��uSi•�:v ':.^`.F�9i'�i^
<br />_����:°S,t�°Z`-�. :;• NI Insuro:c�po�icies end renexais sha9 be acce,lnbie lo Lmder ond shnll indude a slnndmd monpago dause.Lendtt f 'r • d�::t'�'�'
<br />��/„�;;�V���- j sha9 have l�e r:gEt to hold Ihe po5des ar.A�mavuls. If Lender req�!res. Dcrtowtt elw7{vomply g:e:o Lendtt ue rex�pts oi �{���4'��f?=' l'�;� �-� -
<br />- l..ee}-., ..:�:�` . -�,'C�4;�
<br /> •+��^.(t.., eid renilums¢nd renavai r.cCces. In Ihe mmt ol loss, O�ower shat ghe prcrcp; nol(ca lo ihe insurenw ceMer a+d •1"' '"• � • <
<br /> �:�!.bn„� , �: P P 1' rt - `.c::'
<br /> - �--y'�.i.;�;;' Lendec Lender may make pmo:of kss II r.ot mado prcmpCy by Oonower. s:- .
<br /> <-`�'hjr7+{_�:�j�?�• Unless Lendtt nntl Qor¢.er o:herN!se ogreo in xr:tin9."r.suraaco p�ocecJS sha: te xpp!ied to rcslomlon or rtpntr ol !�. _ -� �
<br /> •,G..yt.. 1S!! t!;{ ���� _
<br /> - _._.�. , the Property CaRaqed, il Ihe resloretion c� �ep3U is ecor.aniee..y 1earL�a entl lenders securiry Is not lessened. 11 Ihe �.,i�
<br /> � •`,-r,=:'.��s mstoretlon a repak Is not econo.^.iral.y fea=�We or lendera sew:'.ry �o�a bc lessened, the Nsuranw proceeds shall be
<br /> -- - nppSM lo ihe s�ms sewreJ Gy Ihh Sew�'f./InsWms!. whelher cr au tnen dae. w'r,h eny excess pa!A lo Oortwver. II
<br /> - "-; 8oamver abar.dons ihe Propc+ry. or does nol enswn wifhS�30 Cays a coCco Iwm Lmder �ha� Iho insurence eeMx has �•' ��� �
<br /> - , _ : :� cExred to eetL'e a da!m, Ihm Le+der may w7ec1 �te �auraace paceeds. Lender may use lho D�oueds to �epai�tt
<br /> reslore Ihe Propttry or lo pay scros sew�ed by t:�s Se.�..ry Ir.S:nimFr.1. whelhM ot nof lhM Eue. The 30-day p<cod vN'
<br /> ,� ber,n�nhen Ihe no�Ce is gNm.
<br /> Unless Le�2er and Oortower olhtrv.!`_e ayree i� vniing. any apFlcaScn of proceeES fo p�'ror31 shall nol eY.entl or
<br /> _ .�� - pos:pono 1'e U�t da:e of Ihe nontGF� ranenls rMerted lo fi Fa'a5�aphs 1 an0 2 ot cr.:rye I�o amounl ol Lhe
<br /> %��`''.-�_�.sl Caymmis. If w�Jer pmagreph 21 �Ce Proper., rs aeqceed by lende. Bonewer's rtyht to any insurence po5des end poeeeds
<br /> ���_,.. �eau`ing Ircm wrcaga to Ihe P�opMy pdo:Io tho acqalsu!on sha9 pass lo Lendr':t'e exlenl ol lM1C sums Uy In15 Sea:.:.�
<br />� � � }4�� �nswment Immedaley p�'cr m me acquis"�um.
<br /> ��_ .��r•;i'. . '_
<br /> =`'.`' � 6. Occupancy, F'rosorvatlon, Mnln4onance and Nroloctlon of Uw Proporty; Bovowor's Loan
<br /> r.--�"� Applientlon; LO�SOhOIdS. Bortower aha7 oca:py. eiiablrsh. anE uso Ihe Propnry as Bortown's prindpai �ezldence
<br />- � wi:hr s4"� tlays atlet lho execuUon ol Ihrs Seariy InsW mmt and s�atl continuo Io ocwpy the PwpeRy as Oortaver s OdncPa�
<br /> . .. �eidence Icr a� leasl mo year ar,x the da:a ol ocw�ancy.cn!oss lender ahmrise agrees in w�:ing. whicn rnnsmi snn11 rot
<br /> be unreascneNy wi:hhe:d.or uMeas extenua•ag cireums�ances exist which em 6eyond Uortowefs conUOL 6ortower shnll rct
<br />" - aesuoy. dLmago or Mpa(r tie Pmpetly. atort the Rope�ry to tlMMorole.or commd weste on 1he PropM1y DortowM shall bc
<br /> ,�•' , �" io dNaaq X o,ry iale:ure nclm or proeeMng, whe:hx W�A or u'vNnol. is begun Ihal In Lmtlei s gootl laah Wagmem eou+0
<br /> ���•`.`��*'� resu\h/Medcre of Ihe HcDMY o�olhendso maleda.T/ impae�he Em uea�eA by 1h6 Securiry ins��ummi or LenUer's sec�.r.�
<br /> ���`1'fii�� ;:;Ij i�leresL r�� -I{I tl � �))
<br /> :�ll:����� y> ; Fl115LM01t0(f11 Cdpe 3 e15 `�(J� yi iie -
<br /> �`� J; ,,
<br /> .
<br /> ms� �
<br /> �
<br /> �� _ ' +. - . . _ . ___ __ _ _ _ .
<br />